Me, Cher and One Direction...

By MissHoranette

282K 2.7K 440

What if Louis Tomlinson had another sister - competing in X Factor alongside him? Lily Tomlinson is the talen... More

Me, Cher and One Direction
Chapter Two: Through To Bootcamp.
Chapter Three: Los Angeles!!!!!!!!
Chapter Four: The Policy.
Chapter Five: The Two Matchmakers.
Chapter Six: What Are You Doing Here?!
Chapter Seven: Where's Louis?
Chapter Eight: That Didn't Go As Planned...
Chapter Nine: Fashionably Late.
Chapter Ten: Rehearsals Go Well Then?
Chapter Eleven: Gotcha! Wait, Where Did You Go?
Chapter Twelve: The New Girl.
Chapter Thirteen: Movies.
Chapter Fourteen: Livin' On A Prayer.
Chapter Fifteen: Heartache, Heartbreak.
Chapter Sixteen: Visiting Home.
Chapter Seventeen: Knock Much?!
Chapter Eighteen: Don't You DARE Touch Me!
Chapter Twenty: Lizzie, Welcome Back! *Begin the Shouting*
Chapter Twenty One: The Semi-Final.
Chapter: Twenty Two: Finally, The Final!
Chapter Twenty Three: Let's Start All Over.

Chapter Nineteen: Harry, Dear...Don't Flirt While Cooking!

9.7K 91 37
By MissHoranette

MERRY CHRISTMAS GUYS!!!! I'm so happy!!! I got the One Direction Date to Dream book - (it's really good, and I learnt things about the guys no one knew, and hyperventilated as Niall and I were so similar! I highly recommend it.) I also got a Little Mix t-shirt, A One Direction calendar, several books, a keyboard and other things, which I LOVED! ooh, and I got the X Factor 2011 annual!!!! I bought myself the Justin Beiber CD too.

Niall speaks Spanish, like me!! I had such a great Christmas, I hope you did too. Wearing my Little Mix t-shirt right now.

OKAY!! I decided on a girl band name (which won't be revealed until the sequel) and now I need more help!

Favourite girl names:


Ava (pronounced AY- VA) Just in case.



Daisy or Daisie

Hailey - Haylie - Hayley



Aily - Ailey

Ashlynn - Means Dream/Vision in Irish.





Oh if you can think of any more, do let me know!! ON WITH IT - HOPE YOU ENJOY! I almost forgot, new character being introduced - actually she isn't new but ehm, Uh, wait and see!!!

DEDICATED TO XxParamoreFanXx for getting my favourite songs right! Well, two of them. They are:

1) I Wish

2)More Than This

3) I Want

4) One Thing



Chapter Nineteen: Harry, Dear...Don't Flirt While Cooking!

Niall's POV:

Anger bubbled through me as I me and Louis sprinted full-speed towards Lily. Louis had told us, even though Lily had kept it to herself, Troy was her old boyfriend who broke her heart, stomped on it, and shattered it to a million tiny pieces in the hard way. The hard way for Lily, that is. Louis himself had confessed he had gone through a similar stage. After his first real girlfriend Arianna (A/N he actually did have a girlfriend called Arianna) He went out with a girl called Fiona, who dumped him because he wasn't, quite frankly, hot enough. But Lily, was much more heartbroken, aparently.

I reached Lily before Louis did. Lily was crying and trying to push away from Troy, but he was about nineteen, and may I add, a good bit taller and older than me!

"What the fuck are you doing to her?!" I exclaimed, grabbing his shirt collar and dragging him away from her. Lily let out a huge breath and collapsed into Cher and Nikki.

"What did you do to me?" Troy growled.

"You haven't got any right here, now leave," Liam said.

"I wanted a signature!" Troy protested.

"No, you wanted to mess with my best Mate's head," I corrected.

"Who gives a fuck what you think, pretty boy?" Troy snapped and gave me a hard shove, so I stumbled back on Zayn.

"Don't hurt him!" cried Lily and grabbed his shirt. Troy whipped round and pushed her away; she topples over the table, catching her head on the wall.

"You -" I started, but Troy grabbed my fist as I tried to punch him. He went over to Lily and seized her hair. She let out a yelp of pain.

"Punch me and hot stuff feels your pain," Troy smirked.

"Call security," I whispered to Harry. Harry took out his phone and faked a call to his mum. Simon and two other lads came running in. They took a look at the scene, Cher and Nikki backed up against the wall in fear, Harry and Zayn glaring at Troy, and Liam holding Louis back from plunging at the guy at his sister. Lily held by her hair, and me with my fist being held back. They rushed for Troy and grabbed him, telling him to scram off premises before they called the police. Trot skedaddled, and Lily massaged er scalp. I smothered her in a hug and she melted into it.

"Thanks," she whispered.

Lily's POV:

"Awww!" Cher and Nikki chorused once we had begged Simon for Nikki to stay, because she was so much fun. We were now in our room and Katie had been kicked out, so we gave her Katie's bed.

