Rethinking the Unthinkable (...

By Amandaaapandaa

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Rethinking the Unthinkable ( sequel to DTU)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
I was thinking...
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 24

148 7 0
By Amandaaapandaa

Third person's Pov

 Both enemies prepared for a battle, two sister's worried for the sake of the other, everyone was busy for the past week.  Violet became stronger and learned to manipulate fire with her mind, she learned to travel with it, she was light itself but her sister was becoming something dark that even her creators couldn't control; her powers were spiraling out of control her thirst for blood had become stronger, her internal anger for her family that she couldn't stop. She was the dark to her sister's light, her demon form was coming in and soon no one will be able to stop her. 


 Violet's Pov

 The trees moved slightly with the simple breeze of the beautiful day, sadly in a matter of hours this beautiful day will be morphed into a death fill day. I moved away from the window sighing as I moved, I missed my sister I was scared to think what they did to her now that I wasn't there. I miss... Seth strangely as  well, I feel something toward him but I don't know what it is, another sigh escaped my lips as I threw my head back feeling my hair fall down my back in brown waves; I heard the door click and I picked my head up to see my dad who was wearing a white V-neck, jeans, and black boots. He looked at my outfit and I followed his eyes looking down at it as well and then back at him.

" Where is your shirt?", he asked and I laughed but it faded as I realize he was serious. I cleared my throat and looked down at the crop top that showed my stomach and had a zipper in the front.

" I like it, mom said it was fine.", I swallowed," I'll put something over it but it'll burn off when I use my powers.", I stated and he stared at me. He nodded afterwards and walked towards me, when he was in front of me he hugged me. I returned the gesture, wrapping my arms around his back.

" You grew up to fast for me, Vi.", he said and I smiled into his chest.

" I grew up to fast for myself, daddy.", I stated honestly. I lifted my head from his chest and he brushed my hair behind my ear, pressing his lips to my forehead afterwards.

" I love you, Vi, no matter what happens today. I'll always love you.", he said and I smiled at him but then it faded.

" I love you to, but what do you mean no matter what happens today. You're saying it as if your going to be killed.", I stated and he didn't say anything. I started to feel my eyes burn as tears came into my eyes.

" No don't cry, you have to be strong ok. You don't know what is going to happen, you have to expect the unexpected ok?", he stated and I blinked away tears and I nodded my head. I was about to say something when the door made a creaking noise and I saw my mom by the door, she was wearing a black shirt with a lace covering on the top.

" It's time to go.", she said and my heart sank a few inches I didn't want to end up hurting people. But I knew it was something I had to do, to get my sister back.

I nodded, and let go of dad he walked up to mom and pecked her lips. I smiled and looked away as they had their moment, it was cute the way they are. I went out the door after they did, closing it behind me but not before looking out the window and seeing the blue skies of the horizon.

" I'm coming Rebecca.", I whispered and closed the door behind me.


Rebecca's Pov

 I sat on the spiral steps, with my head in my hands;  everyone was buzzing around and moving. People I haven't seen before were here dressed in black, women and men. I felt the shaking of the steps and saw Isaac's boots come next to my body, he sat down and leaned his arms on his knees; lacing his fingers together he looked at me.

" Hi Rebecca.", he said and I glared at him. His eyes flashed gold and suddenly I saw a picture of the wolf from when I was trying to get Violet across the river in my mind, I heard myself growl and my eyes turned gold as well.  He raised his hands in surrender and got up walking into the  busy crowd of people, I growled and felt my eyes go back to normal but my teeth stayed the same my stomach started to tighten and I clenched the fabric of my shirt.

" Hungry?", a voice said and I rolled my eyes knowing it was Dawn. She had her hair curly with dark make up, she had her hair pin up on the top of her head small curls coming out in certain places. I pretended like she wasn't there and continued to stay with my eyes on the busy crowd.

" Ignoring me won't help when I'm the one whose going to be fighting next to you.", she stated and I shrugged.

" I'll still ignore you then Dawn.", I said with no emotion. I heard a howl go out through the room making my ears ring in pain, my hands covered my ears trying to prevent the horrid noise and everyone else's.

" It's time!", Nick shouted and everyone hollered out. My heart sank as I watched every ran out the door. My mind again started showing flashes of my family I started to feel anger boil inside my body I saw blood splattering on grass. Grabbing my head I tried to prevent the images from showing but they started to appear more faster and I couldn't control it anymore, I wanted my families blood in my hands and no matter what I had to do it. My eyes changed and I ran out following the rest of the wolves and hybrids that are out to fight.


Violet's Pov

 We were standing in a field I've never been in before, their were dry patches of grass mixed with healthy green ones. Tree's looked like they were cut down as my eyes moved around the area, as I passed by all the flowers and more grass my eyes stopped on my parents who were embracing each other but it wasn't a ' I love you' type of hug my dad was rubbing my mom's back and she had her face buried in his chest. I walked up to them, my feet crunched as I walked on the dry patch of grass, my mom looked up with a sadness in her eyes.

" What's wrong mom?", I asked and she looked at my dad and he nodded. She turned back to me and looked at me.

