The Loving Boyfriend

By sugarspice1513

553K 5.3K 554

Daniella Simpson is an average high school student. Does soccer and gymnastics. Has a boyfriend, Dayton Ridge... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Authors Note-READ
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Four
Forty Five pt 1
Forty Five pt 2
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine (Valentine Special)
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty Three
Fifty Four
Fifty Five
Fifty Six
Fifty Seven
Fifty Eight
Fifty Nine
Thank You
I am Back!!


9.5K 90 6
By sugarspice1513

They had a good not surprised they won though they are the best in the state but it's whatever.anyway homecoming is coming up and it's crazy.homecoming is big here.the week is full of all different things.although our football team stinks everyone still goes and its a lot of fun.
"hey we have to go shopping this weekend for all our costumes for next week"Shea said
"yeah I heard the they are good this year"I said
"last years sucked"Marina said
"what sucked"the boys game walking up
"last years costume ideas"Rya said
"oh yeah they did"Michael said
"let's go to lunch"Dayton said and we walked hand and hand to the lunch room
"I'll get your lunch"I said
"no I got it"Dayton said
"Dayton sit down I'll get it"I sternly said
"that voice doesn't work on me Ella"he smirked
"I can do it"I whined
"I know you can but I was being a gentleman"he said
"well stop for right now"I walked away to get our lunch.i was getting it and I accidentally ran into someone
"oh shit I'm sorry"I made the other person spill their food
"please don't hit me"he said
"I wouldn't hit was completely my fault"I said
"I'm sorry"he limped away and sat down all by himself at the table in the corner so I followed him I didn't like him sitting by himself
"hey I'm Daniella but you can just call me Dani"I sat down across from him and he didn't say anything
"so I notice you were limping are you ok"I asked
"God he's going to kill me"he muttered
"Whose going to kill you"I asked
"please go away"he mumbled
"oh ok well here's my lunch since I spilled yours.ill just some of my boyfriends"I gave him my food and got up
"thank you Dani"he lowly said
"you're welcome..."I paused hoping to get a name
"Ben"he said
"you're welcome Ben"I walked back to our table
"hey who was that"Dayton took his food
"Ben"I said
"Ben who"Shea asked
"don't know he didn't say"I looked over at him
"he looks lonely"Spencer said
"I agree"I got up and walked back over there
"hey Ben I was wondering would you like to sit with us or I could come sit by you"I said
"umm"he said
"you don't have to if you don't want to.i was just asking"I sighed
"um sure"he stood up and followed me back to our table
"everyone this is Ben."I said introducing him
"hi"he mumbled
"here you can sit here"I said next to me
"so Ben you play any sports"Ryan asked
"can't"he said
It was kinda awkward but lunch ended soon and so we all went our separate ways.Its weird how you meet someone and you have never seen them but after you meet them you see them all the time.thats what it was like with Ben.i saw him all the time.i waved to him but he usually doesn't wave back.after school I saw him bolt out of the school and run was odd but we are all unique.anyway soccer was fine and Dayton and I headed back to my place.
"something seems wrong with Ben"I said
"what do you mean"he asked
"I don't know he seems scared and very skittish"I sighed
"why are you so interested in him"Dayton asked
"because he's lonely"I said
"there's a lot of lonely people"Dayton said
"yes and I wish I could get to them all"I said
"why.maybe they like to be lonely"Dayton raised his voice
"what the hell is your problem?im trying to be nice to these people and your here getting all upset"I raised my voice back at him
"you can't help everyone Ella"he said
"no I can't but I can damn try.its more then anyone else has done"I glared at him
"whatever"he said
"seriously you're going to act like this.what is so wrong with me helping people!huh Dayton why do you not like Ben?you don't even know him and you already don't like him"I asked
"just drop it Ella"he said
"no I won't just drop are being a dick towards Ben and the other lonely people at school"I kinda yelled
"don't yell at me"he became stern
"then tell me why you are so upset with Ben.he hasn't done anything"I lowered my voice
"because somethings not right with him.i have a feeling"he said
"oh my god Dayton you're going off a have never once said hi to this kid.hell you probably haven't even noticed him.Dayton you don't know jack about this kid"I said
"I don't need to.he just gives this unsafe feeling"he said
"how"I asked
"He just does"he said
"that's a stupid excuse"I said
"Ella please just trust me"he said
"Dayton I trust know that but how does this have anything to do with my trust"I asked
"just forget it"he walked away
"what no I won't just forget can't just say that and then walk away"I followed him
"fine!you want to know why I don't like him?well because I'm afraid he's going to take you away from me and you'll leave me"he sighed
"really"I asked
"yes"he said
"Dee I won't leave you.i don't want to ever leave are mine and I am yours.i promise.he won't take me.i won't let him."I hugged him
"promise"he hugged me back
"pinky promise"I held my pinky out and he wrapped his around mine
"I'm sorry"he said
"it's ok.i still love you"I pecked his lip
"love you to"he smiled
"come on let's watch some Teen Wolf"I smiled
"just for you"we snuggled on the couch and watched tv
The rest went by smoothly.Dayton and I never fight.we have never had a fight.we have arguments but not many of those either.after arguing we are like a new teenage couple.all cuddly and affectionate.sometimes though it takes awhile for one of us admit we were wrong because we are pretty stubborn the end we love each other still.the next day was pretty normal for most of the day.lunch came around and Ben was still sitting by himself.