"He so likes you!" Nikki squealed, before Cher shushed her.

"Lily was wrongly accused - by Niall - of being a cheater. They broke up two weeks ago, at the same time as Louis and I." Cher said quietly.

"Oh," Nikki said. "CHOCOLATE SMURF!!!"

We stared at her. "Lightening the moment!" She said.

"Well, I for one am starving!" Cher voted. "Nando's or cook downstairs?"

"Oh, let's cook!" Nikki said eagerly. "I wanna see the house a bit!"

"Okay, I'll tell the boys," I said. Nikki waited for me to leave. I laughed, and threw a book at the wall. "BOYS, HOW'D YOU FEEL ABOUT COOKING A MEAL TOGETHER?"

"SURE THING!" They screamed.

"They're next door?" Nikki asked, mildly.

"What, you're not taken aback by the noise?" Cher wondered, uncovering her ears.

"What noise?"

"Oh God," I smiled, and burst out laughing. "Come on, let's go to the shop and get some things."

"Darling, I'd still catch a grenade for you!

Throw my hand on a blade for you!

I'd jump in front of a train for you!" my phone exploded to life, and at the exact same time, Cher's burst out with,

"Dime divas,

Give it to me,

Hopped up out of bed,

Turned my swag on!"

"Cheryl," We said in unison. "Hello?"

"Hi, Lily!" Cheryl said. "Is Cher recievin' the call?"

"Yuh-huh," I said. "But not just call us one at a time?"

"No fun!" Cheryl exclaimed. "I have a special visitor for you downstairs in the living room, okay? See to her, Lily, Cher?"

"Yes," we chorused. Who was the special visitor? Nikki, Cher and I padded downstairs, curiously.

Little Miss.


"Abi!" Nikki laughed and hugged her, jumping on her back, and twirled her round.

"The glass table - oh well," I grimaced as a huge crash met my ears.

"WHAT'S ALL THE NOISE?!" Harry bellowed. "Little Miss!"

"It's Abi," Abi corrected.

"Right," Harry said. "Sorry, this famous people thing kinda blows me away."

"Hi Harry!" Nikki said perkily. Harry blushed.

"Hi." Aww.

"We're just going shopping for food, wanna come?" Cher offered.

"Once someone explains -" Zayn began.

" - what Nikki's doing here -" Abi interrupted.

"- what about Little Miss - " Liam put in.

" - and how she knows Nikki -" Harry said helpfully.

"- and why Nikki's even here -" Niall reminded.

"Hey!" Nikki sulked.

"Enough!" me and Cher cried. "Nikki's here because we discovered her wonderful voice and she's 'good ol' crack'," I imitated Niall. "And Simon said we could let her stay here as she said her parents would let her stay somewhere when they went to Miami."

"Little Miss or Abi - has apparently dropped by for the live show 7, but now must feel the wrath of your cooking skills, Harold!" Cher glared at him

"Nikki's my best friend from school." Abi told us.

"Okay, can we eeeeeeeat now?!" Louis moaned


With Abi, One Direction, Cher and I, even with our hoods up, caused quite a commotion down in Tesco. We were stopped multiple times for photos or autographs, though it was eight pm. Of course, the fans were the reason we're here now, so we didn't reject a single one of them.

Once we reached Tesco, we finally got sick of it, and dashes inside, hiding by the drink area. We emerged and started shopping for food.

"LILY!!" I looked up to see Aiden Grimshaw waving frantically at me. I shushed him hurriedly, and gave him a hug. I'd missed him since he'd gone home.

"How've you been?" I said, throwing oreo's into the bag for Niall and I, carrots for Louis and Cher and rice for the chicken curry.

"Good, you?"

"We met Little Miss today..."

"No way! She's so awesome! Can I meet her?" Aiden asked eagerly. I nodded, taking out my iPhone. I sent a quick text and went to the pay area.

"Hey, Lilz, who's AG...oh! Hi Aiden!" Said Abi perkily.

"Hi Little -" Aiden started.

"ABI!" Nikki, Abi and I chorused together.

"That'll be twenty two, eighty one, please!" The shop assistant said. When I pit the money into her hand, she whispered in my ear, "Is Niall taken?"

Before I could think I answered, "Yes."

"Oh," She said looking deflated.

"Too bad," I smiled sweetly, feeling guilty; she was really pretty.

"Can you give Harry my name, then?" She grinned. "I'm April."

"No, Harry's taken too," Nikki piped up firmly. I shot her a, 'we need to talk' look.

"Oh, well, Louis then?" April pleaded. Cher arrived, with her basket. "Louis, you say? Oh he's smitten with this girl Ch-" Cher composed herself. "Charlene."

"Zayn. He's free?" April said in disbelief.

"Nope!" I smiled. "He's in love with Amber." this was the truth. Zayn had a girlfriend called Amber.

"Well, LIAM?!"

"He's free," Nikki and Cher said.

"Well, here's my num-" April began, but I answered my phone.

