Sebastian (BoyXBoy, Werewolf)...

By Anissa_Eylene555

1.1M 51.6K 6.7K

[COMPLETE] Sebastian Porter loves the supernatural, his favorite being werewolves. How ironic that he just so... More

SECOND Book :)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44 (FINALE)
Out of the Dark

Chapter 7

29.2K 1.2K 587
By Anissa_Eylene555

**Doesn't that raspberry cheesecake just look SOOOO yummy?**

**A/N: I suck at writing recaps so if you want you can read the end (or re-read it all) Chapter 6 to refresh on all that happened last. This chapter is still the same day as it was in Chapter 6, so if you can't remember what happened I suggest skimming it over... I mean if you want to, by all means, you DO NOT have to. HAHA. Okay, bye. If you want you can read my Author's blurb at the end.**


"So why'd you come here then?" Sebastian asks shocked.

Currently, I sit at Perkins eating lunch with Sebastian. I just told him how I moved from Minneapolis and he apparently was shocked to hear that I moved to Jefferson City.

"Well," I chuckle. "I don't really know,"

"You don't know? Your parents didn't tell you?"

"No, I came on my own," I chuckle again as I watch him chew on the straw stuck in his glass of water.

"You came on your own?" Sebastian asks with bright blue wide eyes as he ruins his straw from all the chewing. I think the chewing is cute, though. "Why would you come here on your own?"

I shrug my shoulders with a smile. If Sebastian accepts me I'll tell him the real reason I came to Missouri. "I thought it would be good, you know, to get out of the house early before I take over the family business,"

"Are you eighteen then?" He whispers.

"No, I won't be eighteen until February," I say with a sigh. "What about you? When will you be eighteen?"

Sebastian bites down hard on his straw as he slowly makes eye contact with me. "Uhm," He clears his throat before mumbling around the straw. "I'm already eighteen,"

"Really?" I ask shocked. He doesn't look eighteen, maybe sixteen. "When was your birthday?" I can't believe I missed his birthday.

"Uhm," He mumbles around the straw. "July sixth,"

"Wow," I mutter as his cheeks brighten to an adorable shade of pink on his pale complexion. "Your exactly seven months older than me,"

"Really?" He whispers, the blush on his cheeks darkening.

"Yeah, I'm February sixth," I say with a smile. Man, I never thought my mate would be older than me, especially by seven months. "And here I was thinking you were like sixteen or something who just skipped a few grades,"

Sebastian casts his eyes down as he continues to destroy his straw. "Uhm, yeah, Wanda says I'm small for my age so she tries to fatten me up, but I have a high metabolism that it just burns everything off too quickly,"

Oh good, I was thinking he didn't eat much since he is so small, although I can't make out much of his body with the large hoodie he wears. Mhm, he would look cute in one of my hoodies, maybe he'd wear one of mine someday.

"So, I bet you're hungry all the time then, huh?" I say with a toothy grin.

His cheeks flush again and he quickly nods his head in agreement. "Makayla calls me a pig, but Wanda says it's okay because you can't even tell,"

I like this Wanda chef of his already. "Don't worry, I probably eat like a pig too, I'm always hungry," I tell him honestly, as well as to try and ease his mind.

"You do?" He asks with wide eyes. "Well, I guess you would have to eat a lot to be as big as you are," He says before his embarrassed face turns to horror. "I mean, you're not big as in fat, but, I mean, big as in buff. Muscular. Yeah, that's it. You're muscular. Uhm, yeah, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to call you big, I meant muscular big. But it's okay to be muscular big, it means you can take care of yourself and others won't mess with you. Oh boy, I'm rambling. I'm so sorry," He finishes off quickly before he buries his face in his hands. All I can do is smile and chuckle at how adorable he is.

"You're adorable," I chuckle. I decided I would let it be known that I like him, the sooner he knows the better. "And thank you, Sebastian, I don't get too many compliments on my muscles," I say with a smirk.

