A Wistful Ocean (Natsu Dragne...

By california1698

22.5K 465 31

What if it wasn't Lisanna that 'died' and went to Edolas? What if it was someone else? Another childhood frie... More

Prologue Part 1
Prologue Part 2
Gaining a Sister
Natsu, Alexis and the Dragon Eggs
Fairy Tail Tradegy
Fairy Hunters
Edolas Kingdom
The Apocalyptic Dragon Chain Cannon
The kids back then!
Dragon Sense
Xena vs Knightwalker
I'm Standing Right Here!
Welcome Home
Author's Note
Subclass of Sloth Preview

Bye-Bye Edolas

1K 26 4
By california1698

Edolas Fairy Tail was standing in a open forest, staring at the Reverse Anima.

Lucy Ashley turns to her comrades. "Listen. This looks bad but we gotta stay cool." The others looked at her in confusion. "Let's head into the Royal city and see what's up for ourselves."

"What do you mean by that?" Edo-Natsu asked. "See what?"

"It's our future." Edo-Lucy stated. "Let's look it straight in the eyes." Everyone gasped in shock. Edo-Lucy ran towards the city as the others behind stare at her. They hesitated, looking at each other before nodding and follow after Lucy.

~In the Castle Basement~

"Take us before the populace and execute us for our crimes." Mystogan began. "As a captain in the Royal Army and a member of the Exceed race, you can quell the chaos, become their saviour. You are the ruler they need. Lead the people into a world without magic!" He finished in a fierce tone.

"Do you really think the only way to save this kingdom, is for you to die!?" Pantherlily growled in anger.

Hiding behind a corner, Nadi was watching the argument, sweating nervously.

"You may think this is madness but it's our only choice." Mystogan stated. "But Prince, Princess. This foolish plan, how could you ask this of me?" Pantherlily questioned, clenching his fists. "I simply cannot do it."

"We think you can." Luna spoke softly. "Then you obviously don't know me." Pantherlily argued weakly.

"Despite the fact that you are an exceed, you chose to save the lives of two helpless human childs." Mystogan began. "You understand that life has value for every living creature. Regardless of what form they take." Luna finished.

"And still you two burden me! Make me carry the weight of this world on my shoulders!" Pantherlily questioned furiously.

"You are the only one who can bare that weight. There's no one else. And I'm afraid there is no other way." Mystogan stated. "You are Prince and Princess of this world. The ones most suited to rule." Pantherlily argued.

Mystogan and Luna glare at him. "I am the destroyer of this world."

"You're taking extreme measures to save it. You're even willing to put your own lives on the line! We need someone with that kind of heart to take the helm. Steer us out of this darkness!" Pantherlily said, staring them down.

"You cannot break this world, and then leave it to others to pick up the pieces. You must make it whole again. It's your responsibilities. You can't escape it in death!" The twins and exceed captain stare each other down.

"This storm cannot be quelled by us."

~The Royal City~

Everywhere you look, people were running in a worldwide panic.

A kid tripped and fell down. Edo-Lucy came and helped him up. "Come on everybody! Just calm down!" She yelled. A man stopped. "Are you kidding at a time like this?! I'd start running now if I were you lady! This place is history!" He said before running off.

Edo-Natsu showed up. "Is he serious? We gotta get out of here right now!" He yelled, grabbing his hair in a panic.

"Daddy!" The kid, Edo-Lucy was holding, cried out as a man, probably his father, showed up. "Oh there you are." He sighed in relief. "Keep your eyes on your kid okay!" Edo-Lucy told him. The man nodded and ran with his son.

~The Castle Basement~

The twins and Pantherlily stare at each other until Pantherlily tightened his fists. "I'll do it. I will play the role of villain." He declared. The twins gasp as their eyes widen in shock.

"When I was exiled by my homeland, the kingdom took me in. But now I've run a foul on the kingdom as well. I'm a man with no where to call home." Pantherlily informed them. "If I'm gonna be sacrificed, there's no one to mourn me."

"Please stop!" Luna said with tears in the corners of her eyes. "You gave us the gift of life. We cost you your country. We cannot ask you to sacrifice anymore." Mystogan spoke, his tone laced with desperation.

