Living on a Few Wishes //Baja...

By RachelKyG

12.9K 158 24

As if it were a miracle, Ray is transported back to Earth but awakens to a world she's very unfamiliar with... More

The Luna Motel
Introductions to Team Crafted
Truth or Dare
WTF? Too Crazy
Dinner YUM!
He's DEAD?
Day at the Mall
The Argument
Talent Show Part 1
Talent Show Part 2
Talent Show Part 3
Love Conquers All
Intervention and a New Surprise
Dealing in Pain
Off With the Wedding!
Therapy with Doctor Neil
Catch the Betty with My Homegirls
Bacca Wedding
I Have A Little Secret You Wanna Know
Hunger Games with a Twist
The Rescue
Introductions to Lilly
Happy Gamers, Serious Rebels
Don't You Want Me? Part 1
Don't You Want Me? Part 2
Benja Wedding
Beauty and the Beast
Ashley the Antagonized
Like a Movie
The Date
Living on a Dream - Finale

Revelation During a Wedding

281 2 0
By RachelKyG

"I can't believe it," I thought to myself, "The day is finally here. Mitch and I are getting married."

I glanced out the window of my dressing room to see familiar faces searching for their seats. Lots of Youtubers I hadn't even met showed up, but people I recognized from their videos. Bodil40: Martin, Antvenom: Taylor, Woofless: Rob, sethbling: Seth, CavemanFilms: Dan, NoahCraftFTW: Noah, the Minecraft Finest crew: Max, Jordan, and Danny, Logdotzip: Tyler, and AshleyMarieeGaming: Ashley, were a few of those selected. All of the normal Team Crafted members arrived on time in their suits and dresses.

I stood inside, occasionally looking down at the diamond ring on my finger. Megan, Brooke, Poppy, and Carter helped me put on my beautiful dress and makeup. The dress was white with white beads on it. It felt tight against my waist, but wasn't so tight that I couldn't breathe. My brown hair was left down as it flowed against my dress. My brown eyes shined from the reflection of the light in the mirror. It made me cry a bit… or was that just my emotions acting up…? I decided it was a bit of both.

I could hear music playing and I heavily breathed. The girls led me to a set of double doors. Megan, Brooke, and Poppy left while Carter stood to the left of me, holding a small bouquet of flowers. She smiled.

Doors in front of me swung open to reveal the guests. They all glanced behind their shoulders and the shoulders of others to get a glimpse of the bride, who was me. However, the guests were not the first thing I spotted when those doors opened. It was Mitch.

He had the biggest grin on his face and paid no attention when Jerome fixed the collar of Mitch's black suit jacket. A blue flower laid in the pocket of the jacket, since I wore a blue flower bracelet on my wrist. Mitch and I had chosen blue as our color, since it represented Betty in all of her glory. I didn't mind blue. It was one of my favorite colors anyways.

The music played louder as I begun my walk to the platform. Every step I took reminded me of a different time. Closer to the doors, I remembered the crash, the funerals, the tens of foster homes I got taken to. Towards the middle of the aisle, I thought about my high school life: being the top of the list, head cheerleader, girlfriend of the football star, no worries in the world. As I entered the platform, Mitch and Team Crafted came to mind. All of the times I met up with them to play Minecraft, going out to lunch or dinner, prom, meeting Carter and all of the other girls, singing Cups by Anna Kendrick in the car with Mitch and Jerome. Those were times that I could never forget. I wished to forget everything else.

The priest in a religious getup motioned for the guests to take their seats besides for our best men and bridesmaids. He begun reciting from a book. Most of the time I had no reason to pay attention. My eyes were locked on Mitch's, his looking into mine.

"Is there anyone who would like to object to this marriage?"

A voice rang out through the dead silence, "Yes! I do!"

I shook myself out of my daydream when I realize that someone didn't want us together. But when I put all of the pieces together, I knew exactly who I was. I just didn't expect him to have a guest with him.

Caleb, in a suit himself, stood at the doorway. His usually long blond hair, at least the way I saw him before, had been cut to a short style, similar to Mitch's. In his hand, he held the arm of a boy, at least nineteen years old. He had short brown hair, brown eyes… Why did he seem familiar?