"Why not?" He snaps his head up. "I mean, you're huge," Then he quickly clamps his eyes shut. "I meant your muscles. You're strong. Well, I don't know if you're strong, but you look strong. Oh god, I need to shut up," He quickly covers his face with his hands again. I want to pull his hands away and hold them just so I can gaze at his flushed and embarrassed face. He's too adorable.

"Mhm," I hum in amusement just as the waitress brings our lunch over. "I really hope you're hungry, Sebastian, because that is a lot of food,"

He peeks through his fingers as the waitress sets the plate of food in front of him and his glass of white milk he ordered with his meal. I smile and thank the woman before she walks off again. Sebastian got a huge deluxe bacon and cheese burger with sweet potato fries along with the plain potato chips that come with the meal automatically. I got a rare steak with sweet potato fries and a small side of chicken alfredo pasta.

Sebastian quickly rips open his new straw that came with his milk before he chugs half of the milk down with a satisfied look on his face, his eyes closed happily as he shakes his head like there is a tune in his head.

"Do you like milk?" I chuckle as I am frozen watching him.

His eyes slowly open before once again his cheeks flush a pretty pink. "Yeah," He whispers.

I just smile as I cut my steak. We don't talk much during our meal, mainly because we were both literally devouring our food like two starving men would. By the time Sebastian's food is gone he lets out an adorable little whimper as he pouts at his empty plate. I smile as I push my plate of sweet potato fries to him as I eat my chicken alfredo pasta.

"Take 'em," I chuckle as he stares at them.

He quickly shakes his head. "No, they're yours,"

"I'm good with my pasta," I reassure him. I want to make sure he is full before we leave, I don't want him being hungry.

"Are you sure?" He whispers as he peeks up at me.

"I'm positive," I chuckle as I remove his plate and push mine right in front of him.

"Thanks," He whispers before he picks up two fries at a time. He closes his eyes as he chomps down on them.

"So," I say after a moment of watching him enjoy himself eating my fries. "Do you want desert here, or are you full?"

"Uhm," He whispers as he wipes his fingers on his napkin. "I know a place we can go if you want the second best cheesecake in town,"

"Second best?" I ask curiously.

"Uhm, yeah," He mutters as he rubs the back of his neck. "Wanda makes the best in town, but I know the next best thing since we can't ask her to make us some right now," His eyes widen in horror. "Yeah, that would be a bad idea, really bad idea, then she would know I ditched the rest of school. Nope, we will have to have the best cheesecake later," I smile as he starts to talk to himself.

"Cool," I chuckle. "You wanna go then?" I ask as I notice he already finished off his milk, water, and fries.

"Uhm, if you want, yeah," He mutters.

"Let's go," I laugh as I wave the waitress over and hand her my credit card.

"Hey," Sebastian pouts. "I was gonna pay for myself,"

I smile and shake my head. "Nope,"

The waitress comes back with my receipt and credit card so I put them both in my wallet while handing her two twenty dollar bills. Her eyes widen as she looks back at me.

"Twenty is your tip and could you give the other twenty to the kitchen? That steak was awesome," I say with a cheerful smile. The steak really was great.

"Yeah, sure, thank you, sir," She says quickly.

I smile before wrapping my arm around Sebastian's shoulders and leading him back outside and to the parking lot. I can't help but touch him, and it just makes me super happy that he never pulls away from my touch either, rather he leans into it. It makes both my wolf and me happy. My wolf purrs inside my head at the touch of our mate.

Once back inside my BMX i9 Sebastian gives me directions to the where he swears the second best cheesecake in town in. I wish we could have gone to his house to have his chef Wanda make us some cheesecake that way I could know where he lives as well as have an excuse to hang out with him just a bit longer. But I guess I will have to wait for that just a bit longer because I don't want this woman yelling at him for ditching school.

I pull up to a bakery and my sensitive smell can already smell the sweet scents of sugary goods even before I get out of the car. Sebastian literally jumps from the car and runs to my side to pull my door open for me. I smile as he drags me from my seat behind the wheel and into the building.

