The Hider

By Mediafreak

631 63 13

The year is 209 A.B. according to Jordy's mom and dad. His family was an Intact family. The girl he saw jum... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Six

34 7 2
By Mediafreak

"What? What do you mean? You're not my father! What is wrong with you?" I shout at him. What is he thinking? Just because he hooked up with my mom once before, that doesn't mean he's my father! I woke up shortly after I fell down. He was just staring at me when I woke up. That's when I decided to scream at him.

"I know, Jordy. This is a lot to take in. You need to trust me, okay? Because if you don't, Lizre will die. You don't want that, do you?" He asked me. What? Lizre will DIE!?!? All of a sudden, I heard a crash. I turn my head towards the noise and saw Samus running in with a bunch of clothes and weapons.

"You got everything?" He told Samus. Samus just nodded his head. I walked over to Samus. I stared in his eyes for a while.

"You know this guy?" I asked with a seriousness in my voice that I've never had.

"Jordy," he dropped the stuff and started to reach towards me to probably give me a hug. I stepped back. "Jordy, please," I lifted up my hand and smacked him.

"You KNEW he was my dad?!?! You KNEW what was going to happen?!?! And you didn't TRY to stop it?!?!" I scream at him. I was getting ready to punch him across his jawline this time, but Stepharie stopped me.

"Jordy, you need to stop. Samus is just as important in this mission as you are," he spoke to me in a creepy sounding way in my left ear. Stepharie let go of my arm and I relaxed my fist into an open palm.

"Jordy, your best friend, Lizre, has been caught by the Prince's Guard. She has been arrested and she is on death row. You, Samus and Stepharie will infiltrate the Guard to get her out of there. After that, I will meet you at the gate to the Wastelands and we will get out of here, okay?" He explained to me.

"Wait, we're leaving the city?" I asked in shock. I turned around to see Samus and Stepharie start taking their clothes off. I quickly turned back around, not wanting to see that right now. The man takes me by the arm back to his wall of me. He takes down all of the pictures. Behind the pictures was a set-up of the whole entire palace. No way. There was a red dot where Lizre was going to be. It was all the way in the center of the palace. How was he expecting us to get there?

The Guard's suits. Of course. I look over to the man. "How long have you been planning this?" I asked. He turned to look  at me.

"Since the day you first walked into the Beacon. Jordy, I've been studying you since the day you were born. Ever since, I've been learning your tactics for everything. For eating, drinking and fighting. I've used those to mold my plan together. Every thing I tell you to do, either small or large, will determine how this plan will end. Jordy, you need to trust me, ok?" He told me.

"I don't even know your name yet, though. How should I trust someone when I-" I start to say, but the man cuts me off.

"My name is Jon. Now can you trust me?" Jon angrily announced. I nodded in fear. I did not want him to get any angrier. Lizre's fate is mainly in his hands. I need him to like me. Jon then takes a deep breath and smiles.

"Now, get dressed," Jon continues. He turns and points towards the Guard suit. I walk over and pick up the last one there. I look over to see Samus and Stepharie. They look like the Guards that chased me. They look legitimate.  I took the suit and ran into the bathroom. I changed in there, not being able to believe anybody out there anymore.

Once I finished getting dressed, I walked out to grab my weapons. I walked to a table that was set up. Jon, Samus and Steph were already there. I walked over and sat down.

"Ok, so here's the full plan. Samus, you and Steph will enter through the front entrance and Jordy will enter through the back. Samus, find a way to get downstairs without being seen. Jordy, you will go into the backroom to get the key that is being guarded by the main Guard, the Prince's right arm. Once you get it, Steph will be there, waiting for you. Then you two will go to Samus and head downstairs. You will get Lizre out of there and you will head to the wall right away. Don't let anything get in your way. Everybody understand? You will leave to get to the palace first thing at daylight," Jon told us. Samus and Steph nodded.

"I'm confused. What am I supposed to tell the Guard? That I need the key to get my best friend out of prison?" I asked confused. That is not what I'm going to say unless I want to get killed.

"Two things. One, tell him you have a prisoner up front, and two, we'll all have comms. We can all talk to each other through them," Jon told me. That made me feel a little better. I looked through the window and saw the moon start to rise up.

"We should probably get some sleep before we go off," Samus explained. We all nodded our heads, but I sat at the table. Samus started to walk away, but then he walked back to me.

"Hey, what's up?" Samus asked me. He pulled the closest chair up and sat next to me.

"Oh, I don't know," I said sarcastically. "Maybe one of my friends is being held captive by the Guard and my other friend has been working with my real dad and never had the balls to tell me. Do you think that would have anything to do with it? Because I don't," I said sarcastically again. Samus just sighed and stood up.

