You Can't Reverse The Past (T...

By Maria_Vicioso

5.8K 272 154

Third book in my It Happens series. Go and read It Happens and Why?? before you read this. There has been a j... More

Here We Go Again
Help Us
This makes me happy
6 Aces
Training Time
Practice Mission
Thank you
I Know Who You Are
The Slayyy Squad
Fight Time

What's Wrong With Me

389 21 7
By Maria_Vicioso

Bailey's POV-
After chasing Tati around the whole school I got tired. Damn she can run fast. She is the living embodiment of the flash. Ugh I don't feel well. I've been feeling like this for the past week. You guys might probably be thinking that I'm on my period. Well you're wrong. I've been getting this weird feeling inside me and I try to ignore it but it won't go away. I've been to the doctor but they said that I was just in my period. No I'm not. I need to figure this out or else I will kill somebody. To be honest, ever since I had that daydream freshman year, I haven't been feeling well whatsoever. I've told Tati and Boogie about it and they to just not think about it.

Bo: Hey bails, you alright?
B: What do you think?
Bo: Is it that feeling again?
B: Yes it won't go away. I've tried everything. I don't knew what else to do.
Bo: I don't know what to say or how to help.
B: *gets dizzy* Boogie.
Bo: Yea?
B: Catch me. *falls back*
Bo: *catches Bailey* OH MY GOD! *brings Bailey to the nurse's office*
The nurse's office-
Nurse: What's the problem?
Bo: She fainted and she has this weird feeling inside of her. Please help her.
Nurse: Ok. I'll go grab some ice.
Bo: Ok hurry! Bailey you are going to be ok, I promise.
B: *wakes up* Boogie?
Bo: OMG Bailey! Wait why are your eyes white?
B: What?
Bo: *brings her to the mirror* Look.
B: *screams* What's going with me?
Bo: I don't know.
B: Please I need to know.
Bo: I don't know!
B: *gasps*
Bailey's mind-
B: Where am I?
???: Your mind.
B: Who are you?
???: You will find that out later.
B: What's going with me?
???: You have found your powers.
B: What powers? What are you talking about?
???: You have the power of seeing the outcome of different situations. Looking into alternate universes.
B: Is that what I did two years ago?
???: Yes. You don't realize that you are in the other universe until you get hurt. If you get hurt you go back into reality.
B: Why do I have this?
???: You and two other people were chosen to have these special gifts.
B: What are they?
???: The gifts of sight and mind, these two are combined into one. That is your gift. The gift of strength. The person who possess this gift has is able to lift up and fight anybody or anything. The last gift is the gift of speed. This person can run as fast as the speed of light.
B: How will I know who these other two are?
???: That is why you have the best gift and the most important. You can see into their souls and find the ones that will need to help you on your first mission.
B: What will that be?
???: You will have to figure that out on your own.
B: How can I communicate with you again?
???: Practice your ability. Just a simple blink and thought.
B: Ok. How do I leave?
???: Just blink.
B: Ok. *blinks*
In the real world-
Bo: BAILEY!! *slaps her*
B: Ow! What the hell was that for?!
Bo: To get you back to reality! Duh!
B: Well I'm back.
Bo: What happened?
B: I know why I have been having this feeling.
Bo: What's up?
B: I have a gift.
Bo: What's the gift?
B: The gift of sight and mind. I can look into alternate universes and look into people's soul.
Bo: You are crazy! Did you take drugs?
B: No I'm serious. This person said that there are two more people that I have to look for. One has the gift of strength and the other has the gift of speed.
Bo: Who are they?
B: I don't know. *looks into Boogie's soul*
Bo: Umm what are you doing.
B: You have the gift of strength.
Bo: What are you talking about?
B: Apparently we have a mission to complete but I don't know what that mission is.
Bo: So you're not crazy?
B: Nope. Come on we need to find the third person.
Bo: Lets go.
They run out of the Nurse's office.
T: Hey guys!
B/Bo: *screams*
B: What the hell Tati! Don't do that again!
Bo: We almost died.
T: Sorry.
B: *looks into Tati's soul*
T: Unm what is Bailey doing?
Bo: Shhh.
T: Alright.
B: You have the gift of speed.
T: What is she talking about?
Bo: We will explain it to you later.
B: We need to leave now.
T: Why?
Bo: Just come with us.
Kaylah, Val and Kaycee ran past them.
Bo: Woah what happened to them.
B: Look behind you.
T: Shit.
Bo: What did you guys do to them?
K: You have to help us!
G: We have made the biggest mistakes ever.
S: Please.
Bo: What did you guys do this time?
K: You know that party last month?
B: Yea? What's about it?
G: Kenneth and Sean flakes and went out with Val and Kaylah and I stayed with Kaycee at the party.
S: Things got a little heated and we all got laid that night.
K: Ever since that night Val and Kaylah have
been ignoring us.
G: And last week, Kaycee has been ignoring me.
T: Cut to the chase. We don't have all day.
K: Let's stop beating around the bush. We got them pregnant.
B/T/Bo: YOU WHAT???!!!!!

WTH JUST HAPPENED? How do you guys like this new storyline? I am going to jump between POVS throughout this story but it will all connect. I promise.
I forget to say it in the last part, but thanks again to Meeks_luvs for making the cover for this book. You are awesome and I love you so much.
Hope you guys enjoyed this part
Comment and vote please
Love ya😘

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