
By kobealcala

2.1M 104K 78.8K

Arielle Tesfaye is now on her way to Amphitrite State University. 2 months after the events of Wet, Arielle a... More

1. Another Impending Storm
2. Return of The TigerSharks Pt. 1
3. Return of The TigerSharks Pt. 2
4. Plunging into Another Beginning
5. Depths of Deception
6. Gut her like a Fish
7. Tides of Unforgotten Memories
8. A Flash Flood of Problems Pt. 1
9. A Flash Flood of Problems Pt. 2
10. Maelstrom in a Form of Malice
12. Drowning her Once and for All
13. Swimming into Murky Waters
14. When the Tsunami Hits
15. The Truth Finally Emerges
16. Cry me a River
17. A Fishy Family Reunion
18. Return of the Stingrays Pt. 1
19. Return of The Stingrays Pt. 2
20. When a Shark Bites Back
21. Bathing in a Pool of Hope
22. Diving the Unfathomable
23. Visiting the Kraken
24. Message in a Bottle Pt. 1
25. Message in a Bottle Pt. 2
26. Thunderstorm of Events
27. Circled by Sharks
28. Into the Coral Reef
29. Waves of Incoming Problems
30. Caught in a Fishing Net
31. The Fire Corals Pt. 1
32. The Fire Corals Pt. 2
33. Diving into a New World
34. Fishing for a New Love Interest?
35. H 2 Hoe
36. Going with the Flow
37. Water Under the Bridge Pt. 1
38. Water Under the Bridge Pt. 2
39. A Downpour of Depression
40. Floating on Dangerous Thoughts
41. Submerged into Confusion
42. Confusion into Submerged
43. Drinking from the Devil's Chalice Pt. 1
44. Drinking from the Devil's Chalice Pt. 2
45. Another Night to Remember
46. The Aqueduct to Being an Adult
47. Fountain of Tears
48. When Hurricanes Collide
49. Surviving an Armada Pt. 1
50. Surviving an Armada Pt. 2
51. Waves of Nostalgia
52. Whirlpool of Reality
53. A Large Ripple for a Small Ocean
BONUS: The Conversation
BONUS 2: The Road Trip

11. Uncovering Secrets From the Deep

39K 2K 613
By kobealcala

"Is there something you're not telling me?" I finally broke the silence.

My mom sighed. "Arielle not now please." Her eyes focusing at the road.

"What do you mean? I just asked a question?" I replied back, turning my head at her.

"Well not now." She glanced at me, then looking back at the road.

She seemed very anxious, making the atmosphere around us uncomfortable.

"Why were you at his house?" I queried quietly, ignoring what she just said from how curious I was. "You can't blame me for being freaked out you just came out of my friend's house looking all mad."

"Arielle." She muttered annoyingly. "Please stop."

"I'm not doing anything and you know it. Don't you think I deserve an explanation?" I raised an eyebrow at her, my emotions subtly mixing together.

She remained quiet as she kept driving, her eyes glued down at the road.

"Okay." I sighed, rolling my eyes towards my window, my fingers unconsciously playing with the necklace Steven gave me.

The second the car arrived back home, I rapidly jumped out and rushed inside to go to my room.

I had to text Steven and see what was up.

I carelessly dropped all of my stuff to the ground as I reached in my pocket for my phone.

I guess Steven had already beat me to it. "Did your mom say anything? My dad is ignoring me." His text read.

"Me too! It's so weird! I tried asking her but she didn't tell me anything. D:" I replied, sitting myself down on my bed.

"What the hell." He sent.

"Yup." I let out a deep sigh as my mind raced about the whole situation.

My hand gently placed my phone on the table near my bed. Thoughts running about my mom knowing Steven's address.

I mean, how weird is that?

"Aaarrrrieeelleee." Max's voice echoed behind me as I sighed.

I slammed my locker closed as I turned towards Max, his shirtless body already in front me.

"I changed my mind." I let out, making his face look subtly surprised. "I-I can't do it. I was stupid to even think about something that mean. Karma will eventually bite her back in the ass and that's all I can hope for right now." I bit my lip, looking left and right for other people.

"I can still keep the phone right?" He smirked, licking his lips at me. "She has some pretty hot pics on it."

"Ew I don't care." I threw him a disgusted look. "Do whatever you want."

"You know what." He muttered to himself as he pulled out his phone. "You owe me something, and I need it."