It came to me. But when did Caleb find him? How even? Why was Sam, my brother, not dead?

"Rachael!" Caleb yelled, "Look who I found here!"

Sam cringed at the sound of my name. I stepped off the platform and walked towards the innocent boy, who stared at me in fear.

"Is that you?" I questioned, "Sam?"

He had no response, hanging his head down.

Jerome tapped me on the shoulder and whispered, "What are we doing? Why is Caleb with P..."

"Caleb has my brother," I growled through my teeth, "Who I haven't seen in eight years."

"Oh," he replied and slowly backed off.

"How'd you find him?" I angrily asked Caleb, who created that "I got you there" grin.

Caleb chuckled, "Allison is an expert at tracking. But she couldn't make it today. My sister's got business to attend to."


"Where did I find him?"

"He went under the name Preston. Video gamer and student in Texas. He even had a girlfriend and a fake family!"

Mitch and the rest of the Youtubers gasped. I knew why. My brother was Preston, also known as TBNRFrags.

"But why did you bring him here?"

"You know what, I have a proposal for you," Caleb announced to me, "I realize that you will do whatever it takes from getting your brother killed. So… cancel the wedding and I'll cancel the deal with my friend."

"What friend? And why in the hell would I cancel a wedding that's already started?!"

"Well, my friend specializes in certain practices… lobotomy as one of them."

My eyes widened, "No! You wouldn't!"

"Oh, Rachael, or Ray, I hope you know that I can and will."

"Okay!" The room became silent as I whispered, "Wedding's off."

Suddenly it erupted with chaos. The Team Crafted members argued amongst each other while Mitch and Jerome stood on the platform, shocked as I was.

"Now give me my brother," I told Caleb over the ruckus of the guests.

"Not until you give me one more thing."

"Now what do you want?!"

"Marry me and he's yours."

I gasped, "I… I… can't… but… I have to."

Caleb laughed, "You're right on that one." He pushed Preston, who was scared for his life, into my weak arms, "I'll see you in a week, babe!"

"Call me that again and I'll have Mitch rip your skull out."

"Oh yeah, and by the way, you have to ditch your ex fiancé."

"That wasn't part of our deal!"

"It is now! If you ever see him again after our wedding, your brother is history! Goodbye!" Caleb stormed off, pleasurable in every way.

Tears rolled down my face. Preston backed up a bit.

"No, please," I said to him, "Do you remember me? I'm your older sister, Rachael. I covered you during the car crash… that's why you didn't get killed…"

Preston finally spoke, this time very confidently, as if he played an act while Caleb was around, "Rachael, I know who you are. I knew since the moment I arrived here and saw your face. I've missed you." He smiled and raced into my arms. I hugged him back.

"Why Texas?" I questioned after a few moments of our embrace.

"It was the furthest I could get from Arizona without getting caught by the Weaver kids."

"You left me alone."

"I know. I'm sorry."

"I accept your apology…"

I got tapped on the back. When I spun around, I found Mitch. I begun to sob as I placed my head against his chest.

I whispered so only Mitch could hear, "To save him, I had to agree to marry Caleb."


"I had no choice. He said that I couldn't see you either. My brother would get killed if we ever do."

"We're going to have to stop him, aren't we?"

Preston interrupted, "Can't we just go to the authorities?"

"No. They won't do anything. This isn't ransom," Mitch replied.

"Well, Mitch, it sorta is," I told him, wiping my tears with the sleeve of his jacket. He grinned but quickly changed into a serious expression once again.

"I suppose we can find someone to help us."

"Who? Who would help?"

"Police? FBI?" Preston suggested.

"How about our fans?" Mitch smirked.

I tilted my head, "The Team Crafted fans?"

"What other fans? Yes!"

"Would they help…?"

"They would do anything for us! I'm sure that they know someone of authority. A parent or guardian or someone like that."

"Okay, I'm set on trying."

Preston nodded, "I'm in too."

Mitch smirked, "Let's get started."

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