"I feel the same as you. Please do not throw your lives away." Pantherlily said. The twins silently gasp. "More death will only lead to more sorrow. And much more suffering."

"Perhaps. Then how do you suggest we make things right?" Mystogan asked. "We've only caused more pain." Luna said.

A soldier ran up to them. "Pantherlily sir! The situation's much worst!" He said. "I'm aware of that. As you can see, we're dealing with the Anima here." Pantherlily replied.

"Have you stopped it?" The soldier asked. "No, not exactly." Pantherlily answered. "There's been massive rioting in the royal city. The destruction is beyond our control." The soldier reported.

"The chaos is far worse than we'd anticipated. We must do what we can to stop it." Mystogan suggested. "Controlling the crowd is the first priority." Pantherlily added. "You're right. We cannot let it spread. We should go." Luna spoke.

"Um sir, who might they be?" The soldier asked, looking at the twins. Pantherlily only began walking as the twins followed.

~The Royal City~

Pantherlily, Mystogan and Luna ran through the hallways until they reached a balcony. They gasped at the destruction that was happening. The soldiers whispered to each other, asking who the twins were.

Pantherlily turned to the soldiers. "How many are there?" The soldiers straightened up and started sweating nervously. "Uh, three sir." They answered.

"And you have taken them out?" Pantherlily asked. "Explain yourselves!"

"Uh yes sir. They're really strong." The soldier informed pathetically.

Mechanical laughter was heard throughout the city. At that moment, Xena and Knightwalker entered the city, gaping at the chaos. As soon as Xena heard the laughing, she sweat dropped and sighed. 'Natsu...'

Natsu Dragneel was stood on top of a building, wearing demon horns and a black cape. "I am the demon they call Dragneel! And I've come here to this world to steal all of your magic power!"

"What?" Pantherlily gasped. "Natsu?" The twins whispered with wide eyes. Edolas Fairy Tail showed up and Edo-Natsu was not too happy. "Argh! Have you gone insane other me?!"

"Faust ain't your King anymore! Cause I kicked his sorry old butt!" Natsu yelled, gesturing to the tied up, unconscious King. "But I decide to spare his life! For now!" He began laughing some more.

Knightwalker glared at Natsu and made a move to attack him but Xena held her back. "Don't." She shook her head at Knightwalker. "You're too weak to fight against him right now."

"But the king-!" Knightwalker tried to speak. "The King will be fine. Just watch." Xena told her.

"Come on Redfox! Hey Marvel! Now my faithful servants! It's time to trash the city!" Natsu commanded.

A couple buildings were suddenly sliced in half. The wreckage smashed to the ground as Gajeel landed, showing off his iron sword arm.

In the crowd, Edo-Gajeel gasped in realisation. He now knows what they were doing. "These villains won't stop until they've destroyed everything in sight! The city is under attack by demons from another world!"

Wendy popped up in front of a child. "You better run!" She growled but the child wasn't phrased and blinked in confusion. Then Gajeel crept up behind Wendy, pulling a scary face on his ugly mug with a purple aura around him.

The child immediately became terrified and he ran away crying. Wendy stared at the child and her face drooped in sadness as a sweat drop appeared. "I'm sorry." Gajeel looked at the poor girl. (A.N. Awww Wendy's too cute to be scary.)

"Just look at them. They're an unstoppable force of evil!" Edo-Gajeel said. Gajeel grinned at his counterpart, who grinned back.

Mystogan put his hands on the railing. "Just what do you think you're doing? Stop this!"

"Now my loyal servants of Lord Dragneel! Don't stop destroying stuff!" Natsu yelled. "Keep going with this servant crap and I'm coming up there first!" Gajeel growled. "Just do what I tell you to slave!" Natsu shouted. "Guess I should have been more specific." Gajeel muttered.

Pantherlily gasped silently. 'Hold on...'

"They're to blame for this! They're the ones who stole Edolas' magic power!" "It's all that Dragneel's fault!" The crowd yelled. "That's right. The dark Lord Dragneel is the brains behind the whole operation!" Edo-Gajeel stated. "Unbelievable!" "Give us our magic back now!"

