In Love With The Werewolf Pri...

By arabella_tomlinson

258K 9K 1.2K

*THIS BOOKS IS IN SEVERE NEED OF EDITING SO READ AT OWN RISK* Jaxon Michaels, is an 18 year old, shy 5'2 with... More



5K 204 30
By arabella_tomlinson


Today, April 28th,2016, I was turning 20 and i was also 8 months into my pregnancy which was surreal to think about since it feels like it was yesterday we were finding out we were expecting and twins no less. My back has been hurting a lot more than before and my feet looks like they were tied with a rope around the ankles since they were swollen so much that it hurt to be on my feet. It's also been a year since Max and I met and I couldn't be happier. So much has happened in a year that it still worries me that one day he'll regret being with me and would up and leave me and the kids to be with his former lover and I had voiced these concerns to him before and he's always quick to assure me that he's never do such a thing not now not ever.

Last week was Jackson's birthday and we had thrown him a huge party much like his brother and sister had the previous months. My baby was already 7 years old and it hurt to see him grow so much. It feels like I had just birthed him yesterday. Sighing, I walked out of my room and headed downstairs to the main floor since that's where everyone were already waiting. The twins were moving more than anything and it was getting harder to even walk. My back ached more than anything and my feet were swollen beyond belief and I was moodier than I've ever been when I was pregnant with Victoria and Jackson.

"Mama you here" Victoria cheered when I walked out the elevators once I reached the bottom floor and chuckled when she rushed over to me and grabbed my hand pulling me towards the ballroom where the party was being held in. Walking into the ballroom at 8 p.m., I nearly had a heart attach when the whole room shouted 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAX' at top of their lungs causing me to hold my chest as my heart began beating rapidly in my chest

"Thank you" I said with a smile once my heart had calmed down and I walked over to Max who look worried

"You alright?" he asked when I reached him, I nodded with a smiled

"Yeah, just scared me" i replied and he nodded

"How are the twins?" he asked rubbing my back causing me to hum and sigh as the tension there diminished

"Good, moving a lot" I replied and he hummed

"Here sit, you shouldn't on your feet to much" he stated pulling the chair next to us out and helped me sit down which I was glad because my feet were killing me

"You want anything" He questioned as a few guests made their way over to wish me a happy birthday

"Just water is fine" i replied and he nodded kissing my head before walking over to the table in the corner and grabbing a glass before filling it up with cold water while Andy and Elena were stood beside me

"How are you feeling, Jax?" Andy asked

"In pain, my back kills and so do my feet" I replied and he nodded

"What did the doc say" he asked making me sigh

"To try and stay off my feet and have Max give me back rubs whenever my back hurts"I replied and they nodded

"Are they making your back hurt right now?" Andy asked while Max walked over and handed me the glass of water and sitting beside me, greeting my best friend and his fiance who greeted him back with a smile and hand shake.

"No, but they're moving around a lot one of them is pushed up against my bladder which is making me want to go to the bathroom" I answered and they nodded

"Can you help me to the bathroom?" I asked Max who nodded his head standing up and I gave Andy my glass of water then took Max's out stretched hand out and standing up. We told my friends that we'd be back shortly then walked to the bathroom.

"Has your back or feet hurt at all?" Max asked and I nodded

"Yeah but I think its because the twins are moving a lot and I'm on my feet" i replied and he nodded. I walked inside and relieved my bladder only to widen my eyes when a sharp pain had me doubling over and Max was rushing to my side

What's wrong?" he asked but I only whimpered as the pain was unbearable

"I-I think my water just broke" I whispered and his eyes grew big before panic settled in. The twins weren't due for another 5 weeks.

"Shit, shit" he whispered helping me up to my feet and flushing the toilet

"Ca-call Dr. Jefferson and let him know that we're coming in" I whimpered and he nodded doing just that as he led me out of the bathroom ignoring the worried glances from the guests. Xavier and Madison rushed over to us when they saw my hunched over form and fired questions

"The twins couldn't wait any longer" I said as the contraction went away

"What?" they asked in unison before they were rushing to our apartment to get our over night bag and their diaper bags from the nursery while Max led me to the elevator before pressing the button to the 12th floor where I was going to be delivering the twins in. Doctor Jefferson was already in the room preparing everything for the arrival of the boys.

The room was white and blue. From the bed to the curtains to the night stand beside the bed. The doctor had me lay down on the bed so he could put a heart monitor band around my belly to monitor the twins while he put the a clip on my finger to monitor my heart rate as well and Max was at my side rubbing my back whenever I had a contraction whispering that everything was going to be okay and that I was doing good. His dad and brother had told us that the guests had all left wishing us good luck and a happy birthday. It was currently 3 in the morning as of now and Max had put the kids in bed with Madison and Kenzie watching over them in our apartment, both promising us that they'd bring them to see us in the morning which by then the twins would be here.

"Fuck" I whimpered as a strong contraction hit me making me tighten my hold on Max's hand and all he did was sooth me with sweet words

"You're doing so good,baby, so good" he murmured rubbing my back with his free hand and i just whimpered as tears filled my eyes. I don't remember being in so much pain with my son and daughter.

"I'm never getting pregnant again" I told Max who only nodded his head

"Okay" he said

"Shit this hurts" I groaned, I looked to see the time and saw that it was already getting close to being 5 in the morning. Damn. At 4:30 in the morning, Dr. Jefferson told me that he was going to check to see how far I was since I was only 5 cm the last time he checked.

