Reasons To Smile (BTS x Reade...

By ShyByte

132K 4.4K 4.4K

A BTS fan fiction with you joining along! What more could you want? ♪(*^^)o∀*∀o(^^*)♪ Cover by @Artsy-Inkster More

This Guy Really is an Idiot
"Of Course We're Not Dating!"
Scary Numbers
God Damn Jeon Jungkook. You're Fucking Brutal.
This Isn't as Bad as I Thought it Would Be
Bad-Boy Aura
Sorry for being inactive quick update
Sweet as Ice Cream
Dinner Date with 7
Great Day with Hoseok
Don't Forget to Thank Me
Who's This?
I said I'd Keep You Safe, Right?
Great Tutor
Just a Kiss
Sober Up
Happy Family
I Just Want to Dance
Bad Timing with a Hint of Shrek
choice time let's go

'What The Hell Is Going On Right Now?!'

7.5K 245 662
By ShyByte

GUESS WHO'S BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS GURRRRRRRRRRRRLLLLLLLL ok  here's the chapter enough with my bullcrap XD

"Yoongi Hyung, you can't have [Name] all to yourself all the time." I hear someone whine as I keep my eyes closed and pretend I'm sleeping.

"It's not my fault she chose to sit next to me." I hear Yoongi respond.

"Actually, you should be thanking me. I told her to sit next to you." I guess that must be Hoseok since he was the one that told me to sit next to Yoongi.

"Well then I do thank you." Yoongi retorts.

"Aish-!" I hear someone yell.

"Calm yourself and shut up. [Name] is sleeping." I hear someone hiss and a faint slapping sound. "We're almost here anyways." The same person says.

The bus goes quiet and I feel someone, and I guess it must be Yoongi, start playing with my hair. I snuggle against him and squeeze my eyes shut tighter.

"I want [Name] snuggling against me!" I hear someone yell abruptly.

"Shut up!" I hear someone respond.

I feel the bus come to a halt and Yoongi slowly shakes me 'awake.'

"Good morning." He smiles at me and I look around and see the facial expressions of each boy. I see Taehyung and Hoseok fighting as they walk out of the bus and everyone else is averting their gaze from any of the other boys.

I rub my eyes and smile back at Yoongi. "Are we here?" I ask.

He nods his head and stands, offering a hand down to help me stand up too. I rise and we walk off the bus. "You're a heavy sleeper [Name]." Hoseok remarks, turning away from Taehyung.

In almost perfect unison, the entire group of boys turns and glares at Hoseok. I walk over to him and hug him to protect him from hateful stares. He hugs me protectively and thanks me with his eyes. Slowly we pull away from each other and we all begin walking.

I feel someone walk next to me and I see Seokjin smile at me as he walks past to unlock the door. He pushes the door open and steps to the side as everyone enters.

As soon as we enter my eyes go wide. "This house is so big!" I gasp.

"That's not the only thing that's bi-" Namjoon is cut off by Seokjin elbowing him and glaring intensely at him.

"I don't get it..." I trail off as I make eye contact with all of the boys.

"Uh... T- the kitchen is really big too. Y- yeah." Taehyung says nervously as he rubs the back of his neck.

"That's not what I me-" Seokjin elbows Namjoon again, this time it's visibly harder.

Seokjin grabs Namjoon's hand and pulls him away from the group and I hear the blond quietly scolding the younger. I look in their direction in confusion but Taehyung takes my hand and leads me away with the rest of the group.

"Never mind them, they're just being... Them." Taehyungs assures me.

I innocently smile at him and nod as we walk through the house.

"Oh, here's the kitchen I was talking about earlier." Taehyung says and the group turns into a large room. It has slick wooden flooring that's painted a deep black and white walls.

"Ah, it's really cool looking!" I exclaim. I must've sounded totally stupid because everyone laughed a bit at my comment. I blush and rub my thumb against my pointer finger quietly and glance down at the floor. "Sorry." I mumble.

"No, it's ok you're just so cute." Jimin says pulling me into a hug. I blush even harder as I return his embrace.

"Back off she's mine!" Taehyung says, pulling me away from Jimin. I spin into his arms and he holds me close to his chest.

"What do you mean she's yours? She doesn't belong to anyone, and we just met her!" Jimin says, pulling me back to him.

The rest of the boys just watch quietly, as if this is something normal.

"I mean she's mine! And I don't want you to touch her." Taehyung hisses at Jimin. He pulls me back roughly and Jimin reaches for my wrist which makes me spin oddly and I lose my balance and fall on top of Taehyung.

