Living on a Few Wishes //Baja...

By RachelKyG

12.9K 158 24

As if it were a miracle, Ray is transported back to Earth but awakens to a world she's very unfamiliar with... More

The Luna Motel
Introductions to Team Crafted
Truth or Dare
WTF? Too Crazy
Dinner YUM!
He's DEAD?
Day at the Mall
The Argument
Talent Show Part 1
Talent Show Part 2
Talent Show Part 3
Love Conquers All
Intervention and a New Surprise
Dealing in Pain
Off With the Wedding!
Catch the Betty with My Homegirls
Bacca Wedding
I Have A Little Secret You Wanna Know
Revelation During a Wedding
Hunger Games with a Twist
The Rescue
Introductions to Lilly
Happy Gamers, Serious Rebels
Don't You Want Me? Part 1
Don't You Want Me? Part 2
Benja Wedding
Beauty and the Beast
Ashley the Antagonized
Like a Movie
The Date
Living on a Dream - Finale

Therapy with Doctor Neil

268 4 0
By RachelKyG


I went back to Draco a month after the first visit. I took more of the medicine, which he revealed the name of: GRT. No more, no less. I don't know why I did it. I was naive and dumb. It was one of the worst decision of my life. It almost cost me my life.

While writing fan-fiction on my computer, I became dizzy yet again. My head shook and I felt like it wasn't gonna get better any soon. This pain went to the point of losing consciousness. And it did.

I got knocked out for at least twenty minutes. Once waking up yet again and completely frightened, I looked up the name of the medicine. Turns out that GRT never existed. I did some more research and realized the substance that I bought was an addictive drug named Methamphetamine. This scared me so much because I knew what it was. How could I have so stupid to fall for his tricks? I had been taking the pills for over a month… that was a bad thing… 

When Mitch asked me to go to therapy, I almost immediately agreed. I could tell this freaked him out, but I had no choice. I knew I was going downhill fast. Every time I thought about quitting, my screwed-up brain kept on going back. This went on for two more days.


I walked into a tall stone building, holding hands with Mitch. I still loved him, and aside from the fact that I had a drug problem, I had problems with Allison and Johnny.

We sat down in leather chairs in a small waiting room. There were blank white walls, and I knew they were blank for a reason. The people in charge did not want to bring out emotions of their patients. They wanted that for the conversation with the therapist. And this, of course, was all for money. No real help at all. All fake, all for the money.

But I had to go. It was my only chance of being together with Mitch, with no internal problems, very little external problems… my only choice.

I heard a lady call my name from a desk, "Rachael Anderson?" I lifted my head from one of those magazines they placed on their tables, stood up, and followed the lady into a room. She smiled and closed the door, leaving me alone. Or that's what I thought.

Someone coughed from behind me. I spun around to notice a second woman who sat on a comfy sofa and motioned for me to sit across from her. She had auburn hair, pale skin with freckles, and grey eyes, and wore a light beige tank top with a black scarf, black skinny jeans, and black flats. I obeyed her instructions and sat down. She smiled and begun introductions.

"My name is Dr. Neil. I suppose you're Rachael."

I nodded.

"I'm 25, and I see that you're 21."

I nodded again.

While she talked, I was so focused on other stuff that I didn't listen to her until she realized that I wasn't paying attention.

"Hun, ya okay?" she questioned.

"Uh… yeah," I replied.

"We gotta talk."

"What do we need to talk about?" I asked her confused.

"Well, ya very distracted and you seen to have a ton of stuff on ya mind. What's on ya mind, hun?" Dr. Neil said, chewing her gum obnoxiously. 

"About a month ago, I was given this medication that was supposed to help me with my pain. I found out it was an addictive drug and now I'm addicted to it." I told her. She blew a bubble as she wrote something on her notepad. 

"Who did ya get the drug from?" She asked me.

"Someone I know gave it to me. But it knocked me out and I found out that it was actually a drug." I explained. She nodded, chewing on her minty gum. I knew it's mint since I smelled it from here.

"What did ya think it was?" She asked me, accusingly.


"I'll be right back." She walked out as I rubbed my head. I'm getting a headache. The door opened again and someone came in. Dr. Neil sat on her chair and someone rubbed my back. I looked to my right to find Mitch.

"She said you were getting stressed." He whispered. 

"I think you should tell him about your problem." Dr. Neil addressed me. I looked at her horrified. 

"What problem?" Mitch questioned me. 

"I've been taking this.... drug..... for the past month.... to deal with pain." I started crying. He gasped. 

"Did you know it was a drug?" He yelled.

"WHY WOULD I DO DRUGS MITCH?" I screamed at him. He looked taken back by my sudden anger. Dr. Neil was scribbling on her notebook.

"Do you see this tension? This is why ya relationship is messed up." Dr. Neil said, blowing a bubble.

"She even canceled our wedding. I don't know why." Mitch told her.

"Now, I had some relationship problems too. I found mah boyfriend cheat'in on me! So what I do? I got back off my lazy butt and I went into the world beyawnd!" Dr. Neil told us.

"So you're saying we need to see other people?" I asked her.

"No, I'm say'in that ya need to be completely honest with each otha. Why did ya cancel ya wedd'in?" She asked me. 

"I was threatened." Is all I said.

"By who?" Mitch questioned, glancing down at me.

"Johnny and Allison. Do you remember when I told you about my parent and my brother's car crash? Anthony Weaver? Johnny is his son."

"Then what does Allison want?"

"Her brother is Caleb…"

"Oh… that's not good…"

"It looks like ya time is up. That'll be one hundred and fifty dollas." Dr. Neil mentioned, holding out her hand. Mitch sighed and took a several twenty dollar bills from his pocket. He left them in her hand. She smiled as another bubble popped, "Nice to see ya. Hope that this helped."

I sarcastically nodded and left the room, Mitch's hand in mine.

When we exited the building a few minutes later, I gave Mitch a hug.

"I'm sorry about lying to you. I hope that I can repay you," I told him.

"Rachael Anderson, will you please be my wife?"

"Yeah. Definitely. No messing around this time. And whoever tries to stop us is going down."

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