Instant Attraction

By OyindamolaSalawu

172 35 4

What if the person who you think will make you happy turn out to be your biggest enemy. Lillian Andrews alway... More

preview(instant attraction).
chapter 1:introduction
chapter 2:the dream
chapter3:he is real
chapter 4:is she for real
chapter 5:i guess he hates me
chapter6:there is no way in hell i am working with her
8:nobody messes with my friend except from me
chapter 9:beyond redemption
chapter 10:the game plan
chapter 11: what the hell is he up to

chapter 7:he is in so much trouble

8 3 0
By OyindamolaSalawu

Lily's POV:.

Oh my gosh, I am definitely going to let him have it, you must be wondering why I am boiling well it is because of that God forsaken human being called Nathan

He called my mum and told her that he could not work with us because of "me"because he said I had a child like attitude but God knows if I see him I am going to break every bone in his body

I can still remember my mums words
I thought you were ready but everything is just a joke to you, I gave you one assignment and you messed it up

But mum I tried saying but she wouldn't let me explain

No buts, I don't want to hear it I gave you a chance to prove yourself and you wasted it just don't expect that a new one is coming any time soon she said and left my office

Oh God what have I done I could have just kept my mouth shut and acted maturely but I just had to mess it all up

Don't blame yourself and remember it takes two to tango,he is also at fault for throwing shades at us.

He started it and he should be the one fixing it Maya stated

You know his is a bull head and will not take responsibility for his action, god what am I going to do

Whatever you do just think about it carefully so you don't complicate the issue at hand Maya advised.

I have to go now I still have to do some things before closing hour today she said as she made her way out of my office

Fast forward to now that I am trying to take Maya's advise and think of how to solve this mess and make mum believe in my abilities again but I am still very angry at that moron for ruining my whole plan

"He did it and he should fix it " what Maya said has being echoing in my head , it just keeps coming back
So I think I have a solution, I walk towards my desks, pulled my chair and put on my laptop, I start my search ,although it took me sometime to get the information I needed but got it and wrote it down

I left my office in a hurry with a kind of excitement I could just not understand ,why I was so excited and nervous I couldn't explain it but I was hestatic I quickly move my thought and started walking towards the main door before I could get to the door a soft voice called my name I knew it was Maya so I waited for her to hear what she wanted to tell me

Where are you going Maya asked?

I have a meeting and I am late so can you cut to the chase I said

I know you have no other meeting apart from the meeting from hell we had today so where are you going?

Okay, you caught me I don't have any appointment but I need to get to a place ASAP it is very important

Where are you going she ask me again?

No where important but I need to get there now I said giving her a look that said no more questions.

I got my answer she said you are going to Nathan's office right or wrong?

Yes, okay can we stop the ten questions now I said

she just gave me one of her adorable smile and I knew that she was up to something
She gave me her puppy eye and without talking I knew what she was saying
No there is no way you are going with me I made the mess and I am going to fix it.

I am just going to follow you and help you in case you need to castrate him Maya said

I am not castrating any body I just want to have a cool and calm talk with him

Then let's go why are we wasting time Maya said

I knew she had made up her mind to go and if I don't let her she won't let me go out of this place so I gave up and she followed me. We got into my car and with immediate effect I zoomed off

Finally, the car came to an halt in front of the agency and all that came to my mind is that he is about to get it from me and even told Maya I wasn't going to castrate him but I assure you that he is going to get a ear full from me.

Lily chill Maya said but my anger was the one dominating me so I tuned out all voice of reasoning as I marched to the front desk

Hello, is there anything I can help you with ? the nice receptionist said

Yes I like to see Mr Nathaniel I said gently but i knew that I was here to cause trouble and not to be gentle but as they say a girl has to do what she has to do to get to her goal

Sorry Mam, but Mr Nathaniel is in a meeting right now and would not like to be disturbed

But I have to see him it urgent I said getting annoyed as the seconds pass without out me reaching my goal

I am sorry Mam but there nothing I can do but if you did like to leave a message I did be happy to pass it across when he is less busy.

Nooooooo,I have to see him now I said sounding pissed and frustrated

Lily let's just go we come back later
Maya said but I wasn't about to give up ,I thought and I got the perfect idea

Okay I said get me a piece of paper I can write my message on I said giving her one of my brightest grin

Okay she said as she looked under her desk to take the paper but instead of waiting I ran towards what I guess to be the conference room

No Mam, you can't go in there the receptionist said while Maya was saying lily don't but I didn't stop I just kept on moving till I opened the door

YOU, I thought I asked you not to allow anyone in he said facing the receptionist

I tried to stop her sir but she rushed in and I couldn't stop her she said sounding scared

although I felt sorry for her but my hatred for her boss was much stronger than the pity I felt for her

You can go I will talk to you later he said to her and she left quietly like a scared cat that just increased my anger

Gentlemen i am sorry about this and I promise we will finish next time he said while shaking their hands as they left the room

So what are you doing here he said acting as if he was totally clueless

You son of a swine how dare you call my mum and tell her I was not mature or what ever during the meeting while you were the one behaving like a fool through out I said

So you came all the way from your fashion house with your Army of one to tell me this he said with an hint of amusement

I don't care what you think but just because you don't like me for what ever reason you made up in your head but never mess with my work or my friend because those things might not be important to you but they are to me I said completing my speech

I don't care what you think all I want you to do is to leave this office and I never want to see you again Nathan said looking at me with annoyance.

I heard the noise what going on Alex said as he entered the room Maya, lily what are you guys doing here he said

Why don't you ask your jerk of a friend why he decided to call Lily's mother and say shit that ain't even true to her Maya said

Nathan, why would you do that Alex said giving Nathan an accusing look

Alex I had to tell the nice woman that I couldn't work with her daughter Nathan said

Even though I don't understand why you are letting your emotions ruin a good business deal but I still supported you but you are trying to get her in trouble with her mum that just not cool .

Nate I don't know why you are acting like this Alex said sounding hurt

Nate just kept quite looking pensive. So because I knew he wasn't going to say anything and I was tired of this place so I spoke up
Alex thanks for being fair and I will like to thank you for that but I don't know what I did to your friend but if he messes with my family again there will be hell to pay I said

Maya let's go I said as we left the room ,the office and hopefully Nathaniel life forever I think it time for me to let go of my dreams and never look back

Nathan has actually given me a reality check I don't believe in dreams and prince charming anymore that should be left to the film producers to create fantasies because that just what it is

I am moving on and I am going to concentrate on me and maybe I will finally listen to what Maya said and finally go on a date and find a real man not a fantasised nightmare come to life I thought.

But what would lily do if her dreams don't want to let go of her ......... What then?
Is that the end if Nate and lily or is it just the beginning ?
Even though Nathan is annoying I believe love can still redeem him.
That's all for today folks see you next time .😍😗😈🔜

Love oyin.

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