We land on the kitchen floor, him catching me back into that familiar embrace as we land. "Ah! [Name] are you ok?" Jimin asks, kneeling next to me.

I look up at him and smile. "Yes I'm fine. Taehyung Oppa caught me." I gesture towards the male who sits up with me on his lap. "Thank you." I say to Taehyung.

He blushes and glances at the ground. Crap. What did I do wrong? "Oppa are you ok?" I ask him quietly.

He looks at me and smiles. "You're just so cute I can't help it!" He wraps his arms around my waist and squeezes me, rubbing his head on my shoulder.

Jimin stands and begins walking away. "I said she was cute first." He mumbles under his breath.

Taehyung loosens his hold on my and slowly stops and shifts under me. "Oppa I didn't hurt you, did I?" I ask him as I move off of his legs.

"Nope! I'm just glad you didn't get hurt [Name]." He says as he stands and lends a hand down to help me up. I take his hand and stand with him.

"Are we going to continue the tour now?" I hear Hoseok ask as the group shifts positions. Taehyung nods, and he slips his hand around mine.

I don't mind it, his hand is soft and warm and it fits into place perfectly with mine. Nobody notices as the group beings moving. "[Name]-ah," Taehyung says to me.


"If I'm not there to catch you, never fall, ok? I don't want you getting hurt." He smiles.

I nod and hear something from behind us in the hallway. "Yah! Guys wait up we're coming, we're coming!" I turn and see Seokjin with Namjoon as they walk up to us to join our group.

"We looked all over the house for you guys!" Namjoon says as he leans against a wall to catch his breath.

"Sorry Seokjin Oppa, Namjoon Oppa." I say bowing to them repeatedly.

"It's fine [Name], just don't do that again." Namjoon says, moving next to me. He smiles and pats my head, wrapping his arm around me and pulling me into a side hug.

"Yah! What do you think you're doing?!" Seokjin yells at Namjoon, pulling me away by an arm. Namjoon lets go of me quickly, not wanting to start another fight with the elder (I am so sorry to all of the Namjoon biases please don't kill me ><). Seokjin slips his hand down my arm and enclosed his hand around mine.

My head is already spinning from this whole day and I can barely stand at this point. My face is so red it's unhealthy and I think Seokjin sees that quickly, but sadly not quick enough because as soon as we start walking a trip over my own foot. Once I hit the floor I instantly begin apologizing as the seven boys crowd around my in the middle of their hallway, all asking what happened and if I was ok.

"I'm ok I'm sorry." I repeat looking at Namjoon who is sitting right in front of you. He smiles at me, but still concern run rapids in his eyes. His dimples pull out and I can feel a smile forming on my lips as we look at each other.

Four of the boys help me stand up, Taehyung and Jungkook on one side and Seokjin and Jimin on the other. I stand and the boys question me again with what happened. I myself don't really know. It's almost like a fangirled for normal boys, god I've gotten weird these days.

The boys finally face defeat that I can't give them an answer to what happened so they begin walking again, keeping an extra eye out for me. Namjoon stands next to me and playfully, he leans down to me and whispers in my ear "[Name]-ah, what happened?"

"Yah! I told you I don't know!" I say pushing him away and clinging to Seokjin.

"Are you sure?" He asks as he begins poking me.

"Seokjin Oppa~! Help me Namjoon Oppa is attacking me!!" I whine to the oldest, still holding on to his arm.

"Yah Namjoon if you want to be annoying go do it somewhere else [Name] does not have time for your constant foolish behavior. Go annoy Taehyung he'll probably annoy you just as much as you do to him. Gosh kids these days." Seokjin says.

Namjoon glares at him as he walks to the front of the group to mess with Taehyung. "Oppa?" I say and look up to Seokjin. He looks down and smiles at me.

"Yes [Name]?"

"You sound like a mom sometimes." I joke. I instantly see his expression disappear and his face go about two shades paler. "Ah- And i- it's really cute!" I add in, knowing I accidentally offended him.

As if nothing had happened, he completely returns to his normal self. "Thank you." He says as we walk down to the next room.

We stop in front of the door as Yoongi stands in the doorway facing the group, preventing us from entering. "Before we enter can I just ask one thing?" Yoongi asks. Not waiting for an answer he continues. "What the hell has happened in this house? I mean, like just recently we've had two very similar events right next to each other. [Name] are you ok?" He asks, as if signaling out that I'm the issue, which at this point isn't hard to believe.

