Slum Boy's Princes (Boy X Boy)

By Camjamson

86.2K 2.3K 404

Lee Yunohara is the slum boy who is associated with everything that's negative towards society. All in all, i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 6

3.4K 115 20
By Camjamson


Grr....fml. I'm sorry for slow updating >_<. Forgives meh Q_Q? Errkays...BACK TO THE STORY XD

Yunohara's P.O.V

I walked into the store and completely felt unwanted. People stared at me weirdly. Mother's held on tightly to their purses, and kids looking fearfully at me.

I must look like shit...maybe cause that's how I'm feeling.

This wasn't going to turn out well.

I can honestly say that this was going to be the worst thieving I have ever done in my life. Even the first time I stole I was better than this. But...I just lost all will and gusto to actually steal the right way.

I started walking throughtout the store, deciding on what I was going to steal. Of course, there were security guarda here and there...following me.

Smart guys. They know exactly what I'm planning to do.

And with that, I reached my hand out for the tiny candy bars and stuffed them in my pocket. I took as many handfuls as I could until I heard a voice yell.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" One of the guards yelled.

I wasn't even discreet about this. It's as if I wanted to get myself caught stealing.

I turned around on my heel and smiled brightly at the guard. "Whatever it is do you think I'm doing? Trying to accomplish?"

Really...the last question was a question for myself. What am I trying to gain by doing this?

"Ah...a rookie. So what, you think you're such a badass just because you're doing your first thieving?" He said with smirk. "Well let me tell ya kid, you're not impressing anybody. Especially since you got caught. So, I'll make a deal with you. I won't arrest you, as long as you return what's in your pockets. How's that for coming clean?"

"Well...when you put it like that," I began to say in thought. Yeah right.

In that same instant, I put my right hand on his shoulder, making him believe it was all in an understanding manner...

Until I pushed him towards me at the same time I brought my right knee to his crotch, giving him immense pain.

"Something for you to remember me by. I hope it's to your liking. Also," I began to say. "I'm not a kid nor a rookie. First off, I'm 19 and have stolen for a majority of my life. Don't just assume you know me, cause see where that's got you now," I told him with a devilish smile, releasing him to the ground.

" punk!" He screamed at me in pain. He went for his walkie-talkie in his pocket, signaling my cue to leave.

As I ran out of the store, I could hear the guard screaming into his walkie-talkie, saying, "Backup! There's a teenage boy running out of the Grimridge Supermarket. He stole a few items but....what!? What do you mean that this isn't important and that you have bigger things? My balls feel like they're on fire, that rotten cherub kneed them!"

I smirked at myself, seeing that he wasn't going to get help anytime soon. Despite how half-assed I gave this turned out to be a success. I smiled inwardly, feeling slightly back to my old self.

However, that feeling died when I remembered my sister again. I grit my teeth and stopped in my tracks, feeling the candies in my pocket to try to regain my normalcy.

Soon, I heard the sound of heavy footsteps approaching me. I took a quick turnaround, and turned right back again - this time, running. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK! That guard got his hands on a few cops.

And just my luck...Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. How could they not be enthralled to chase me down and put me where I belong...the slammer.

"This is gonna take awhile," I muttered to myself, taking off in another run. Those idiots are'll take a long time before I lose them.

And thus it began - my long run across town.

30 Minutes Later

WHAT THE FUCK MAN!? Why won't you fatties stop chasing me??

I didn't take in my surroundings, but judging by how long I've been running, I'm surely in an area out of my element. A place where seeing a slum like me and police officers chasing in pursuit is deserving.

That's right...I'm in Grigori Town.

The town where buying an outfit with shoes and accesorries cost thousands of dollars. God...I hate this place with a passion.

Crap, crap, crap! I'm running out of steam.

I'm running purely on adrenaline. The minute I stop, the minute they'll catch me. And this time...I'm sure I'm heading to jail. Or worse...execution. I've done enough crimes to definitely get executed.

After rounding a corner, I was suddenly pulled into an alleyway. Before I could voice out anything, a hand covered my mouth, shushing me to silence. I looked to see Tweedle Dee, Tweedle Dum, and the guard run right past the alley.

I breathed out a sigh of relief, and began to breathe erratically from overused muscles and trying to gather air in my lungs.

"That was a close one wasn't it?" A male voice said.

I turned to my rescuer, but found that he wasn't alone. Three other guys were standing around the alleyway with weird grins.

