Riddle me this, Riddle me Kat...

By SpeakNoEvil

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Katrina was born and raised in Louisiana until the age of five when her parents were brutally murdered and at... More

Riddle me this, Riddle me Kat! *Complete*
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty-two
chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
chapter 26
Chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
Chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 The end!.... for now ;)

Chapter sixteen

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By SpeakNoEvil

“My gosh.” I whispered when we finally took a breath. “Just like last night.”

“What happened last night?” Edward asked confused. He tried sitting up and I wouldn’t let him.

“Please, just let me be selfish for another minute and I’ll explain.” I pleaded. What the hell was wrong with me? Begging for another minute alone with the Riddler? I’m officially screwed in the head.

“How could I be selfish and deny such a request?” he smiled as he kissed me again. He pulled away all to quickly smiling. “A minute is up.”

“Last night, when John drugged me, I had horrible nightmares.” I started to spill to him as if I had known him for years. “I saw my family die again, I saw Bruce try to kill me, I saw Austin cheating on me, and lastly I saw Harvey try to kill me; but you saved me.” I looked into his eyes with my own confused brown ones. “You saved me and told me things. Things about love and we basically had an amazing make-out session like just now.”

“And this was while you had fear toxin in you?” Edward asked surprised.

“Yes,” I nodded. “It was still in me pretty strongly. I don’t know if it’s true or just because of recent events, but I’m so scared of becoming like you and Joker and Harvey but at the same time I’d do anything to be with you.” I whispered. Edward Nigma, the Riddler, looked at me with such understanding in his eyes it scared me.

“You… you love me?” he asked confused.

“Now, I didn’t say that.” I stuttered.

“But you implied it.”

“Sure.” I said defeated. “I know I’m being stupid. You can kill me right now and no one would know. God this feels like a Twilight moment.” I buried my face in my hands.

“Yes, this does seem very stupid for you but I understand, because I feel the same way. It’s completely illogical for the fact that we hardly know each other personally and as you’ve plainly pointed out, I can kill you right now.” He sighed before continuing. “I really hate the idea of someone harming you, but I want you to prove to me that you can handle my superior brain and knowledge. You still have your tests to prove yourself, but I want more than anything for you to just… to just come to me.” He stroked my face.

“The ball’s in two days.” I whispered. “It’s at Wayne Enterprises. You’re coming to that right? Jonathan said you and the others wanted to see me.”

“Yes,” he smiled. “But I of course had to come see you tonight. You really shouldn’t be working in a place so low class.” He wrinkled his nose and then went back to being him.

“Are you sure you didn’t come here to abduct me and then make-out with me?” I teased and this time he rolled his eyes.

“So what if I did? It technically worked.”

“See, this is what I try to prove to people.” I said happily. “You and everyone else, you’re just people. There are times when you have normal conversations with other human beings. You’re not all ‘Kill, kill, kill.’”

“Only with you love. None of us so far, other than Harvey, want you harmed by anyone.”

This surprised me. Did this mean I had every villain in Gotham actually looking out for me?

“Katrina!” Jeff yelled. I yelped and Edward rolled off of me and under the counter.

“What the hell are you doing?” Jeff asked looking down at me.

“I fell.” I pouted causing him to laugh and I could hear Riddler chuckle to himself.

“Whatever, you can go home if you want; we’re closing early today.” He grimaced.

“What? Why?” I asked confused.

“Police showed up. You’re popularity is getting a little out of control.” He joked.

“What do you mean?”

“Cops showed up here looking for you and so did some reporters. Boss man didn’t like that and so he’s shutting down early.” Jeff shrugged. I stood up and dusted off my pants earning a laugh from Riddler. When Jeff turned around I kicked where I thought Edward’s gut was. But instead he grabbed my foot and I hit my head against the back wall.

“Ow!” I yelped.

“Incident prone.” Jeff laughed as he continued walking. I sat down on the stone floor as soon as Jeff’s car pulled out of the lot.

“What the hell?” I glared at his smirking face.

“You tried to kick me.”

“You were laughing!” I threw my hands up in the air aggravated. “You’re so complicated.”

“You know it sweetheart.” He winked at me and I just groaned.

“I’m going home.” I said standing up again, grabbing my stuff this time.

“Aw, why end such a great evening?” Riddler tried to coax me back to the counter as I was now at the doorway.

“Cause you might kill me.” I called over my shoulder and he was suddenly in front of me frowning.

“You think I’d do that to you?”

“Who knows?” I shrugged. “You’re going to put me to some sort of test and I’ll probably end up dying. That or Harvey will get pissed off at me.” I tried walking and his cane suddenly appeared in his hands, blocking the doorway.

“Hmm, that’s what you really think of us?” he asked kind of angrily. “Didn’t you just say how we’re normal like everyone else? To an extent at least?”

“You’re all killers and seem not to have a problem with it, so naturally I should be cautious.”

“And five minutes ago, that was you being cautious?” he raised his eyebrows. I sighed and put a hand on my hip.

“No, that wasn’t and I’m sorry my guard was down.”