"I'm sorry Oppa." I say.

"Yah I thought I said don't call me Oppa, it's weird." He says.

"Why don't you just back off from [Name]. Why are you implying that she's the issue, and she was trying to be polite by calling you Oppa." Jimin says, stepping toward Yoongi and slightly pushing him on the chest. "Did you ever think that maybe something's actually going on with her, and that she's having a bad day?"

"Actually all of you are extremely un-observant idiots." Jungkook states.

I want to say something, I really do. I want to say something like 'What the hell is going on right now?!' But honestly I'm so scared to do it, so I keep my mouth shut.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Jimin asks definitely at the younger.

"It means have you not realized her cast? You know, the one you've all been tugging on for the entire afternoon? You're hurting her, physically and probably mentally." Jungkook brings the realization to all of the boys. They all turn towards me and look down at my right wrist (#LeftHandsArePeopleToo #LeftHandPride) which still has the thing pale cast on it.

Almost completely unified I see every single boy except Jungkook's face grow pale. An uproar of apologies being flying at me but I keep repeating that I'm fine and it's ok. Honestly my confusion has basically fully masked and pain I may have felt while any of the boys pulled on my wrist.

"What happened?" Namjoon finally asks.

"There was, well... It was my fault actually- I- I spilled stuff on this girl and she's all popular and stuff so people... Well they needed to even it all out so..." I trail off not knowing how to say 'they beat me up' without making them look like the bad guys. I mean, they were but I just don't want the boys to worry about me. I would've stretched the truth or made up s completely new story if Jungkook were not right here three feet away from me and knowing exactly what happened.

"She was beat up, nearly beat to death by those sickos. I was there luckily so I beat their asses. She sprained her wrist and luckily that's it. The nurse said she'll probably bruise a bit and she has a couple of scratches but you guys didn't even realize because you were so caught up in whatever the hell you were doing that you didn't notice." Jungkook said practically fuming.

"Oppa it's ok it doesn't matter I'm fine." I say, resting a hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

A small moment of silence falls between the group until it's suddenly broken. "Well if she's fine can we just go?" Yoongi grumbles.

"Ok that's it!" Jimin yells while Jungkook glares at the elder with a stare that on contact could burn a whole in a humans flesh it was so deadly. Jimin throws a punch toward Yoongi, while Yoongi blocks it by simply holding his hand up and catching Jimin's fist. I could hear just how hard Jimin had punched and winced just thinking about how much that must've hurt.

Yoongi stands completely still as he grips onto Jimin's fist. I can see Jimin thinking of something and suddenly Jungkook runs up and kicks Yoongi where it hurts. Or at least he would have, if Yoongi hadn't kicked him before Jungkook had a chance. Jungkook sprawled back, his hand clenching his pants as he bent over in pain.

Jimin was about to throw another punch and I know that I have to do something. I quickly move in front of Yoongi and Jimin as the shorter attempts to punch but steers it away as soon as he sees my face. I pull Jimin's hand from Yoongi's and walk toward Jimin.

"Please don't fight, it really makes me upset to see you guys fight because you're such good friends." I says as I lean in and wrap my arms around his chest and hug him tightly. He stands there as if paralyzed as I hug him, looking off into space.

I let go and walk behind him to the still in pain Jungkook. "Are you ok Jungkookie?" I ask. He springs up at the sound of his name, looking much better than previously, only slightly pained. I hug him too, this time I actually receive a hug back.

O let go and walk over to Yoongi. "In my opinion you did nothing wrong honestly. I'm sorry." I say. I don't go in to hug him, scared that he may get mad again so I just stand there. Suddenly, I feel his arm wrap around me and pull me into him, my head resting on his chest as he hugs me. I'm surprised at this sudden action, but honestly there's no point in questioning it. I wrap my arms around him too, rubbing my head against his chest as I smile into him.

"Yah, don't be silly." He says, pink tinting his cheeks as he pushes me away and glances in the other direction.

"Ok ok, I'm sorry." I smile, giggling as our group beings walking again.


Also, also..... ALSO have you heard Agust D? Have you heard Yoongi's mixtape. I swear I died when it came out like you got no clue people I am not ok XD IT'S SO GOOD and I know that the current hair colors don't match them currently but that's not important I can't change them in this chapter since the changed already. Deal for now and thank you for everyone's support ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Ok, that's all for now. TTYL famz ♡

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