The Undesired

By VirginiaKenney

262K 10.6K 763

My name is Skyler and this is my story. I'm a werewolf, my pack hates me, the alpha has made me his slave an... More

The Undesired
The dream
Confused much?
Never say never.
Getting to know my mate
Talk about a bad day
Better than me.
So much better
Not everything is what it seems.
Last one left
Never again.
Away from the sun
The middle
Dirty little secret.
Can we call it a win?
Never gonna be alone.
Love is a feeling, a desire
Higher places, breaking away
Call me a sinner, call me a saint
Be Like That.
Sound of Madness
Breaking inside

Secrets revealed

16K 645 27
By VirginiaKenney

🌜Hey it's me again! Wow four days and four updates! I'm on a roll! Lol. Time to see what's happening now, oh and £ will always be around the words that their inner wolves are speaking.........hope you enjoy🌛

••••••••••••••••••••••••••ZEKE'S POV•••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Kicking the hotel room door closes behind me and my mate, god is it still unbelievable to me that I found my mate, and he's truly stunning. Even filthy and dressed only in a pair of oversized shorts he is still truly a sight to behold, hair fairer than the softest rays of the moon, skin smother than any I have ever touched. Lips fuller and more delectable looking than any sweet I have ever tasted. I just wish he would wake up so that I could see his eyes and taste those lips.

Carefully shifting him to place on the bed I find myself frozen and unable to move as he softly moans and curls himself deeper into my broad chest. Coming to terms with myself I realize I can't bring myself to let him go from my arms now that I found him. Sighing I lay myself down next to him on the small double bed. There's calls I need to make but there's just no way I can let him go yet, leaning my face down I bury my nose into his neck and take in his sweet smell of strawberries and mango, with a over lapping smell of the wolves from his pack.

£ No, he should smell like only us, I don't like this....MAKE OUR MATE CLEAN NOW! £ my inner wolf growled and on this I fully agree. Slowly untangling myself from my mate I slowly slip into the bathroom and close the door over so as not to wake him. I decided to run my mate a bath, and make a much needed phone call.

"Hey Rayven man, I need your help." I spoke the moment he answered. "What can I do you for Zeke? Into to trouble again I'm sure, now tell me what little old Rayven can so to help the little mutt?" "Always the charmer blood sucker, I need some help getting off some pack grounds with something they sure as hell didn't want to give up." Now with a response like that you might think, why if they don't like each other would he call him for help? Simple really we don't hate each other, quite the opposite really we have been friends since I was a pup and Rayven was a few hundred years old.

Speaking up an interrupting my thoughts as normal Rayven said "you know I love you man but you have to tell me what the hell you mean by that? What did you take and why is it that damn important to you that you would risk facing an entire angry pack, and it had better be a good answer or I swear mutt your on your own here."

I sighed while running my hand thru my dark locks, "it's not a what but a who, and he's Spyke's brother and also my mate." "That's all I needed to hear I will have help your way ASAP." and with that he hung up.

Going back into the bedroom I stare at my mate, man I really need to learn his name, and think about how badly might he freak out if he woke up in the bathtub with both of us naked. £ hmmm my mate naked, sounds to good to be true £ my wolf growled out. Okay well that settles it I guess he goes in naked and I stay in my boxer-briefs. After stripping myself down I carefully slid his oversized shorts off and tried so hard not to stare at his beautiful body. He was incredible beneath those shorts, slim hips and rounds butt, his manhood laying against his creamy thigh was almost to much for my wolf and I to take. Quickly shaking my head to rid myself of the images of him becoming a moaning withering means beneath my hands and mouth. Slipping my arms beneath his slim body I hoist him up and carry him into the bathroom. Slowly I slip into the warm bath water and place him in my lap, I can't help but moan slightly at the perfect feel of him in my lap.

After washing him as gently as I could I stand up with him still wrapped tightly in my embrace and wrap a towel around his soft body. I'm amazed that he could sleep throughout the bath I just gave him. Taking him back into the bedroom I glance at the clock realizing that Spyke has been gone for far to long. I pray to the moon goddess to keep him safe, and slip my mate into the bed. Just after I cover him up I slip out of my wet underwear intending to change into a dry pair the door slams open and without thinking I leap up and position myself over my mate and growling fiercely "stay away from my mate." I growl out without even registering who I was growling at.