"hey how are you today"I asked
"go away"he said
"um ok I'm sorry for bothering you"I sighed and got up
"I'm sor..."he tried to get up but then threw up blood
"oh my god"I went back and caught him before he fell
"Dayton"I yelled across the lunch room and saw him coming towards me
"Ella"he came bent down
"help me"I asked
"guys help me get him to the nurse"Dayton told the others and picked him up
"n-no"Ben muttered
"it's ok Ben"I said
The guys got him to the nurse but she called the ambulance because he wouldn't stop coughing up blood.Something wasn't right though because Ben fought hard not to go the hospital.he kept say he's going to hurt me and no one understood.
"what's wrong with him"Dayton asked
"I don't know something is wrong with him"I said
"i agree he's not normal"Spencer said
"stop saying stuff like that"I said and walked back to the nurse
"hey Dani"the nurse smiled
"hey do you know what's wrong with Ben"I asked
"I can't tell you but I can tell you this its not a new injury"she said
"so he's been hurt for awhile"I said and she nodded
"thank you"I said and walked out
"I'm going to go see him later"I said
"you don't know where he is"Dayton said
"I'll figure it out"I walked away
"Ella I'll come with you"Dayton said
"fine"I said
"Ella what's the matter"he asked
"I don't know but i have a bad feeling about this"I said
"well maybe we will get answers"Dayton said
"can we go now"I asked
"Ella we will miss school"he said
"please"I gave him my puppy eyes
"fine but we have to be back before soccer ok"he said
"ok"we left school and went to the closet hospital hoping he would be there
"how can I help you guys"a nurse asked
"um do you have a Ben Lawrence"I asked
"yes he is in surgery"she said
"oh ok thanks"I said
"what is your relationship with him"she asked
"we are his cousins"Dayton said
"oh ok we will call you when he's family has come"the nurse said
"yes we go to school with him."I said
"alright have a seat and we will come get you"the nurse said
We sat down and seemed like forever.everything was calm in the waiting room until some guy who looked scary and mean came in yelling.
"where's the bastard"the guy yelled
"sir you need to calm down or leave"a nurse said
"where the fuck is he"he yelled
"who are you looking for"the nurse asked
"the bastard Ben"he yelled
"Ben Lawrence your son?"she asked
"he will never be my son.the piece of shit can't even get me my beer"he yelled
"um excuse me sir.Im one of your sons friends.are you aware of what happened to your son"I asked
"you whore"he yelled
"excuse me"I was shocked
"he fucked you didn't he.well it ain't my problem.ill beat the kid"he said
"what no he didn't fuck me."I said
"Ella"Dayton pulled me back
"Ben Lawrence"the doctor said
"yes"I said
"alright he will be ok.he was bleeding seemed like he was beaten badly.there was something else I would like to talk you know his life at home"he asked
"no we don't why"I asked
"he has welts from what looks like a belt all over his back.he has cigarette burns on his skin and he is cut up and bruised all over."he explained
"are you the one who has the bastard"Bens father asked
"sir your son will be ok.i want him to stay here for a couple of days"the doctor said
"hell no.that shit needs to come home and get me dinner then get beat"the father yelled
"I'm sorry sir but I won't let him out"the Doctor said
"where is he"Bens father asked
"he is this way"we followed him
"why are you letting him see him"Dayton asked the doctor
"it's the policy"the doctor sighed
"stupid"I muttered
"ok her you go sir"he showed us Ben who was sleeping
"GET THE FUCK UP YOU SHIT."the father shouted at Ben and was about to hit him but Dayton stopped him
"don't touch him"Dayton said
"get off"he pushed Dayton off
"you think this will get you out of a beating"he hit Ben who jolted awake
"wh-what ar-are yo-you do-doing he-here"Ben stuttered
"getting your fucking think this would protect you"he slapped him again
"Dayton stop him"I cried
"touch him again and I'll make sure you won't be able to touch anything again"Dayton threatened
"your threats don't mean anything boy"the father sneered
"no but the police do"the doctor said and I saw police come
"sir you are under arrest for the assault of Ben Lawrence and the drugs we found in your house"the cuffed him
"you fuckers let me go"the father yelled and shouted
"thank you"I said to the doctor
"you ok son"the doctor asked Ben
"oh my god thank you"Ben started crying
"hey youll be ok"I went over to hug him
"I know these are happy tears"he smiled
"I'm sorry you had to live with that"I said
"it's ok iv lived with that for 14 years"he sighed
"that is not ok.14 years he abused you and you didn't do anything"I kinda yelled
"shh Ella I bet he has a great explanation"Dayton hugged me
"the physical abuse has been going on for ten years but before he was very verbally abusive and a drunk.ine might he just lost control and hit me them he found it fun to do it over and over again"Ben explained
"why didn't you tell anyone"I asked
"one because he threatened he would kill me if I did and two no abused kids has the strength to say something if they are constantly beaten for wouldn't understand unless you've been abused"Ben sighed
"yeah your right"I said
"you should rest look like crap"Dayton smirked
"thanks you again guys"he smiled
"hey we are here for you"I kissed his cheek
"thanks"he smiled
"ok sleep we will be back later today or tomorrow ok."I said
"ok see you guys"he said
"see you"we left
After leaving I broke down crying.i have never heard of anyone being abused like that and I wish I could have done something sooner or even noticed sooner but I didn't.i wish I could help all the abused people in the world.the place would be a better place

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