One Chance. One Year. One Dir...

By AFallenStar

16.6K 197 99

Julia's life changes drastically when she finds out her best friend Carter won a contest and now her and 4 of... More

20 Questions and 3 Skanks
Skanks at the Movies
Carter Goes Ghetto
Lets Flip A Coin. Heads Your Mine. Tails I'm Yours.
Crazy Carl's Carnival
You Got That One Thing
Mr. Chicken Wing
This is why I'm hot.
Hummingbird Heartbeat <3
Wheres Waldo?
Peace and Serenity
Drop It Like Its Hot

What Makes You Beautiful -A One Direction Love Story-

2.4K 29 13
By AFallenStar

Hey Bitches and Hoes well this is a story I am going to be writing called What Makes You Beautiful and it is a One Direction Love Story. Now just to warn everyone I am not some super crazy fan I mean I am most certainly a fan but not like stalker type. I do think Harry Styles is freaken hot as all hell. Well here is my first story ever (sorry if it sucks). Enjoy.


I am awoken by the most earsplitting scream I have ever heard.

"AH WHAT!" I yell as I look over to where the noise is coming from.

There standing next to my dresser is my best friend in the whole world Carter Reynolds.

"Thank the lord your finally up" She says while walking over and collapsing onto my bed.

"Yea I am and What the hell is with all the screaming!" I say annoyed.  She gets up and smiles a giant demonic grin which has my skin crawling.

"I, Carter Reynolds, won a trip to see One Direction perform live.  Also me and 4 of my closet friends will be touring with them for a year and guess who won of those friends is?" She says all giddy.

I groan. "Carter you know I am not good around boys! I am already freaking out and we didnt even go yet!" I yelll while Carter just laughs at me.

"Chillax Jules everything will be perfect and I know how much you want to see Harry I mean come on you have like the biggest crush on him." 

"I do not" I say.  Carter glares at me and raises an eyebrow.

"Okay maybe a little but I-" "Shut up Jules your going and I am inviting Kaylyn, Eve, and Lily to come with." Carter says while cutting me off.

I groan.  Kaylyn, Eve, Lily, Carter, and Me are all practically the outcasts of our school.

It is quite funny really since they are all gorgoeus and probably if they tried could fit in with the popular bimbos in our school.

But instead they hang around nerds like me.

Back to the situation at hand I think about what Carter says and sigh.

"Alright Carter I will go" I say.

"Well you were going anyway but Yay!' She squeals.

"So when do we leave?" I say while stretching out my short midget legs.

"At 5 so that gives you half an hour to get dressed and an hour to pack. Im going to take a shower so you can pack okay alright" She says while running like a bat out of hell to the bathroom.

I internally punch her. Its freaken 3 in the morning and she expects me to function. Ugh.  I run to my closet and shove a bunch of random crap into a giant black suitcase.

My closet mostly consists of giant hoodies and sweatpants.

Except for the tiny section of girly clothes in the back which was sponsered by my mom.

I empty out the contents of my underwear draw and shove them in the suitcase as well.

After I am done I hear the shower turn off.  I grab a pair of socks, a black bra, some black underwear, grey sweatpants and a blue shirt with a penguin on it and run to the bathroom.

After I am done showering I walk out only to find Carter dressed in my clothes.

More specifically the mom sponsered ones.

"Girl what the hell are you wearing" She says while eyeing my outfit in disgust.

"We are going to see One Direction. Our future husbands!" She yells.

I roll my eyes at her dramatic self.

"Well I dont care my future husband will have to deal with the fact that I am an unfashionable nerd" I say.

And with that I grab my glasses and walk down the stairs.


"OH MY GOD I CAN NOT BELIEVE WE ARE HERE!!" My other friend Eve squeals.

We had just arrived at the Los Angeles airport and are currently collecting our shit at the baggage claim.

"I know I cant wait to meet Zayn!!!!" Kaylyn yells.

"Well what time is the concert Car?" I ask.

"Oh it is tonight at 8 so we have plenty of time." She replys.

"Lets go to the beach" Lily says.

We all agree and make our way over to the rental cars.

We rent some old ass volx waggon and continue on our way to the beautiful Venice Beach.


"Where HEREEE!" I yell as I run towards the direction of the ocean.

I am running full speed with my eyes closed when all of a sudden I find my self colliding with the sand.

I look up to see a guy about 6ft in a hat and shades.

"Oh my god I am so sorry I wasn't looking to where I was going" The guy says.

"No its okay I wasn't looking either" I say.

"So just a question why are you wearing Sweatpants and a Hoodie to the beach" He asks in a cute accent.

I look down to find that I am indeed wearing sweats and a hoodie.

"Well me and my friends just came here from the airport and we were flying in from New York so I didnt really get to change" I say as I run my fingers through my black afro.

"Oh so what brings you here?" He asks.

"Well my friend won a contest to see a One Direction concert and to go on a year tour wiith them." I say.

"Oh so are you a fan" He says. I shrug my shoulders. "I like there music but Im not obsessed" 

He nods and than takes off his sunglasses.

My mouth drops wide. Like a fish.

Oh sweet baby jesus.


(A/N haha okay well I am not that much of a cold hearted bitch to leave a cliffy here so Im just gonna continue. Think of it as a late Christmas present. Enjoy.


There standing before my eyes is Harry Fuckin Styles.

"Your kidding me right?" I ask.

The Harry look a like just laughs.

"Nope its me. In the Flesh" He says.

"Take off the hat" I say.

He just laughs and takes off his beanie to reveal his beautiful curly brown hair.