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••SPYKE'S POV••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Shit that took longer than I thought it would but I managed to confuse them and make sure the couldn't track my brother any further without bringing in a damn good tracker, trust me on this because I am one hell if a tracker and I could barely catch a ounce of his scent.

Now time to get my ass back to the hotel and time to get the hell out of dodge I think. By now Zeke shoul have our escape and return to the pack planned. We have already been gone for several weeks and I hate that I had to take the alpha away from the pack, but Zeke being my best friend in the world wouldn't hear of me going alone. Now don't tell him this but I'm happy beyond belief that he came with, I don't think I would have been able to get my brother out of there without him. Those wolves were so close to catching him, I don't know what would have happened without Zeke there.

Returning to the room I throw the door open and freeze in place as a very naked Zeke leaps up apoun the bed assuming a protective position over, what appears to be my brother also very naked in the bed. "Stay away from my mate." Zeke growls out as his eyes crash from dark to light as his wolf fights for control. "Well hell I sure didn't see this coming." was the only thing I could think to say.

As soon as Zeke realized it was my voice and scent in the room he shook himself off, so much like a dog that I would have laughed if I wasn't so shocked by what he just said, and stood up grabbing a pair of boxer-briefs from his bag and slipping them on.

"You better have a damn good reason why both you and my brother were naked, and know that best friend or not, and the fact I just meet him will not stand in the way if me hurting you if you so much as looked at my brother. Hell mate or not if you touched him this will be the en of you." I growled out.

"I didn't touch him, I would never do that to anyone, especially not my mate. You should know that, we have been friends forever. Now come on get some of of your cloths and I will dress him. Rayven should be here soon an I don't want him to be seen like that."

"That's all fine and dandy 'buddy' but why the hell were you both naked?" I whisper yelled so as not to wake my brother up as I dug thru my bag and pulled out some cloths that we could put on my brother, man I really need to ask him his name when he wakes up.

"I um gave him a bath, I just couldn't stand the scent of other wolves on him, I think I will only be able to stand him smelling like you because your brothers." Zeke spoke while pulling his own cloths on. Handing him what I took out I nodded my head in understanding of his explanation then quickly made my own way into the shower and washed the mingled scents off my own body. Dressing myself quickly I exited the bathroom and as stepped I to the room just as the door flung open and a pale, dark hair boy stood in the doorway. His eyes lined heavily with eyeliner am his hair styles to perfection. "What's up my mutts?" Rayven shouted with his arms flung wide to his sides and studying quickly and gracfully into the room.

"Shut he hell up ya blood sucker can't you see he's sleeping?" Zeke whisper yelled from beside the bed. "Um yea actually I'm not sleeping, but uh I was wondering who you guys are and how did I get here?" came a soft almost musical voice from the mounds of blankets on the bed. "We'll well well what do we have here? Mmmm don't you smell yummy!" Rayven stated as he strode over to the, and received a deep threatening growl from Zeke. "Oh come now wolfy boy you know I wouldn't stoop low enough to take even the slightest taste of what didn't belong to me." Rayven calmly spoke all the while never taking his eyes off of my brother. "Now what my little mutt might your name be?" he softly questioned my brother.

"My n-n-n-name is Skyler, ah are you a-a-a vam-p-pire? Please don't bite me, I don't think I would taste very good."

Looking at each other the three of us cracked up laughing, Zeke and I both knowing how Rayven can come across to others yet knowing he was harmless. "Awe don't worry about fangie over there he won't hurt you. Now we need to get out of here before your pack trackers get here and start looking." I say as I grab out bags and head to the door. "Good idea, besides I got Kin waiting on the other side to make sure we get you guys back home safely." Rayven stated. Our progress to the door was interrupted by the soft musical voice of my brother "um yea that's all dandy, except I have no idea who you people are, for all I know I could be in deeper danger than I was already in."

Laughing lightly I stop halfway to the door and turn around walking back to the bed on which Skyler sat. "Oh wow yes how rude of us not to interduce ourselves." pointing my finger at each of us in turn "that there is Rayven, a bit to to hard for some to handle but who will protect those important to him with all he has. That goofball right there is my best friend and alpha Zeke, he's a damn good person. As for myself well I'm Spyke, your brother, well more specifically your twin."

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••SKYLER'S POV•••••••••••••••••••••

"What?" Well shit, a brother???????

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