AIRPORT ↠ Chandler Riggs ✓

By klarkgriffin

7.1K 482 452

[COMPLETED] " She was standing there... And then she was gone " The story of how two teenagers fell in love a... More

[1] George
[2] Moving Day
[3] The beach
[4] The new house
[5] Dinner
[6] Swimming, sorta
[8] Camping || part 2
[9] Camping || part 3
[10] Hell
[11] Fighting
[12] Past memories
[13] Its different now
[14] The airport

[7] Camping || part 1

550 37 49
By klarkgriffin

Don't play it until they are in the car!

Emerson's pov

"When did you get a car?" I asked shocked, my mouth in an 'o' shape. Chandler was standing next to a new silver Mazda.

"He didn't, it's our aunts." Grayson said, coming up behind me, throwing the keys for the car to Chandler, he almost didn't catch them.

"Hey, you weren't supposed to say anything." Chandler laughed, throwing our bags into the trunk while we waited for his parents to leave the house. We were leaving to go camping today and since Chandler got his license we decided that the three of us would drive together so their parents didn't have to deal with.

"You guys ready?" Gina asked, walking out with William. He locked the front door and headed over towards us, a bag on his shoulder and two in his hands.

"Yeah, we're just throwing things in the trunk." Grayson answered, patting the silver hood, it making clunk sound.

"Okay, off we go. Be careful while driving." With that Gina and William went off to their car and the three of us hopped into the Mazda, Chandler and I sitting in the front with Grayson in the back. Chandler put the key into the ignition, the car roared to life. He pulled out of the driveway and we were on our way, it was silent in the car for a couple moments before I hit the button for the radio, I plugged in my phone cord with my phone attached, putting it on shuffle Friend, Please by twenty one pilots came on.

"I feel for you but when did you believe you were alone." Chandler sang, staring off at the road in front of him, concentrating on where he was going.

"You say that spiders crawl inside and made themselves a home...where lights once was." I sang, looking at Chandler for a second before turning my attention to the road.

"Petrified of who you are and who you have become." Grayson joined in, leaning forward and placing one hand on my shoulder and one on Chandler's. I smiled and sang the next part, "you will hide from everyone, denying you need someone to exterminate your bones."

"Friend, please remove your hands from over your eyes for me." Grayson sang again.

"I know you want to leave but friend, please don't take your life away from me." I sang, a little laugh at the end. The pause in the song came and Grayson and I looked at Chandler, waiting for him to sing the next part. He just looked at me with a small smile before once again looking at the road.

"Living like a ghost you walk by everyone you know, you say that you're fine but you have lost your sway and glow, so I stopped by to let you you know." He sang.

"YAY!" Grayson and I cheered, laughing at ourselves. After he finished we all joined in and sang the next part to the song.

"Friend, please remove your hands from over your eyes for me. I know you want to leave but friend, please don't take your life away from me." We all
started to dance in the car, laughing at our kid selves. It was fun, and I was with some of my best friends.

(If you want you can stop the song)

"We're here." Chandler announced, pulling up in front of a big, beautiful cottage house, it made my jaw drop in awe. It was just so amazing.

"Isn't it great?" Chandler stared at, his blue eyes scanning every curve it had, every cut, it truly was amazing. And I get to stay here.

We all hopped out, shutting the door and walking to the trunk, Chandler threw Grayson his bags, he threw his own over his shoulder and than grabbed mine.

"I can grab it Chandler." I told him, trying to take it but he just moved his shoulder away so I couldn't reach.

"I got it." He smiled, walking towards the front doors, I let out a sigh and then chuckled, following him up the stairs I was amazed by the place.

Grayson grabbed ahold of the handles to the double doors and pushed it open like they do in the movies, revealing the inside of the huge house. When you walked inside there's a huge staircase right in the middle, it was made out of wood and was stained a very dark brown. The railings were smooth and went all the way up, at the end they curved.

On the left side of the stairs there was a wall with a huge glass window at the back, there was a door to go out to the patio. On that side there was also an inside table with chairs, a huge light was hung above.