Creepy....not as comforting as I'd like to feel.

"Uhmmm...thanks for..helping me out there," I told the man in-between breaths.

"No problem. Although," he began to say while putting an arm around my shoulder. "Me and my buds have a couple of questions for you. I mean..the least you could do after I saved you right? It's ah...a survey if you will."

A survey? So what, they just stop people randomly to ask a survey? And this creepy-like in this kind of neighborhood?!

"Uhm...well you see.." I began to say, racking through my brain for any excuse.

The hand on my shoulder tightened. Suddenly, I was quickly turned around and pushed into the center of his friends. Fuck...I'm surrounded.

"Question one, an easy question. What is your name?" A gruffy blond asked me.

I got defiant. "What's it to you all?" I asked.

"Oh? Uncooperative I see. Well, let me rephrase the question into terms you can understand," my auburn rescuer told me. He pulled me close to his chest and revealed a switchknife. With an evil grin, he put it close to my neck.

I closed my eyes, and tried to swallow the lump in my throat. Well, aren't they very friendly?

"Give us your fucking name. But to make it even easier for you, I'm Chad. It's an alias of course. Those three guys, starting from left to right, A, B, and C. Easy right?" He spoke as he slowly started to tease my neck with the knife.

I began to squirm, and before I knew it, I was already giving these idiots my name. "Lee."

" was that so bad Lee-kun? Second question. You're up B."

"Did you happen to run into someone today?"

Run into someone? Since when could that question have been a wild guess?

"Yeah.." I answered cautiously. Chad pushed me to the ground then, and I stared hard at him. My eyes locked with his, blazing. "What the fuck man?!"

"Oh? So you're compliant when there's danger for you, but when there isn't, you become a pottymouth? Gee, I hope you're not too loud to bring back your pursuers. I'd hate to see you publicly executed," he told me with mischief. "This is the last question you'll have to answer."

"Completely easy in fact," C remarked with a toothy grin. "Give us the bracelet."

"If I'd known better, that's not really a question, but a demand," I retorted with squinty eyes.

"But the answer's evident on your face. You don't seem willing to give it to us."

I cracked a smile, and began to laugh out loud. I rolled on the ground in humor, and looked up at their confused faces. I mimicked Chad, "But the answer's evident on your face. You don't seem willing to give it to us...BULLSHIT.

They want this bracelet so motherfucking bad?

I took off the bracelet from my arm and thrusted it out. I spoke through clenched teeth, "Take it." After all the shit that's happened because of this goddamn bracelet, I'd be glad to be rid of it. To go back to the life I only know...the slums.

This time, it was Chad and his friends turn to laugh. I stared at all of them in anger. Just what the fuck is so funny?!

"So you think by giving us this bracelet, you'll be scotch-free? Aha!" Chad laughed out.

"This dude's an idiot! Like hell we can just let him go! After all the trouble he's gotten us into?" A and B chided in.

I swear the color drained from my face. "What do you mean I can't-!"

"Shut up," Chad commanded me darkly, changing his mood in an instant.

"Ne, ne, Chad...can we beat him till he's bloody?" C asked with a weird look in his eye.

"At least let him feel every bit of pain C. We got to make him feel terrible," B responded and A nodded.

"Well, since it's been settled, we'll be taking this!" He snatched the bracelet out of my hand. He smiled at it as he lifted it to the sky, marveling at how the sun is hitting each gem.

"And now, we'll be giving you our thanks and goodbyes," he smiled at me. Like hell I'm taking this sitting down.

I got up on my knees until I felt a sharp pain on my calves, bringing me back down to the ground. I looked behind my calves to find razor slashes. C smiled sadistically at me.

"You bastards!" I rose up again to aim a high kick to Chad, but he dodged and aimed to cut my leg. I backflipped away from him in that instant, but went into another danger zone. B grabbed my legs and swung me hard on my back to the ground. It had my head reeling from the pain.

A knelt beside me and gagged my mouth with a golf ball, as well as tying my hands. The guys stood above me with evil grins and intents. Chad bent down to grab me by the shirt, lifting me up to him. I gave him my coldest stare.

"Haha! I really like you Lee-kun. I like you so much, that I intend to cover that wonderul body of yours in red," Chad grinned while saying this.

I remained indifferent to him on the outside. In the inside, I silently prayed that whatever they had planned, let it not be as terrible as what happened in the past.

