Out in the Woods [5SOS AU]

By PanicCliffordx

14.5K 394 85

The boys were living in the woods, going through their days without much worrying. Of course there was the la... More

Out in the Woods
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 9

473 16 12
By PanicCliffordx

"Get ready to hunt, boys."

All three heads moved up slowly to look at their Alpha. Ashton was already fully dressed, moving his eyes over his pack to make sure they all heard him.

Michael was the first to turn back to what he had been doing, which was scrolling on his phone. Because when did he not do that?

Calum nodded and went back to his breakfast, while Luke nodded and went back to watching the TV. Ashton simply nodded as well, walking towards the dining table, where Michael was sat with his phone and an empty plate in front of him.

"Had a good breakfast?" Ashton asked, trying to start a conversation. He noticed Calum freezing for a moment, before moving again, giving away he was probably listening. Michael didn't notice, but sighed quietly as he shrugged. "Sure."

"Are you okay, Michael?"

"Peachy." The black haired boy mumbled, trying not to let it sound sarcastic. Ashton furrowed his eyebrows somewhat sadly, knowing something was up. And it most likely had to do with the other dark haired boy in their pack. But, Ashton decided to ignore it for now and see how much he could get from Michael. "I didn't see you at all yesterday, were you out?"

Michael took a moment to respond, shrugging. "Yeah. Went on a walk."

"All day?" Ashton asked, surprised. He knew Michael wasn't an outdoor person, so he was genuinely surprised the boy would spend the whole day outside. Maybe on the rooftop, yeah, but walking?

"Yeah." Michael mumbled, sounding harsh almost. Just like he had actually meant it, but he knew he couldn't behave like that towards his Alpha.

"Oh, eh, wow, okay. So, got enough fresh air for the week or ready to hunt today?" Ashton awkwardly asked, not sure how to continue the conversation.

"We have to, don't we." Was Michael's answer, making Ashton frown and sigh. "In a way, yes, but no. You can wait a day, or a few, if necessary."

"I'm fine."

And as Ashton got up with a last few words, not only him and Michael knew that that had been a lie. But Ashton didn't want to push, so he left it at that, going to prepare himself. And maybe steal some kisses from his girlfriend, who was getting ready too. Normally she either went hunting alone, with one of the boys nearby as protection, or waited for the boys to bring her back something, but she wanted to join this time.

Ashton had been reluctant to agree due to the fact they still had a stranger in their house and he wasn't happy about letting her be alone in the house. But she promised to be quick about it and catch something small, while the boys went for bigger and would take it back.

Soon the whole pack was out, working together again like an oiled machine, this time Michael easier to go along. And maybe it was because he just wanted to try this once. And then if it failed, it would be his sign to give up. If this hunt would fail, he himself would fail.

"I smell a deer." Luke told the others, making the rest imagine how a huge grin would be on his face. They knew each other too well.

Ashton was quick to give out orders, making the boys split up. He even saw Michael walk off and take a position. It surprised him, but made him happy. At least the boy was progressing again.

The pack, minus Bryana who had caught her bunny by then and had went back to the house for Valeria, soon caught the deer, three boys successfully jumping it. But Michael whined sadly as he saw the deer's eyes lose their light, shaking his furry head and turning away. He couldn't. No matter how much he wanted to, he just couldn't do it.

Ashton noticed and would've frowned if he were in his human form, before focusing on the deer, making sure it was dead. He then told the other two to divide it evenly and walked towards Michael, nudging his head against the white one's. "Hey, it's alright."

Michael hummed, but it sounded sad and broken. And Ashton felt his heart break as he noticed. "Why don't you go back? We'll take everything and when you feel like it, you can eat."

Michael didn't even look at Ashton as he nodded, before taking off towards the house. The Alpha watched him run away sadly, a frown etched on his face if he were human. Though his wolf-self didn't look happy.

"He'll be fine." Luke spoke slowly, as if he wasn't completely sure himself. But he took the answer and so did Ashton, making the Alpha step closer to the deer and pick the big piece that was left up. "Let's go back."

The two boys quickly finished their left overs before jogging after their Alpha. Luke was almost skipping -as always after a hunt- and Calum had pretty cloudy thoughts again. It was just a great thing to feed their wolf-self.

Luke was in front, with Ashton right behind him and Calum a little further behind Ashton, his cloudy head slowing him down slightly. And it just so happened that when Luke reached the house and shifted back, he made a gasp escape someone. He froze, making Ashton freeze as well and assess the situation before even thinking about changing back. And as he did, he couldn't help but growl around the piece of deer.


