Danjur (Adult Interracial Sto...

By JurrissiaChambers92

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Her friends believe that the longer she stays single she would become bitter, angry, and dependent on any typ... More

Danjur (Adult Interracial Story)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 5

867 21 2
By JurrissiaChambers92

After the situation in the elevator with Quincy, Danjur pulled herself together before walking down to Melanie's office. She made a pit stop by her office to be sure Tara had everything was set and ready for the party. "Are you gonna tell me where you got lost to, looking like you went through a steam room." Danjur simply ignored Tara's statement. "Did you get everything situated for Mr.Hilson's file?" Tara secretly rolled her eyes and nodded. Melanie said to tell you that she wanted to speak to you as soon as possible." Danjur nodded and grabbed her things and headed over to her office. "Mel." She was on the phone but motioned for Danjur to take a seat. Once she hung up the phone she pulled out the envelope and handed it to Danjur. "I had no idea you managed to pull Quincy Hills on as a client." Danjur nodded. She was still fairly upset about the things said over lunch. Melanie could tell she was pretty upset. "Danni. I just want to apologize for everything we said yesterday. We were only concerned. That's what best friends do. We only want what's best for you." Danjur knew they meant no harm but the words were just too much. "It's okay Mel. I understand. The items in this envelope are very important and all I ask is that you put it with my special files. It cannot be opened no matter what." Melanie always believed in respecting someone's privacy. "We're still having the weekly sleep over Sunday." Melanie nodded and Danjur immediately stood and walked out of the office.

Once making it home, she had about 2 hours to kill. She threw her bag on the couch. She made her way to the kitchen to see candles lit on the counter and a bowl of chocolate covered strawberries with a note on the island with Lessons in Love by TGT playing in the background. She smiled at the sweet gesture. She picked up a strawberry and bit into it while reading the note that says turn around. Once facing the door way, she saw Quincy dressed in a pair of khaki cargo shorts paired with a black polo shirt and a pair of jordans. He looked good and her eyes followed his every move. He stepped in front of her and placed a hand on her waist. Danjur felt her knees go weak. Quincy starred at the dazed lustful look in her eyes. No matter how dark and cloudy they got, they always sparkled to him. Danjur to a breath. "Wha. What are you um. What are you doing here?" She finally managed to get out. Their date wasn't for another 2 hours. "Couldn't wait." He told her as he gentely placed a kiss on her lips. Danjur closed her eyes out of reaction. The kiss wasn't rough. It was soft,sweet and passionate. Something about it was different. Quincy stood back up at full height looking down at Danjur. She giggled once she realized his response. She felt shy in front of him. He liked that. He took her hair out of the pony tail and ran his hands through it. She leaned into his hand. He took her chocolate covered fingers into his mouth. Shooting tingles through her body with every touch. He kissed the tips of her fingers. "Quincy." Her breath had quickened. "What are we really doing?" Quincy began kissing up her arm. Once he reached the crease of her neck he piled gentle kisses in the same place. "Quincy." She managed to moan out. "Quincy. Wait." He kept kissing her. "Wait." She pushed him back a little. "Quincy." She said after catching her breath. "What are we really doing here?" Quincy ran a hand down his face. "What is it that you want from me? I'm here. With you. I only want you." He had both hands placed on her face. "If we are gonna do this Quincy. I mean really do this. Quincy I want no one else in this. Only us. Other wise this won't work. Work with me because I have flaws and they don't go away easily. Don't run off on me. Please more than anything just keep this between us and when we are in the business leave it that way. I don't want us in the public eye. I'm not ready to deal with the family stage yet." Quincy nodded in understanding. "I accept everything. Flaws, time, business and relationship separate, no families yet. I get it. Nothing more, nothing less remember." Danjur nodded. "Nothing more, nothing less." He picked her up and placed her on the island. They began fighting with each other's clothes. They made love right there on the island. After a heated session in the kitchen and  shower, they both were finally laying in bed resting. Danjur was laying on Quincy's chest with her leg across his waist. Quincy was laying on his back with an arm securely around her and the other behind his head. Both lost in their own sea of thoughts and laying in a comfortable silence. "Danni." He whispered into her hair. She kissed his cheek to let him know he had her attention. "I know you may not feel the same and it's no rush but I starting to fall in love with you." Quincy was right. Danjur wasn't sure if she felt that way just yet. She was still confused. "You don't have to say it. I just wanted you to know."  She snuggled closer to him and began drifting off to sleep.

