The special one

By harrisrial16

2.3K 23 2

It's about a girl who has more special abilities then any other wolf she knows, but she is dominate as wolf b... More

The Special One
The Special One: ch.2
The Special One Ch. 3
The Special One ch. 4
The Special One: ch.5
The Special One: ch. 6
The Special One: Ch. 7
The Special One: Ch. 8
The Special One: Ch.10
The Special One: Ch. 11
The Special One: Ch. 12

The Special One: Ch. 9

59 2 0
By harrisrial16

Sorry guys to keep you in suspense I have been busy for like a while and I haven't posted. But I'm back and with new ideas and new everything so hope you like this a lot. :D


Sam's pov

I got up from my bed and from my mark on my neck to take a shower. It was early like about 6:30 or so in the morning. I know after my shower I had to wake my mate so she can say good-bye to her sister and her sister's mate. She also had to meet our best fighters in the front yard. I got into the shower and it felt great. I just shivered because it was kind of cold going in there. After a while I feel arms wrap around me. I turn around to find my beautiful mate in the shower with me.

Sam: * kisses her forehead* I thought you would be still asleep little missy.

Tammy: * shrugs* I didn't feel you next to me and then I heard the shower. *laughs a little* And my sister came in to say good-bye before she left. * sighs and gets in the water*

Sam: * confused and concerned* you ok?

Tammy: * shrugs and puts combo shampoo in her hair* I'm sore, tired, and kind of upset that I have to leave my sister again.

Sam: *sighs and puts soap on my body* she'll be ok. She survived the guardian war. I think she can survive this. *rinsing the soap off. After wrapping my hands around my mates waist*

Tammy: *just got done rinsing her hair and wrapping her arms around my neck* how did you become the calm one and wise one?

Sam: * laughs a little* when you became alpha! now have responsibilities, became stressed and worried about this war coming up. When me I'm worried about the war, my mate, my pack, and the future. *kisses me and pulls away* I have to stay calm, so everyone isn't freaking out like usual. * moves from Tammy turning off the water stepping out putting a towel around my waist*

Tammy: *grabs 2 towels from the rack: 1 for her head n body* hmmm so your saying I'm freaking out? *putting the towels on* ok

Sam: Babe, what I'm saying is that I can read you, your parents can read you, hell even some of your pack members can read you. They know when to be scared, happy, afraid, energetic, unprotected or protected. It's how you control your emotions. *putting clothes on*

Tammy: *shakes head and walks out the bathroom into the room getting her clothes and changing*

Sam:*sighs* I feel like we are going to argue later.

Tammy's pov.

I had a lot on my mind. Me being alpha, a war that is about to start, my pack and mate being in danger. I get what Sam is saying is true, but I'm hoping for my pack to feel the hope that I do. I'm an omega right now, so whatever someone says anything I take it to the heart. Sam said the wrong thing to me and I stayed silent because I didn't want to deal with him. Sebastian, was whining in my head. He didn't want to be mad at our mate, but it happens. He has to understand I'm not like other people or other wolves. I'm his mate and an alpha I can't have saying anything that would ruin everything that I got.

We meet our pack members in the front yard. Logan and I explained everything to them and what jobs they were supposed to do. Than we departed in hour. As soon the meeting was over, I went back upstairs to try to get more sleep. When I got half way up the stairs, I heard whining. I brushed it off as me being really tired. I got to the top of the stairs ,and I heard the whining again. The whining was coming from a nearby closet. I wallked over to the closet and I opened it to see a boy that looked so pale and fragile. He had a complexion of a omega. He had long white hair, which did tell me he would be a white wolf. He looked up at me with his piercing green eyes and scurries away from me like a rabbit running from a stranger trying to catch it. I smile a little and sit down with my back against the door. 

Tammy: *looks up at the ceiling*may I know your name?

:D-David*he said studdering and lifting his head from his knees a little*

Tammy: I'm Tammy, David, the new Alpha of the Black Ridge pack and soon to be Luna of Blue moon pack. * he looked at me with a surprised look* 

David: w-what happened to the old Alpha?*he sounded concerned*

Tammy: my father, well he is still alive. He gave me the pack a few days ago. *confused* your David Leo's son right?

David: * shakes head yes* yes alpha, he is. I wasn't allowed to talk to you.

Tammy: *confused*why sweetie?

David: Because I'm not allowed to tell what he has done to us. *puts his head back in knees* I said to much he is going to hurt me now.

Tammy: *gets and goes over to David picking him up* David, no one is going to hurt you. I will promise you while I'm alpha no one will got that?

David: *shakes head scared*

Tammy: *says this with Alpha voice*now tell me who you are talking about.

