Living on a Few Wishes //Baja...

By RachelKyG

12.9K 158 24

As if it were a miracle, Ray is transported back to Earth but awakens to a world she's very unfamiliar with... More

The Luna Motel
Introductions to Team Crafted
Truth or Dare
WTF? Too Crazy
Dinner YUM!
He's DEAD?
Day at the Mall
The Argument
Talent Show Part 1
Talent Show Part 2
Talent Show Part 3
Love Conquers All
Intervention and a New Surprise
Dealing in Pain
Off With the Wedding!
Therapy with Doctor Neil
Bacca Wedding
I Have A Little Secret You Wanna Know
Revelation During a Wedding
Hunger Games with a Twist
The Rescue
Introductions to Lilly
Happy Gamers, Serious Rebels
Don't You Want Me? Part 1
Don't You Want Me? Part 2
Benja Wedding
Beauty and the Beast
Ashley the Antagonized
Like a Movie
The Date
Living on a Dream - Finale

Catch the Betty with My Homegirls

301 2 0
By RachelKyG


I went through several months of drug therapy, but this time not with Dr. Neil. It was with someone who knew how to deal with their patients. After my therapy sessions finally ended, I had officially quit the drug and continued with my life. Carter and I spent some more bonding time looking for the perfect dress, for the both of us, and decorations for the party.

A few days before Carter's ceremony, I helped her try on dresses in a bridal shop. She had looked for so long but yet hadn't found the one.

She pulled on a white tutu-like ball gown with glitter sprinkled on the bottom half. Carter liked it, which I agreed with as well. It suited her. But then, she found another white dress, this time thinner. It still had the glitter, but it wasn't as poofy. While she put on the second dress in the fitting room, I stood outside waiting for her.

I noticed someone familiar walk in. She glanced over at me, immediately looked away, and continued with her business. Her long black hair covered her white XL sweatshirt. Although I attempted to ignore her as well, I couldn't help but start a conversation.

"Luna," I started, walking over to her, "What are you doing here? What's the occasion?"

"Jerome invited me to his wedding. So, whether you like it or not, I'll be there."

"I honestly don't care. It may be jealousy to you, but its seems ignorant to me."

"Are you saying I'm ignorant?"

"No… this whole situation is ignorant. We should just get over the fact that Mitch didn't forget about me."

"What about me, huh? I had to deal with him for a year and a half! A year and a half!"Luna begun sobbing into her sweatshirt, making it soak through with tears.

"I'm sorry. You told me that it wasn't my fault though. Why are you still upset?"

"I don't know. I've been getting so irritated these last fews months. You know, I have a new boyfriend, Bobby, and he expects a lot. I can't give him a lot. That's not me."

"I understand. Maybe we can get together later and talk about this."

"Okay. That works."

"Can you forgive for the things I've done wrong to you?"

Luna nodded, smiled, and shook my open hand. This was when Carter walked out of the dressing room in her dress.

"Oh... Luna. Hi," Carter said and then turned to me, "This is the dress. This is it. I'm gonna buy it."

"It looks great on you," Luna told her.

"Thanks. Are you coming to the wedding?"

"Yeah. Jerome invited me."

"I don't blame him. You can get a bit annoying sometimes," she held up her thumb and index finger to symbolize the tiny amount, "But you're still my friend, and friends don't leave friends behind. Right Ray?"

"She's right," I replied.

"Can you forgive me?" Luna asked.

"Yep. You've been forgiven."

"Whew. Thank goodness we got this all settled out," Carter mentioned, wiping imaginary sweat off of her face, "Let's get this party on the road!"

Carter bought the dress, and she, Luna, and I decided to go out to get coffee. I located a Starbucks near Jerome's so we chatted for a few hours. Those were hours I could never get back if I tried.

Luna got a call from Bobby, so she had to answer it, "Hi baby…. Yeah, I'll be back in a few… No, I'm just out with friend… girl friends… nope no guys… just me, Carter, and Ray… yes, Ray from the restaurant… we're friends now… come on… I gotta go… bye… love you too… bye…" Once she hung up, she groaned.

"He wants to know what I'm doing every second of the day. He's nice and sweet but he's… like the Overly-Attached Girlfriend. Seen that video on Youtube?"