 -Friday (Day of the party)-

Danjur was nervous about the party occurring tonight. There were going to be a lot of paparazzi and important people there. It had only been 2 days since she and Quincy started working on a real relationship and she still just wasn't ready to go public. There were things in life that should be kept private and that was one of them. She was putting the finishing touches to her appearance when Quincy appeared in the mirror behind her. "You look beautiful." She smiled and stood. "Thank you. Tho I must say. You look amazing in that tux." She said with a smirk. "Well I did hire a new stylist." She stepped closer placing her hands against his chest and standing on the tips of her toes. " Well you Mr.Hilson, have a very amazing stylist." Quincy smiled as he leaned closer. "I think she's pretty amazing too." He gently pecked her lips. "Okay we have to go so we won't be late." Danjur took a seat on the bed and slipped on her black red bottoms. She stood and smoothed out her white gown. It was V strapped in the front with a plunging back that stopped above her butt that touched the floor. She grabbed her black clutch and let Quincy lead her downstairs to the car. Once they pulled up to his venue, a valet opened the door and helped Danjur out of the car as Quincy walked around and wrapped an arm around her. They walked the red carpet together and took some pictures together and alone before making their way inside. "Are you okay?" Quincy whispered in her ear. She smiled and nodded. He could feel the tension in her body but he decided to back off a little and keep everything friendly. Quincy spotted his family and pulled Danjur to tag along. She was a little uncomfortable but tried not to show it. "You all remember Danjur." They nodded. "We love our dresses. And you love amazing." Danjur blushed. "Thank you. You girls look beautiful. I'm looking forward to more events. We can discuss fashion anytime." They nodded and smiled before walking off to mingle with a few other people close by. Danjur walked away from Quincy and over to the bar while he talked with his brother. "Vodka Tonic please." The bartender nodded and made the drink. "I'll have the same." Danjur turned to see a girl about the same age as her. "I'm Spencer. Spencer Yearling." She shook her hand. "Danjur. Danjur Keli." She nodded. "You're the stylist for Dangerous Stylist Imporium right?" Danjur nodded. "Yes. I run the company with my best friend Melanie." Danjur took pride in her work. "You do very beautiful work." Danjur smiled. "Thank you. Um I'm sorry but what is it that you do?" Spencer took a sip of her drink. "I'm a recording artist and writer. I used to write music for LK." That caught Danjur's attention. "I also used to date Quincy." Danjur gave an "Are you fucking kidding me?" laugh. "Is that so?" She was a little irritated and she felt sort of insecure,like she had competition and that's what Spencer was aiming for. Danjur kept a poker face. "Is that right? I bet it was a lot of fun working with them. Funny tho. I've known Quincy for 5 years and not once did he mention you." She replied with a real smile knowing she hit a nerve. Spencer found no amusement in the conversation but before she could respond Quincy made his way over and stood behind Danjur's chair. "Let me get a rum and coke." He told the bartender. "Hey beautiful. I was wondering where you disappeared to." He accepted the drink and took a sip. "I was getting acquainted with your old pal Spencer Yearling here." Quincy choked on his drink. He used the napkin to clean his face. "Spence. Um. Hi. What are you doing here? Last I heard you lived in Italy." Spencer nodded with a smile and liked that he had tabs on her. "You look good. How have you been?" Danjur continued to sip her drink after he gave her credit for his look tonight. ""It was nice seeing you Spence." Quincy told her, putting his hand on the small of Danjur's back. "If you don't mind I need to steal my date away." Spencer nodded and secretly she was jealous. "It was nice meeting you Danjur." She said as they shook hands. "You too Ms.Yearling." and with that Danjur let Quincy lead her away.

