My Brothers Bestfriend

By katie0213

62.6K 1.2K 45

(This story is completed) Alison had a secret crush, her brothers best friend. Zayn is her brother who does... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Authors Note
Sequel is Out!!!

Chapter 5

4.6K 97 1
By katie0213

Alison's POV
I heard my phone go off I answered;
Phone call:
Anthony: hey babe.
Me: hey, I'm afraid that Zayn is getting suspicious.
Anthony: don't worry about it.
Me: what happens if he finds out?
Anthony: he will never find out.
I hung the phone up. I really was hoping that Zayn wouldn't find out. Zayn came in my room and asked "Hey Ali, did you know that Anthony has a new girlfriend?" I replied "oh really, do you know, who?" Zayn took a moment to reply. He said " I'll ask." I walked past him and ran down the stairs. I began to walk towards that park until I found Chris and Monica holding hands.

Chris came up to me and said "oh, hey Ali." I rolled my eyes and said "Hey Chris and Monica." I walked past him and Chris grabbed my arm. I looked up at him and said "Let me go Chris." I continued to walk to the park. As I walked though the park I saw Anthony. I ran up to Anthony and said "Hey babe, umm Zayn found out you have a new girlfriend." Anthony had a scared face on. I looked behind me and their he was, my brother Zayn. I walked away from Anthony.

Anthony's POV
Zayn began to walk towards me. I was confused to see him at the park. Zayn asked "Who is your new girlfriend?" I realized I should tell him. He deserves to know. I replied "My new girlfriend is your sister." Zayn turned around and rubbed his forehead. He then turned back to me and said "You know what I'm not mad you can date her." I was confused to see that he was agreeing for me to date Alison. Every moment I spent with Alison I was beginning to fall in love.

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