Living on a Few Wishes //Baja...

By RachelKyG

12.9K 158 24

As if it were a miracle, Ray is transported back to Earth but awakens to a world she's very unfamiliar with... More

The Luna Motel
Introductions to Team Crafted
Truth or Dare
WTF? Too Crazy
Dinner YUM!
He's DEAD?
Day at the Mall
The Argument
Talent Show Part 1
Talent Show Part 2
Talent Show Part 3
Love Conquers All
Dealing in Pain
Off With the Wedding!
Therapy with Doctor Neil
Catch the Betty with My Homegirls
Bacca Wedding
I Have A Little Secret You Wanna Know
Revelation During a Wedding
Hunger Games with a Twist
The Rescue
Introductions to Lilly
Happy Gamers, Serious Rebels
Don't You Want Me? Part 1
Don't You Want Me? Part 2
Benja Wedding
Beauty and the Beast
Ashley the Antagonized
Like a Movie
The Date
Living on a Dream - Finale

Intervention and a New Surprise

341 2 0
By RachelKyG

Third Person POV

A girl with brown hair and ocean blue eyes sat down in a chair. This room was dimmed and you could only see the person in front of you, for confidentiality reason. The boy across from her, not much of a boy anymore, had dirt all over his body, as if he hadn't bathed in days. The girl, somewhat grossed out, was forced to remain in the chair until the man wanted her to leave.

The boy begun their conversation. "Hey Ali."


"You know I want to get out of here."

"I know you do."

"So, what's new?"

"Ray's in town."

The boy rolled his eyes and glared at the girl with anger. "What? What? She's supposed to be dead!"

"I'm guessing Rebecca didn't do her job."

He crossed his heart with his hand. "Rebecca. Rest in peace."

"Bless her soul."

"Did you go after her?"

The girl replied immediately. "Sorta. She's still with her Youtuber boyfriend."

"Dang it. Ali, you've gotta get me out of here. Tell your rich boyfriend Johnny to bail me or something," he growled.

"Never. I'm your sister, but I would never go against Johnny."

"Do you even like him anyways?"

"Yes! I do! I do like him!"

"Do you love me?"

"As a brother, of course. Why wouldn't I?"

"Because, you won't do this simple task…"


"Not so loud…"


"I'll see you around, Ali."

"Goodbye for now Caleb."


I was the one to hook up a Skype call. Mitch beside me, had joined the call, Jerome was there, Adam was there, Ty was there, and Carter had agreed to join, although she had never played MC before.

"It's simple," I told my friend while going over the controls of the keyboard, "W is forward, S is back, A is left, D is right, space bar is jump, shift is crouch, E is inventory, Q is drop, and sometimes tab can show the players in the server."

"Well that's good to know," Carter replied, a bit annoyed, "Can you mind saying that again? I didn't catch anything."

Jerome interrupted, "I'll show you." He got up from his computer to help his fiancé.

Several minutes later, Carter finally understood the MC basics, being lectured by Jerome, the Hunger Games champion (Mitch would disagree, making me laugh). But Mitch and I had a surprise for our friends. It was an important surprise that would change our MClives forever.

"So," I begun, "I have a direct connect server that I want you guys to log into. I'm not sure yet if it can hold more than two players, but we'll try."

"What's going on here?" Adam smirked over the hushed voices of Carter and Jerome, "Why a direct connect?"

"You'll see." I smiled, glanced over at Mitch and nodded, "Wait! Don't log in until everyone is ready."

It only took a minute or so until Carter, Jerome, Adam, Ty, and Mitch and I were ready to unveil our surprise.

"Now!" Mitch yelled and all of us clicked the button.

There were statues in the middle of an arena. They were of me, Mitch, Jerome, Adam, Ty, Carter, and most of Team Crafted. Arranged in a circle, they each pointed to a certain game: such as the survival games or hide and seek. Others pointed to signs explaining rules and regulations. Mine pointed to the YT channels of each of the statues. Mitch and I had created a few new games: such as Catch the Betty, which I planned to show my friends.

"Wow!" Ty exclaimed, "Is this a new server? Who made it?"

"Me," I replied, grinning.

"Ray! You created this?!" Jerome asked. I could tell he was smiling from end to end of his face.

"Mitch and I, but yeah."

"This is awesome!" Ty continued, "Can we play some games?"

"Sure," Mitch responded, and lead the group to the entrance of Catch the Betty, "The object of the game is kind of like hide and seek, but it's a secret Betty hidden around the map. There are twenty people per game, when we get it into a real server of course. Those twenty players must search for the Betty and whoever finds it wins the round."

"Sounds like fun!" Adam cried, "Let's play!"

"YEEE-AAAAH!" I screamed.

We were separated into teams of two. Carter wanted to stay with Jerome, which was fine with the others. And to make the game fair, I teamed with Adam, and Mitch with Ty. Saying our goodbyes, Adam and I transferred into our private call.

"Are you gonna record this?" I asked him.

"Sure, why not? It'll be a game when you open the server, right?"


"What other games are there gonna be?"

"Hunger Games, Cops N Robbers, Regular and Bow Spleef, One in the Chamber, one of those Sumo things, Hide N Seek, Mix-up (named differently), PVP arena, etc."

"Wow. You've got everything."

"Plus we have the IP's to each of your servers on a sign. Mitchay will be the place to be."

"Mitchay? Really?"

"It's temporary! God!"

"So… are we gonna win Catch the Betty?"

"Of course, dude."

We chose team red, and begun to play the game.

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