The Assassin Mate

By SomeWeirdHippyxXx

65.2K 2.7K 184

I cocked my semi automatic and aimed it at the back of The Werewolf's head. I sucked in a sharp breath and ti... More

Ummm this is new!
Werewolf Mutants
Saved by the unlikely
Worse than we thought
Excuse me but I really don't care
I'd rather be burned alive pt. 1
I'd rather be burned alive pt. 2
Traitor pt. 1
Traitor pt. 2
Cast and crew
His office
Awkward night
I decided to reveal one of my chapters as a thank you
The return pt. 1

Two faced Holly?

3.5K 139 21
By SomeWeirdHippyxXx

This is a chapter, but I wanted to apologize for not updating. I'M SORRY. So here you go:


"Natasha." Said a familiar male's voice. "Nataaaashhaaaa..." He said as he lightly shook my heavy body. Ugh, my eyelids feel like there are weights attached to them.

"Natasha!" He said in a sharp and impatient whisper. "Natasha I will freaking smack you with a wet rag." Yeah right. Bluffer. "....."

SMACK! I jumped out of bed holding my cheek, "OWWWY WHAT THE HELL MAN?!" I yelled angrily. The traitorous rogue just laughed and shook his head.

"Silly CrimsonKiller, there is no sleeping in when I'm present." He smiled and put down the rag. I can't believe this jackass, he betrays me then acts like nothing ever happened. Rude.
"Oh Crimson, I do enjoy annoying you. However the Alpha wishes to see you. So follow me Crimson.. And I'll show you where his office is." He smiled and said in a cheeky manner. "Okay listen here Jackass, for starters, stop calling me Crimson. Second, what gives you the right to pretend we're all chummy together? And third of all, Why the bloody hell would I go back to that stupid mutt leader of your's?" I asked angrily as I stretched and yawned.

"He isn't my leader." Percy growled in a small and low manner. I think this kid is obsessed with the idea of freedom, however he lacks the strength to rebel in order to get that freedom. Percy also seems to be a little on the insecure side at times.

"That stupid wolf isn't my leader, I'm my own leader. He can't control me or any of my decisions!" He said triumphantly. "Yeah... Uh-huh.. Keep telling yourself that.." I chuckled darkly and left. I stepped out of the hallway and just started walking, I don't know where I'm going, but I'm sure I'll find a way out somehow.

Damn these wolves, dragging me back to this stupid place. Like, I could be at home searching for the leader of that mutant attack the other day. Maybe I could run there and just deal with fighting them off later? Nah, the cowardly mutt leader would send half is pack after me.. And there seems to be quite a few of these idiots.
I wonder if my friends are looking for me? Ruby would be barking out commands... Isabelle would be desperately searching.. And Jackson would probably be pretty okay with me disappearing.. For a little while at least, he would get bored and have no one to taunt. Eheheh. I miss those weirdos.

"Hello Ms.RavenCroft...? M-My name is Holly..." Said a small and fragile voice from behind me. I turned around and met face to face with the small girl from earlier, or yesterday. I don't know what day it is or how long I was asleep.

"Oh... Ehh.... Hi.." I responded awkwardly. The small girl who could be no older than sixteen gently took my hand and started leading me somewhere. "U-Um... I received an order from my Alpha to bring you to his office since Percy failed .."

I tried to yank my hand away, but for some reason I couldn't. It's like there is an extremely strong glue that is holding our hands together. I tried to move once again, but my hand didn't even budge! I kept desperately trying to pull my hand away but it was to no avail.

Now that I think about it, she sounded so nervous but she seemed so calm. Her free flowing actions seemed almost like she was a marionette being pulled by strings.

And now that I notice it, her aura is so fake, like it's makeup trying to cover a nasty scar. It feels almost as if it's a power that's desperately trying to be concealed. I don't know who this 'Holly' girl is, but she is not an ordinary wolf.

However, her touch is so gentle, like she's afraid to hurt me. There's no way this small and fragile girl can be dangerous. Just looking at her now makes the whole idea seem silly.

"THERE YOU ARE!" Said the all too familiar male's voice.
I begrudgingly looked up and came face to face with the Alpha himself. "Hello Tasha..." He smiled and walked up to me. "Since that damned rogue can't seem to get his one job right, I decided to get Holly to find you. But it took longer than expected..." He frowned.
"So anyways, since you'll be staying here, I figured I'd show you your room!" He grinned innocently. "Wait... What...? EXCUSE ME??" I yelled. "I didn't stutter sweet heart. Come with me or I'll drag your stubborn ass there." He smirked. The Alpha then held out a hand to me so he could lead the way. "....."


New chapter, all right! I just wanted to go over some crucial information. So read... OR BE CONFUSED. So, I'm not sure if I've given the Alpha a name yet, and I'm too lazy to check.. So if you'd please be kind enough to tell me if I have or have not by commenting
That would be lovely. Thx.

OKAY ONTO PRESSING MATTERS- The next chapter is going to be a cast and crew type deal. Not only will I provide an actor/actress/famous person to give you an idea of what certain people look like, but I'll also be adding in information that you'll need to know about the characters. IT IS CRUCIAL THAT YOU PLEASE READ HOLLY'S, RUBY'S AND  PERCY'S. I ask that you do this so you won't be confused if I bring up provided information later.

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