"Well I guess it is you" I say causing him to laugh again.

"So why dont you take me to the others" he says. 

I just nod and motion him to follow me.

I make my way over to the girls to find them all talking to the rest of the group.

Kaylyn is talking to Zayn, Carter is feeling Liams biseps, Lily is laughing with Niall, and Eve is chatting with Louis.

"Well I see you guys already met them" Harry says to the boys. They all nod and continue talking to the girls.

"So I know I should have asked you this but whats your name?" Harry asks me.

"Julia Winters but you can call me Jules" I say as I push up my glasses.

"Yo guys before we go lets have a bonfire" Niall says causing Lily to agree almost instantly.

After we make the fire we all sit around it like in some of those old cheesy camping movies.

The boys are sitting on one log where as the girls are sitting on another.

"So what are all of your names" Liam says while looking straight at Carter.

"My names Carter" Carter says. "Lily" "Eve" "Kaylyn" "Julia" We all say.

"Beautiful names" Zayn says causing Kaylyn to blush scarlet.

I look across and see Harry looking straight at me. I feel my cheeks heat up as I look down at the sand.

"Well guys we better get going we have an hour until our concert and Mike will kill us if we are late" Harry says while standing up.

"Yea lets go" Nial says.  We all get up and the boys start heading in the direction of their limo.

"Oh um guys we kind of have a rental so we could meet you there" I say.

"No you guys can come with us. We will have someone return it and collect your luggage for you guys" Harry says.

We all nod and follow the boys to their limo.

The limo becomes filled with a very awkward silence.

"So how long until we get there" Carter says. Trying to spark some sort of conversation.

"30 minutes" Liam says. It starts to get awkward again.

"JULIA THINKS HARRY IS ONE SEXY HUNK OF LOVE!" Lily screams. My eyes open wide as everyone looks at me.

Carter, Eve, and Kaylyn trying hard not to explode with laughter.

"Oh hell no! I am not the one who was all Oh yea I am gonna push out all of Nials babies okay" I say which causes Carter to roar with laughter.

"Well at least I dont dream about getting married to freaken Zayn" Lily retorts.

"Hey that happened only one time!" Kaylyn says trying to defend herself.

"And anyways we all know that everynight Carter makes out with that giant card board cutout of Liam that she has hanging on her wall!" Kaylyn yells.

"Hey if you got it flaunt it!" Carter says causing everyone to roar with laughter.

"I dont think that applies to that Car!" I say.

"Shut it JuliiCharm" She says.

"Hey no one got to bash on Eve yet" Carter says.

"Well we all know Eve cuddles with her I Heart Louis pillow everynight" Lily says.

"I DO NOT!!" Eve says.

"The Hell You do!" Me and Carter shout.

"Well I wasnt the one who named her bird Zayn and than tried teaching it how to sing to her" Eve yells.

"I THOUGHT IT WOULD WORK!!!" Kaylyn says.

At this point all of the boys are howling with laughter.

"Okay guys enough enough I am about to pee my pants" Zayn says while chuckling.

We all eventually quiet down. "Shit this left things awkward" I say while everyone laughs again.

"So" Harry says while putting his arm around my shoulder.

"You really think I am one sexy hunk of love?" He asks while doing this really sexy eyebrow thing.

I cover my face as I sink down in my seat causing everyone to laugh.


We finally get to the stadium.  The boys rush to get ready while me and the girls rush to find our seats.

Front row bitches! 

When we get there we see that we have a perfect view of the boys.

"Oh my god we are so close we could probably see them sweat!" Some blonde says next to me.

"EEp I know and look I have a jar we can catch it in!" A brunette says causing her and the blonde to squeal.

I share a look with the girls before we burst out laughing.

The boys come on stage and start singing 'What Makes You Beautiful'. 

I cant help the smile that inches itself onto my face when I see Harry looking my way.


After the concert we all meet backstage where we are all now currently sitting on giant blue couches.

I feel like Molly from Molly and the Big Blue Couch!!

I spot the chocolate fountain and put my cup in it trying to catch as much chocolate as possible.

"Uhm Ju les Wh at Are Yo u Do in g" Harry says while laughing. 

"Dude its chocolate" I say.  The boys all just nod with understanding.

"So tell us about yourselves" Harry says.  "Yea like are you single" Liam says while inching closer to Carter.

"Surpisingly yes I am" She says. "Yea she is kind of the whore of the group so this is a very rare occasion" I say causing Carter to hit me on the back of the head.

"Shut it Nerd!" She says causing me to stick out my tongue.

"Do you guys have like labels on eachother?" Louis says.

"Yea I am 'The Whore' but I really am not I only flirt alot! Lily is 'The Jock', Eve is 'The Girly Girl', Kaylyn is 'The Hyper One' and Julia is 'The Nerd'." Carter says.

"Well I am definatly 'The Sexy One' of the group" Harry says causing us all to laugh.

'So back to the questions are you guys all single" Louis says.

"Woah Louis calm yourself dude" Harry says causing Louis to glare at him.

"Yes we all are unless Julia isnt telling us something" Lilly says.

"Ha ha very funny Lily" I say. 

"Oh Jules hush up you know I am just playing with you" She says.

"Wait what just happened.?" Nial says.

"Well Julia has never had a boyfriend before. She is the Virgin of The Virgins." Carter says.

"Shut up!" I yell as I sink down in my seat.

"Hey its okay I think that is cute" Harry says while smiling at me. 

I give him a small smile and turn my attention back down to my shoes.

This is going to be one hell of a year.

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