What i do for you,what you do...

By Luna_loves_you_4ever

340K 2.8K 415

Copyrights© Luna_loves_you_4ever ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. THEIR GOING TO BE PARTS FOR MATURE AUDIENCES just a war... More

New day,new me.
The feeling.
Shane's day.
The right thing to do.
Funny day...for one of us!
First time.
Back home.
The bad boys.
Finding out.
Learning the truth.
Wasen't expecting that.
"You bet on it?"
Ranulf and he's past.
Just a nightmare....
Possession taking over?
Intruder.(part one)
Intruder.(part two)
The Marking!
Out in the open.
Kidnapped again.
The game.
A chance.
Finding help.
Close at finding you.
"Peekaboo,i found you!"
"Do it, or lose her."
Someone's screwed.
Making you mine.
Sweet, sweet revenge.
"Back together."


35.9K 215 24
By Luna_loves_you_4ever

I can't believe it....

My family....my people that i loved more than anything to do this to me....just because i said "No"

I refused to marry the one they wanted me too....they didn't even ask about my feelings...


No is just a dream...a really bad dream I'll wake up and everything will be alright.....my mother there to tell me good morning, to take care of me, to smile at me so gently it would make the worst human on earth with no feelings to actually smile back.

And my father...to kiss my forehead..tell me how pretty i am....how proud of me he is....

My brothers......to annoy me....but always love me and protect me..me their little sister....

But...no such luck....

I kept walking alone...not far away from the place my old pack was...I was still in my old territory and i wish i could find a place in here with the hope..that maybe they'll change their mind and take me back....

I stopped.....I wanted to go back...I had no place to go....and i didn't want to leave my family....

I turned around and start walking back till i heard a low growl inside from some bushes.

"Where do you thing your going? Your going the wrong way..." a husky male voice said....

"I'm not going the wrong way...I'm going back to where i belong...!"i said raising my voice a bit.

"Where you used....to belong you mean" the person said...

"Come out!" i demanded...

Coming from the bushes a man...probably sent by my father stood tall...around 6ft, with a big muscled body...brown, messy hair and dark brown eyes...

He was good looking...but i didn't like his smirk...or the way he was looking at me.

"Oh wow...i always knew that you would grow up to become a very....very nice girl..." he said scanning me.He took a step forward.

"Stay where you are,don't come any closer!" i said getting a bit angry, who the hell does he think he is?!

"Or? What? What are you gonna do to me?" he said smiling evilly and winking.

He was right...what the hell was i gonna do to him...no one ever taught me how to fight..i wanted to but they said it wasn't necessary...i wonder why...

"That's what i thought." he said and start taking big steps towards me...

Oh shit.

I took as many steps back as i could but 1 of his were like 3 mine!

He grabbed me by my arms and pulled me into him, our bodies touching,his warmth heating me up.

"Let me go!" i shouted and pushed hard but he was like a rock didn't even move.

"Feisty....i like it...hope you're like that too when i get you down hun" he laughed.

"Let me go now you idiot"

"Oh talking dirty too...damn keeps getting better!" he laughed harder.He shoved his face to my neck start taking my scent in, slowly start kissing and even licking me.

That's it!

I kicked him with all my power where the sun dosn't shine and he let me go,falling to his knees on the ground holding them!

I quickly grabbed my bags...which i totally forgot to say i was carrying and tried to escape but i felt a hand on my ankle stopping me almost making me fall down.

"Your not going ANYWHERE!" he shouted furious his face red and clearly in pain still.

"Your pathetic like that...down..you know that...you kicked me out anyways so I AM!!"

I pulled my foot and kicked him once more to his stomach making him fall down completely and ran like the wind as far as i could. 


After like 2 hours wondering around, i had to stop to catch my breathe.

I was exhausted, thirsty and just couldn't move my legs or carry my bags anymore.

I walked and sat down near a huge tree under its shadow. I put my head in my hands and closed my eyes thinking of everything that happened.

I breathed in fresh air and tried to calm down when i heard a stick breaking to my right.

My head snapped at the right but i saw nothing just bushes again.

Not him again, he probably followed my scent here to take revenge huh?

"So you want me to really kick your ass this time?" i said getting up dusting off my pants, i had enough with him, this time i'd turn if i had too even if i rip my clothes.

But he didn't come out.Instead a guy around my age and maybe a year older walked out.

He had black hair, falling over his eyes which i could barely make out their color.

He was tall around 6ft 1 and skinny, wearing a black sweater and dark blue jeans.

"I...i'm not gonna hurt you." he said.

"Don't attack me or anything please."

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" i asked,he looked mysterious,dark, but harmless.

"My name Shane, i'm sorry if i scared you, i obviously didn't though." he laughed a bit to himself.

I smiled. "You didn't and it's fine, i'm Ellie. What are you doing here alone?" as much as i wanted to be careful,suspicious something was telling me that i could trust him.

"Ellie....i like your name, i live alone, i know these woods like the back of my hand so it should be me asking you that." He was leaning on a tree the whole time and now started walking towards me.

"Thanks i guess.....I....was kicked out of my pack, left alone here, probably hoping that i won't make it."

"I see. I'm really sorry, although with what you did to that guy earlier even if it wasn't....much....i believe you'll be just fine" he said smiling.

"You were watching us?" i asked a bit shocked, how come he was there and we didn't catch his scent?


"How come we didn't catch your scent?" i just had to ask, i had an idea that if i could somehow make him trust me and be friends i was saved!

"That....i really have no idea" he said laughing scratching the back of his neck.

I laughed too. His nice.

We were both silent for a while just staring at each other or around awkwardly.

"So....." he said.

Should i tell him, I'll look so weak but i have nothing and no one else right now. I'll tell him.

'"Um this might sound...i don't know, weird, or i might look weak and scared to you after but i have no place to stay, no one that can help me for a bit, could you please.....help..me?" this was the hardest thing I've ever done, I've never asked anyone to help me, or keep me safe or let me stay somewhere for a while....i had all of these even without asking.

He smiled.

"Of course, no way i would leave a lady wondering here all by herself even if you weren't gonna ask i would." he said.

That made me grin widely.

"Thank you, thank you!" i said. I would have hugged him but i just met him.

"Lets go then, before they finds us."he said.He took my bags.

Such a gentleman.

"They?" i asked

"I'm not the only one around here you know, their some other....rogues i guess you can call them that and a really dangerous pack" 

I walked next to him and we start walking through the woods, while he expained everything to me.

Great..just great they just had to leave out here with these guys running around and this pack that is so cruel.......kidnaps she wolfs to mate and make pups for a big "army"....and their crazy Alpha??!!

I swallowed hard, while Shane glanced at me.

"Don't worry Ellie" he said when we got back to where he lived,a big,deep and dark cave.

"I won't let them do anything to you." he smiled sweetly.

"I've never seen them or smelled them anywhere near anyways"

"Thanks Shane, we just met but you seem like a good guy and i hope your right!"

He smiled at my compliment, placed my bags down and we just sat there while he light a fire and talked all night till i fell asleep.

OMFG GUYS!!!! this is my first werewolf story EVER lol ull say no biggie but nooo it is im excited lol please let me know what you think of it and should i continue,i have great ideas and i think the story will ROOOCK lol please comment,and if you like fan and vote


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