The Broken Families | Draco M...

By xonceuponatimex

104K 3.6K 1.1K

It's been years since the famous Potter twins defeated Voldemort and won the Second Wizarding War. In between... More

Chapter 2 ~ Updates from Albus and Scorpius
Chapter 3 ~ Happy Twentieth Anniversary!
Chapter 4 ~ Aunt Max's Advice
Chapter 5 ~ Are We Bad Parents?
Chapter 6 ~ Confronted by Amos Diggory
Chapter 7 ~ Heartfelt Talks and Scary Dreams
Chapter 8 ~ A Heated Meeting and Argument
Chapter 9 ~ New Problems
Chapter 10 ~ Reminiscing, Dreaming, and Searching
Chapter 11 ~ Going Back in Time
Chapter 12 ~ Separate Ways
Chapter 13 ~ New Explanations and Keeping Secrets
Chapter 14 ~ Feeling Lonely
Chapter 15 ~ Just Like Old Times
Chapter 16 ~ Fixing Things
Chapter 17 ~ Going Back in Time (Again)
Chapter 18 ~ Another Timeline
Chapter 19 ~ Help from Old Allies
Chapter 20 ~ World Gone Mad
Chapter 21 ~ The Start of Something Horrible
Chapter 22 ~ Meetings and Feelings
Chapter 23 ~ Too Much for Everyone
Chapter 24 ~ One Final Adventure
Chapter 25 ~ Inside St. Jerome's Church
Chapter 26 ~ The Fight
Chapter 27 ~ Making Up
The Silver Trio
Author's Note

Chapter 1 ~ The Next Generation

7.6K 179 67
By xonceuponatimex

Once the excitement of the train leaving finally died down, I began to miss my son immediately. My son, Scorpius Malfoy, left for his first year at Hogwarts today. I was excited for him to go, but I knew that I would miss him so much while he was away.

"He'll be fine," Draco assured me. "He can handle himself."

I nodded my head. "Yeah, I know. It will just be weird without him around, you know?"

Draco pulled me in for a sideways hug and kissed the side of my head.

"They are going to be okay, right?" Ginny asked Harry.

"Hogwarts is a big place," Hermione added.

"Oh, yeah. It's big. Wonderful. Full of food. I'd give anything to be going back," Ron said.

I chuckled to myself and shook my head. Ron. Always thinking about food.

"Strange, Al being worried that he'll be sorted into Slytherin," Harry said.

"That's weird, too," I replied. "That's like Scorpius being worried about being sorted into Gryffindor."

Hermione scoffed. "Rose is worried whether she'll break the Quidditch scoring record in her first or second year," Hermione told the others, "And how early she can take her OWLS."

Ron leaned towards me. "I have no idea where Rose gets her ambition from," he muttered in a sarcastic tone, which made me laugh. "You know, Gin, we always thought you'd be sorted into Slytherin."

"What?" she replied, confused.

"Honestly, Fred and George ran a book," Ron added.

"I can definitely see Ginny as a Slytherin," I commented. "You do have the traits for that House in some ways."

Ginny let out a snort. "The first Weasley in Slytherin. Oh, how I would've made history with that one."

Hermione looked around with a concerned look on her face. "Guys, can we go? People are looking, you know."

Ginny scoffed. "People always look when you four are together and when you guys are apart." Of course, Ginny was talking about me, Harry, Ron, and Hermione. People always looked at us nowadays. Even before the defeat of Lord Voldemort, people looked at us.

I looked at Draco, who suddenly got uncomfortable. "Draco, are you okay?"

He nodded his head. "Yeah, I'm fine. We should be heading back, don't you think?"

"Um, yeah, I guess. We'll see you guys later." I bid the others goodbye before Draco and I walked away from them. "Draco, are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine, Max," he replied. "Let's go home."

I didn't respond and followed him back to King's Cross. We hurriedly got out of the station and headed towards an alleyway.

Draco took my hand. "You ready?"

I nodded my head. "Yes."

With that, we Disapparated with a crack!

"Home sweet home," Draco said as we arrived in front of our house.

After we got married, we had problems with deciding where we wanted to live. I suggested living out in the country, but Draco refused to do that. Draco offered to just move out of England entirely, but I knew that would be a dumb idea. So, we finally settled on a nice house in London that was near the Leaky Cauldron.

Draco opened the door and walked in, me following him inside. I shut the door behind me and heard Draco sigh. I watched as he went into the living room. I followed him and saw him sit on the couch. I walked towards him and sat down beside him.

"I always knew you were a horrible liar," I said.

He gave me a weak smile. "Nothing gets by you, love."

"What is it?" I asked him. "Was it when we were talking about Albus being sorted into Slytherin? Because if it is, we didn't mean to sound like it was a bad thing..."

"No, that's not it," he said. "It was when Ginny was talking about people always looking at you four."

"Okay, what about it?"

He huffed another sigh, then looked at me. "She's right. She's absolutely right. People will always look at you guys. Then, they'll look at your husband, who is an Ex-Death Eater."

I gave him a sad look. "Draco..."

"It's true. That's all people see me as. And with those rumors spreading about Scorpius' real father--"

"We've talked about this already," I interrupted him. There had been rumors going around that Draco and I were not able to have kids and that we used the lovely Time-Turner to go back in time. The person everyone thought was Scorpius' father? Lord Voldemort himself.

"I know, but after what happened to us years ago, it sure as hell makes sense to everyone," he said.

I looked down at my hands. "It was only one time, and it wasn't our fault."

Draco took my hand and kissed it. "No one thinks it's a coincidence. We lose a baby and then you can't get pregnant for a while after that."

"Look, everyone is just full of rubbish. We shouldn't listen to what people are saying about us or our son. We know that Scorpius is our son and not Voldemort's."

"Well, of course we know. I remember how it happened," he replied, smirking at me, then giving me a wink.

I playfully hit him on the arm. "You and your inappropriate jokes."

"Oh, come on. I still remember our honeymoon."

"I do, too. Rio was amazing."

"It sure was," he said, kissing my cheek. "You were amazing as well."

"Shut up," I replied, blushing at the comment.

"I was amazing, too, right?" He shot me another smirk, raising his eyebrows.

I looked at him and smiled. "Yes, you were."

"Good," he said, taking my hands. "Come on."

"Where are we going?" I asked as Draco pulled me on my feet. I suddenly caught the grin on his face and figured it out. "Oh, no. No, out of the question."


"We're know..."

"Why not? Scorpius isn't here, so we can do whatever we want."

"Seriously? We're too old for that."

Draco laughed at me, kissing me on the lips. "Max, you're never too old to have a little fun."

I finally grinned at him, biting my lip. "I suppose you're right."

With that, we headed upstairs.

A/N: Hello, everyone!

I know, I know...I didn't think there'd be another book in the series, but there is, after a year of telling myself this series was over, and this one WILL BE THE LAST BOOK, I'M SURE OF IT.

So this book will follow Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, just so everyone knows. So, if you haven't read Cursed Child, there WILL be spoilers.

And I know that the cast is the original cast and they're not in their late 30s...I didn't feel like casting older actors/actresses. Just imagine them much older, lol. XD

Anyway, what did you think so far? If you're reading this, tell me how excited you are about the sixth book!

Comment, vote, I'm so excited for this story! I really hope y'all are, too!


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