"There are many reasons why I didn't tell you. I wanted to tell you and trust me, I really wanted to tell you. At some points, I was about to. But then I decided, your life would be in higher jeopardy than it is right now," Samus told me. I just sat there, staring out the window. Samus sighed again. "I don't know about you, but I'm going to go say goodbye to my wife. If you have anybody you need to say goodbye to, I would go do it. That will be the last time you see them." With that, Samus ran out the door.

Should I do that? Should I go and say goodbye to my mom and dad? Or Jordy? I stood up and walked over to the window. I opened it up and slipped out of it. I jumped down and headed towards my old neighborhood. As I was running, I realized how bad the separation was between Intact and Fragment. There were people sleeping on the streets one second, and the next, there were giant mansions with only Ms. Jane.

I ran to my house and then stopped. I looked at it, knowing this would be my last time seeing it. I continued running until I got to Trech's house. I went up to the door and knocked. The door opened and Trech was there. He was taller than me with his red hair and green eyes. I haven't seen those green eyes in so long. I start to tear up.

"Jordy?" His voice is lower than before. I jump on him and hug him. I've missed him so much.

"Trech, I'm so sorry for everything I've missed. I didn't try to. I am just so sorry. I'm going to miss you so much!" I cried. He hugged me back and then we both let go.

"Jordy, what are you talking about? You leaving? Where to?" He asked me. I hugged him again.

"I messed up. I should have never left my house during the night so long ago. If I didn't do that, Lizre wouldn't be arrested, we would still be friends and I wouldn't be leaving the city!" I cried and then I let go of him.

"You're leaving the city?" Trech exclaimed. That was the first time I saw the suit he was wearing. It was a Guard suit. Oh no.

"Trech, please don't tell anybody. I am so sorry," I went to give him another hug, but he stepped back. "Trech?" I said.

"Just be lucky I haven't called the Guard here already. Now go, if you want to live," he said in total disgust.

"Trech, I-"

"GO!" Trech screamed. He grabbed a vase and chucked it at me. I ducked and it smashed on the doorstep. I ran out of the house and pulled his door shut. I started running back to Jon's shack, when I heard Trech scream again.

"NEVER RETURN!" he screamed and then I heard his door slam. I got to an alley in Fragment area and cried. I sat there, crying. Trech hated me. My best friend when I was younger now is disgusted to see me. Once I was done, I got up and ran back to the shack, never going to return to the Intact area ever again.

Once I got back, I went onto the couch and tried to sleep. I kept jolting up, thinking about Trech and how he hates me. I finally fell asleep after about 2 hours of thinking about him. I didn't dream. I didn't think. I just stared into a black abyss.


I woke up right before the sun rose. I saw, because I looked out the window. Once I saw, I jumped out the window and climbed up to the roof. This would be the last sunrise I would see at this view in the city. I hear a noise, so I turn around and it was Samus. He was carrying his weapons, as well as mine.

"Hey dude," Samus casually said to me.

"Hey," I responded. "I think I ratted us out," I told him.


"I told my old friend that we were going to escape the city before I knew he was a part of the Guard," I explained.

"That's fine. We'll still be able to leave this wretched place. Hopefully out there, they aren't separated like this, between Intact and Fragment," Samus informed. I smiled. I'm glad he's going to be with me on this journey. He's better than Trech at least. I gave Samus a hug. We then saw Steph and Jon climb up.

"It's time to go," Jon announced. He handed each one of us a comm and we put them in our ear. Samus handed me my weapons. The three adults then jumped off the shack. Jon ran North towards the gate, while Steph and Samus ran South towards the palace. I stood up there alone for a little longer, looking at the sunlight. As much as I hate this city, I'm going to miss the sunrise.

After about five more seconds, I jumped off the shack's roof and ran South, following Samus and Steph's footprints.

"You ready for this you guys? This is it," I heard Jon's voice from the comm. I heard Samus and Steph respond each with a simple yes. I took a second longer to respond, thinking if I really wanted to do this. Once I do, there is absolutely no going back.

"Jordy? Do you feel like you are ready?" Samus asked me.

"Yes I am," I responded.

"You sure?" Stepharie said through the comm.

"Yes," I replied again. I got to the palace and saw Samus and Steph entering the palace. They got let in. I ran to the very back of the palace wall. There was a door and a keycard slider thing. I pull my keycard out. This was it. Once I slide this though, my whole past life as an Intact will mean nothing.

I slide the card though. I hear a bing and the door handle turns green. I push the door open and walk into the palace.


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