Rethinking the Unthinkable (...

By Amandaaapandaa

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Rethinking the Unthinkable ( sequel to DTU)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
I was thinking...
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 27

141 5 1
By Amandaaapandaa

Rebecca Pov

 I saw the house come into view and my eyes became darker as the demon awoke in my body as a growl echoed through the forest that surrounded the house that my sister and I were held against our will in. I stopped approaching the house hiding behind a bush peeking through the green leaves and brown branches, I spotted Nick just shutting the door behind him and stood up looking around the area trying to find where I could find a place to get in. My ears picked up the sliding of a window and I looked up at the house seeing someone opening a window, it seemed large enough for me to squeeze through; I backed up a few steps and then ran at full speed jumping into the air and latching myself to the window sill, I peeked through the window seeing a room with a bare mattress and dark purple walls. I climbed through the window and walked to the door of the room opening it using my power and walking into the hallway, I started to hear voices as I got closer to the staircase but stopped when I heard another voise that I knew about. 

It was Isaac's.

 I sped to the railing of the stairs away from their line of sight. I crouched down bending at the knee putting one hand on the railling to hold my balance to make sure I didn't fall and cause any noise. It looked like they were having an arguement, and I leaned more forward seeing Isaac throwing his arms in the air in frustration.

" Why would you make Rebecca kill her sister?! If Violet's dead then Seth is dead!", he exclaimed and Nick crossed his arms over his chest shaking his head at his son.

" Seth was a weak link, he wasn't good for this family.", he stated and I silently gasp but Isaac heard me and glanced my way but acted like he didn't see me and continued to argue with his father.

" How could you say that about your own son.", Isaac seethed through clenched teeth and Nick growled at him. Making Isaac shrink down a size as his father became angry.

" Do not tell me what I say or can not say about my family, remember I'm the one who turned you to who you are today and I could easily take it away.", he threaten and Isaac glared at his father with each word. His father took a step towards him and I climbed on the rail of the stairs jumping from the second floor to the tiled flooring of the first causing it to crack under my feet with impact. Nick turned around and I notice his face had changed his nose was no longer straight it was scrunched up at the bridge, he had more facial hair and his teeth were showing under his lips. A low growl came from me, Isaac smirked at me and his eyes flashed gold and I felt my own do the same then fading back to the black with specks of gold along the iries. I heard Nick laugh evilly and I growled at him.

" Aren't you two cute, makes me want to tear up.", he teased and I bared my teeth at him and he narrowed his eyes at me. His shoulders were tense as an animalistic roar came from his mouth and I let out an animalistic scream in response.

" Let's finish this once and for all.", I said and I ran towards him taking him to the floor. I started to throw punch after punch at him and he used his claws scratching me in the face. I felt blood escape my lips as my head snapped to the side. I turned it back towards him in a strange demeanor and lashed out at him but he grabbed my neck throwing into the air with great force sending me into the chandelier that hung on the ceiling, the light bulbs of the chandelier broke as my back came in contact with it and sending it down with me under it. I landed on my feet and rolled away before the light fixture hit the tiled floor, I watched as Nick got up and wiped his mouth with his hand I looked at the broken chandelier and watched as it lifted with my powers and flew towards Nick sending him flying across the room into the wall leaving a hole. I stood up and was suddenly in front of him in a blink of an eye, I grabbed his neck and held him up against the wall. I made myself float in the air bringing him with me, while looking at his beaten face I smiled at him wickedly and let his body fall to the ground hard. I went back to the ground and walked toward the door hearing his body following my steps outside of the house as it dragged along the floor and thudded down the stairs to the front steps; I looked up to the sky and saw the full moon coming into view raising my hand I felt a great power inside of me and when I put my hand down the moon was gone. I felt my eyes become a different color and my teeth became longer as well as my nails on my hands, I looked down at Nick to see him back to his normal form; I picked him up and walked around his floating body.

" I may have made you the way you are today but I can sure as hell am going to kill you for making me kill my sister.", I said.

 I opened my palms toward him and clenched them into a fist hearing his neck crack and his body slump while still in the air. I smirked as I let his body drop to the floor, I walked up to it and picked it up opening my mouth I used my new fangs to sink my teeth into his flesh letting rip it enough to let the blood seep through the holes and into my mouth easing the pain of hunger I've been feeling for days, for what seemed like weeks. I tighten my grip around his neck sucking harder but I stopped when I heard the sound of a twig snapping; letting Nick's body fall limp to the floor I turned around and saw someone I never thought I would see again. Someone I thought I had murdered by the doings of another.

" Violet... Your alive?!"

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