Demigods At Hogwarts

By dam_percyjackson

192K 3.3K 5.6K

The seven plus Nico, Thalia and Calypso are going Hogwarts to protect the golden trio from the war that is co... More

Chapter 1: We're going where?
Chapter 2: Diagon Ally
Chapter 3:The Train Ride
Chapter 4: The Sorting Hat
Chapter 5: Our Dorms
Chapter 6: Classes
Chapter 7: Percy Has Blue Cookies?! ATTACK!!!!
Writers block!!!!!
Chapter 8: Training in the woods and a sister
Chapter 9: Hermione Goes To The Library And We Meet Percy's Little Sister
Info about Mia
Chapter 10: Reviled
More info about Mia
Chapter 11: Nonsence And More Nightmares
Not sure
Chapter 12: Dont Die On Me
Chapter 13: Reunion
Chapter 14: War Plans
Chapter 15: Getting Ready For The Ball
Chapter 16: The Ball
Gotta hate sisters
Happy Birthday Me
Chapter 17: I Think The War Started Part One
Chapter 17: I Think The War Started Part Two
Blue Cookies and Pancakes
Chapter 17: I Think The War Started Part Three
Rock Concert
Chapter 18: Saying Goodbye
The Watty's
Shit like this gets me pissed
Author Q and A
New Book Info
Hiiii New Book will Be Out Soon
First Chapter Is Up
Holy Shit
Hi + About Me


1.4K 24 81
By dam_percyjackson

Me: hey yes I know I said one more chapter and then the epilogue but I have realllly bad writers block so yeah

Me: I'll just do the disclaimer I don't own any of the characters from HOO, PJO or HP, one amazhang writer does and a troll on with the story

Annabeth's POV Eight years later

"Mommy! Luke took away my panda!!!" Selina shouted through the house. "Luke! Give your sister back her panda!!" I shouted and put a tray of cookies into the oven.

"But Mom!!' She keeps hitting me with it!!" Like yells back. "Both of you need to knock it off!! You know we are having the Potters' and Weasleys' over for dinner and I expect you two to be on your best behaviors!!" As soon as I said that, Zoë woke up from her napa started crying.

"All I'm trying to do is make cookies in peace!" I cry to myself and throw my hands in the air. I ran upstairs and into Zoë's room and giggled at what I saw. Percy was passed out on the floor with of course, drool coming from the corner of his mouth. He stirred and then shot up from the floor.

"You drool in your sleep." I said and picked up Zoë rocking her in my arms. He quickly wiped his mouth kissed me.

"Ewww!!" We heard two people say and then a picture being taken. "Awe this is gonna be my screen saver!!" Yep. That would be Leo. I pulled away and saw Leo, Calypso, their five year old daughter Esperanza Valdez, and Selina and Luke.

Calypso rolled her eyes at Leo. "We thought we could help you cook." She said and side hugged me. "Could you? That would be a huge help!! Oh schist the cookies!!" I said panicked. "Already took them out." Calypso said. "Yeah they taste perfect by the way." I looked at Leo and he had blue cookie crumbs all over his face. "Leo." I sighed. "Those are for tonight!! You need to save them because they is gonna be like 20 people here!"

"Oh yeah... I forgot about the rest of the seven... And Kayla... And Nico... And their kids." Leo said, embarrassed. I rolled my eyes at him. "Come on. Let's go before I feel the need to push you down the stairs." I said and shook my head.


After a couple of hours, it was 6:00 pm and the buffet type dinner was almost done.

Ding dong

"Guests are here!! Luke let them in!" I said and looked over at him. "You have chocolate on your face and flour on your eyebrows!" I rushed over to him and wiped his face off. "Now go!" I said and pushed him lightly then went back to finishing my cake masterpiece.

"Aaaaannnnnd done!" I put a cover over the cake and hid it on a high shelf but the turned to Piper. "Can any of your kids fly?" She just laughed. "Hide it in your closet. They never think to look there." She whispered the first part to me. "Got it. Distract the kids for me. And Leo!! You can Charmspeak him for all I care but as long as he doesn't see me!" I said and then put a dish towel over the cake to hide it.

Piper walked into the living room and closed the door behind her. I carefully jogged upstairs and into my room, then hid the cake on a shelf behind my clothes hanging up.

Ok I need to change. I thought to myself. I grabbed the outfit Piper laid out on the bed and then for Percy she gave him a green polo shirt and tan shorts.

Moments later, Percy (lol when I misspelled Percy it changed it to sexy!!) walked into the room when I finished putting on some mascara. "Here. Piper picked this out for you." I said and tossed him the clothes.

He quickly changed and was trying to calm down his hair. "Wow." I muttered. I wet his brush in the bathroom sink and brushed his hair so it finally was normal. "Thank you." He said and I chuckled.

We walked downstairs, hand in hand, and saw everyone in the living room, all dressed up and talking. Ginny's eyes lit up when she saw Percy and I. "Annabeth!! Percy!!" She almost screamed and ran over to us. She engulfed us in a hug and soon the rest of them joined. I laughed and we all pulled away.

"Wow! You look great!! You just had a baby, didn't you?" Hermione asked me. "Yeah so do you! And yes she's about two weeks old." I said and saw Piper holding little Zoë come over to me. "You wanna hold her?" I asked them and Ginny nodded fast. Piper handed her Zoë and cradled her close.

"It's been a while since I've held a baby." She said and we all laughed.

We sat and talked for a couple of minutes before dinner was done.


After dinner we let our stomachs rest so we had room for dessert but the kids didn't want to wait. Neither did Leo.

"I say, kids. That we go find where Annie hid the cake and have dessert now." Leo said. I glared at him.

"Go Daddy go!!" Esperanza shouted. "Esperanza don't boost your father's ego." Calypso scolded. "But daddy's idea is a good idea." She said and then shouted. "Team Bad Boy Supreme!!!"

"Leo! What did you tell her!" Hazel said. "Just some bedtime stories." Leo said and stretched his legs. "I say we have dessert now. Before Leo creates an army of sugar thirsty kids." Kayla said while holding her four month old.

Kayla got married to Max last year and she now has a baby boy named Percy Jr. Which of course Percy was ok with. Nico on the other hand now is married to Will Solstice and adopted a little girl and named her Bianca.

I sighed and finally gave in. "Piper can you get the cake?" She nodded and then Leo ran to get the cookies and apple pie. "TEAM LEO FOR THE WIN!!!!" He shouted from the kitchen then ran out with the tray of cookies and pie.

I rolled my eyes. "I guess we can finally have the amazing blue cookies you guys fought about at Hogwarts." Harry said. Percy laughed. "Oh yeah I never shared with you guys."

"Come on everyone. Back to the table." I said.


OH MY GODS IT OVER!!!!!!!! I SERIOUSLY WANT TO CRY BUT I CANT!!!!! I love you guys so much and I just want to say thank you for staying with me and supporting me through the whole process of this book. I have decided that I will add my book into the Wattys so wish me good luck!!

And yes I was just laying in bed writing all of this and the author q and a will be coming up so ASK QUESTIONS!! Even mean ones I'll answer them.

Anyways until next time

-Mia out ✌🏻️🤘🏻

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