"Better be careful." Natsu grinned darkly at the people. "'Cause you know what happens when you play with fire." He breathed out fire.

"NATSU!! Stop this now!!" The twins yelled in anger. Natsu and the people turned to them.

"Is somebody challenging him?" "They're over there in the castle tower!"

Natsu grinned. "Are you telling me what to do? You little punks."

"Stop this foolishness! The king has been defeated! There's no need to attack innocent people!" Mystogan shouted. Natsu then breathed fire to the people below as they dodge the hot flames. "No! Don't!" The twins plead.

"If you're trying to scare me, it ain't gonna work. I don't care if you are the Prince or the Princess!" Natsu stated.

"They're the Prince and Princess?" "Could it really be them?"

"But the Royal twins mysteriously vanished seven years ago." Edo-Gajeel muttered. "Prince Jellal and Princess Alexis are back!" He yelled.

"I don't believe it." "They've returned?" "Just in time." "It's a miracle!" The crowd spoke and cheered among themselves.

"What are they doing here?" Pantherlily questioned. "I'm responsible sir." The trio turned to see Nadi, who was sweating nervously. "What do you mean by that?" Pantherlily asked.

"I happened to overhear your conversation earlier." Nadi explained.

Natsu flipped his cape and smirked evilly. "Let's fight. Or your precious city is gonna get burned to the ground." Mystogan and Luna grit their teeth. "It seems we have our villain." Pantherlily noted. "Don't we?"

"Natsu! Stay right there!" Mystogan jumped off the tower. "Jellal!" Luna gasped before following after him.

Natsu chuckles. "Didn't you hear me? I am the great and powerful Lord Dragneel!"

Mystogan runs through the crowd with Luna shortly behind him. 'It's obvious he wants to make Jellal and Alexis play the role of hero. But if he throws the fight and the public finds out, the consequences could be tragic. Is he willing to pay the ultimate price?' Pantherlily thought.

"Sir. I'd advise you to be ready for some major surprises. There's quite a bit more in store for tonight. To say the least." Nadi nervously smiled.

Mystogan and Luna ran past Fairy Tail and Edo-Gajeel as they stare at the royal twins. "Are they really going to fight that monster by themselves? What unbelievable courage they have." Edo-Gajeel commented.

'Idiot. I understand what you're trying to do but you're just gonna end up making things worse for everyone.' Mystogan thought.

"Now sleep!" He tried casting a spell but the magic power was being drained from his staff by the Anima. Luna looked at the staffs on her back and noticed their magic power was being sapped.

"What's the matter? You're scared without your magic huh?" Natsu snarled at them as they sighed in reply.

"Well you should be, 'cause check this out!" Natsu lit his fist on fire. "I've got plenty!" He punched the building he was standing on with fire, destroying it entirely. The people ran in terror. "I said stop!" Mystogan yelled.

"Natsu! You're going way too far!" Wendy cried out. "No he's not." Gajeel smirked. "The more powerful a villain's magic seems to everyone, the stronger the hero looks when he beats him without using any magic at all."

Natsu and the twins stood before one another. "Listen to me Natsu. You're making a big mistake with all this. This whole show that you're putting on, you can't expect to fool all these people." Mystogan said.

Natsu grins. "I challenge you!" He punched Mystogan in the face, causing him to fall back. "Jellal!" Luna yelled, making her way to him. "Stay out of this!" Luna looks at Natsu in shock. "This is between me and him! Redfox! Keep her out of this!" Natsu yelled. Gajeel held Luna back from the fight. "Hey! Let go of me!" She struggled to get out of his hold.

Mystogan sat up and wiped his mouth. "You fool. You can't bring the people together like this. Through evil!" He aimed a punch at Natsu but he blocked his fist.

Natsu glared at him "Fight me for real." He growled. Mystogan flipped over, kicking his foot into Natsu's cheek. The crowd cheered for Mystogan. Said man looked at the crowd.

Natsu grinned. "Yeah. Now they're really getting into it."

"Idiot. You should have stayed down so we wouldn't have to stretch this out further." Mystogan said.

