Living on a Few Wishes //Baja...

By RachelKyG

12.9K 158 24

As if it were a miracle, Ray is transported back to Earth but awakens to a world she's very unfamiliar with... More

The Luna Motel
Introductions to Team Crafted
Truth or Dare
WTF? Too Crazy
Dinner YUM!
Day at the Mall
The Argument
Talent Show Part 1
Talent Show Part 2
Talent Show Part 3
Love Conquers All
Intervention and a New Surprise
Dealing in Pain
Off With the Wedding!
Therapy with Doctor Neil
Catch the Betty with My Homegirls
Bacca Wedding
I Have A Little Secret You Wanna Know
Revelation During a Wedding
Hunger Games with a Twist
The Rescue
Introductions to Lilly
Happy Gamers, Serious Rebels
Don't You Want Me? Part 1
Don't You Want Me? Part 2
Benja Wedding
Beauty and the Beast
Ashley the Antagonized
Like a Movie
The Date
Living on a Dream - Finale

He's DEAD?

356 6 0
By RachelKyG

I glanced around and noticed that two chairs were empty. They belonged to Light and Blake.

"Light and Blake aren't here. Should we look for them?" I nudged Megan.

"If you want," she replied.

Relaxing and glancing over at Megan once in a while, I suddenly heard a gunshot coming from the restrooms. A female scream came soon after. Everyone in the room perked up. Allison was the first one up and to the scene. I quickly followed, Adam, Mitch, and Megan at my side.

And just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, it did. The first thing I noticed was the trail of blood lining the door. I raced inside, Mitch attempting to hold me back.

"Light may be in there!" I yelled, pulling away from him. The only other person who followed me into the restroom was Allison, the only person I didn't want with me. But at this moment, we had a common enemy.

"Someone help! There's a man in here! He's dead!" a woman screamed. She wore a fancy blue dress and held a clutch bag to her chest. The person I saw lying in front of the woman, with a bullet in his heart, was Blake.

I gasped, "My god. Who would have done this?"

Allison turned to the woman, "What is your name?"

"Diamond," she quickly replied, her eyes glued to Blake.

"Are you here with anyone?"

"Yes, my boyfriend Angus. He's at our table…"

"Have you seen a girl with long ice blue hair? Yay tall?" Allison motioned Light's height.

"No. Sorry. I haven't. I must go."

"Of course," I said and Allison and I watched her leave. I swooped out my cell phone and dialed 911.

"Hello?" the operator greeted me on the other line.

"I'm at the Washington State Buffet House and a man has just been shot to death."

"Oh, alright. I'll get emergency immediately. Do you know the man personally?"

"Yes. He's the boyfriend of one of my friends."

"Do you need to stay on the phone with me while the paramedics arrive?"

"No. I'll be fine, but my friend Allison may."

"Does Allison have relation to the man?"

"Yes. Her best friend has also went missing."

"Oh. I'll contact the police on that as well. May you hand the phone over to Allison?"

"Sure." I gave my phone to Allison, "She wants to talk to you."

"Okay," she responded and left the restroom, tiny tears streaming down her cheeks.

Mitch ran into the restroom and spotted Blake. He gasped.

"We've gotta go. Paramedics are here," he told me.

"Okay." Mitch led me out of the restroom and met up with the others.

"What the hell happened?" Crystal questioned me.

"Blake got murdered."

"What?!" Lexi shouted.

Jordan took over for his girlfriend, "He seemed like such a nice guy. Who in their right mind would kill him?"

"Good question," I replied sarcastically.

Parademics in red attire rushed into the restaurant, huddling people out. Diamond exited, holding onto the arm of a man who looked very similar to Jerome… Jerome glared at the man strangely, left Carter's side and tapped the man on shoulder. The man turned around and gave Jerome a giant hug.

"JAYROME!" he shouted.

"Do I know you?" Jerome asked.

"Angy? Angus? Do you not remember me?"


"I'm your twin!"


"Who's that?" Angy waved to Carter, who shyly glared at the two long-lost brothers.

"My fiancé."

"Well, see you later!"

"You're just gonna leave?"


"Uh… aren't you gonna stay? You are my brother… right?"

Angy nodded and smiled. He took Diamond's hand and walked off. Jerome stood still and gaped his mouth open, morally confused.

"Okay…" I said, and then turned to Mitch, "We going to your place?"


Mitch and I drove in his car to the Luna Motel. We entered his room and he immediately laid down on the bed, exhausted.

"That was quite a night." He closed his eyes.

"Can I take a shower?" I asked, feeling disgusted from the dinner.


I undressed and stepped into the shower, feeling warm water spill on my body. I stood there for a moment of so, just contemplating everything from the past day. I realized I had a lot more in store. After a few minutes, I exited the shower and wrapped a towel around my chest. It hung down to below my thighs Quickly I dried, but forgot about my own clothes. I peeked into Mitch's room, holding the towel against my chest. Long wet hair clung to my back.

"Do you have anything I can borrow?" I questioned. Mitch sat up from the bed, saw me and rushed to his closet.

"Yeah. It's not your size though…"

"It's fine."

Mitch picked out one of his own shirts: the shirt was purple and had a dancing panda on it, and handed it to me.

"Don't have anything else besides shirts," he told me.

"No pants?"

"They won't fit you."

"Try me."

He smirked and pulled out a pair of his boxers.

"Really?" I giggled. He giggled along, and eventually handed me a pair of sweat-shorts. I walked out of the bathroom with Mitch's shirt and pants, drying my hair with the wet towel.

"Not gonna dry it yourself?" he asked.

"Nope," I held my head high. He ran at me and lifted me onto the bed. I stared at him.

"What?" he joked, looking around. I couldn't hold in my giggles, so I burst out laughing, "What's so funny?!"

I was too full of happiness that I could not reply to him. Instead I laid back down on his bed and stared at the ceiling. Mitch laid next to me and turned off the bed-side light.

"Good night Ray. I love you." He kissed me on the lips as I fell into a deep sleep.

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