Riddle me this, Riddle me Kat...

By SpeakNoEvil

190K 5.4K 933

Katrina was born and raised in Louisiana until the age of five when her parents were brutally murdered and at... More

Riddle me this, Riddle me Kat! *Complete*
Chapter one
Chapter two
chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty-two
chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
chapter 26
Chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
Chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 The end!.... for now ;)

Chapter three

6.6K 171 60
By SpeakNoEvil

----Just warning you guys! i like writing odd length chapters. Sometimes they're short, sometimes they're long. This one is EXTREMELY long. Enjoy! =)------

"Would all sophomores report to the auditorium." The intercom blasted in the middle of fifth hour. So this is what was goin to take up the rest of the day. Time to see if it's the drug or sex talk. Oh! If we're lucky it might be both! Joy. I saw my gang of people and we all sat down in the back where no one ever paid up any attention.

"So did you guys hear? Nigma's back in Arkham." Crystal whispered as someone stepped on stage. This was the reason Bruce didn't like my friends; Gotham's villains were our source of gossip and entertainment. People wasting their time on celebrities are weird.

"What?" We all whispered/exclaimed, a few of us face palming.

"Again?" I asked. She nodded her head and we groaned, completely ignoring the people on stage.

"What'd he miss this time?" Austin asked. The microphone was being tested and it would screech every now and then, causing us to flinch momentarily.

"He didn't leave the best of riddles this time... he basically walked them to the door of where he was hiding and DIDN'T have a plan." She said as we all shook our head.

"He could've like, I don't know, had the door blow up in their faces or something." Jake complained.

"No, he either needed to think of a better riddle or not commit whatever crime it was." I stated crossing my arms. No way did the Riddler do something that stupid. Then again, he was a psychopath that enjoyed killing people. Our principle was speaking and kept giving my corner of friends the evil eye. Psh, like that was going to make us pay attention.

"It was a bank job. The Joker left him hanging, although not on purpose... entirely." Our little friend informed us.

"How? Joker's been at Arkham for months." Chris stated matter of fatly.

"Ya, but he sent Harley, and she got caught trying to break Riddler out of the S.W.A.T. vehicle."Crystal laughed. I had to admit, that was kinda funny. The auditorium was actually applauding for something. I was debating on weather to follow suit of all the other kids when my group of friends brought me back into the conversation.

"You're kidding." Jake was cracking up.

"You know if they would stop and think things through a bit more Batman would actually have a challenge to deal with. They're just being stupid now. I mean how many times are they going to go back to Arkham and then break out again? It's ridiculous. You know they're gonna escape every time." I said putting my feet on the seat in front of me. We all got quiet and saw that Bruce was on stage in the middle of talking when he made eye contact with us.

"Uh oh, Rin's in troubleeee." Jake teased. I punched him in the arm and listened to what Bruce was saying.

"So it would be an honor if you would choose to job shadow at Wayne Industries tomorrow." He waved and walked off stage with a bunch of clapping that followed.

"Crap that's tomorrow." Austin said. "I forgot to get my teachers to sign the permission form."

"Crap! Us too." The rest of my gang said. I leaned back and put my hands behind my head.

"Psh, I got mine done. I just need Bruce to sign and then I get a day off." I smirked.

"Where you goin?" Austin asked with concern and I smirked even more.

"It's supposed to be hush hush. I can't tell anyone." I said truthfully.

"Fine, surprise us tomorrow night then." Jake said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Sure." I shrugged.

The next two hours passed extremely slowly; all these different bosses got on stage and explained why we should shadow them, but it made no difference to me; I had the best one of all. I was going to shadow a buddy of mine who works in the mental ward of Arkham. I was probably going to see the crazy sadistic killers that the Batman put away. Ha, the Batman. Sure, he had a tough time catching the criminals sometimes, but he really doesn't have it that bad. The insane could be a little bit smarter and then he'd be in for the shock of his life. That's basically what my friends and I discussed all the time; what the 'villains' did wrong and how to give the Batman a harder time. I mean we didn't have much anything else to do. And don't get me wrong, we know that they're bad people and it'd be horrible if they were smarter; it's just we see an interesting element to it all.


