In My Wildest Dreams

By lishakins1

61.3K 1.5K 567

(Neville Longbottom Fanfic) Abigail Dright, known as Abby, certainly has a hard life being the only child of... More

Year 1: Slytherin!
Year 4: Did I Really Just Say That?
Year 4: You're Cute
Year 4: It Was An Accident!
Summer Break: How Could You?
Year 5: It Certainly Is
Year 5: Looking For You
Year 5: I Can See That Now
Year 5: I Promise
Year 6: Walk With Me
Year 6: He Was a Good Man
Year 7: Abby Please Don't
Year 7: So You Forgive Me?
Year 7: Be Careful
Year 7: Neville!
Year 7: You Have a Daughter
Year 7: Thank You Harry

Year 5: What Are You Planning?

3.4K 80 26
By lishakins1

**I truly feel sorry for Abby and everything she has to put up with. The poor thing. You'll find out more about her family in year 6 so stay tuned! Enjoy!


I was somewhat excited to come back to school mostly to get away from my family but I wasn't excited because I couldn't be close to Neville like last year. I was sitting at the Slytherin table in the great hall staring off while the first years were sorted into their houses. For some reason I snapped back to reality and noticed I was looking directly at Neville. He was sitting at his table surrounded by Hermione, Ron, Harry, and Ginny. I wished I had been sorted into Gryffindor. Even though my father would have been furious. I probably would have been a lot happier there.

First day of classes and I was already exhausted by the work. Luckily I had the same two classes with Neville this year and Draco wasn't in either of them. "Since working in pairs went so well last year I'm going to have you do so again. I want you with the same partner this year unless your old partner is no longer in this class." At the sound of that I internally jumped for joy as I quickly gathered my things and went to sit next to Neville. He turned to face me and smiled. "Lucky us" he whispered so no one else could hear. I just smiled and set my book down. "So, now your father hates me because of Draco." He said quietly while writing down some notes. "Yea, but my father hates everyone besides the Drights and Malfoys. I even think he hates me most days." I said writing down my own notes. "I'm sure he doesn't hate you. He's your father." Neville looked at me and I gave him a side ways look. "It doesn't matter if he's my father or not." I said matter of factly turning my attention back to my notes.

Class ended quicker than I wanted but my next class was Herbology which I also had with Neville. The two of us decided just to walk to class together. "What if Draco sees us?" He questioned as we turned down one of the corridors. I shrugged and looked at him. He was watching his feet as he walked. "Then he sees us. We're just walking to class." He looked up at me and smiled. I turned my attention back to the path ahead of me and just like that Draco and his two imbeciles were standing right there. "Where are you off to?" He questioned as we came closer. "To Herbology" I said slowing down. Draco looked at Neville with pure hatred and disgust. To be honest I just wanted to slap him. "I'll meet you in class." Neville said quietly then continued to the classroom alone.

"What are you doing with him?" Draco asked accusingly. "We have potions together. Which was last class and now we both have Herbology. We were just walking to class Draco." I was exasperated from having to explain everything I did to him. If this is what it was going to be like for the rest of my life then I would rather pass. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him to me which seemed to catch him off guard. I pressed my lips to his hoping to distract him. When I pulled away he just blinked at me. "I will see you later in the common room." I said sweetly then made my way to class. Thank you Draco for making me late.

"Miss Dright, thank you for joining us." The professor said as I entered the room. I gave her a small smile then made my way to the back. I sat in the empty chair next to Neville which he most likely kept empty for me. "What happened?" He whispered as the professor went over the lesson. "He just asked what I was doing with you. I told him we were walking to class." I shrugged because it wasn't a big deal. At least I thought it wasn't.

"Do you have any plans for after class?" Neville asked leaning back in his seat. We had already completed our notes and the lesson. Like I said, we work well together. "Yea, I told Draco I'd meet him in the common room after classes." I didn't sound very happy. Even I could tell that. Neville gave me a concerned look. "Tomorrow after classes we will work on some notes and stuff. Is that alright?" I asked as I started to put things in my bag. "Yea, that sounds great to me. Let's meet at the tower this time. I found it to be a very peaceful place." I smiled at him and nodded in agreement. "I'll see you in potions." I said as I exited the room after the professor dismissed class.

I made my way through the school to the Slytherin common room. I found Draco sitting on the couch alone no doubt waiting for me. "Hey Draco" I said softly as I dropped my bag in the floor by the couch. I laid down in my usual position. "How was class?" He asked running his fingers through my hair distractedly. "It was fine" I watched as he tugged on his bottom lip with his teeth. It made me think of Neville. Draco didn't look as cute as he did when he did it. I groaned internally. I seriously have a problem.

I followed silently behind Draco as we made our way to the great hall for dinner. I decided to try and be a little more affectionate towards him so people would stop talking about me and Neville. I took a few bigger steps to put me at his side. I laced my fingers with his and rested my head against his shoulder. I felt him tighten his hand around mine as we walked. I think as long as I can keep this up I shouldn't have anymore problems.

Once we were seated at the table and Draco was distracted by his food I found myself staring at the Gryffindor table where Neville sat with his friends. I moved my gaze to my food longer enough to take a few bites then looked back up to find Neville looking at me from his seat. He smiled and nodded at me. I gave him a small smile back. From the distance I couldn't tell for sure but it looked like he blushed a bit before returning to his conversation with Sheamus. "What would you like to do after dinner?" Draco asked setting his hand on my thigh. I looked down at it then back up to meet his eyes. I shrugged not really sure how to answer. "I don't know. I didn't have anything in mind other than relaxing." I said honestly then continued eating. "How about we relax together in my room." He whispered in my ear making me suspicious. I narrowed me eyes at him which made him give me that stupid sideways smile. "What are you planning?" I asked concerned. He didn't answer me. He returned to his plate of food and left me to my imagination.

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