Luke's eyes were wide as he looked at the blonde and purple haired girl on the porch. "Um, what what?"

Ashton would've scolded Luke if he weren't keen on keeping his pack save. Which meant not changing and hoping Luke would make up a great excuse she would buy.

"I just... A wolf? And you? You were just a wolf." The girl spoke, her eyes trained on the blonde at the end of the steps up the porch.

"I don't know what you saw, but me? A wolf? Pfft. Maybe you looked too quickly and saw that wolf and then me?" Luke spoke, managing to not speak quickly and betray himself.

"But... Are you sure?" Valeria narrowed her eyes, taking Luke in. The blonde nodded, putting on his innocent face.

And it was just their luck that when she seemed to believe Luke, Calum came walking in. Ashton tried to send him a mental message to not change back, but due to his cloudy mind, Calum didn't register it on time and changed back right in front of the girl's eyes.


Ashton rolled his eyes at how the three of them had spoken at the same time, before throwing the deer down and growling again. He wasn't planning on changing back and was mad. And when Ashton is mad, you better prepare yourself.

"Luke Hemmings you get down those steps right now. We need to talk."

The blonde visibly flinched at the sudden harsh voice in his head, before nodding and descending the steps. Just then Bryana came outside as well, having sensed a certain tense atmosphere. "What's going on?"

"Who is that?" Valeria pointed to the brown wolf, making it growl at her, before turning around and walking off. Luke followed, gulping as he looked back at the people on the porch once.

"Maybe we should get inside." Bryana suggested, eyeing the dead deer for a moment, before pulling the other girl inside and signing to Calum to take care of the dead deer somehow.

Valeria reluctantly let herself be pulled to the kitchen, where Bryana sighed, running a hand through her hair. "I'm sorry if that scared you."

"N-not really. I guess." The girl looked away, wrapping her arms around herself as if to seem unsure. But Bryana knew better and saw the girl wasn't scared. It made her suspicious, but she decided to play along. If she pretended to, who knew what kind of information she would get.

"It'll be okay, yeah? They're not dangerous. If anything, I've been living under the same roof for quite the while now." Bryana chuckled awkwardly, patting the girl's shoulder comfortingly. Valeria seemed skeptic -or seemed to be trying to seem skeptic- but nodded. "I trust you."

Bryana nodded, walking towards the counter and continuing on the sandwiches she had been busy with. "So, want a sandwich?"

In the mean time, Michael had ventured downstairs in the hope to find something to distract himself with. At least for the moment. Though, he didn't get further than down the stairs, where Calum was just walking to. "Ah, the little kid has joined us."

Michael frowned and glared at the Beta, but didn't say anything. He had secretly hoped the taunting would be over, but judging from the way Calum was standing in front of him, somewhat taller and definitely intimidating, his hope was useless.

Calum on the other side, had tried to stop himself from attacking the poor boy with his words, but he couldn't help it. His mind was still slightly cloudy and the confusion from what had just happened with the girl was nagging at the back of his mind. All in all, it all just flew out before he could focus. "Done locking yourself away?"

Michael's bottom lip started trembling lightly as he felt the sadness overtake him. He knew he should have just stayed in his room and let himself starve. Let his wolf-self die and so his human-self as well. Or even take an easier road.

"Got nothing to say? Thought so. Always too scared to bite back, huh? As if your opinion doesn't matter or what?"

Michael shook his head, hearing the words wrong and suddenly just done with the Beta's shit. He was depressed, yes, but that didn't mean he wanted to be. And he was getting better, albeit it slightly. The only thing keeping him down was Calum and this was his chance to bite back. And even if Calum didn't tolerate it, well, who knew. Maybe he'd hurt Michael so bad he'd die and well, what was there to worry about then?

So as Calum taunted him once more, Michael gave in and finally bit back.

"I just don't get it!" Michael yelled, tears almost welling up as he was looking at Calum with anger. The Beta had just really crossed a line and Michael had had enough of the seemingly reasonless verbal harassment. "Why do you keep doing this? Why do you keep being so mean to me? Why?"

Calum was taken aback, surprised the boy -who had seemed so small and weak- had finally bitten back. It made his heart beat faster and his mouth a little dry. He didn't have an answer.

"You can't even fucking tell me why," the black haired boy mumbled, sounding a little disappointed. And he was about to walk away, when Calum stopped him by pushing him against the wall, growling quietly.

Michael was shocked, surprised. His heartbeat sped up out of fear. Had he gone too far? Was Calum going to do something to him? He should have just kept his mouth shut and walked away, like he usually does. But then again, if Calum would hurt him, he wouldn't complain, sadly enough.