"Oh come on Lee-kun, let's not be like that! Show me a face that suits you well, your fearful face. Come on."

I still did nothing.

"Chad!" C whined. "I'm getting bored of this. Why don't we cut him more in his sensitive places? He'll definitely start crying."

For a moment, my eyes were fearful. And in that moment, Chad saw it all. "Let's see how much you can handle."


Hurry and leave me alone. Leave me alone!

"Eh? It's only been 5 minutes and I haven't done much to you! I've only grazed you a bit. Is the teasing that much hard to bear?" C asked me.

I wouldn't call this a tease, but much more of a slow torture. happened.

"MHHHN!" I cried out. I felt the tip of the blade slowly pushing deeper than it's limits on my arm.

"Aha! So Lee-kun feels it now! Isn't this exhilirating? Lee-kun teary yet?" C began to ramble. At his last question, he twisted the knife and earned a pained yelp from me.

Chad whistled. "Not even a tear yet. Maybe he likes the pain."

You wouldn't know the half of it. I glared at Chad after his comment.

"Move C. It's my turn."

Chad stroked my face, and I instantly tensed up. He stroked the corners of my lips, all the way to my ears. Wait...he's not going to-!

"I'm sure you'll feel the pain when I knife your rebellious face into a forever smile - a glasgow smile."

Of all the things he could give, he's deciding on a glasgow smile. My body instantly went rigid. A glasgow smile is not only painful beyond words, it's also fatal.

I shook my head no really hard. I don't want

"Hehe, any last words? Wait..I forgot you can't actually talk. And once I cut you, you'll be screaming your head off really loudly. So...I don't think I need to hear your words. I'll just revel in your screams," Chad replied slowly, making sure I understood every word. He even hinted that I wouldn't survive.

For a brief moment, I couldn't breathe. My body was preparing for the worst of pains..and it stopped my breathing. I let it out...couldn't hold it. A single tear slipped out of my eye.

Someone...anyone...please help me.

Ren's P.O.V

I stepped out of the mall with a few bags in my hands. My car was waiting in the front, and I almost got in-

-Until my beanie flew away.

"Tch, the damn thing," I muttered. I checked my surroundings, and sure enough...I was spotted.

"No way..." A girl said in shock.

"No it can't be! Is that.." Another girl exclaimed.

"It's PRINCE REN! AHHHHHHH!" A high-pitched girl screamed.

All at once, eight girls began to run up to me. I only had one thing to say...

Hell to the no.

I took off for my beanie, and to outrun the screaming girls. I saw my beanie around the corner and stop in front of an alley. I heard the squeals of approaching girls, so I ducked into the alley and put my beanie back on my head. I sighed loudly, assuming I was alone.

When I turned to actually look inside the alley, what I saw disgusted me. A couple of guys were around the alley. Three of them were standing, and one of them was crouching over something.

Or someone. Knowing that this area is high-class, I could only assume that they were mugging a sweet woman.

"Hey!" I called out, startling them all.

I looked at the one who was crouching. All I saw was a glint of silver and knew what was going on. They were planning to stab the person.

I instinctively ran into the attacker and knocked him to the floor. Rage took over my movements. I didn't care for anything at the moment. The only thing I cared for was to make this person get the hellish punches of a lifetime.

How dare these lowlives trample another person?! Go to the point where they have to kill to get money?! Disgusting...vile...worthless piece of shits!

I heard movement in the back of me, and dodged the punch that was headed for me. I grabbed the arm, and asked slowly, "Was that punch meant for me? Because if it was, you'll have to do something a little better. For instance-"

I flipped him to the floor, and twisted his arm. He screamed out in agony. "You have to immobilize your opponent...especially if it means breaking every bone in their body." I twisted his other arm, and heard the sniveling guy let out another cry. "After that, then you can go ahead and punch."

I punched him senseless as well. I stood up and looked at the other two left. "What should I do to punish you both? Since you enjoy other people's misery, why don't I give you a misery of my own?"

"Wait!" A boy with blonde hair screamed out, stopping my advance on the both of them.

"H-here! Take this! If it's gonna cost us our body parts, we'd rather give you this as compensation!" The blond boy exclaimed as he held a bracelet out to me.

"The hell would I want-!" I stopped talking. I looked at the bracelet, and saw that it was the King's bracelet. The bracelet that decides the ruler.

"Where did you....get this?" I asked them slowly.