"Look behind you, babe," The person said and I turned around.

"AMBER!" I screamed.

"Hi Lilz!" She smiled and hugged me.

"Nikki, Abi, this is Amber, Zayn's girlfriend." I introduced, smiling.

"Hi Amber!" they chanted.

"Hey guys. So, wanna head to Nando's?"

"Actually, we're cooking a home made meal, I think it'll end in disaster, personally -" I muttered to her.

Disaster was more of an understatement.


We let Harry cook. He put in ingredients I'm sure weren't even meant to go in, chopped, diced or sliced. When he got the liquid for the curry ready - I don't think it was meant to be brown - he chopped up the chicken.

"So, Nikki," Harry sent a wink flying her way. "Your boyfriend must be lucky."

"I don't have a boyfriend." Nikki sighed.

"Too bad. I don't have a girlfriend." Harry told her.

"Oh?" Nikki replied.

"Yeah. This one girl called Lynsey, she liked me. I much prefer girls with electric blue streak with black hair and who likes my music." Harry grinned cheekily.

"HARRY, WATCH THE -" Me and Cher shrieked hurriedly. But Harry turned his attention to the food, which was...on fire.

"Harry, you idiot!" I screamed while clipping him over the head. Liam ran for the fire extinguisher.

"That's going a bit too far, Lee!" Harry said, while throwing cups of water over it. It wasn't going out, so Liam sprayed the fire extinguisher all over Harry, the curry and me.

"Thanks, Liam," I coughed.

"I'll just order a pizza!" sighed Niall.

"That would be less fire hazardous!" Louis burst into fits of giggles.

"Next time, Harry...don't flirt while you're cooking!"


Nikki's POV:

Let's make things awkward!! Fun!

"So Harry," I remarked over pizza. "Flirting with me, were you?"

"Uh, no," Harry stuttered, at the same time Cher said, "Yes."

"Nikki and Harry,

Sitting in a tree!


Amber sang, teasingly. I swatted her.

"Let's leave these two lovebirds alone," Lily hauled Niall and Louis up, leaving in the direction of Matt's house.

"Please don't," Harry and I said.

"Yeah, I'm off. Tired." Abi faked a yawn. I shot death glares at her.

"I'll show you your room!" Piped up Cher.

"Its getting late. I should go," Amber decided. Zayn went to see her off.

"Don't mind me, I'll go with them!" Liam told us.

We were left alone. What meanies.

"So Harry..." I said, awkwardly.

"So Nikki.." Harry dragged out.






"Oh this is ridiculous, Nikki, go out with me already!" Harry blurted.

"Haha." I faked a laugh.

"No, I'm serious!" Harry pressed. "It doesn't have to be anything official or formal. it can just be Nikki, Harry. Harry, Nikki."

"What, you want me to be your little tag along until you can find someone you want to be 'official' with?" I said in disgust.

"No, that is not what I meant, Nikki!" Harry sighed. "Of course, I want to be 'official' with you. I'm just thinking of you."

"You are oh so kind," I said sarcastically.

"LISTEN, Nikki! I was just thinking of you, okay? I really like you, I didn't think you wanted a boyfriend who's going to be busy most of the time!"

"Well, did you ever consider that maybe I do want to?" I said, my voice rising.

"I KNOW YOU DON- Wait, what?" Harry asked.

"Well, I'll have to see your standard, Mr. Styles. See you Tuesday." I winked.

"Aww, can't I see you sooner?" Harry teased.

"Dude," I said in disbelief. "I'm staying here!"

"Yeah, I knew that," Harry grinned.

"I hate to cut up you two lovebirds," Louis came in. "But we all have a show tomorrow, it's Saturday. So Nikki, you should go to sleep. Night guys."

"Night Boo-Bear," Harry smiled.

"Night Haz." I said, and headed up to Lily.

|~Lily's POV~|

"How'd it go?" I pounced on Nikki as she entered the room.

"Okay," she shrugged.

"Oh, for gods sake!" Cher said in exasperation.

"Fine, okay, he's taking me out Tuesday!" She squealed.

"Told ya!" I said and Cher put money into my hand.

"Well, you ready for a big show Tomorow night?" Nikki asked, excitedly.

"Yup!" I popped my 'p'.

"LILY! LILY! LILY!" I heard.

"Is that -" Cher asked in disbelief. Rocks were beinghurled at the window, making tiny pattering noises. I rushed over and opened the window. Niall was throwing pebbles at the window. What was this, a High School Musical movie?

"What - are - you - doing?!" I questioned, hurling back one of the stones.

"One: Zayn locked me out." he panted. "Two, there's something really important I need to tell you!"

"Which is?" I prompted.

"Uh, Lizzie's back."

Okay, guys, it was really short and really bad but yeah. I hope you liked it all the same. Little Miss you like her? If you read @HollyShort4723's stories, you'll know her. She's really Abi, thats her stage name. I really hope you enjoyed this awful chapter.



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