I grunted, hoping he forgot about getting a strand of my hair. "Do you have a pair of scisso-" he interrupted me.

"Na ah ah." He clicked his tongue. "Let me take a picture of your face." He turned on his phone as I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"Um, why?" My face crinkling at him.

He then all of a sudden acted as if he didn't know what was happening. "Hmm, I'll tell you after I take the picture." He smirked.

I ran my hand through my hair as I rolled my eyes at him, the flash from the camera subtly making my eyes hurt. "There you happy? Weirdo."

"I'm pretty sure you made my other friend down there happy." He let out a devilish smirk as he looked down at his shorts. "KAY BYE!" He exclaimed, not even waiting for my reply as he ran out of the locker room.

He makes me wanna projectile vomit, and I don't like it.

I tried to hold in a puke as I proceeded in walking towards the pool, only to notice that I forgot my swimming cap that made me look like a small uncooked bean.

My body quickly turned around, my eyes blinking for a second, kinda disgusted by Max's character.

Just until I tried to walk again, I felt my body slam against someone else's, making my eyes widen at the person.

Oh no no no no.

"Ah I-I." I stuttered heavily as I glanced up and down at Levi's familiarly chiseled body. I quickly bit my tongue to remain quiet.

I didn't even bother looking at his eyes that stabbed me, instead, I rapidly moved away from him as I proceeded in walking towards my locker.

What he did next brought back so many unwanted memories to flash through my head, making my eyes widen as I snapped my head back.

His hand was holding mine back with a strong grip.

I snatched my hand back so fast that he was clearly caught off guard, my body subtly boiling with anger.

My words will be spoken slow and threatening, hoping he would understand every single thing I'm about to say. "Don't you dare even think that you can touch me." I slowly walked back.

He clenched his jaw at me as he blinked his eyes a few times. "I just wanted to say sorry about bumping into you, it was an acciden-" I immediately interrupted him.

"Don't you dare think you can talk to me either." I glared at him, my face without a doubt magnifying so much hate.

Just before he could've talked again, I turned my back towards my locker.

My feet unconsciously froze as I heard his deep voice speak behind me. "What happened to us?"

I remained quiet, my anger subtly just growing more. I really wasn't looking forward to talking to Levi. I was so over him and I just wanted him out of my life. Why does this have to happen!

"What did I ever do to you?" His deep voice spoke again, my fists clenching as I slowly turned back around. "Did you ever for a second think about how you made me feel?"

"No, no, no, don't make this about you." I half-laughed as I spoke through my teeth. "There was never an us. And I should be asking you that question. What did I ever do to you?" I continued.

"What do you mean? I never did anything to yo-" He furrowed his eyebrows down at me as I interrupted him.

"You never did anything to me?" I laughed loudly. "Why are you lying?" I raised my voice since I couldn't even take him seriously.

"I'm being serious." He spoke surprisingly calm.

I clicked my tongue as I rested my chin on my hand. "Hmm lets see. What did you do? Oh I don't know, what about kissing my ex bestfriend? What about trying to buy out my forgiveness after that? Oh and what about throwing me a dirty look right after I beat her up for starting that rumor about me? Yea I don't think you did anything, you're right." I ended, curious as to what he's gonna say.

"Okay first of all." He blinked a times as he waved the both of his hands in front of him. "You're the one that started getting bike rides from a white haired gazelle, hugging him and rubbing all over him the first day you guys even met! How do you think seeing that made me feel? Obviously that made me feel pretty awful and it lead me to doing some stupid shit like kissing Vanessa." He waited for a response out of me but I remained quiet as he prepared to speak again.

"Second of all." He quickly coughed. "I bought that bracelet to just give it to you, why the hell would I think about buying your forgiveness if I loved you? Third of all, what dirty look are you talking about? I must've just looked confused but no way in hell did I try to throw you a dirty look!" He breathed, his hand going over his whole face. "I'm over this!"

I rolled my eyes as I tried to control my emotions. "I hugged him on the bike in hopes of not splitting my head open! Plus, I didn't kiss him like you kissed her!" I exclaimed. "And you know what, I'll give you your damn bracelet back! And about you not throwing me a dirty look, you're full of shit." I turned around towards my locker, praying he doesn't reply.

I hear a sigh, being followed by a bunch of disappearing footsteps behind me.

Ah! Here's my cap!


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