Living on a Few Wishes //Baja...

By RachelKyG

12.9K 158 24

As if it were a miracle, Ray is transported back to Earth but awakens to a world she's very unfamiliar with... More

The Luna Motel
Introductions to Team Crafted
Truth or Dare
Dinner YUM!
He's DEAD?
Day at the Mall
The Argument
Talent Show Part 1
Talent Show Part 2
Talent Show Part 3
Love Conquers All
Intervention and a New Surprise
Dealing in Pain
Off With the Wedding!
Therapy with Doctor Neil
Catch the Betty with My Homegirls
Bacca Wedding
I Have A Little Secret You Wanna Know
Revelation During a Wedding
Hunger Games with a Twist
The Rescue
Introductions to Lilly
Happy Gamers, Serious Rebels
Don't You Want Me? Part 1
Don't You Want Me? Part 2
Benja Wedding
Beauty and the Beast
Ashley the Antagonized
Like a Movie
The Date
Living on a Dream - Finale

WTF? Too Crazy

461 8 0
By RachelKyG

Luna and I were sitting in the closet when the chaos from outside calmed down. I heard an strangely familiar voice that hadn't shown up earlier.

"Hey guys," he said, "It's Johnny!"

"Johnny boy!" Jason, Ty, and Adam yelled at the same time. They seemed to like him.

"Can you please let us out of here!" I screamed, "It's been seven minutes!"

No one replied. They all continued their chatter. This time I banged on the door, "Let us out, you douches!"

Allison opened the door and pushed me against the wall. Luna glared up at us and watched the whole thing.

"Don't mess with me, or else Mitch will get hurt. Capeesh?"

"No. Of course not. I'm not listening to you," I responded.

"I'm gonna have to tell my boss that you're uncooperative."

"Who do you work for?"

"Remember your boyfriend? No, not Mitch. Caleb. Remember him?"

"What does this have to do with Caleb?"

"He's my older brother. You put him in jail. Now you're gonna pay." Allison turned to Luna, "Get out of here and never come back."

"But… but…" Luna gasped.

"I know you didn't bully me. Brooke did. It was an excuse to get you in here. Sorry. L O L."

Luna, still crying, stood up and ran out of the room, leaving behind Mitch and Team Crafted.

"Luna!" I yelled, trying to bring her back, "Luna!"

I quickly took a glimpse at Johnny. He wore a black hoodie, red tennis shoes, and red sweatpants. He found me as well. I knew him from somewhere…

"Rachael Anderson?" he questioned and walked over to the closet. Johnny pulled Allison, furious, aside, "Do you remember me?"

"No…" I replied.

"December 9, 2008. Your parents, your brother, my father."

"Johnny Weaver?!" I attempted to back up even more, "Don't hurt me! Please!"

He whispered in my ear, "I'll save that for later." Wide eyed and scared for my life, I watched him casually walk out of the closet and smirk.

"What was that about?" Allison asked me.

"Don't…" I escaped her view and rushed over to a corner of the room. Sitting down, I heavily inhaled. Mitch came over and sat down next to me.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah. Luna's not though. She wanted to break up with you."


"You had a freaking picture with a heart drawn around us! What is she supposed to think?!"

"I don't know…"

"Shouldn't we get back to truth or dare?"

"I'm pretty sure that the game is over. Allison got a little too intense, especially with Luna. Speaking of Luna, where is she?"

"She left. Did you not see her run outside?"

"No, I didn't."

"You should go after her."

"I'll tell her later. Right now, I have to stay with you."

"Is that so?"

Mitch nodded and put his lips to mine. We kissed for a few seconds until we slowly slipped apart.

"Ray, I'm deeply in love with you. When you parted this world two years ago, I thought you were gone. Now that I'm sitting right here, right now makes me believe that we have a second chance to make things better."

"I guess." I smiled and held onto Mitch's hand, romantically glancing into his eyes.

"Mitch," Jerome paced over to us, a nervous look on his face, "We have a problem."

"What is it?" Mitch asked, standing up. He helped me up as well.

"It's too horrid to tell." Jerome led us outside to see a cluster of people surrounding an object in the middle of the road. We followed him into the cluster. I managed to squeeze through and meet up with Carter at the front of the group. She stared at a body of a girl lying in the middle of the street. The girl had  dark brown hair with lighter brown and blond highlights, and dull jade green eyes. She wore a green and black beanie, black vest, high tops, black pants, and a jade green shirt. I glanced around, and once realizing that no one would help the poor girl, I raced to drag her over. Mitch joined me in pulling her to the others. Crystal handed me a glass of water and I forced the girl to drink it. Cloude checked her pulse.

"She's alive, but slowing down. We've gotta get her to a hospital, ASAP," Cloude told us.

Adam and Tyler lifted her into Mitch's car. Mitch and I jumped in the front seats, with Adam, Seto, and the girl in the back. The other Team Crafted members and their girlfriends hopped into their separate cars or carpooled.

Of course Mitch's car arrived at the hospital first. Adam, Seto, and Mitch carried the girl inside and the doctors immediately called to her response. They wheeled her into the emergency room. Jerome, Carter, Jason, Brooke, and Johnny entered soon after. After them came Ty, Crystal, Mat, and Poppy, followed by Kermit, Cloude, Ian, and Zee. Tyler came with Megan, Allison, and Light, followed by Jordan, Lexi, Ryan, and Emma.