David: m-my dad, he put all the omegas in the basement and locked us in a cage. *starts crying* He never fed us until the end of the week. The only living thing we saw was each other. *crying* 

Tammy: how old are you?*angry but doesn't show it because of David*

David: 9 almost 10 years old *he stutters out

Tammy: come here I'm going to take you to my room, so you can lay down and get rest ok? Than when you wake up I will get you something to eat, how does that sound?*sounding sincerly*

David:*shakes his head*

I pick David up and took him to my room. When I picked him up, he automatically put his head on my shoulder. When I go into my room to lay him down, he was already asleep. I walked out of the room closing the door softly. I run downstairs angrier than ever. I called Sam, Logan, my dad, and my Beta to come help me. Sam was looking at me weird because he didn't know what was going on. I pulled the door of the basement and went down the stairs. As soon I got down there I saw some dead bodies with a few people who looked younger and older than me. Than there were people who looked just born. I was heart broken. I hurried found the key on the wall to the jail cell and opened it freeing everyone inside. 

Tammy: *broke down* why did they have to die like this? 

Logan: Tammy, you have to stay strong for the rest of the pack. 

Tammy: *angry* STAY STRONG! STAY STRONG! THESE PEOPLE WHERE MY OLD PACK MEMBERS. THAT GIRL LAYING ON THE FLOOR IS MY BEST FRIEND. *pointed to a girl with black hair and sweat shirt that said "Viva Las Vegas" and blue jeans. She looked like she starved to death.* THAT MAN RIGHT THERE IS HER MATE! *pointed to a man with dirty blonde hair and it seemed he looked like the girl except he was naked maybe because he shifted* SO DON'T TELL ME TO STAY CALM WHEN HALF OF MY OMEGAS ARE DEAD!*runs upstairs to look at some of the dominates helping the omegas* Roger

Roger: *runs over to* Yes alpha?

Tammy: make sure all of these omegas eat, get a bath, and a lot of rest. *I demanded*

Roger: yes alpha. *gets everyone attention* I need everyone to coporate with me and Alpha. Her orders is to help these people get food, baths, and lots of rest. If they don't rest please tell me and I will tell alpha. We will take care of it as soon as possible, but for now please help us out. *walks up to me*We will do the best we can to help them, but its going to take a while.

Tammy: * shakes head* as long as it gets done its fine. *looks at Kyle who just walked up from downstairs* I want you to give me feedback on how everything is going with the omegas in two hours. 

Kyle: *shakes head ok* we buried the dead bodies. Logan said we can have a memorial tomorrow for them.

Tammy: what did you use for head stones?*concerned*

Kyle: croses, when the memorial goes on tomorrow we will engrave their names into them. *smiles at me a little*we will help these people and avenge who ever did this Alpha.

Tammy: *shakes head ok sees Sam, Logan, and my dad come upstairs*

Logan: what are we going to do with all these people? *asking me concernly*

Sam: help them and hopefully find their mates, but for time being we have extra bedrooms and cots if we need them. * looking at me* how did you find all these people in the first place?

Tammy: A boy name David. He use to be my old pack memebers son. He was one of the people that helped my uncle take down the pack. *looks at all the people that was in the basement locked up*

David: A-Alpha??*looks scared at me from the door way*

Tammy: excuse me * walks over to David and sinks down to his size* what you doing up buddy? I thought you would be sleeping longer. 

David: *rubbing his eyes a little* I got woke up because of the noise down here. *looks at everyone* you found all of them. 

Tammy: * shakes my head yes* and we are doing the best we can to help all of them. * smiles a little at him* come on. I bet your hungry.

David: *shakes head yes*

Tammy: *laughs a little and takes David's hand* ok come on lets go get food in your tummy. *walks over to the counter and asks for everything. The chefs made everything big for everyone since we have starving people. I hand the plate to David, and we both sat at the Alpha's table.* 

Sam: *comes over to me and sits right next to David*

David: *scurries into my arms*

Sam: * looks at me worried* 

Tammy: * looks at Sam with a look of "don't worry he's fine"* He doesn't trust many people besides me. *looks down at David* his dad was pretty cruel to him. *sighs and looks back at Sam while petting David's head*

Sam: I take it he was really cruel by the bruises and everything on him. *pointing to David*what is his dad's name?

Tammy:*shakes my head yes* Leo and lets just say when I found out about his mom was having a baby. I was scared for them because I didn't know Leo fully, but I knew stories about him because of what went around the pack. *looks at David* David, honey?

David: *looks up at me*

Tammy: *smiles* you have to eat sweetie. If you don't, than you might get really sick. I really don't want that. 

David: *looks at Sam than back at me* 

Tammy: *rubs his back and half smiles* don't worry sweetie. He isn't going to hurt you. I promise. *looks at Sam* He's my mate. * looks back down at David and smiles*

David: * hesitates to get off my lap, but scootes over back in the chair to eat*

Dad: *stands by the door way and waves me over by him*

Tammy: * I walk over there* yes dad?

