chapter 10:the game plan

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Lily's POV:

I was unsettled about Nathan's change of plan so I decided to invite Alex out for coffee to get to the bottom of it

here I am inside a small cafe near my house waiting for Alex

I was about to call Alex when I saw him entering the glass door of the cafe he strode swiftly to my table honestly if not because of dream guy who is a jerk but still makes my heart skip I will try going out with him but now i will stick to finding out why Nathan change his mind

Hi, I am really sorry I kept you waiting something urgent came up he said as he took his seat so what so urgent that you had to see me he said

but before I could say anything I heard my name at the counter excuse me I said as I walked towards to collect my order

I walked back and seat down sorry since you were late I took the liberty of ordering for us hope you like cappuccino I asked?

Yes I do actually thanks he said as I pass him his drink okay what up he said

Okay here goes Nathan came to the fashion house to sign the contract but I have a feeling that he has a plan and I think it's bad I said

No Nathan is not that bad he might look it but he is not that bad

Lets me be honest with you Nathan only signed that contract for one reason I said

What is the reason she asked ?

Nathans dad called him and set him straight that's the only reason he changed his mind hence he is not planning anything

I am happy but you know your friend his a sadist so you can't blame me for being pessimistic but seriously what his up with him I asked as I sipped my coffee.

He wasn't always like that when we were kid's at least he was not always sad but I left Newyork before he did so I don't know what tipped him off balance but I know it happened after I left and he won't tell me Alex said looking sad.

What could they have done to him to make him like that?.

I don't know although he had a hard time during his childhood but that never brought him down like the event that finally broke him

I want my friend back but I don't know what to do about it he said

Well I don't know what I can Say to that but I know some event mark you and they shape who you are they will never leave you they scar you for life and you walk around with them for the rest of our lives but we just cope with it differently and I hope he seek what will finally give him peace I said

Enough of all this sad story I just want you to have in mind that Nathan has no ulterior motives for signing the contract he wanted to correct his mistake and he did

So be rest assured that this partnership will bring success and joy to both companies I promise Alex said with a look of certainty in his eyes

If you are sure then I have no problems with it cheers to a good business deal I said

After awhile of taking about nothing we both decided to go home giving me a goodbye hug we both went our separate ways.


After having that talk with lily I decided that I had to talk to Nathan even if his father called I knew Nathan always ends up getting what he wants

Even though I convinced lily I needed convincing my self

Nate I yelled as I entered our apartment Nate I called again were are you

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