"Is she okay?" Light asked me.

"I don't know," I replied, "I don't even know what happened."

"I saw it. Ian, Brooke, Jason, Seto, and I were outside, looking for Luna. The girl was hit by a car. The guy got drunk and ran into her. He's being charged for first-hand murder," Zee told us.

"How do you know this?"

"Well, Seto called the police and the guy got arrested."



Two hours later, I sat next to Mitch, leaning on his shoulder. A doctor came into the waiting room, causing Mitch, Jerome, Adam, Cloude, Kermit, and Seto to stand up. I watched them talk to the doctor and then being led into a different room. Carter and I followed them.

"Her name is Jaden Trette," I overheard the doctor say, "She goes to a community college not far from here. She has no siblings, but the police found a black cat and a black dog standing on the side of the road. They have brought both of the animals here. We're positive that the cat and dog belong to Ms. Trette."

"The question is… is she okay?" Cloude asked.

"Yes, she will be fine. We have tested some things and realized that she is blind, so Jaden may have not seen the car in the first place."

"Ah," Kermit commented, "Explains the dog."

"Come inside." The doctor opened the door to a hospital room and walked inside. Carter and I sneaked in behind them. Unfortunately Mitch and Jerome found us.

"What are you doing in here?" Jerome questioned Carter.

"I wanted to see," she replied, "Will she get better?"

Mitch nodded and turned to me, "As long as you're here, I suppose you can come inside." I smiled.

Jaden laid on the bed, her eyes closed. The group moved closer, and Jaden's eyes opened a bit. She snapped her head up and looked at the only space where there weren't people.

"Who are you?" she asked, frightened.

"I'm sorry if we scared you," Seto told her, "We're the ones who saved you from the car crash. I'm Seto and these are my friends Mitch, Adam, Jerome, Cloude, and Kermit."

"Not to mention Carter and Ray," Jerome added.

"Ray?" Jaden queried.

"Yes?" I replied.

"May I talk to you? Alone?"

I looked around at the others. The doctor nodded and forced everyone else out of the room. I pulled up a chair next to the bed.

"How are you Ray?" Jaden asked.

"I'm good. How are you, Jaden? Right?"

"Call me Jade."

"Okay. Why did you want to talk to me?"

"I knew your brother."


"He was in the same grade as me when he was still alive. Funny kid. But such a shame."

"Can I ask you a personal question?"

"Sure. It's not like I'm going anywhere soon."

"How did you become blind?"

Jade sighed, "I've been like this all of my life. Pretty much. I can still see… technically, but I only see distorted shapes. Can't tell one person from the other. I'm glad that I can write though."

"What do you mean?"

"I tell people what to write, from my own imagination, and they post it or publish it under my name."

"That's good."

"Now about Sammy. He didn't tell you something, or if you already know, he didn't tell you enough."

"What is it?"

"He had this… issue."

"Yes? And?"

"He… was part of this group. And the group didn't do very moral stuff. They robbed stores. They robbed houses. There was one kidnapping, but Sammy wasn't part of that…"

"How do you know this?"

"I had a friend. Her cousin was the leader of the group."

"I have to see her! She's my best friend!" a voice yelled from outside the room.

"That's her," Jade whispered.

A girl raced into the room and buried her face into Jade's. The girl had auburn blonde hair with orange tips and royal blue eyes. She wore a lacy orange top, tan shorts, and brown boots.

"Kae," Jade continued, "It's good to hear from you again."

"Jade! I had no idea! I heard from my sister!"

"It's fine. This is Ray. She's Sammy's sister."

"Sammy? Oh yeah, that Sammy. Poor guy. I'm Kae Machinson."

"Nice to meet you Kae," I shook her hand, "But this is a bad place for introductions…"

"Ashley should be here in a few minutes."

"I doubt it. Your sister does not like me," Jade responded.

"Why do you say that?"

"Last time she saw me, she teased me about being blind. Of course I don't mind, but it's a bit rude."

Seto peeked into the room, "Ray, you okay…?" His eye caught Kae's, "Hi."

"Are you… setosorcerer?" Kae asked, nervously shaking. Seto nodded, smiling, "Hi. I'm Kae."

"I should go. Mitch is waiting," I told the girls.

"Mitch? As in BajanCanadian?" 

"Yeah," I replied, grinning, "He's sorta… my boyfriend."

"Really? That's awesome. But… I prefer Seto."

Seto, still standing at the door, had his eyes glued to Kae, "Do you want to go to dinner sometime?"

Kae turned back to him and smiled, "Sure."

"I'm in a hospital here. Can you not awe over a guy, just for right now?" Jade questioned, annoyed.

"Sorry Jade."

I stood up from the chair, allowing Kae to take the seat, and walked out of the room. I met back up with Mitch.

"What did she tell you?" Mitch asked me.

"It's kind of personal. I'd rather not," I told him.

"Okay. A few couples are thinking of going out to dinner. Wanna come?"

"Yep." I held onto Mitch's hand and we both smiled.

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