But no, Calum pressed himself against the younger boy, using one of his pointer fingers to lift up Michael's face. He was surprised to see the beautiful green eyes filled with multiple emotions, fear still the most dominating.

"You should stand up for yourself more often," the Beta whispered, lowering his head a little, his lips brushing the other's as he spoke, "it's hot."

And with that, Calum pressed his lips to Michael's, his eyes closed. Michael, on the other hand, had his eyes opened in surprise, his body tense as he so did not expect that. But as Calum kissed him just a little harder -more desperate almost, Michael relaxed and let the older boy kiss him, his own eyes finally fluttering shut. Because now he was relaxed, wow. It felt amazing.

A little breathlessly, Calum eventually pulled back. Both boys opened their eyes slowly, brown meeting green. Neither said anything, Michael too surprised to and Calum too afraid it would ruin the moment. Because let's be honest, the moment was perfect. To Calum it really was.

"What..." Michael eventually muttered, his eyes casting down as he touched his lips. Calum in turn, bit on his own lower lip, not moving his body away from the younger boy.

Michael looked up again, right in Calum's eyes. And as he did, he felt the urge to kiss the Beta. The way he stood there, his body pressed against Michael's. Gazing down on him and not in the least threatening. He was all sweet, caring, loving.

And so, Michael completely forgot about everything the Beta had ever done bad to him and took Calum's face in his hands, before leaning up to kiss the boy. Calum was surprised by Michael's actions, but he took the chance and wrapped his arms around the boy's waist. Neither had their eyes open as their lips moved together, the older one pressing the other against the wall carefully, showing a little of his dominance.

What was a little confusing for Michael, however, was that he liked the kissing, but he couldn't remember ever liking Calum. Sure, he's had these moments (albeit barely) where he thought Calum could be nice and maybe -if he would be nice to Michael as well- that he could like Calum. But no. He's only ever had negative emotions towards the dark haired guy. And really, who could blame him? With all the shit Calum has given him.

So why, why on Earth, was he liking this kissing? Why did he like it so much that he had even given in to the urge to kiss Calum? What had happened?

"Michael," Calum whispered, caressing Michael's face as he looked down at the boy with a small smile. Michael's arms had been pulled back to his chest, like a form of protection.

"Calum," was all the black haired boy could bring out, breathing a little heavily due to the kissing that had happened not even a minute ago. Calum chuckled softly at that, his lips curving into a smile as crinkles appeared by his eyes. And it amazed Michael. He had never seen Calum smile. He had never seen this and to see it now, from up close, it was just amazing.

And as his heartbeat fastened a little, Michael didn't think about the past anymore. Because all he thought about was yeah, he definitely liked Calum. At least this side of him.

"Sorry," the Beta then apologised, biting his lower lip again. And if Michael was honest, that lip-biting was such a turn on. It made Calum all cute and innocent.

"No, don't- don't say sorry," Michael stuttered out, a little embarrassed he had just stuttered. But Calum didn't care and Michael saw that. Because the smile he got wasn't taunting, it was fond.

"Okay," Calum spoke softly, cheesily pushing a strand of hair behind Michael's ear. He was a little surprised the boy's hair was that long, but then again, he just hadn't cut it in quite a while. The younger boy blushed at the action, his eyes moving downwards again as if that would hide it. Calum, however, kept smiling fondly. "Who knew you could be this cute?"

Now, Michael was redder than ever and he couldn't stop blushing. He hated it, but at the same time he loved it, because Calum was the one making him be this way.

"Who knew you could be so nice?" Michael mumbled quietly, the words sounding a little surprised, just like Michael had meant them. He hadn't meant them in any harsh way and he really hoped Calum would get that. Because as much as he was convinced Calum hurting him was okay before, it wasn't now. All he wanted now was love or anything that was close to it.

And it seemed like the older one did, because he chuckled again. "I know. That's why I should actually be saying sorry. For all the shit I said to you. Did to you."

"It's... I guess it's okay." Michael said quietly, rather forgetting about it then having it as a subject of conversation. But then again, it was unavoidable in the end.

"It's not and I'll make it up to you. But for now, let's go and eat lunch, yeah?" Calum said, looking Michael in the eye and showing his honesty. It made the younger boy melt to see Calum like this and he couldn't disagree with anything Calum said, even if he would want to.

"Yeah," Michael breathed out, managing a weak smile. The smile still made Calum happy, however, and he smiled widely himself. He couldn't help but be happy in that moment and he actually even liked it.

So, with a small peck on Michael's lips, he reached down and intertwined their hands. "Let's go get that food then."

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