"Are they really this good that you're rushing?" I chuckle. Sebastian blushes but he doesn't let go of my hand, which makes me smile even wider. We are in a public setting and he is holding my hand on his own, and we aren't even a thing yet.

"Sebastian sweetie," Someone calls out. My head snaps up to the counter to find a thin little woman behind the counter.

I stare at the woman in confusion but also curiosity as my wolf whimpers inside my head. Why is my wolf whimpering? The woman's skin is pale, even paler than Sebastian's, she looks like she never sees the sun. Her brown eyes are dull and sunken in as her cheekbones show how skinny she is. Obviously, she doesn't eat any of the sweets in this bakery. I would be a thousand pounds if I worked in a place that smells as amazing as this one does. Her hair, though, something is off about her hair. I don't know what it is but her hair looks too full for the rest of her tiny body. I don't know, maybe I'm looking too much into this.

"Ella!" Sebastian cries out happily before he pulls away from me just as the woman walks around the counter. I have to force my whimper back as he leaves me to embrace the frail looking woman.

My head cocks to the side as my wolf whimpers a painful tune in my head. What is up with him today? He must be sad about Sebastian leaving us too. I don't dwell much on his sad whimpering though as I curiously watch Sebastian hug a woman who barely looks five foot. Sebastian is a good five foot five but this tiny woman in his arms looks like a child compared to him.

"How are you feeling today, Ella?" Sebastian asks the woman quietly. "I've missed you," My heart skips in jealousy over this scrawny old woman.

"I've missed you too, sweetie," Ella says as she kisses his cheek. My wolf surprises me by whimpering again, I could have sworn he would have growled like I did inside my head at the action. "And I'm doing much better now that you're here. Where have you been young man?"

Sebastian giggles as he pulls away from their hug but he keeps his hands around her tiny waist, my eyes glaring since I want him to do that to me instead of this Ella woman.

"I've been busy with school, I'm sorry, Ella, I should have visited you sooner. But look, I brought a friend," He says before he pulls away from her to grab my hand and pull me closer. The second he pulled away from her my glare disappeared so he couldn't catch me glaring at a defenseless looking woman who looks like she could fall over by the slightest breeze. "His name is James," He adds on happily.

Ella looks me up and down with a slight frown before her lips tug up into a smile. I outstretch my hand for her to shake which she slowly grasps, her hold feather light in my hand. I'm afraid I'll break her hand so I barely grip her hand in mine. My wolf howls inside my head, causing me to jump slightly in surprise. What the fuck? What is his problem right now?

"Hello, I'm James Fletcher," I ignore my wolf as I greet Ella politely.

Ella smiles wider and I notice she is missing a few teeth on top and bottom. "Hello, James, my name is Ella Gretchen, I own this shop,"

"It's nice to meet you, Ms. Gretchen," I don't see a ring on her finger, although I doubt it would fit with how boney they are, and I'm not sure if she would allow me to call her Ella.

"Oh please, call me Ella," I mentally sigh in relief. "I'm very glad to meet you, James, it's nice to know my sweetie Sebastian has finally made a friend,"

"Ella," Sebastian groans out.

Wait, he has no friends? I knew kids at school snickered about him, but I didn't think he didn't have any friends. Not even one? How can no one be his friend? I've only known for a day in a half and he's already perfect, he should be the most popular guy in school! I will definitely be his friend. And hopefully boyfriend soon.

"We came for some of your cheesecake," Sebastian says, pulling me out of my thoughts. "What do you have today?" He tugs on my hand so I follow him as he pulls us to the counter to look at all the deserts under the glass.

"I just made some fresh pans of blueberry, strawberry, banana, and even raspberry,"

"Ooh, yum," Sebastian moans out, causing my member to twitch in my pants and me to bite my bottom lip hard, and I mean hard. "Can I have some banana and a raspberry to go?" He asks hopefully.

"Of course, you can, sweetie," Ella says as she walks around the counter again. "What can I get for you, James?" I look up at her and grin.

"Blueberry, please," I answer. I love blueberry.