"Where are you taking me?" She asked innocently. "My parents are about to walk in so everyone is taking their positions." Danjur raised a perfectly arched eyebrow. "What does that have to do with me?" She asked as she stopped walking. "Because I want you to see your wonderful work,front row and center." She sighed and went to stand between his sisters purposely to get away from him. "SURPRISE!" was screamed as his parents walked in, Danjur was amazed at how beautiful the gown looked on A'rica. She was speechless as the brightly red stood out against her coffee complexion. Danjur was proud and A'rica wore the dress very well. A'rica was amazed that all of this was for her. She quickly spotted Quincy and Danjur, making her way over to them. "Danjur. Hi you look beautiful." Danjur smiled and hugged A'rica back, still in awe. "Mrs.Hilson, you look amazing and happy birthday." Danjur said handing her a small Tiffanys box, containing a charm bracelet she and Quincy picked out. "Quincy bought it but I helped pick it out." A'rica could see the adoration in her sons eyes. Looking at them Danjur seemed oblivious to how much of a love drunk puppy Quincy really looked and she liked that because women in the past has tried to use him for his fortune and fame, all ending in heart break. Quincy was a in love long relationship type guy. It showed stability and she could tell that it was just what Danjur needed. "Happy birthday Ma." Quincy finally replied. A'rica was in awe with the beautiful gift. "Thank you both." After catching up Quincy's parents were ready to socialize. Before they could walk off Spencer walked over. "Mr. and Mrs. Hilson you look amazing." A'rica never really cared for her but she played nice in public. "Hello Spencer. It's been a while. Have you met Danjur Keli?" Spencer particularly didn't care much for Danjur but she decided to acknowledge her. "We've met." She responded before taking a sip of her drink. "Yes. We have. Tho I'm not sure if it was pleasant." Danjur could tell Spencer wasn't particularly a fan of her and honestly she didn't care. "Well it was nice seeing you Spencer. Thank you again son. Danjur you do lovely work. I will be in touch." A'rica was ready to mingle and she wasn't a fan of Spencers. "Yes ma'am." Danjur responded as she began to walk away leaving the couple alone with Spencer. Not wanting to be around her a second more Quincy asked Danjur to dance. She smiled and nodded. "It was really nice meeting you but as you can see duty calls." Spencer twisted up her face as she took a swallow of her drink. If looks could kill Danjur would drop dead right then and there. She was staring so hard you would expect a fire to start.

Danjur was smiling as they danced. Tho she was happy she still wanted to keep them to be together in their own eyes and not the public. In this business now if your public, rumors tend to tear them apart and losing Quincy was not something she wanted. "Why are you still worried Danni?" He could feel her hesitate and tense up while they danced. Danjur still wasn't ready for PDA. She wasn't ready for her personal life to be open to the public. She wanted to keep them to theirselves. "Why am I here Quincy?" He knew that there was only one way to answer this question and she was not going to like it. He sighed. "Honestly for my own selfish reason but business wise, you're my stylist." Danjur grabbed a flute of champange from a waiter passing by. "Quincy I'm not ready for this." He knew what she meant. "If you wanted me to your self then that's what the privacy of our homes are for. I'm not ready for something good for us to be turned into something ugly by others and the public eye." Quincy sighed because he knew she was right. "You're right Danni. The media can be a bit extreme but exposure for your company is always good. You're amazing at your job. Anything that you do is always amazing but you always look for the bad in things." She took another sip of her drink. "Can we go sit and eat please?" She asked no longer interested in the conversation. After enjoying their meal with limited conversation Quincy excused himself from the table, only to appear on stage. As the spot light shined on him, the music and people quieted down. "Good evening everyone. First, I would like to thank all of you for coming out tonight to celebrate a very important person's birthday. Secondly, to the woman who gave me life and supported me through everything, Happy birthday mom. and last of all I want to thank my amazing stylist and wonderful friend, Danjur Keli of Dangerous Styles Imporium for the look my family is wearing tonight. Now if we could get my mother to the front we can get the rest of the night to a close."