“And that, you treat us like we’re normal people and the suddenly we’re about to kill you in your mind.” He was utterly confused.

“Edward, don’t play stupid. You know very well why I act this way.” Now he was mad, I did call him stupid after all.

“It’s your natural defense mechanism. You don’t show your fear in your body language or voice. But it’s there in your eyes Katrina.” He hissed at me. “I know you better than you know yourself-“

“Then why did you ask me a question that a moron could answer?” I shot back, completely pissing him off.

“You above all people should know that I’m no moron. I’m more intelligent than any life form in this galaxy or the next, so why insult me?” he growled in my face.

“I merely state what I see, and I see you acting like an idiot. You’re asking simple questions you should know the answer too. Are you even sure you’re the Riddler anymore?” I shot at him as I ducked under the cane and jumped on my bike, turning the keys and speeding off. I’ve now successfully pissed off one of Gotham’s most insane. I should win a freaking award.

I don’t know when I started crying, but about three streets down at the stoplight I had to wipe my eyes so I could see straight. I hated how he got to me like that. Why couldn’t I just fall in love with the star quarterback of our football team? The light turned green and I started to move forward as a bank truck came from the opposite direction and swerved into my lane; causing me to make a right turn into an alleyway. Shit, it was a dead end and the bank truck was stopped behind me. I got off my bike and fingered where my knife was strapped over my jeans and felt for the handgun I most recently kept on my person under my jacket.

“Who’s there?” I called out to the truck. The doors opened and a tall, built man stepped out from the driver’s side and people in black climbed out of the back. I pulled out my phone and clicked on Gordon’s name, holding the phone behind my back. When I backed up against my bike I set it on the seat, hidden behind my helmet.

“Who are you?” I repeated. I could barely hear a voice come on over my phone calling my name. Good, the call went through.

“Katrina, you are a beautiful girl.” The man from the driver’s side smiled warmly at me.

“Who are you?” I asked.

“You tend to ask the same question over and over again. How could someone of such a simple mind grab the attention of my dear Riddler?” he taunted me and I froze. My phone when silent but I could still see Gordon was on the line. He definitely had enough time to track where my phone was.

“Okay, what do you want?” I asked trying a different approach. He was coming closer and finally stepped into the moonlight. He had short brown hear and green eyes. He looked to be about the same height as Riddler and just as dangerous.

“Hmm, how about your cooperation with something Miss Wayne.” He bit at my last name, like it hurt him to say it.

“And what could I possible do to help you? A stranger too rude to introduce himself.” I rolled my eyes and then gasped as my back hit the wall. I was completely closed in, or so I thought. My right hand hit a metal rung of a ladder.

“You can get me a conference with your guardian.”

“Really? First Jonathan and now you? Do it your damned self.” I growled. “I’m not some messenger person and I’m tired of acting like one.”

“But you don’t understand dear.” He chuckled at me. “You’re going to do it.”

“Oh really? And why is that?” I hissed at him.

“Do you miss your mother and father Katrina Boudreaux?” he asked in a chilling voice I haven’t heard for eleven years.

“You… you killed them?” I whispered with wide eyes. I was shaking as he took a step forward and grasped my face with both his hands, brining his lips within inches of mine.

“Of course not, that’s too much dirty work for me to do myself.” He chuckled looking into my eyes. “Do you still have your nightmares about me coming back? About me killing your new family?”

“How do you know?” I squeaked.

“I know everything about you dear, it’s my job to know.” He smiled. I took that opportunity to knee him in the groin and escape. Sure enough, he fell to the ground and I grabbed my helmet and phone as I started to run. Five men jumped in front of me and I threw my helmet at them, making a path for me to run through.

“Help!” I yelled and looked down at my phone to see Gordon still on the line.

“Katrina!” I heard him yell through the speaker.

“Gordon! Oh my gosh are you there?” I said into it as I ran and heard the man from my past chasing me down the alley. I was so close to reaching the street.

“Katrina we’re coming just as fast as we can. Do not hang up.” He ordered.

“Gottcha!” the man called as he grabbed me from behind making me let out this blood-curdling shriek.

“Let me go!” I yelled. I need to grab the attention of anyone that was on the street.

“Do as the young lady says.” I looked over to see Riddler, in his normal attire, glaring at the man holding me.

“Edward! Nice to see you again.” The man smiled as I continued to flail. “Stop moving so much, you’ll just wear yourself out.” He hissed into my ear.

“Screw you too.” I hissed back as I swung my leg straight back and up. Again, he crumpled to the ground almost instantly. I turned to look at Edward. “You need to go. Gordon’s supposed to be here soon.” I said as I walked over and physically tried to move him.

“What are you doing?” he asked in an amused tone.

“Why won’t you leave?” I could hear the sirens in the distance. I looked down at my phone to see that I had ended my call with Gordon as soon as I was grabbed.

“Well don’t you want me to be in Arkham again? I’m a killer remember?” he glared at me.

