Beneath The Skies (Book 3 of...

By Wingerz17

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"Everyone has scars, just not all of them can be seen" 12 months is only a short period of time to heal. A sh... More

Chapter 1: Sector One
Chapter 2: Aired Voices
Chapter 3: Judgement
Chapter 4: Flirtatious
Chapter 5: Flew The Nest
Chapter 6: Fools Gold
Chapter 7: Red Paint
Chapter 8: England
Chapter 10: Felling The Forrest
Chapter 11: Mirage Intoxication
Chapter 12: Night Drama
Chapter 13: Beneath The Stars
Chapter 14: Cool
Chapter 15: Crying Skies
Chapter 16: I'm An Animal
Chapter 17: Feeding the Giants
Chapter 18: My Heart Will Go On
Chapter 19: Down Below
Chapter 20: Back Again
Chapter 21: Cold Turkey
Chapter 22: Fried Chicken
Chapter 23: The Call
Chapter 24: Lock Down
Chapter 25: New Faces
Chapter 26: Little Digs
Chapter 27: Unrecognisable
Chapter 28: Stabbing Pains
Chapter 29: Pumping Veins
Chapter 30: Lap Of Luxury
Chapter 31: Deep Fried Tarantulas
Chapter 32: False Looks
Chapter 33: Flat Tyres
Chapter 34: Night Wonders
Chapter 35: Take A Breath
Chapter 36: Days Like This
Chapter 37: Say Goodbye
Chapter 38: Skyline
Chapter 39: Blown
Chapter 40: Last Breath
Chapter 41: Mended Tears
Chapter 42: Broken Wings
Chapter 43: Complications

Chapter 9: Model Me

64 2 0
By Wingerz17

Natives - Stop the Rain (Song for Chapter)

This is a fun and cute chapter, therefore the music is more upbeat than usual!

Dedicated to: Hannah Wingrave! She is someone who I regard as amazing, beautiful, kind and she has the biggest heart! Love you so much and I cannot wait for second year to begin with you and living in the same house!! xx

Hope it's okay!



Chapter 9: Model Me

"So, what do you want to do today?" Tayte asked me, he was stood half naked looking out of the window of the hotel,

"Stay in bed with your gorgeous body," I answered, he grinned,

"As much as I would love to stay in bed with you all day, I am getting your mopy ass into the city of London to try and cheer you up"

"Staying in bed all day with you would cheer me up" I said,

"Really not helping the matter Keane, now get up, since you seem incapable of deciding where we are going, I will choose for us," I groaned and pulled the duvet off me, "Now that is more like it," I smiled and got out of bed,

"Care to join me in the shower?" I asked,

"Hell yes, you don't need to ask me twice" I laughed, dragging him into the bathroom.


The tube was particularly busy, not that it wasn't ever not busy, but today was exceptionally crowded. I was squashed right up against Tayte, which I obviously wasn't complaining about, then this other guy was pressing up against my back. I could feel his breath tickling my neck,

"I'm sorry about this" he whispered, "Not my intention to be breathing all over you"

"Just don't make a habit of it" I said, which earned me a glare from Tayte, I told him 'What' with my eyes. The next stop cleared the tube, so we had a little breathing space, but then at the next stop it filled up again. Safe to say that personal space was being royally violated. "Can we get off at the next tube station? Even if it isn't our stop? I asked,

"It'll mean we have further to walk" he answered,

"I don't care, I'm sick of feeling like a sardine in an extremely small tin," we got off at the next station and made our way topside, "Where are you taking me?"

"It's a surprise, but don't get your hopes up, it's nothing to special,"

"You're with me so it's going to be special no matter what," he grinned, eyes sparkling,

"Good answer" he replied.

We ended up in Camden, where Tayte told me to let myself go and explore the many wonders that met our eyes. We explored markets and shops, the colours exploding all around us! We had a catwalk show in the vintage section, trying on a lot of cool clothes,

"Do you two model?" A voice from behind us asked, we span around and both laughed,

"No and we never have"

"Would you be interested in modelling?" we looked at each other, "I am being genuinely serious, you're both gorgeous and the two of you together is so natural. If you don't mind me asking, are you two together?"

"We're not shy, yes we are a couple and thank you for thinking we're gorgeous but I don't think it's for us" Tayte said,

"Well don't decide anything now, take my card and have a think. Call me if you want to try it, we'd just do a practice shoot, you wouldn't be committing to anything," I took the card,

"Well, thank you" I said,

"I hope to hear from you soon" He smiled. Once he'd gone Tayte said,

"Actually, I think we should give a go sometime soon"


"Why not? It'll be fun and we might actually be good at it"

"Maybe" I said kissing him, "Maybe"

We stayed around Camden and Tayte spotted Shaka Zulu, a South African inspired restaurant. Inside was decorated with the style to go with the name and the bar menu was full of animals many would turn their nose up in disgust at. Therefore it was perfect for us, just as we were about to order my phone rang,

"I'll be back in a minute, it's Noah, can you order babe?"