"I'll be right back with them, darlings," Ella says with a smile before she moves into a back room that I am guessing is a kitchen.

"I can't wait," Sebastian giggles as he squeezes my hand. "I have a terrible sweet tooth," He says as he shakes his head with a blush.

I smile and pull him closer to me as we wait by the counter for Ella to come back. My wolf still whimpers inside my head and I really wish I could communicate with him. I only understand his feelings, which is rather annoying in times like this when I don't understand his emotions. He is happy that Sebastian is by us and we're touching, but the second Ella comes back out of the back room he starts to whimper and scratch at me. His scratching feels like he is clawing at the inside of my chest, it almost feels like heartburn.

"Here you are, my sweets," Ella says as she places two paper plates down on the counter and a small To-Go box.

I go to pull out my wallet but Sebastian slaps my hand away and pulls out his own. I blink back my surprise as he hands Ella a twenty. Damn. I guess I'll let him pay then. Ella thanks him as she hands him back his change but he slips the rest into her Tip jar. Ella scowls at him but Sebastian quickly hands me my plate before he grabs his own and his To-Go box before he scurries off to a small round table seated for two.

I chuckle as he quickly sits down and ignores Ella's complaints about how it was too much of a tip. I sit down across from him as he puts the first bite into his mouth. His eyes flutter closed as he lets out a small moan. I bite my lip so hard that I taste the blood in my mouth. Oh, fuck! I'm going to get a boner if he keeps moaning like that.

"This. Is. Heaven." He mumbles around another forkful of cheesecake.

I barely taste my own blueberry cheesecake as I'm too distracted by the little moans that escape his pretty pink lips. I watch as his pink tongue darts out to clean the banana cheesecake off of his lips. By now I already have a boner that is straining against my jeans painfully. I honestly can't even shift without it stinging in pain.

"I'll be right back, I'm gonna step into the bathroom," I inform him. He nods his head with his eyes still closed as he moans again. Shit.

I hurry into the bathroom, trying not to waddle like a penguin just in case Ella saw or has cameras to catch it. I don't need the little old woman to know I got a boner in the middle of eating desert.

Once in the bathroom I quickly lock the door before skipping the only urinal and straight to the toilet instead. I'm glad most public restrooms don't have a toilet seat so I don't have to worry about touching it and can pull myself from the confining jeans faster.

I sigh in relief as I pull myself from my jeans and boxers. I have to take a deep breath before I start to stroke myself quickly. I don't want Sebastian worrying about me or thinking I'm taking a shit. That would be embarrassing.

Yeah, like jerking off in a public restroom isn't embarrassing. Goddess, my first time hanging out with him and I have to masturbate half way through it. Man, I'm pathetic. But this is technically all his fault. I mean, if he wouldn't moan every time he took a damn bite, or slowly flick his tongue out over his pink lips, or even whimper every once in a while, I wouldn't be in this situation. Now would I? No, no I wouldn't be.

My stomach muscles clench and I feel my balls draw up right before the sticky hot semen shoots out of the head of my erection. I gasp from the pleasure as I finish milking the rest out before quickly shoving myself back into my pants, almost zipping myself up in my haste. Then I wash my hands in record time and head back out to Sebastian who has a big smile on his face as he has his fork sticking in his mouth upside down.

I quietly sit down and make sure not to bump the table as I watch his happy face and him bob his from side to side like he is listening to music. It takes a few good minutes before he finally opens his eyes, only to squeak in fright and jump in his seat, his fork clattering onto the table.

"When did you get back?" He asks as he clutches at his chest. I feel kind of bad that I startled him though even if his reaction was adorable.

I smile and shrug my shoulders. "I don't know, a few minutes ago,"

"Why didn't you tell me you were back?" He whispers as his cheeks flush.

I smile wider at him. "You were cute," I reply honestly, the pink in his cheeks darkening. "What song did you have in your head?"

He glances down at his hands in his lap. "Uhm, If Today Was Your Last Day by Nickelback," He whispers.