"Not my style!" Natsu sucker punched Mystogan in the gut. Mystogan glared at him before giving Natsu a left hook to the jaw. Natsu skidded on his feet and raised his fist to punch him but Mystogan caught his wrist.

The crowd began chanting and Natsu leans close to Mystogan's face. "This is it buddy. I'm gonna give you a real Fairy Tail send off."

Mystogan and Luna, who managed to hear, gasped silently. "Since you're leaving Fairy Tail, you gotta swear to follow these three rules." Natsu jumped back. "Number 1! Never ever share sensitive information about Fairy Tail with anyone as long as you live!" He yelled as he and Mystogan traded fists.

Mystogan sucker punched Natsu in the face. "Number 2! You must never contact any clients you may have worked with for the guild for your own personal gain!" He kicked Natsu back.

"Yeah that's right! And don't forget number 3!" Natsu upper cuts Mystogan in the abdomen. "Although our paths must stray. You gotta promise to live the rest of your life to the fullest!" Mystogan slams his fists on Natsu's head.

"That means to treat everyday, like it was gonna be your last day in this world. Don't forget the friends you love." Natsu said.

"You must treasure them for as long as you live." Mystogan smiled before he and Natsu slug each other simultaneously in the face. Everyone holds their breath in suspense.

"Did you get all that?" Natsu smirked as he falls to the ground with broken horns. "When a guild works together, there's nothing they can't do." Mystogan stumbled but found his footing. Natsu lays on the ground with a bruised cheek and a huge grin. "Nice knowing ya' pal. Later."

The crowd cheered for their Prince's victory. Luna cries until she noticed she was still held captive. "Get off me tin man!" She yelled, slamming her elbow into his nose and tossing him over her shoulder, slamming him into the ground.

Luna looked at her brother with teary eyes. "Jellal!" She ran to him, stepping on Gajeel's face in the process. Luna wrapped her arms around Mystogan, happy that her brother is safe.

The twins look down at Natsu with sad expressions. "Thank you." They whispered.

Suddenly the Fairy Tail wizards starting glowing. "Wha? What's that?" Mystogan asked.

Wendy looks at her hands. "It's starting." She spoke. "Yeah I guess that little song and dance ain't over just yet." Gajeel commented.

Pantherlily noticed he was glowing as well. "What's happening to us?" He asked. "The Reverse Anima spell is beginning to cast every remaining shred of magic out of Edolas and because we possess internal magic powers that includes all of the exceeds and the dragon Slayers as well. We'll all be pulled into Earthland." Nadi explained.

"Say what?!" Pantherlily exclaimed in shock. " I believe the Queen is preparing for this occurrence as we speak." Nadi stated.

Gray, Lucy and Happy saw they were glowing as well. "What's going on?" Lucy asked. "I have no idea." Gray replied. "The Anima is pulling us out of this world!" Carla yelled as she clung to a rock.

Everyone started floating up to the sky. "It looks like the Anima is starting to work in reverse and it's pushing the magic out of here. That means we gotta go to." Lucy realized.

"Hey! What's up you guys?" Natsu grinned as he showed up. "Natsu!" Happy smiled in happiness. (Me: see what I did there XD)

"Good to see you pal. You're okay." Gray said.

"This is crazy!" Edo-Lucy shouted. "I guess it's finally happening. We're losing our magic power forever." Edo-Alzack groaned. "Does this mean we're gonna lose our guild too?" Edo-Bisca asked. "I'm so scared. What ever will become of us now?" Edo-Cana asked in fright. "You're asking me like I've got some kind of answer." Edo-Juvia retorted.

"Try not to worry about it you guys. It takes a heck of a lot more then just magic to make a real guild. Trust me." Edo-Gray looks up at his counterpart in surprise. Gray put his fist against his guild mark. "It's all about friendship, that's the heart of the guild."

Somewhere in the crowd, Xena chuckled. "Couldn't have said it any other way Fullbuster!" She smiled, hands cupped around her mouth to make her voice louder. Nearby Fairy Tailers noticed Xena and backed up in fright.

Xena noticed this and internally panicked. "Wait! I'm not here to hurt any of you!" She waved her hands around. Edo-Lucy stepped up. "Like we'd believe you! After all, you've done nothing but cause pain and suffering to our guild! Most of us were slayed by your hands!" She yelled.