"Of course, send my love"

"Hey Bubs, sorry I meant to ring this morning, I wasn't in the best mood though

Why what happened? Are you okay?

Nothing for you to worry about okay

Keane, enough with protecting me

Sorry, can't help it, it's what I'm always going to be like

Fine, whatever, I guess if it was really important I'd hope you'd say something

Of course I would. How are you? How was last night, what are you up to?

I'm good, missing you both...and I know...I know, it's been one day, but I love you both so much. Last night was good, we stayed up way past midnight and everyone got a tad drunk, except me. I didn't, because I'm a good boy

Oh you are such a saint

Why thank you

Sounds like you had a fun time, so you've been up not long then?

Yeah got up about half hour ago. What have you been up to?

Up early, and been to Camden, got offered a modelling job, or to come along to have some photos done and we're actually about to eat, I've stepped outside and Tayte's ordering, we've gone to a South African themed restaurant

Jealous, I better let you go then, ring me tomorrow and I expect you to actually ring me

I will do, have you spoken to Mum and Dad?

They are next on my list. You?

Not yet, I'll drop them a text or something

Such a lovely son

Yeah yeah, I love you and Tayte sends his love

Tell him I love him too, see ya

Bye Kiddo"

I joined Tayte back at the table,

"All okay his end?"

"Yes, he misses us though, they stayed up late drinking so they only just got up. He's jealous of the morning's events," Tayte laughed,

"He does brighten up the day"

"He really does" I agreed, and then, "What did you go for in the end?"

"From the land platter and I went for the fat chips"

"Of course you did" I teased, as I took a sip of my cherry lane cocktail. "I love you" I told him smiling,

"I love you too and it's good to see you smiling"

"It's good to be smiling, maybe that guy was no one and things will all be okay"

"I like this positive thinking of yours babe, it looks good on you" I laughed,

"Why thank you"

When our food came, our mouths dropped, it looked absolutely mouth-watering, the presentation was second to none and the smell hit my nose and sent rumbles to my stomach,

"Thank you"


"Wow" I said,

"My words exactly" Tayte agreed, I didn't know where to begin, but somehow we managed to jump in. We left an hour and a half later after two glasses of champagne. We were happy and full, so decided to hop on the tube to Hyde Park and relax in the sun. It was no shock to find the park buzzing with a large amount of tourists, however we were lucky enough to find a nice spot, Tayte led down and I lay my head on him, he began to absentmindedly stroke my hair. I shut my eyes, feeling the warmth of the sun on my face and hearing the steady beat of Tayte's heart.

"Don't go falling asleep on me" Tayte chuckled,

"No promises" I whispered.

It was 5pm when we finally sat up,

"We have one more thing to do before we head back to the hotel" Tayte said,

"And what's that?" I asked,

"A surprise"

"Oh great" I said sarcastically,

"Because I know how much you love them" he teased, pulling me up,

"Just be lucky that I love you" I told him,

"I don't call that luck" I smiled. I took his hand and we walked through the park,

"Is it far?" I asked,


"Does it involve food?" he laughed,


"Is it going to be fun?"

"You're with me so of course," I rolled my eyes, "Now quit with the questions"

We hopped on the tube and within 10 minutes we were getting off at Baker Street and fought our way to above ground.

"Hmm, I know where we're going" I said,

"No you don't shush, don't ruin the surprise," he put a finger in front of my mouth, "Hush," he replaced it with his lips. His then phone began ringing, he pulled away and answered the phone,

"Hi Mum

Hey sweetie, are you enjoying London?

It's our first full day and yes it's been good.

I'm glad, I was wondering if you wanted to meet for dinner tomorrow?

As in Forrest as well?

Yes, we have some good news

Well I'm not going to say no am I

Don't be like that honey

Like what?

We'll meet you for dinner at the Ritz at 7pm tomorrow okay, I don't want to get into this now. I love you Tayte.

Yeah, love you too"

"I don't like the look on that beautiful face of yours, what's your Mum said now to piss you off?"