"Good song," I say with a nod. "I like Nickelback, their pretty cool,"

He snaps his head up to look at me with wide eyes. "Y-y-you like them?" He adorably stutters.

How can this boy be so cute? "Yeah, who doesn't like them?"

He shrugs his shoulders as he looks back down at his hands. "Makayla said I must be gay if I like them, but I really like their music. And my dad said I shouldn't waste my time with music when I need to focus on my studies,"

"You can focus on your studies while listening to music, music helps a lot of people concentrate. Music gets people motivated and in the mood to get shit done,"

"Yeah, try telling my dad that," He grumbles.

"And hey, don't listen to Makayla," I tell him, he chews on his bottom lip as he glances at me. "There is nothing wrong with being gay. I'm gay, my best friend is gay, and I know plenty of awesome guys who are gay. It just makes us awesome to be gay, gay after all originally meant happy. I understand why it meant happy because I'm happy to be gay and I honestly believe gay couples are happier,"

Sebastian stares at me with wide eyes. "Wait," He whispers, his cheeks darkening to a bright red. "You're gay?"

I smile and nod my head. "Of course, I am,"

His eyes stay wide as his jaw drops. "You? You're gay? As in you like guys? You like men?"

"I like you," I clarify. Only it probably didn't sound like a clarification to him and more like a comment on the subject.

"M-m-me?" He stutters. "You w-what?"

I smile and chuckle at how impossibly adorable my little mate is. "I definitely like you, Sebastian," I say with a head nod.

"Y-y-you, h-how?"

I raise an eyebrow at him. "How? Well, you're awesome. I may only have met you for like two hours yesterday, but I knew you were special right away, not to sound cliché or anything," I say. "But that's also why I wanted to take you out today, so I can actually get to know you better. And so far I have learned you are adorable when you blush at everything, you can match how much I eat, you have a major sweet tooth, and your super kind,"

I didn't think it was possible for Sebastian's face to brighten even more as I spoke. He ended up chewing on his bottom lip halfway through my speech causing my cock to stir again. Dammit, and I just took care of the last one!

"Uhm, uh, uhm," He whispers.

I smile wide at him. "You don't have to say anything, I know that was really sudden to throw at you. I just wanted to let you know that I like you, Sebastian," Sebastian doesn't make eye contact with me so I just laugh and pull on his hand after glancing at the clock on the wall. "Come on, schools out by now," Man, they don't lie when they say time flies when you're having fun.

"Ugh, I don't want to go home, Makayla will definitely tell my parents," He whines as he tugs on my hand after saying goodbye to Ella.

I chuckle as I open his door for him. "Do you want to do something with me then?" I ask with hope filling my voice.

Sebastian chews on his bottom lip before nodding his head. "I want to go to the park," He mutters. "I mean, if you want to that is,"

I smile and nod my head. "To the park," I say and close his door with a chuckle.


Author's Blurb


Guys, I have have been away for SO DAMN LONG!! (A month to be exact) I am so sorry for disappearing but college is a pain in the ass. I literally do not have ANY free time with all the homework and studying I have to do! But midterms are next week which means I am HALF WAY THROUGH MY FIRST SEMESTER!! 


On a side note, there is this guy, named Austin, in my Algebra Prep class who is gay, and he is just the cutest thing EVER!! And his laugh is just adorable and he said he likes my batman outfits that I wear almost every day and my band tees. HAHA. 

I want to be friends with Austin but he is just so cool that I am honestly afraid to approach him because he already has like three girls who follow him around, and I don't want him to think I want to be his friend just because he is gay (although that is a big factor :D) but he is really cool and I generally want to get to know him and be his friend. 

Sigh. I'm such a wimp. 

I also saw a musical over the weekend (actually, I went to see it twice because it was so funny), it was The Rocky Horror Show. 

But anywho, I have to get back to studying, I just REALLY wanted to get this chapter posted because I don't want you guys to think I died or anything and I really don't want to loose readers. 

So, with all that said, ENJOY this one for as LONG as you can.

If you want:




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