" Before you and your sister  were born, your father and I had a fight like what we were having today with someone else and I was under some type of spell by a demon witch making want to kill your uncles. I almost did.", she said and I let her words sink in as I looked around realizing that the damage in the field was caused by a previous fight. When I looked back at my mom, she gave me a small smile and I returned it.

" After the fight happened we were happy again and then you guys came along.", she said and my dad nodded with a smile. I smiled back at him but it faded when I heard howls and footsteps approaching us, I turned my head to where the noise was coming from and I saw numerous amount of wolves all different colors and then I saw some were human and had blazing gold eyes with their teeth bared, all the people who came to help us stood in front of me and my parents. I looked through the crowd of wolves for my sister but I couldn't see well, I stepped around the line but my mom grabbed me before I could farther; when I looked back at the wolves I smiled seeing my sister but it faded after I saw that she was being dragged forcibly her eyes were gold and her teeth were sharp as she was growling loudly and was pulling on the man who was holding her trying to reach something. Nick came around her along with Seth and the other boy who I hate, he's the main reason why Rebecca is the way she is now ; I found myself growling and felt my eye change to gold as I stared at him, Seth was staring at me and when I looked into his eyes his eyes flashed and I felt mine do the same. I blinked looking away my dad stepped forward looking at me and then at Seth he had an angry expression on and I avoided his gaze as my mind flashed to when me and Seth had kissed.

" Aw isn't that sweet?", I heard a familiar rough voice say and I pulled out of my mom's grip and growled at Nick who had stepped forward with a smirk on his face. My dad stepped forward as well but didn't walk up to Nick, we had a good distance away from each other but with our hearing we didn't have to get closer.

" What exactly?", my dad asked and Nick chuckled shaking his head.

" Isn't it obvious my son, Seth, and your Daughter, Violet, are soul mates. Should I plan a wedding after this or what?", he stated and my eyes widen as well of my parents. My dad growled and Nick stopped smirking. They had a stare down and my eyes went to my sister who growled at me and I flinched slightly.  I've had enough, I stepped forward before anyone could touch me and glared at Nick.

" Cut the shit Nick, what did you do to my sister!", I shouted and felt my fangs push through my gums. He smirked, moving his arm behind him and motioning the man holding my sister she grabbed her wrist and moved her hair from her face.

" Well, I used my power to make her want to kill all of you. Being a hybrid has it's perks, you should join us Violet.", he said and I felt anger bubble up in me.

" This is what happens when she let you escape. You should really rethink the decisions when doing the unthinkable.", he stated afterward. My hands clenched into tight fist, my knuckles became white and shook as fire sparked around it and engulfed my whole hand.  The wolves started to growl and they stepped forward, one came next to Nick and looked at him he nodded his head and howled out causing everyone to do the noise and start running toward us. I took off running as well and I heard everyone's screams and hollers as they followed after me but my eyes were on Rebecca who was freed from Nick and was charging at me. I pushed myself faster feeling my eyes flash black and my fangs became sharper as an animalistic scream came out of my throat and I used my power to grab Rebecca but she tackled me to the ground growling and we rolled on the ground fighting, she pulled my hair and I grabbed her face heating my hand to a dangerous temperature causing her skin to burn she screamed out and let my hair go and I grabbed her neck throwing her into the grass beneath us. She growled at me and snapped trying to bite me but I climbed on top of her holding her down breathing hard as she put up a fight against me.

" REBECCA!!", I shouted but her eye's only blazed brighter. Suddenly turning black and specks if gold came out of the iris, I felt mine become darker and I was about to punch her but before I could lift my hand to do anything Rebecca thrusted her hand into my chest and I was shot through the air going in all directions and colliding into someone's body who let out an 'uff' as we rolled and I fell on top of Seth and he looked at me with caring eyes. I rolled off of him and pushed myself off the ground seeing everyone fighting against each other, I saw my parents fighting but losing and I saw my uncles try to fight back. I looked back at Seth and I walked up to him.

" I need you to turn me.", I said and he looked at me with a shocked expression.

" Are you crazy?! You might not survive or change in time to fight your sister.", he exclaimed and I was about to argue back but I heard a growl behind me and I turned to see my sister with her fist clenched on her sides, I turned around glaring at my sister; we raised our hands as each other at the same time and I shot fire at her while she used her power to deflect it; I pushed with all my strength to get the fire closer to her but it was coming towards me I felt someone grab my shoulder and Seth was in front of my face.

" Let go, trust me! Don't ask any questions.", he said and I looked at him and then back at the fire. I hesitated as I  closed my fist letting the fire come towards us and he wrapped his arms around me and we fell through the ground, when I blinked we were in the air above Rebecca who was looking for us and screaming in frustration as she couldn't find us anywhere.

" Bite me.", I said again and he looked at me, I grabbed his face and kissed him. When I pulled away I notice that we were starting to go down and I looked at him in the eyes. They flashed and mine did as well.

" Do it, hurry were starting to go down.", I ordered and he signed putting his head in crook of my neck. His teeth penetrated my skin and I screamed.

Part 2 tomorrow.

Look on the side>>

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