Xena smirked. "'Slayed' huh? That means I did a pretty good job of fooling everyone." She giggled. Edolas Fairy Tail mumbled in confusion.

"What's going on here?" A man's voice rung out through the crowd, causing Edolas Fairy Tail to freeze in shock. "Oh. You arrived just in time." Xena called to the voice.

Edolas Fairy Tail turned to the voice, seeing a Edolas version of Guildarts behind Xena, along with a group of people they believed were dead.

"What? But how are you?" Edo-Lucy asked in shock. She turned to Xena for an answer as the others ran their old comrades. Xena smiled. "I never killed anyone in the first place." She stated.

"But I don't get it. We saw you kill them with our own eyes." Edo-Lucy said, trying to make sense. "You believed everyone was dead after I attacked but you never saw what happened at the end." Xena started.


Clangs of metals and battle cries were heard as Edolas Fairy Tail defended against the Royal Army for their lives.

"I had to make myself believable as Fairy Tail's enemy." Xena explained.

Xena cut down one of the fairies with her Hydra blade as the others stared in shock as her cold, dull violet eye glared them down. Soon Fairy Tail retreated, crying for their comrades.

"It looked like I killed everyone but I used Hydra to freeze any fatal internal wounds immediately after I had caused them."

Xena was in a hut with the person she inflicted damage on. She was bandaging them up as they were unconscious. "Then I used a memory spell to erase any connections they had with Fairy Tail."

Once that person's memories of Fairy Tail were erased, Xena sent them to a old friend, so they can start anew safe from the kingdom.

~End of Flashback~

"Once I found out that the Dragon Slayers were here in Edolas. I realized it was time to bring them back home." Xena gestured to the once dead comrades of Fairy Tail.

"But I don't get it." Edo-Lucy said. "Why go through so much trouble to protect us?!" She asked. Xena simply tilted her head and smiled fondly. "It's because… I love Fairy Tail. And I would do anything to protect it."

Natsu, Wendy and Gajeel pretended they were suffering from the Anima.

"I knew the magic would be expelled but I had no idea the people would be as well." Mystogan said. "I hadn't either." Luna agreed. Around them, the crowd were cheering for Mystogan.

"Prince, Princess." Pantherlily yelled, catching the twins attention. 'Although things are changing rapidly, don't forget adapting to them can take time. Don't rush. Lead your people with warmth and a calm heart. Take them at a pace they can keep up with. They will march alongside you into the future.' Pantherlily thought.

"We will." The twins whispered with tears in their eyes.

"Bye-bye Lucy Ashley! Bye everybody in Fairy Tail!" Lucy yelled waving goodbye. "Later! And best of luck to me! I mean the you that's also me!" Natsu shouted. "Good luck to you too! I mean good luck to me too!" Edo-Natsu cried back.

"You make it sound like it's confusing or something." Edo-Lucy laughed. "Bye-bye princess! Take care up there!" Coco yelled to Lucy.

"Bye-bye everyone. We'll see you later." Happy waved. "Don't be such a fool. We won't be seeing them again. Never." Carla said. "What! I'll miss you!" Happy yelled crying. "Stop being so sentimental. It's just pathetic." Carla stated with tears. "It's not like we'll never see them again Happy. We still have our Fairy Tail to go home to." Patch smiled.

'Farewell Prince, Princess.' Pantherlily thought, looking down at the twins. 'Farewell Lily' The twins thought. 'And farewell to our family in Fairy Tail. I'll cherish our memories for as long as I live. I promise I will.'

The last of the magic in Edolas was pulled into the Anima and a flash of light burst from the clouds.

~Timeskip~ Morning~

Mystogan and Luna stood atop on a pile of rumble and turned to the citizens, rising a staff together between their hands. "The monsters have been defeated!" Mystogan began. "Whether we have magic or not!" Luna spoke. "Our kingdom will live on safely and peacefully for all eternity!" The crowd cheered for their new leaders.

California1698: I want to apologize. I know I said I'd give you a new chapter in a few days. But my internet got cut off and I had to wait nearly two weeks for it to get paid.

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