I looked up and saw a frowning Bruce followed by his security detail. Can I say over kill much?

"It's time to go."

"'Kay." I said getting up and grabbing my bags. "See you guys later." I said to my friends. Soon as we walked out of the doors I heard the expected question.

"What are you wearing?" Bruce asked me. I had kept my jacket off the whole time we were in the auditorium. His workers got the right impression and left us alone to our conversation. We were in the front circle of my school where the limo was parked and it was still empty.  

"Clothes." I replied dryly. I didn't want to get in a fight over something so trivial.

"Kat, you have to let me in." He sighed as he reached out his hand and I just looked at it.

"Why don't you 'try' to get in first?"

"Katrina Marie Boudreaux Wayne, I do not have time to play games." He said tiredly as he rubbed his temples.

"Well life's a game." I said plainly. His head snapped up entirely too fast.

"What did you just say?"

"I said life's a game." I said slower this time. "Understand?"

"Ya... thought you said something else is all." He muttered.

"What ever Bruce. Just get in the limo so we can go." I sighed as I walked past Alfred, who was holding the door open.

"Katrina." He smiled at me.

"He's having one of those days again." I said rolling my eyes as I slid inside and in front of the flat screen. It was already set, SpongeBob was playing on the screen and my mood was immediately transformed. I don't care who you are; SpongeBob is amazing. Bruce got in and just stared into space. After a while I tried to hold a conversation with him.

"So," I said casually. "I heard Edward Nigma got thrown in Arkham again. Along with Harley this time too."

"Why is it you know everything about those people?" Bruce asked, frowning at me. Geeze, is that all he ever does?

"I don't know." I shrugged. "They're interesting to us and so we keep tabs on them; plus it was all over the news today." I said holding up my phone for him to see my newsfeed on Facebook.

"Nice." He nodded.

"Hey, I need you to sign my permission slip for tomorrow. I'm going off campus." I said nonchalantly.

"Where are you going?" he asked as he signed the piece of paper. "Wayne Industries?"

"Um, no. I can go there any day of the week." I rolled my eyes and Alf laughed.

"So where to?" He asked again.

"We're here young miss." Alf said as he pulled up to a parking lot that would let me into The Zone easily. I grabbed my stuff and got out.

"Where are we Alfred?"

"At my stop. See you tonight Bruce." I called out as I climbed out the door.

Alf had been taking me here for a year now. I put my headphones on and blasted more Britney Spears. I was in the middle of jamming out when I came to the entrance of The Zone. It was basically just this big open place downtown that the cops don't come near for fear of the Mob Bosses that hung around. Therefore it was the perfect place for a club/bar that shady people want to be at. I got the job because a couple of people at school suggested it to me. I showed up and started mixing one night and got hired on the spot.

"Look Katie's here!" Jeff the bouncer shouted. Jeff was a bald, heavyset, black fellow who was extremely intimidating. He never seemed to be able to get my name right.

"Howdy Jeff!" I called out as I walked behind the bar and locked my stuff underneath it, grabbing my knife from under the countertop and strapped it to my leg.

"How was school?" He asked as he came over to me.

"Pissed off another cheerleader." I smiled.

"That's my girl!" He bellowed while laughing. "So proud of you."

"Thank you." I said laughing with him as I did my routine tidy up around the bar.

"So you shadowing tomorrow?" He asked and I nodded. "Still going to the Asylum?" He asked; again I nodded. He sighed and shook his head. "Bruce knows you're goin there?"

"Nope, and I'd appreciate it if he didn't find out till after if he has to find out at all." I said sternly.

"No prob girl." He said putting up his hands in surrender. "I do not wanna fight with you."

"I know." I sighed. "I'm just really tired and I couldn't even tell Austin where I'm going."

