Impress You (Neji X Reader)

By Tiateeny20

114K 3.3K 3.6K

You want to impress your crush that you are stronger than yesterday. But what will you do when your rival is... More

In the past 2
Ten years later.......
Here I come.
Go the Distance
One Class at a time
Let's go even farther.
It ends here.
This is not happening
Between mother and I
Sharing with the competition
Food Fight
Author Note
The truth about your father
Impress and Love
A Thousand Years
Author Note

In the past

18.3K 397 584
By Tiateeny20

"Neji!" I called for him. The long haired man turned his head as soon as I got to him. "What is it now, (Name)?" He asked. "I want to battle you again. This time I think I can beat you." I smiled triumphantly. As you can see, Neji and I close friends since our parents know each other and we battle non stop. Although he would always beat me, I still battle him again and again. Someday, I plan to be stronger than him or even surpass him. Or better, impress him.

"You can beat me you say? Very well. Bring it on." Neji prepared, "we all know what's going to happen." "Hmph." I grunted, "we'll see about that."  I pulled put my kunai and ninja stars, ready for action. "Are you sure? I know that you're the youngest out of your brothers and you haven't mastered your Sharingan yet." Neji smirked, "Uchiha vs Hyüga, once again!"

"Don't worry, this is me now." I said with confidence, "ten years later, I'll be stronger because of you!" I charged after the Hyüga member as he began to fight as well. "Here I come!" "You are just so confident and courage as always. How cute." Neji teased right before he dodged my attack.

My name is (Name) Uchiha. I am the youngest out of my twelve brothers. I am six years old right now, so I haven't gotten the hang of battle yet. That's why I fight with Neji. He's a member of the Hyüga Clan along with his cousin, Hinata. I try so hard to beat him. But he always wins. That's why I admire him, well, I like him. He encourages me to do better, and soon, battling him will pay off. But my family doesn't know about Neji and how we fight together or there feelings I have for him.

Soon, I'll be strong enough to take him down and good enough for him to accept me. Right now, he doesn't know my true feelings yet and that's all according to plan. When I defeat him, or the most powerful ninja that's better than him, I will confess and he has no choice but to acknowledge me.

"Argh!" I reacted when I fell to the ground. It's already been fifteen minutes and I lost again. I wish that the fight was longer than that. At least now I've lasted longer than five minutes this time. "Maybe it is impossible to beat you, Neji Hyüga. Maybe it was a little bit too early though to challenge you again." I grunted as I collected all of my weapons.

"I'm a little surprised, you lasted longer than usual." Neji said, "and you were a little stronger." So, I did get stronger, yes! But that's not enough to impress him though. "Alright!" I jumped and did my little dance. "But you need to get more stronger to surpass me or even impress me." Neji smirked. "Impress you, what are you talking about?" I asked as I stopped. He doesn't know I like him, does he? "I have no intention to."

"Don't pretend that you don't know. I know your feelings for me and Hinata told me." Neji confessed, "I saw it in your eyes. They had more flame than usual. At least the fact that you like me didn't hold you back. You'll be strong in the future." Hinata?! Really?! She would never do something like that! Anyway, I'll be strong in the future.....really? Did he just say that? I feel a fire in my heart now! That encourages me to fight even more! "Nothing can get past you, huh Neji?" I smirked.

"However, I'm afraid that this is the last battle for us, (Name)." Neji dropped his voice, "there's something I need to tell you." Last battle? What does he mean? I looked up to him as I stood myself back up. "What are you saying?" I asked, "are you going away or something?" "I'm going to a different school. A school that's for the higher extremes." Neji confessed, "and I'm going to be moving too, since it's far."

"Higher extremes?" I raised an eyebrow. "You know. Ninjas that have very rare talents. Like geniuses and prodigies " Neji explained, "they saw me fighting a couple of criminals one day and talk to my parents about it." I see. So I might see him again until he graduates? That's all long time though! I don't want to wait that long, that's years from now! I don't think we'll see each other in the future. And ninjas with very rare talents?! No wonder I haven't heard of that!

"So, you'll be at another school, huh? Well, that's fine." I tried not to pout, "So, what did you say to them?" "There's nothing to say. I accepted it. Somewhere, where I belong. In my own level with the rest." Neji said, "why would I argue against an opportunity like this?" That's Neji for ya. Always knows what's best for him. "I figure you would say that." I sighed, "although, I have no reason for you to hold back." I finished picking up my weapons and put them in my bag.

"It's for the best anyway, better for the future right?" I said, "I mean, better than wasting your time on a lower, weak, little thing like me." Neji turned to me as he smiled at me. "Don't be harsh to yourself, (Name). I'm pretty sure that you'll make it there someday." Soon, his smile turned into a frown, "however, this isn't something that's achieved easy. So I need you to get stronger on your own, okay?" My face brighten up as I hear him say that.

"Sure, it'll take some years, but I'll try my best to shorten it." I nodded. We had to say our goodbyes before we had to go our separate ways. I really didn't want to do this, but if I tell him that I don't think he should go, I might be a burden that's dragging him. And if I try to act differently, then my family might know about him.

"Well, this is goodbye, (Name)." Neji said without any emotion, "it's been fun." "Heh, oh please. A high extreme like you wasting time on me?" I joked, "but yeah, It has been fun. Goodbye Neji." We walked away into our separate ways together and that's the last thing that we had to do separately. Neji will be in a fancy school and crap and who knows what I will have down on my path.

We walked away from each other, Neji heading north and I headed south. I looked behind me and looked over at him, still walking with his back turned. Not looking back. I guess he really means that his taking the opportunity. I wouldn't blame him though. I might've done the same thing. I turned back, looking forward. Well, at least if he's gone then there's a shrinking chance that my family of Uchihas would know about him.

You see, my family is a very scary family. Or that's what other people in the neighborhood say. But there is one thing that you don't want to get them started on, and that's the Hyüga Clan. They have battles over and over again until someone's standing. Then, they agreed to stay separated, for the Clans. Yes, the Hyügas have about thirty-eight members while we, the Uchihas only have thirty-five. Fourteen that live in our household and others that are scattered elsewhere.

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