"You're only 6 cm, Jax" he said once he was done making me grumble

"Seriously? Only went up one centimeter in the last two hours?" I huffed making him chuckle

"Just give it time and hopefully when I come see you again you should be about ready to push" he said and I whimpered as a strong contraction hit me making me clench my eyes and take a deep breath willing it to go away and once it did, I relaxed exhaling. I looked to the clock on the wall to see that it was closing in at 9 in the morning and these contractions were horrible. I've been in labor for the past 13 hours and I was just about ready to start pushing even if I wasn't ready. I wanted them out.

"How are we fe-" Dr. Jefferson began to ask but I cut him off

"How far along am I? because I'm about ready to start pushing" I hissed and he blinked before getting to work in checking to see and I was relieved when he said that it was time to start pushing and i was so glad because I was already feeling pressure down below.

"Ok, I want you to grab his left leg prince Max and I want you to hold your other leg and push at the count of 3. As you do, count to ten and when you reach ten, stop and take a deep breath" he said and we did just as he instructed. So for the next 4 hours, I pushed,took a break then pushed again.


"You have two very healthy baby boys Prince Jax" Dr. Jefferson said a few hours later once both babies had been delivered and he had stitched me up while the nurses cleaned twins

"They're tiny" I said and he nodded

"Even though they are healthy, they are premature due to them being 5 weeks early" he explained and I nodded

"So that means that they'll be taken down to the infirmary to be watched over" Max said and the doctor nodded looking grim at the confirmation

"When will you be taking them down?" I questioned and he sighed

"Once you feed them. We need to take them downstairs as soon as possible to prevent anything happening to them here. They need to be in a clean room unlike here" he said and I nodded

"I want to be near them so I want to be downstairs with them" I said and Dr. Jefferson nodded while Max sat beside me. Once the twins were cleaned of from the gunk, the nurses brought them over to me so I could breast feed them. They're so tiny. They fit in Max's palms with how small they are. They were born with a head full of light brown hair much like Victoria and Jackson

"Hi babies" I murmured as they sucked

"Your daddy and I love you so much babies" i whispered as Max and I watched them eat, and I couldn't help but smile as I noticed that they were holding hands as they ate.

"You have three amazing big siblings that love you both so much" Max said rubbing the baby closest to him on the head. We talked about how much we loved them and how much they meant to us. We even told them about how crazy the family was and how eager they were to meet them. I don't know how long we had stayed like that when both nurses came over and told me that it was time to put them in their incubator as they were ready to transport them to infirmary on the second floor and that they will be back to help me go downstairs shortly since other nurses were working on my new hospital room.

An hour later I was in my new room that was just three rooms down from where the boys were in. Our family had all came to visit with the kids complaining about us not being home with them when Madison and Kenzie brought them to see us. We told them that we were sorry and that we had a surprise for them that they were excited about before Shane noticed that my belly wasn't big anymore and asked what happened to which we told them that I had the babies already and that was that surprise. To say they were happy would be an understatement since they were beyond excited to meet their baby brothers but were disappointed when we told them that they couldn't see them just yet since they were to small.

I was discharged three days later and told to not do any heavy lifting and to come see him if anything happens. The boys were to remain in the NICU until they were big and were able to breath on their own but I did go see them every day for the next 4 months until Jefferson gave us the news that the boys have made incredible progress and that we'd be able to take them home soon.

On August 18th, 2017 we brought home our little boys and Max had thrown a little party to welcome the boys home. Our families and friends were all thrilled to see that the boys were finally home.

"Mama" Victoria yelled from her room wincing and hoping that she didn't wake her brothers up since I had just put them down for their nap half an hour ago and stood up walking the hall towards her room

"What is it love?"I asked and she pouted

"Uncle Xavier and Madison say we go to pool help me find my swimsuit please" she asked as she practically trashed her room in search of her bathing suit and I raised a brow

"Victoria what have I told you about throwing your clothes all over the place?" I asked making her huff

"Not to but mama" she whined

"No buts Victoria. You pick this mess up now or I won't help you" I warned and huffed with a pout but nonetheless began picking all her clothes from the floor and putting them in her bed.

"There" she said and I rolled my eyes with a chuckle shaking my head, I walked over to her underwear drawer and opened it before searching through it until I found her princess one piece bathing suit and giving it to her

"Thank you mama" she squealed before rushing to her bathroom to change and I shook my head walking to the nursery to check on the twins and was glad that they didn't wake up from their sister's outburst then went back to the kitchen to gather some snacks for the kids before packing them into a cooler next to the diaper bags that were near the door.

"What was Victoria yelling about?" Max asked walking into the kitchen

"She couldn't find her bathing suit and asked me to help her find it. We're not going downstairs until she tidies her room up. She threw all her clothes all over the room" I said and he nodded

"Mama can we go to the pool?" Jackson asked as he and Shane walked in with James in tow

"Did you clean your rooms?" I asked and they two boys nodded

"Did they clean their rooms James?" Max asked his nephew who nodded

"Yes uncle Max" the 12 year old replied and so we nodded and let them go with James down to the pool

"Wait for me" Victoria yelled running down the hall but Max caught her just before she followed the boys into the elevator

"Where are you going Missy?" I asked with a raised brow

"Pool?" she said though it was more like a question

"I don't think so. Not until you clean your room" I said and she frowned

"You clean my room mama" she said and I shook my head

"I don't think so, little lady. You made a mess you clean it" i stated and she pouted before looking at Max

"Daddy" she whined

"Sorry princess, mama's right" he said and she only pouted more

"Go on now" I said after Max placed her on the floor

"No fair" she grumbled walking to her room to hopefully clean. The twins woke up an hour later right as we checked to see if Victoria had cleaned her room and when we deemed it clean, we gathered the boys from their nursery and Victoria from her room before we headed downstairs to the main floor and out the back door to the pool. For some reason I had a feeling that something was going to happen today, I just hope that I'm wrong.




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