Dad: is that who I think it is? * nodding towards David* 

Tammy: Leo's and Margo's son. Yep that is him alright. * crossing my arms over my chest* 

I heard growling from the door. I was so distracted with the Omegas and David that I didn't pay attention when someone was in my territory. I looked at Sam. He read my mind and took David in his arms backing away from the table going towards the stairs for the upstairs. The wolf got closer, that is when I took alpha mood and shifted quickly. I spoke through mind link telling him to shift, but he didn't shift and started growling at me more. I looked connor of my eye to see my beta and alpha Logan right by my side. The wolf was surrounded by others. 

mind link


Tammy:  who are you?

: I want my son. * growled at me*

Tammy: * growling* who are you?

:I'm not telling you anything you stupid pathetic wolf *snapped at me*

Tammy: *barred my cannines at me* I'm pathetic if you are looking for your son then you shouldn't of left him. 

:I had to. 

Tammy: GET OUT!! * almost go for an attach*

David: MOMMY NO!! *stands in front of me* Please don't mom. * looking at me with sad eyes* He's not worth it. 

Tammy: * whines but looks at Sam, who is holding his wrist and looks like he has a bite mark. Than looks back at David*

David: *turns around and looks at the wolf* you need to leave dad.

Tammy: *whines*

David: * looks behind him for a sec than back at his dad* go away. 

Tammy: You heard him Leo. *firmly says it* Get out.


Tammy: * surprised with a tone of voice but growls at Leo* you heard him Leo. You are no longer in this pack. 

Leo: *growls* NEVER! GIVE ME MY BOY! * tries to attach me, but Sam has him by the throat in wolf form*

Sam: *rips his throat out* No...*looks at me and David. David had me at the leg now. He wouldn't let go. Sam walked over to us and licked his face. He looked up looking Sam in the eyes hugging his neck. He let go Sam's neck after a while.*

Tammy: * changes back fully clothed on my knees* David?

David: * turns towards me and runs into my arms* 

Tammy: *hugs him tight than pulls away* where did that authority come from?

David: I saw how you are an Omega too. I just wanted to be like you. *looks down*

Tammy: *lifts his chin and smiles* you did good ok? don't think you're not special because you are. 

David: *smiles* I know * frowns* I know you can't be my new mom, but I have no one else. I can't trust anyone else. Please I don't have no one else. 

Tammy: *frowns and looks at Sam and sigh. Than looks back David.* David why don't you go with my beta Kyle to eat the rest of your food ok?

Kyle: Come on buddy the adults have to talk. *smiles at David* I promise if you eat all your food that I will sneak you some cake that the chef's are baking in the kitchen. 

David: *shakes head, smiles, kissed me on the cheek, and ran to Kyle to go finish his food*

Tammy: *sighs gets up and gets on the couch sitting* what are we going to do? *looks at Sam* He's right Sam. He has no one else besides this pack. 

Sam: *sighs walking over to me sitting next to me* what are we suppose to do? We both have one more year of high school left and I'm not alpha yet. *questioning* are we really ready for a child? We have known each other for a short amount of time. 

Tammy: Yes, but in that time we've gotten to know each other. * sighs* I don't know. I do know I can't let that boy go to a home. I won't let that happen. 

Dad: Well, why don't you both take the responsibilty of this child. *coming through the door way first time after all this comotion*

Tammy: cause we don't know how to handle something like this. *sighs* I don't know if we're not ready or us just having cold feet. 

Dad: Do you really think when me and you mother had you we were ready? Your mother was terrified of having you, but she knew she'll love you no matter what. 

Tammy: yeah, but Dad this is different. * looking up at my dad* 

Logan: * walking through the door with his mate just like my dad did a while ago except without his mate* Sam, do you really think we were ready for you? We thought the same thing you did. I wasn't Alpha yet either and we had one year left of school. *looking at his son sincere* Your brother we had 2 years left of school, but we knew he wasn't going to be our trouble child. 

Sam: then why was I the troubled one?*confused and affended*

Logan: because even though Dean was the first born, but he wasn't born with Alpha blood. So when you came along that is when I knew you were the next heir and Dean was a war wolf. *smiles* you were not only special to me and your mother, but to the pack and your brother. 

Sam: * shakes head and smiles* 

Dad: what so different about it? Because your just kids yourself? Because tell you the truth, your not. * smiling his crooked smile* Tammy your alpha and soon to Luna. *looks at Sam* Logan talked to me by this weekend you will be Alpha. 

Sam: *looks at his dad* Really?

Logan: *shakes head yes* 

Dad: so what if you barely know each other, and you don't have a position yet, and your still in school. * points to the kitchen* that boy looks to you for guidence and support. I think you should adopt him. 

Tammy: *looks at Sam and smiles* We have a son.

Sam: *smiles and kisses my cheek* yes we do

Tammy&Sam: *walk into the kitchen to see someone holding David*

Tammy:*growls* let go of my son Malec


so I hope you like it. At first I had only half my story I really don't know what happened, but o well I have it back up so hope you like it. If not than its kool because I don't care. You lose if you don't read it anymore. 

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