A Trophy Daddy's Trophy Littl...

De DistractedByLife

349K 12K 3.7K

Kellin has been searching for the perfect Daddy for a long time. He is introduced to a DD/LB website, where h... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Part 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Bonus Chapters and Character Asks
* Character Ask *
Character Answers

Chapter 11

12.8K 484 29
De DistractedByLife

This story is at 1K! Thank you guys so much! I absolutely love writing this story, and I hope you love reading it. There'll be a double update today to celebrate 1K. 🙃

For the past four days, I had been staying in an apartment with Alysha. She didn't mind my little habits, and when she wasn't busy, she would play with me or make me a sippy cup of juice. It isn't all that bad, but I do miss Vic. At least, I miss the sweet, caring, and adorable Vic. I guess I just have no luck when it comes to finding a good Daddy. I am still crying over him, but I know I'll be over it soon enough. If he isn't going to be a proper Daddy, then I don't need him. Unfortunately, that's just my attempt at being optimistic because I feel like I really do need Vic in my life. I will just wait until he comes here and asks to get me back. The two times Mike has come to check up on us I have asked him about Vic, but he doesn't give me the information I want. He will just tell me that Vic is trying his best. What is that supposed to mean? He is trying to keep me safe? He is trying to get me back? What if he is trying to get over me?! I have driven myself mad with all these thoughts, but I suppose it's my fault that Vic hasn't come to see me yet. I did yell at him, and I said some mean things. I just keep fucking up my own life. No wonder Daddies don't like me.

My darkening thoughts are interrupted by the sound of Alysha walking into the room I am staying in. She skips inside and plops on the bed beside me, giving me a wide smile.

"Hiya, Kells! What are you up to?"

"Not much," I tell her. I really haven't done much the past few days. I have just moped about, played with my toys a bit, and watched a ton of cartoons. She nods in response before jumping back up.

"Well, want to have a movie night tonight?" She asks excitedly. I almost turn her down, but she looks so eager, and I could use a fun movie night. I agree, and she hugs me tightly.

"Thank you!" She yells as she runs out of the room.

I sigh and lie back onto the pillows I had propped up against the headboard when I woke up this morning. I snuggle into them, wishing it was Vic I was cuddling. I was still slightly angry, but I just want to go back to him. I am hoping that eating a lot of junk food, watching silly movies, and hanging out with Alysha will distract me from everything. I am really glad I got to stay with Alysha; she is one of the best friends I have ever had. Speaking of friends, I really need to visit Jenna. I text Mike to tell him where I am going, just like he told me to the day he helped me move in here. I then shout to Alysha that I am leaving before I close the door behind me.

It's a long walk to Jenna's apartment, but I didn't have a car, so I would have to deal with it. It took me about thirty minutes to reach her apartment, and I knock on her door. It only takes her a moment to answer, and she seems surprised to see me. She hugs me and invites me inside.

"It's been a while, Kells, where have you been?" I sit down on her couch, and she goes to get my sippy cup. I tell her there's no need, I am not really in my headspace right now. She just nods and sits in front of me, looking me up and down.

"So, where have you been? It's been forever, why haven't you stopped by or called me sooner?" She questions.

"I was at my Daddy's, and I guess I just got so caught up in the novelty of my new relationship, I forgot about everything else. Sorry," I trail off, feeling guilty that I basically ignored her. In middle school, we had jokingly agreed to live by the motto "hoes before bros". While it started as a silly joke, we have actually come to take it seriously. We always kept each other a priority over guys, but I broke that bond. It makes me feel so horrible, but there isn't much I can do now but apologize, which I will do profusely. For now, Jenna reassures me that it's okay and asks me how I am doing with Vic.

"Not very well. There has been a bunch of drama, and I yelled at him a couple days ago," I tell her before going in-depth on what had happened recently. She looks absolutely shocked and disturbed as I describe the stalker situation. Once I am finished, she leans over and hugs me.

"It will be okay, honey. Even if Vic doesn't come back to you, he isn't worth the sadness, and you will find someone even better. Think of it as having to eat your vegetables before you can have dessert. You just need to get through all the nasty dudes before you can find your dream hunk," she says, wiggling her eyebrows. I giggle at her weirdness and thank her for the support.

We talk for a few more hours, until I notice how late it is getting. The sun is starting to set, and I do not want to walk in the dark. I also have to get back in time for movie night, so I bid Jenna farewell and promise to talk to her more often. I leave the apartment and begin the long journey back.

Unfortunately, the long walk gives me plenty of time to think without distraction. As my thoughts wander, I can't help but think about what I should do next. Once everything with this stalker has blown over, should I move back next door to Jenna? Will I officially break things off with Vic? Should I give up on being a little? The thought startles me, and I stop walking for a moment to calm down. I have never considered giving up that part of me because I truly love being a little and having a Daddy, but I have been burned too many times. I could try to lead a somewhat normal life and learn how to take care of myself. I hate the thought, but I don't know how many awful Daddies I can go through before I feel completely washed out. Maybe I should just stop while I am ahead, before I get hurt worse than ever before.

Luckily, I reach the apartment before my thoughts get too dark and scary. I unlock the door and walk in, calling out to Alysha that I am home. She makes a weird animal sound in response, making me laugh. I go to my room and slip off my shoes. Then I venture into the kitchen to find Alysha and get movie night started. I hear her in the living room, so I join her there. She is looking through the movies Mike left for us, and she has a pretty big pile already. She picks out a few more before telling me she is going to make popcorn.

I get the first movie queued up while she is in the kitchen and skip through the previews. I stop at the play screen and wait for Alysha. I hear the microwave beep, but then it's quiet. Alysha moves like ninja, super lightly and silent, so it's no surprise I can't hear her coming back. I wait for a little while more before deciding to go see what she could possibly be doing to the popcorn that could take so long. I walk into an empty kitchen and look around. The popcorn is sitting in a large bowl on the counter, so I assume that Alysha took it out and went to the bathroom. I pick up the bowl and go to return to the living room when I see a shadow coming from behind me. Just before I can spin around, I see nothing.

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