" was the guy. He had the bracelet with him, and he bumped into our leader! We were told to retrieve it and have our fun with the guy if we did..But he gave it to us! So..." he told me sheepishly.

I took the braclet and told them coldly, "Don't move. Move, and I'll introduce you into a whole new world of despair and pain."

I knelt by the person on the floor. I touched their shoulder, and the person instantly tensed. The person was in the fetal position, trying to cover their face as much as possible. I heard a soft voice plead to me, "Don't...don't hurt me please.."

I examined the person and saw blood on their legs...but a copious amount of it coming from their arm. Tch...goddammit!

I took a shirt I bought and began to tear it. I bandaged their arm and legs. "Look at me."

I saw a shake of the head. "Lee...look at me. It's Ren."

Suddenly, Lee was off the ground and in my arms. He tightened his hold around me, and started to shake violently. He buried his head in my shirt.

This...was something unexpected.

"Come here," I commanded to the two guys left standing. They were stiff and unmoving. I smiled at them, "Don't make me repeat myself after this. Come here."

They came over to us. I asked them, "Did you do this?"

They didn't give me an immediate answer, which pissed me the hell off. I grabbed the nearest one, "So help me if one of you don't answer-"

" wasn't them(Them as in A and B didn't cut Lee, only watched)," Lee told me.

"Lee, now is not the time to be saving any of their asses. You know what...fine. You guys are staying here. I'll call the police myself after I finish with you Lee."

I began to stand up with Lee, but then he moved away from me to the wall. "Lee, look at me."

He looked at me.

I clenched my teeth, trying hard to contain my anger. "What...and I mean what the bloody hell gave you the right, the idea, to ever think about giving the bracelet away? We told you right? Your life will be in constant danger!"

He remained silent. That only set my anger off even more. "What do you think would have happened Lee if I hadn't been in the area? Hadn't been here when I should have!?"

"I..." He began.

"This better not be some lameass excuse of how your pride is overweighing you, and how you're not fit to choose the ruler. Or even how we don't understand you and your reasons!"

I slammed my hands on the side of his head. Sometime during my talk, he turned away from me. "Look at me Yunohara," I growled out.

He turned to me slowly, and I gasped out. Yunohara...looked so vulnerable. He's worn out, and frightened. Definitely different from the smartass, tough-looking Yunohara.

He began to speak, trying to stop himself from crying. "T-t-thank you," he meekly worded out.

I sighed heavily, and couldn't help but quirk up a smile. "This is actually your first time appreciating something a prince has done for you."

"You rescued me and...bandaged my wounds," he told me slowly.

"I used quite an expensive shirt to bandage your wounds. Think you'll be able to pay me back?" I replied with a smirk.

That remark made him smile. "Even if I could, I wouldn't. I didn't ask for you to use an expensive shirt for my cuts."

"Ouch, that hurt my wallet's feelings."

" your first time too."

I gave him a quizzical look.

"You actually used my name correctly...and not as commoner either," he told me.

....Holy fuck.

I stepped back from Lee. I took his hand and put the bracelet up his arm. "Don't you ever pull a stunt like that up the bracelet. In fact, I don't even want to know your reason for why you gave it up. Just don't do it again, got me?" I told him with authority in my tone. Of course...I'm just dodging the question as well.

"Yes sir," he replied with a smile. now he's got jokes.

After that, I called the police and they arrested the attackers. May they burn in hell for their idiocy.

With that said and done, it was already time to go home. He looked expectantly at me.

"Well commoner, I'm not planning on giving you a ride home if that's what you're thinking. See to it that you find your own means of transportation...even if it means walking back home."

I know his legs must be hurting like a bitch, but I can't have him thinking I'm a softy. I left the alley, and knew what kind of expression Lee had.

A surprised/pissed off face accompanied with a middle finger.

A/N I loveds this chappy. Meh hopes its long Q_Q.

I studied odee hard on my tests tomorrow. If I fail...I'm going to play drop the world with so much hate in mine ):o! But meh happys I finish this. Muahahah..its le morn Xp. Err wells.

I bumped today d^3^b listened to Holy Grail by Jay-z...only like the chorus ):o. And white walls my Macklemore & Ryan Lewis. Lord...i danced XD. Meh sowwy for edits, I'll try n fix 'em.

Untils next time ppls :3, burr byes :D <3!!! Me luvs chu \(>3o)/

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