chapter 9:beyond redemption

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Lily's POV:

Mum what is he doing here I asked?

darling I was just about to call for you Nathan changed his mind about canceling the deal but with the hope that you will be mature from here on out she said

Mum you know I am mature and you know that the fault is not mine alone he also to be blamed. for .............ehhh....................,.................

Lily you need to stop this and forget about the past we both were wrong but we need to move on that why I came here today so can we just call a truce he said has he stretch his hand forward

I knew he was up to something but for my mums sake I choose to pretend like I believe him okay I said as I shake his hands

Am so proud of both of you for putting your differences aside now I will live you two here to fine-tune the details of the contract mum said as she left the office to get some work done.

I don't believe you I said looking straight into his eyes

I don't care if you believe me or not I have done what I came here to do Nathan said so I will be going now he said but as he was about to turn the knob I remembered that we were suppose to talk about some details in
the contract

Wait Nathan aren't we suppose to talk I said to him .

What I needed to say has been discussed with my partner which is your mum honestly I have no business with you and I just didn't say anything in front of your mum just to be polite and with that he left .

what a jerk I said as an after thought I am starting to really resent this Guy and why do I feel he is up to something I don't know what it is but I have a felling that Nathan can't be trusted and I am going to get to the bottom of it I thought as I walked out of my mum's office to go about today's work.

Nathan's POV:

I left the fashion house with a plan and I am going to execute it she wouldn't even see it coming before I was weak now I am stronger and she is going to pay she was my friend but now she is my worst enemy I loved her but all I feel for her now is hate

she ruined the boy I once was and she made me into this vindictive human man I am.

Now it is time for the monster to kill his creator little by little until she felt exactly what I felt years ago.........

Years ago lily was my light out of all the problems I had had at home she made it bearable , I loved her so much it hurts.

Today I was going to asks her to be my girlfriend she make me feel alive , she make me want to live

She makes me hope again and i feel today is the beginning of the best days of my life but unknown to me that day was the beginning of my torture and pain courtesy of the girl who I thought was so different from them

she was the one that threw the stone that finally destroy the ones innocent boy and left a shell of who he was suppose to be
She broke my heart now I am coming for her.

Eight years ago , my best friend decided to join the popular kids to torture me

I couldn't believe it my angel as turned to a demon worst than the rest she had always being rich but she was always nice and sweet just like a wolf in a sheep clothing she got close enough so that she could inflict the biggest blow .

I never expected it she broke me down till they was nothing but my body I never expected it but that incident taught never to believe people blindly .

Alex didn't go to my school so that is why he doesn't know lily but I have no plan to tell him he might try to change my mind.

he is too kind for his own good and believe in second chances and I am beyond redemption and I don't want to lose my friend because of lily so I am doing this in my own.

On that God forsaken day i was suppose to ask her out i entered the school with spring in my step but as i entered the hall way i sighted her waiting for me in front of my locker

I walked towards her I greeted her but she was behaving a bit weird I didn't think much of it until the time I decided to tell her how I felt for her .

The scene that scarred me for life happened during recess we were the only one sitting at the table so I decided to tell her I can still remember every word as it is stuck to my memory forever

Lily I want to tell you something I said feeling a bit nervous

What is it tell me and be fast I don't have much time she said a little bit snappy but that didn't hint me to shut up because back then I loved everything about her

I.....I..........I want to ask you if you will go on a date with me I said finally getting it out

She laughed for about five minutes after that she said do you think I will ever go on a date with you

You are a loser has anyone not taught to stay in your place I am not on your level so don't even think I will ever go out with you
Intact I don't want to ever see your face again you disgust me so be careful loser and don't ever cross my path because I hate you and I don't want to ever see your face again now leave my sight

But lily what did I ever do to you I thought you were my friend I said

Me your friend I hate you get out of my sight ...leave she yelled at me

But...,........I tried to get a word out

Didn't you hear her I heard tom Barstow our school most popular boy and quarter back of the football team shout at me .scum go to where you belong in the waste bin

Since that day they both made my life hell they made me suffer now it is time for her to pay.

It is time who dominated my personal kingdom of hell to be dethroned.

I smiled as I thought of my plan and it is going to be sweet and she is not going to see it coming not in million years.

Revenge is a dish best served cold Nathan's style.

What sick plan does Nathan have in Has mind for Lily.
Am I the only one that's feel sorry for Nathan after what lily did to him
First it was his father then lily threw the second blow it had to have been hard getting up again. But as they say there is always three side to a story your side , their side and the truth so let's wait and see.

That all for today catch you later 😍😗🔜love oyin.

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