“What the hell else am I supposed to tell you to let me go?! When you’re pissed it’s easier for you to let me go. Edward, you have to wait only one more full day till the ball. There you can ask me all the damn riddles and questions you want. But right now, you need to not get caught.” I said worriedly.

“You’re worried about me?” he raised his eyebrow.

“Yes damn it.” I growled. “I’m not going through my Twilight moment again okay? That was a once in a lifetime thing okay?”

“That kiss better not have been.” He whispered sending chills down my spine. “Otherwise we might have a problem.”

“Edward Nigma, leave before you’re taken to Arkham.” I breathed trying to get my head to stop spinning.

“Fine, but only because you asked so nicely.” He smirked as he strutted off twirling his cane.

“Katrina!” I turned around to see Gordon running towards me. There were three cops walking over to my attacker and they were cuffing him, giving him his rights.

“Hello Gordon.” I smiled. “Told you I’d call if anything freaky happened.”

“Why’d you hang up?” he panted as he reached me.

“He must’ve hit the end button when he grabbed me.” I shrugged.

“Are you okay?” he started to look me over for injuries.

“Ya, I’ll have to take more pain meds for my shoulder though. He definitely got that.” I grimaced as I started to feel the pain through all my adrenalin. Me running and getting held and such was just too much for my healing shoulder.

“You sure that’s all? I can always call Bruce and tell him to cancel the ball-“

“No!” I yelled surprising everyone including myself. “You can’t cancel it. He’s put in so much work for it and do you really wanna test the villains like that?”

“I guess not.” Gordon eyed me suspiciously.

“Arrest me if you’re going to keep looking at me like that.” I said cocking my hip.

“Fine. Turn around.” He smiled at me and my jaw dropped. “I’m only kidding.” He laughed at me.

“Meanie.” I pouted.

“Sure, whatever floats your boat. Tomorrow night, we’re going to have the whole police force at the ball incase anything happens.” Gordon said seriously.

I snorted, “Really? Don’t advertise that everywhere.”

“What are you talking about? I don’t want people to feel unsafe there.”

“Ya, well you’re basically telling every home and business that they might be robbed if there’s no one there to help them. Gordon, you have to at least leave someone behind.”

“Yes, which is why we’re advertising that we’ll all be at the ball. Lure some of the less smart ones out and we can put them back in Arkham.” Gordon said in a ‘no duh’ voice.

“Well, Gotham’s police force is smarter than I thought.” I smiled.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked skeptically.

“Nothing. So where do I go now? Home or the Precinct?” I really didn’t need to face Bruce again when he heard about this. He won’t let me go to school, let alone the bathroom downstairs.

“We’re gonna let you go home.” Gordon smiled.

“Yo! Boss!” one of the cops yelled causing the two of us to walk over to him. I don’t know how I missed it, but on my captor’s chest was a paper stuck to his chest.

Riddle me this riddle me that; What is too incompetent to keep the streets safe? It surely isn’t a little storm. What can you bend over backwards, flip upside down onto and never once be afraid of injury?

“Well, that’s simple enough.” I sighed to myself. Come on Edward, you’re better than that. I looked up to see people staring at me. “Oh come on! The first one is you guys, GCPD; the second is a gymnastics gym. Bending over backwards, flipping, and not fearing injury, that’s the only place I know of where you can do all that stuff.” I shrugged.

“Okay… can you write this out for us?” Gordon asked me cautiously.

“I didn’t leave it!” I said defensively crossing my arms. “But what ever.” I sat down on the street and was handed paper and a pen. I wrote the exact same phrase and it was completely different. His handwriting was so neat and mine was extremely messy.

“Happy?” I glared.

“Much. Thank you Katrina.” Gordon said. “What I don’t understand is that bit about the little storm.” Gordon mussed to himself.

“Um, he calls me little storm.” I muttered catching his attention. “Katrina, that was the name of the really bad hurricane a couple years back in Louisiana.”

“I remember that… Bruce sent a lot of money down there to help out. No one really knew why, but I guess now we do.”

“Ya, I kept hearing from some friends back home how bad it was and I talked to Bruce. He even let me go down there for a while to help at the Superdome where a lot of refugees were stuck.”

“That’s really nice of you and him.” Gordon smiled.

“Was the least I could do for my home.” I shrugged. “So I can go home right? My bike’s in the alley, behind that money truck.” I pointed to where I had been momentarily trapped. Gordon nodded and someone moved the bank truck out of my way so that I could go home.

“Hey Gordon.” I called as I started my engine. He had been talking to an officer and had to walk over to me from across the street. “Thanks, you know, for actually coming.” He looked at me weirdly and then replied.

“Not a problem. It’s what we policemen do.” I nodded and sped off into the night.

----Alrighty guys! that's all i got for tonight! i'll be writting and updating tomorrow i promise! bride@enigma will bug me all day about it =P alright guys! Reviews are awesome, weather it's bad or good i'm open to it all. Again, i do not own Batman, just Katrina, the highschoolers and a possible future location. Who was the mystery man? Find out next chapter! ----SNE *that is SpeakNoEvil for those who are slow like me*

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