"Sorry Katie, but that's my brother's rules for letting you in." He shrugged.

"I know and I'm thankful you got me the shadow, it's just a little stressful."

"Don't worry about it kid, you got tonight to relax you." He said hitting the bar enthusiastically. "You're gonna be fine."

"Ya okay." I smiled.

He was right of course; I totally relaxed once people started showing up and filling the space with shouting and music. The crowd and tips were rolling pretty steady tonight. I made an easy 150 in tips within two hours. The people who came here had serious cash.

"Yo! Katie!" Jeff called. I rolled my eyes; he was never going to get my name right at this point.

"What 'cha need?" I called back.

"Got someone here says they're here to drive you home! Some old dude!" He yelled back smiling, knowing full and well that Alf was indeed taking me home.

"Sorry guys," I said to the crowd around my bar. "I gotta go home!" I said getting all my stuff and locking up all the alcohol and glasses.

"Come on!"

"Just one more!"

"Please Katrina!"

People kept yelling similar things.

"Sorry! I got an early morning tomorrow!" I said back to the crowd. I got a lot of goodbyes as I walked out. Most people liked and got along with me so I knew about half of Gotham.

"Ready to go?" Alfred asked as I climbed into the limo for the second time that day.

"Definitely." I said climbing into the car to see Austin sitting there waiting for me. "Austin!" I yelled as I hugged him.

"Hello dear." He laughed.

"I figured you'd want to see him since you'll have to go the whole weekend with him gone." Alfred said.

"Thank you." I said. I did want to be with Austin, but I really wouldn't be able to do anything... entertaining while Alf was around.

"And don't worry, I've hired a driver for tonight. I have prior plans to attend to tonight. Sorry for the inconvenience." He smirked at me and I smiled even more. Alf closed the door and the screen between the driver and us was up. Austin and I were basically totally alone.

"So, what you wanna do?" He asked me with his eyebrow raised.

"Hmmm.... I don't know." I smiled at him. He bent down and closed the distance between us. I could feel the car move forward and the sound of music got more and more distant.

"Maybe we should turn on the radio." I said when we finally came up for air. I didn't notice it, but I was on his lap, straddling him. My face got really hot and he started laughing.

"Don't worry dear, it was a heat of them moment thing. I wasn't going to let you do anything else because I know you wouldn't really want it." He assured me as he rubbed my arms. You see that's why I like him. He does enjoy things, but he knows his and my limits.

"So is it a V night?" I asked.

"Oh yes." He smiled. I grabbed the remote for the flat screen on the wall and choose V for Vendetta on Netflix, grabbed the blankets Alf had left for us at the end of the bench, and got comfy. There was also pizza and sodas; God I loved that man. So our driver just drove us around the entire time the movie played. I eventually fell asleep and could feel myself being lifted, a bright light hitting my closed eyes.

"Mhhmmhm" I moaned.

"It's okay, we're home. Evening Bruce." Austin laughed.

"Evening Austin." Bruce said. He liked Austin and liked how he took care of me. "She fall asleep on you again?"



Austin and I said at the same time. I just groaned more as the light got brighter.

"Too damn bright." I muttered into Austin's neck. He laughed as we started to climb the stairs to my room.

"Goodnight Kat. I'll talk to you tomorrow." Austin said before he kissed my head goodnight.

"Mhmm." I answered.

"I don't get what you see in her." Bruce sighed as they walked out of my room, turning off the light and closing the door on the way out.

Night love.

Was the text I got from him not two minutes later.

Let me sleep.

I sent back.



I sent back and then was out. I had a long day ahead of me.

The next morning I woke up extra early so that I had time to get ready. I took a shower and then straightened my hair. Next, I had to figure out what I was going to wear. I settled on combat boots, jeans, and a black t-shirt that had a green clover on it and my black razor cut jacket. The clover was lucky to me and I figured today I'd need all the luck in the world if I was going to see the famous villains that Batman had rid Gotham of... as if. 

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