
By JordanMazzullo

281 25 22

(Not Yandere chan)A girl in her school is referred to as mentally unstable. She has few hobbies like stalking... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 7

29 3 4
By JordanMazzullo

    I walk down a dark ally way and all of a sudden a knife goes through my stomach. Someone behind me stabbed me.

   So why don't I feel the pain?


    I look down and see the knife. I don't feel pain, I'm not dead. WHAT THE FUCK!? THIS ISN'T NATURAL! Alright calm down, you only have a knife going through your stomach. WHAT AM I THINKING!? THAT DID NOT HELP!
    I hear a scared whimper behind me. I turn around and see a guy. He was wearing a suit and his brown hair was neatly arranged on his head. For some reason an anger like I have never felt before, I start to experience while looking at this man. I don't know why, but I hate him with every fiber of my being.
    "Why can't you just die already!?" He screamed at me as I grabbed him and threw him against a wall.
    I felt an enormous pain in my back. I don't care. This man is evil. I know he is evil, I just know.
    I walk over to him and the pain in my back grows. I finally reach him. He looks at me with anger and disbelief in his eyes.
Then I suddenly remember something, something I was supposed to forget.


    "Your going to be okay, I know it hurts but it will get better hold on" Drake says while holding me.
"EVERYONE I LOVE LEFT ME AND NOW I WILL DIE" I screamed. I had shards of glass stuck in my stomach and chest. I was 13 years old.
    "No, because I will never leave, Okay? I'm not leaving you so your not allowed to leave me" he said, as darkness consumed us.
We appeared in my house, he started taking the shards of glass out. I was struggling to keep my eyes open. Then it all went away as he kissed my forehead. The pain, the guilt, the remorse. All I felt was loved. He put his hand to my forehead and said "Mira, I will never and have never left you. However I must make you forget this. Your life will be different, but it will be okay. I promise." Darkness consumed me.


    Oh my god. It's not possible. No, no, no, no! I start to remember everything. Then big black feathered wings sprout from my back. A black halo appears above my head. What am I?
    I look at the man infront of me. Now I know why I hate him so very much.
    I take the knife out of my stomach and stab him over and over and over and over again. I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist and pull me away from the dead man.
    "Shush its okay I'm here. I never left okay? Shush." His voice, Drakes voice soothed me. I started crying.
    All of a sudden we are in a living room. This must be his house. I look at my hands. What am I?
    He grabs my arm gently and pulls me onto the couch with him so that I am basically in his lap.
    "What am I? Why did I remember!? What is with the teleporting!?" I asked through my tears.
    "You are a hells angle, there are not many left. Your speed, sight, and other enhanced abilitys are abilities of hells angles. Your blood lust is because you are a hells angle. You are beautiful. You remember because you just found your form. You can change having the wings and halo or not. As for the teleporting, it's just something I can do." Drake explains while rubbing soothing circles on my back.
    "Your foster parents should be getting home from their trip soon" Drake said.
    I jumped up off the couch and willed my wings and halo disappear.
    "Well then I better go home, but thank you, for never leaving me" I said while walking to the door.
    "No need to thank me, I'll talk to you soon" he said.
    I walk to my house, I get there and realize my parents aren't home yet. I walk inside and clean up everything. After that I go to my bedroom, change into my pajamas, and fall asleep.
    I wake up and get ready for school. I walk to school and when I get there I immediately look for Drake.
    I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around, there he is.
    "I have a serious question" I say looking at him. After yesterday I made a guess on something.
    "Shoot" he says while staring right back at me.
    "It was you, wasn't it? With the notes and well kidnapping me?" I ask now looking at the ground.
    "Yes, it was me. Are you angry with me?" He asks looking seriously worried.
    "No, I trust you" I said while knowing those words were not to be taken lightly.
    "Thank you, anyway we better get to class" he said while looking towards his first class.
    "Yeah" I agree and walk off to my first class.
    After school I walked to the park. I didn't, however, feel the need to murder. When I murder lots of people its when I feel unloved because I don't know how to handle the sadness, the depression. I walked to my house only to notice a note.

    Dear Mira Nair

    Do you remember when I promised to ask you a question when we were younger? Well I don't break my promises so, Mira Nair will you be my girlfriend?

    Love Drake

    Yes a million times yes! He used my full name, Mira Nair. I love him. I always have, I just forgot how much I loved him. I don't want him to ever leave me.
I hold the note and walk to my bedroom. My parents are home I saw the car in the driveway but they don't bother me anyway.
I put the note on my desk and text Drake.



Yes really. I love you <3

I love you more <3 <3

Not possible ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Lol, well good night and sweet dreams, babe❤

Good night, sleep well babe❤

    Well it's official, I guess? Yeah, yeah its official. I lay down in bed and fall asleep thinking of Drake.

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