"Her and Forrest have some good news they want to tell us. So we're having dinner with them at 7pm tomorrow night at The Ritz" he said,

"Oh, it's going to be about them moving in together isn't it? Anyway I thought you got on with Forrest when you went out back in Cali"

"That was one day and I was being nice"

"Well, you have me as well this time, I've got you babe"

"I know you do, thanks,"

It turned out that we were going to Madame Tussauds, like I didn't guess as there wasn't much else around here. I was a tad curious, the fact that closing time was in 5 minutes,

"It's shutting now though" I said,

"I know people," he winked and I didn't even bother asking who, I just let him work his magic.

His magic got us a private roam around the museum for an hour and a half. And it was just perfect, we could take pictures in each room, pose, laugh, smile, be silly and not have to worry about snotty nosed little kids getting in our way, or fighting with foreign tourists who want a picture with the Royals.

We had snaps with Benny Cumberbatch and crashed between Kim and Kayne, our arses are so much better than the Kardashian's.

We cat walked with the stars and took a selfie with the beautiful Cara Delevigne.

We both ET phone homed and had a laugh with Whoopi Goldberg.

We took it in turns to strike the pose with Usain Bolt and then each took a punch at Muhammad Ali, before doing the Mo Bot with Mo Farah.

We kissed Prince Harry on both cheeks, bowed to the Queen and made funny faces behind William and Kate.

We solved Einstein's equation, edited some of Charlie Dicken's work, shook hands with Stephen Hawking's and acted out one of Will Shakespeare's plays.

We said Hello, it's me, to Adele, moon walked with Michael Jackson, jammed out with Bob Marley and tried to steal Lady Gaga's Telephone.

We had a fight with Iron Man, got cut up by Wolverine, felt Captain's America's muscles and tried to remove his mask and had a go on Hawk Eye's bow.

We took a respectable picture with Nelson Mandela, we had massive respect since we went to his house in South Africa, made faces at Boris Johnson and crashed Obama at the White House.

"Well that was just perfect" I said kissing him, "Thank you"

"My pleasure, I think food is on the cards now" He said,

"Oh you just read my mind"

We got back on the tube and headed to Covent Garden to grab some dinner. We opted with Wagamama's, which was particularly busy when we walked through the door. We were sharing a long work bench like table with 3 other couples. One started chatting with us, a lot, to a point where I was ready to strangle her,

"So, where are you two from? Your accent is kind of hard to decipher" Miss I have the most annoying voice in the world said,

"We're English" I said, hoping she'd move on,


"But we've lived all over" Tayte said, "So our accent is kind of messed up," she laughed,

"So lucky, where about's have you lived?" the other girl asked, I looked at her curiously, I didn't trust anyone anymore, Tayte looked at me,

"America and other parts of the southern hemisphere" He answered,

"That is so awesome" I smiled and nodded and then took a sip of my beer,

"We go to Kings College London"

"What are you studying?" Tayte asked,



"Clever women"

"Aw you're too kind, what do you two do?"

"We work in a diner on the Miami coast"

"Now that is something I'd love to do, if we make to it Miami we'll give you a buzz"

"Was that a sly way of getting our number?" I said, they blushed,

"Guilty," Tayte typed his number in,

"We're always together, so you may as well just have mine" He said,

"Oh you two are just the cutest"

"I'll be back in a minute" I said, getting up,

"All okay?" Tayte asked, I nodded and headed off to the toilet. I was okay, apart from the headache that was approaching fast. When I arrived back at the table, I internally groaned when I saw they were still sat down, drinking coffee and eating dessert. Tayte looked at me, I smiled, but my smile was forced and he knew it. Once I was seated she (the annoying voiced one) I can't even remember her name said,

"Sorry about talking so much, we'll leave you to finish and enjoy your food"

"No apology needed" I sat, biting my lip,

"If you wanted to grab a drink somewhere after we wouldn't say no, just...just keep that in mind" She then said,

"Very kind" Tayte said, "But I think we're going to have to decline, it's been a long day and we're still feeling the jetlag," and this is why I loved him.

"Oh of course, another time maybe, before you leave"

"You have our number" Tayte said, she beamed,

"We sure do"

They left 15 minutes later, I am thankful to say. My head was almost at bursting point,

"Your head is pounding isn't it" I nodded,

"So much, how far back to the hotel?"

"Less than 5 minutes on the tube,"

True to his word within 5 minutes we were at Green Park and within another couple were back in the hotel, I collapsed on the bed. It had just gone 9pm, Tayte sat on the bed next to me and handed me some paracetamol and a glass of water, I took them,

"Thank you baby"

"Close your eyes and see if you fall asleep" He told me,

"Lay with me," he pulled off my shoes, followed by his and crawled up next to me.

Lay with me until the world is no more and all that's left is just you and I.

Just lay with me.



Next Update: Tomorrow!

Love GTRx

Copyright © Georgia T R Wing

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