On the right there was a kitchen and a long hallway, leading to rooms.

"This is so huge." I said, looking over at Chandler and Grayson, smiles spread across their faces as well. Chandler took my hand and dragged me upstairs, pulling me into one room. There was two beds, one on each side of the room, blue covers on one and red on the other.

"I asked if we could share a room, my mom trusts us enough and said yeah." Chandler said, looking at me, his blue eyes looking in my green ones, giving me mixed emotions I didn't even know I had. He ran and jumped on his bed, landing on his back, his arms and legs sprawled out over the sheet. I laughed running to mine and doing the same.

"I already love it here." I spoke, I sat up, using my elbows for support, Chandler did the same and smiled at me. His hair fell over his eyes, making him have to push it to the side, now I could see his beautiful blue eyes. Wait, what am I saying?

"Wanna go swimming?" He asked, now sitting up fully, his legs dangling over the bed, his white socks touching the floorboards.

"Sure." I laughed, getting up and heading over to my bag, beginning to look through it.

Chandler's pov

I just watched as Emerson picked through her bag, searching for her bathing suit. Her long, wavy, dirty blonde hair came down to the middle of her back, she was so beautiful. But of course she's my friend, I wanna be with her but that won't happen.

"found it." She held up her two piece, she was smiling wide, which put a smile on my face. She ran out of the room to go get changed. I sat there, just thinking of Emerson for a minute before getting my swimming shorts. I took my shirt, shorts and boxers off, pulling my bathing suit up and tying it to make it a look tighter. I grabbed two towels from the closet in my room Adam threw it into a string bag along with some sunscreen.

Emerson came back in with her bathing suit on, I couldn't help but stair, but I caught myself before she noticed.

"Let's get down there." I said, walking out the door with her, we went down the stairs and left the cottage. There was about a five minute walk to the beach so we just talked

"This is gonna be the best week ever." She exclaimed, her face was lit up, she was definitely excited. Just looking at her face gave me butterflies in my stomach. How would I tell her I liked her without hurting our relationship?

We made it to the beach, I dropped the stuff and ran in, diving under the water it felt warm, my head popped up, shaking my hair and wiping my face I looked up to see Emerson about to come in. She ran on the soft sand, diving in, doing exactly what I had done.

Her head popped up and we were face to face, until she swam to the little raft thing that you can jump off of. She climbed up the ladder first and than me, we stood up, standing on the edge of the wooden dock, about to jump in when Emerson pushed me in.

The water caved around me, popping my head back up I bursted out into laughter.

"That's not fair." I pouted, my bottom lip sticking out like a two year would.

"Too bad." She stuck her tongue out. I swam to the dock and grabbed her leg, pulling her in with me, she popped her back up and we both began laughing.

We haven't even been here a half hour and it's already the best day of my life.


Emerson's pov

I walked down the road that led to the beach, the moon shining down, making the trees have a extra dark shadow to give a creepy feeling. It was around 11 and Chandler had went out, I didn't bother to wear any shoes, it was all sand anyways.

As I reached the beach Chandler was standing there, light brown shorts, red button up shirt, his flip flops and his hair nicely brushed. I walked up next to him, staring off at the lake, it was peaceful, no one else was there. Just us.

"Today was fun." I said, turning to look at him, a small smile on my lips, I could see he wanted to smile but he didn't, he kept a blank expression.

"I need to talk to you." He let out in a whisper, he turned his head to me, his blue orbs were still noticeable even in the dark, they sparkled and gave me butterflies.

"What is it?" I questioned, not taking my eyes off him.

"I...uh." He stuttered on his words, looking down at the ground, playing with his fingers I heard him say "fuck it" he looked back up, cupping my face with his hands, he started leaning forward and-

CLIFFHANGER!!!! Hahahha I feel so mean. But I'm kinda taking a break...well not a huge one, it's not really a break actually but I'm working on a secret fan fiction for you guys and I'm typing one up for a contest so the contest one will come first and than these. Don't forget to leave a vote!

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