After singing Happy Birthday to A'rica and passing out cake and drinks, Quincy and Danjur were ready to get home. Danjur didn't utter a word the whole ride due to the thoughts of the encounter she endured with Spencer before leaving. "I'm not sure how things are between you two but be sure to remember you have competition." Quincy grabbed her hand and brought her out of her thoughts. "Where did you go?" He asked glancing at her then back to the road. Danjur felt her throat tighten and she really thought to herself before asking this question. She ran a hand through her hair. "Let me ask you something." He nodded and glanced at her again. "Anything." He became slightly worried. "What is the story between you and Spencer?" She asked just as Quincy pulled into her drive way. He sighed and ran a hand over his face.

"I met Spencer when we were teenagers and we had just started out as LK. She started out as our writer. Well she helped write most of the music and she was the female background on most songs also. After about a year after knowing each other we began dating. We dated for about 2 years and we got engaged. Shortly after like a month or so she became pregnant. She went into labor 6 months in and our daughter and son didn't make it. A week later she called of the engagement and left me. Tonight was the first time seeing her in about 6 years." Before he could say anything else, an over whelmed and emotional Danjur got out of the car and made her way inside. Going through her normal routine of stripping out of her clothing. Quincy knew it was a bad topic to have seeing as how they just got on good terms of their relationship. "Danni say something." Quincy pleaded. Danjur wiped her face, removing her make up. "Danni." She sighed and sat the wipe down. "How do I compete with that Quincy? You guys have freaking history. Kids and engagement? There is no way I can even come even close to that type of importance. You knew what you wanted from me yet you never spoke on your past until I asked. Just go home Quincy. I need my space." He slumped his shoulders in defeat. "Danni." She shook her head. "Please Quincy. Just leave." Quincy made his way out the door and called the only person who would understand. His mother, A'rica.

"Ma. I need your advice." Of course she was all ears. He soundeed desperate for the help. "What's wrong son?"  Quincy thought back to all the time he's spent with Danjur over the past few months. "Did you and dad have problems when you first started getting to know each other?" His mother knew what this was about. "Give her time Quincy. She may need time to adjust." He figured his mother knew. She seems to know everything. "How did you know?" She chuckled. "Quincy, I'm your mother. I see things but I never say anything until you kids are ready." He knew his mother was right. Danjur only let on so much about her life and he could tell she was in a constant battle with herself only he was on the recieving end.

Meanwhile Danjur was calling for some help of her own. Her best friends. "Danni we have never gone this long without speaking. We're all really sorry." Tiffany said into the phone. Danjur smiled and sighed. "Pity party in 20." was all she had to say before they rushed to her side with all the appropriate items for the pity party. 15 minute later all the girls were piled in Danjur's California King bed, watching Love and Basketball, eating junk food and pizza, all waiting to hear thd cause of such sad but enjoyable events. "How is it they manage to make love look so effortless but in reality it's all so shitty?" Asia looked at their best friend. "Anything you trynna tell us about "David"?" She asked putting David in air quotes. "Is it so wrong that I want to keep my personal life private or the fact that I like having him to myself?" Tiffany hugged her. "Honey no. It's perfectly normal." Danjur put her head on her knees. "I'm scared." Tiffany pushed her hair to the side. "Of what Danni?" She shook her head and sat up, looking at the girls. "Everything. Love, committement, relationships, the future, getting hurt. Most of all heartbreak." She whispered. The girls felt awful for the so called intervention they had for her at lunch the other day. "Danni, we are so sorry. Nobody should ever go through what you went through with Tyler and if you to be happy and it involves someone else then go for it. Take the risk. You deserve to be happy. No one deserves happiness more than you. We support you 100%." Asia adds. Danjur wipes her face and sigh. "Okay. Enough of the tears. Put in a funny movie because come morning you bitches gotta go." She told them. They all burst out laughing. "All because right now you're going through a tough time and needed us but we will get you for that." Melanie told her. Danjur rolled her eyes and snuggled with her friends as they got comfortable to watch their movie.