Carter acknowledged her reps one with a laugh, "Of course I've seen it! Who hasn't?!"

I shyly raised my hand. Carter glared at me with a smirk, "You have to see it. It's a parody of Boyfriend by Justin Bieber… funniest thing!"

"I believe you… wait… are we doing a game of Minecraft with all of the girls before Saturday?" Saturday was the wedding day.

"You betcha! Luna, wanna join us?"

Luna replied, her head hanging down, "I wish, but I don't have an account. My laptop can't store that type of gaming system."

"Aw… well that's too bad… maybe when you get a new computer we can play."

"Yeah. Maybe."

We all smiled at each other while an awkward silence went on unnoticed.


Two days later, Carter asked me to spend the night at her house, because the next day was the wedding. We were going to play MC, and I didn't want to miss out on this great opportunity to hear from the girls.

Each Team Crafted girlfriend joined the Skype call at their own pace.

Poppy signed in first, "Hey guys!"

I responded, "Heya!"

"What game are we playin'?"

Carter thought about it for a moment, "Uh… I was thinking… Hunger Games!"

"No… that would be too many people… Hide and Seek…?"


I suggested an idea, "Why don't we play on Mitchay?"

"Mitchay?" Poppy questioned.

Carter answered, "It's Ray and Mitch's joint server. They made it together, but I think that Ray did all the work and isn't getting enough credit for it."

"Shut up," I jokingly told her.

Emma and Lexi signed in at almost the same time, a minute apart.

"We're in the same room together!" Emma exclaimed.

"We kicked the boys out cause they were begin too noisy!" Lexi continued, "What are we playing?"

"I just asked that same exact question!" Poppy interrupted, "But we're doing a game on Ray's new server."

I thought of the perfect game, "Why don't we do Catch the Betty? We can just add more teams to it."

Carter nodded, "I agree. Good idea."

"What's Catch the Betty?" Zee asked. She had just logged on and hadn't heard the whole conversation.

"We'll tell you once everyone comes. If we explain every single time that someone entered the chat, we would be saying it too many times."

"I understand."

Cloude joined, followed by Brooke, Megan, and Crystal, who were staying in the same hotel so they went on one person's Skype while playing on their separate computers. Kae soon joined a few minutes after the trio, being the last to log on. She invited Quentin's new girlfriend, Sapphire, who had rainbow colored hair, teal eyes, a blue blouse with a picture of an iron sword on it, black pants, and black shoes.

I explained the rules of Catch the Betty to the girls and they all agreed to play it.

We split up into 4 groups of 3. It was me, Carter, and Poppy vs. Emma, Lexi, and Cloude, vs. Brooke, Megan, and Crystal vs. Zee, Kae, and Sapphire. Everyone thought the teams were pretty fair, so we split up into our separate Skype calls.

"I played this once with Adam, but it didn't go so well… you remember right Carter?" I mentioned.

"Yeah, I remember. What even happened back there?" she queried.



"So how do you really play this?" Poppy asked. It definitely seemed like she was confused.

"Like I told you before, it's hide and seek but the group of 3 has to find the Betty in the item frame before any of the other teams. Okay? You got it?" I told her.

"I'll try my best," Poppy joked and the three of us prepared to go searching.

Fifteen minutes later, Emma begun to type "GG" into the chat. We realized that her group had found the Betty so we typed in "GG" as well. As soon as we begun to prep another round, the girls had to leave one by one.

Eventually Carter and I were the only ones left. We played a quick Hunger Games on the Hive server before we called it a night.

"Good luck," I whispered while lying on a blow-up bed.

"Thanks. I'll need it." Carter was shaking so heavily that I thought she could drill through the Earth's core.

"You'll be fine. I promise. If anything bad would happen at a wedding, it would be Caleb stalking me at mine."


"Haven't you heard? He's out of jail. He's recruited Allison and Johnny to help him, since Rebecca is dead for some reason."

"How'd she die?"

"I don't know, but it's probably not natural."

"Nothing these days are natural."

"Ha, you got that right… good night, Carter."

"Good night Ray."

I closed my eyes and imagined that Mitch was sleeping right next to me.

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