Parent Series - Giggles

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Parent Series - Giggles...

Harry: Almost four months old now you are sitting with him in your lap as you think of something to do.

"Hm. . .what will make you laugh at me"

"You could always try what Ross and Rachel did in friends" he smiles "You could rap to sir mix-a-lot"

"Oh my god no!" You shout then you hear the tiny giggle from your lap.

"Oh my gosh he laughed when you yelled at me" Harry says in shock "you're gonna be on her side aren't you?" He asks the baby who giggles again and then stops to look at you.

"Oh wow, he is gonna be on my side"

Liam: "where is daddy"Liam says from in front of you. You hold her in your lap when Liam pops out from begin his hands "Here I am" You smile at her who just looks up at you.

"Okay that's not working, let me try something else." Liam looks around then lifts up her shirt and blows a raspberry on her tummy. She lets out a tiny giggle and Liam keeps doing it until she giggles louder and louder. "Yay! I made her laugh!"

Louis: Louis was making you two some lunch and giving you some time to yourself when the baby started to fuss. Louis makes sure the he keeps an eye on the stove but he starts to make faces at the baby.

He makes the faces he makes when he is taking pictures with fan and the baby lets out a little giggle.

"Hey there it is" he smiles. "(Y/N) come here" you run into the kitchen and Louis smiles "watch this" he starts making the faces again and the baby starts to giggle again.

"Awe (Y/S/N) youre laughing, its so cute" you stay with the baby while Louis finishes up lunch and sets it out for you two while he eats he makes faces to make his little boy giggle.

Niall: He had (Y/S/N) by himself for a little while, while you went grocery shopping. Niall was working on a song, he was working on what he called This Town and so he had his guitar out while your son was sitting in his little bouncy seat.

"You still make me nervous when you walk in the room Them butterflies they come alive when I'm next to you" he sings quietly and the baby chews on his fingers "Over and over the only truth. Everything comes back to you" Niall looks at the baby and leans over and kisses his feet. The little baby lets out a loud giggle and Niall just smiles.

Zayn: He was down in the studio with (Y/D/N) in his lap. He was playing with some sound effects for his new album and he is hits a button that has like an old guitar sound.

The little girl in his arms makes a noise. He looks down and then at the sound board.

"Did that make you make noise" he asks her before hitting the button again only this time she giggles a little bit. "Hey baby girl you're laughing. And you like the sounds of old guitars. Guess daddy has to go out and buy some"

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