The next day Danjur had a client to tend to but was free right afterwards so she decided to talk to Quincy. As she was sitting in traffic her mother called. Dreading answering before she picked, she mentally prepared herself for the drama that was about to be unloaded. "Goodmorning mommy." Dream wasn't in a good place with Danjur. "Good morning Danjur. Now are you going to tell me why you have been avoiding your mother dear?" Danjur rolled her eyes. "Mommy I do work. I have company to run. I can't come running to your beck and call everytiime." She whined into the bluetooth. Dream knew Danjur was spoiled all thanks to Nick. Dream began fake crying knowing Danjur would cave. Danjur sighed. "Mommy stop crying" Dream sniffled. "I just hardly ever see you." Danjur sighed. "I'm sorry mommy. I'll try to come over for dinner sometime this week." Her mother was now satisfied. "This Friday dear. 7 sharp." Danjur agreed and said her goodbyes as she walked into the building. "Tara. I'm here. Is everything in place?" Danjur asked in a rush up the hall. "Everything is in place. Everything is and whatever isn't I can send Frankie to get." Tara responded. "Okay. Where am I going?" Tara pointed towards the double doors. Danjur made her way inside to see LaLa Anthony sitting in the make up chair. "Danjur Nicole Keli if you don't get your ass over here and hug me." Danjur giggled and walked over to hug her long time friend. "LaLa! Hey. How's the family?" She smiled as she took her seat again. "Everyone's doing well. Kiyan's getting bigger and Melo is on the road so we're all doing well." She nodded. "That's good. We have to have lunch together soon. I have a new line I want you to check out." Danjur told her. "Anytime. Just give me a time and date." Danjur nodded. "Will do. Now lets get you dressed and ready for this photoshoot." After the shoot they caught up for a little bit before Danjur had to leave.

As she walked from her car  after arriving home, her phone rang. She pressed her bluetooth and answered without looking at the caller ID. "Danjur Keli speaking." She answered into the phone. "Danjur." She took in a breath. "It's Tyler." She sighed. "What do you want Tyler? Havent you done enough already?" She was collecting her things out of her car. "Turn around."  Danjur turned to see Tyler standing at the end of her driveway. "What the hell are you doing here?" He ran a hand through his dark hair and took a step forward. "I came to apologize. Danni I was wrong and I see that now." Danjur folded her arms and scoffed. "Tyler you cheated in our bed. With my assistant! If you think a sorry is gonna fix that then you're sadly mistaken. Now please leave." Tyler chuckled and shook his head. "This kind of attitude is the reason you're so unhappy. Someone does everything they can to please you and you become a pain in the ass." Quincy walked up just as Danjur was about to speak, sporting one of the many laid back looks Danjur loved. "I believe she just asked you to leave." He told Tyler calmly. "Mind your own damm business." Tyler shot his way. Quincy wrapped an arm around Danjur securely. "She is my business." Danjur's heart fluttered. "Tyler please leave." He nodded and already decided that this wouldn't be the last time he saw Danjur.

As he walked away she slipped from under Quincy's grasp and made her way inside. "Danjur." She heard him calling but continued walking inside. Quincy walked inside behind her still calling her name. "Danni. Don't you hear me calling you?" Danjur sighed and took a sip of her Mighty Mango Naked smoothie. "Yes Q. I heard you perfectly clear. I just needed a breath." Quincy sat at the island. "I'm listening Quincy." He ran a hand over his head and down his face. "We gotta stop going in circles Danni. We both know what we want." Danjur tilted her head and smirked. "Quincy." He held his hand up. "Danjur I'm tired of the games." "Quin-" "Danni I don't want anyone else but you." Danjur sighed. "Got dammit Quincy! Let me speak. Gosh!" Quincy looked at her expectantly. "I have went over in my head time and time again, why we shouldn't and can't work. Everything has been against me but I'm my happiest." She walked over to him, wrapped her arms tightly around his neck. "I'm my happiest when I'm with you." Quincy smiled brightly at her. "You mean it?" Danjur nodded and smiled. "More than anything." He kissed her sweetly. "Danni. I care for you. More than I allow myself to think. Over these few years I've known you, no one has become more important to me as you have." Danjur smiled. Over the past 5 years Quincy has become more enamored with Danjur than he has with any woman. She held a strong and powerful presence. She walks gracefully and with so much fierceness. Danjur has always been a trophy to Quincy. She held the presence of gold. For the past 4 months she was his gold and she was a prize worth having.

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