The DUFF (Zustin Mieber AU)

By iamderekhale

143K 8.7K 12.4K

"Man." Justin sighs after a moment of silence. "I'd be an extremely depressed person if I were you. Y'know, b... More

KING (Zustin)
touch [zustin]
give you all that's left of me [zustin]


3.7K 234 305
By iamderekhale

Dedicated to _amor_inspira_ because she's sweet. 💙


You guys went nuts for that one shot idea, like I didn't even think anyone would be partially okay with it, lol. But I'm definitely going through with it. 😊

I don't get why you guys don't think Lucky can't be good??? He doesn't have to be a bad character for Zustin to be the endgame. I'm just sayin.


"Oh my God." Zayn moaned as his lover began sucking at the pale skin of his neck.

He tilted his head back to expose more of his masked flesh, hands sinking into the soft bundle of hair atop the other man's head. A sly hand began trailing down his naked abdomen, fingers leaving a trail of delightful tingles. He arched up into the touch, mouth falling open as the hand traveled lower. He saw it coming, expected and was ready for the moment that same hand held onto the hem of his boxer briefs. The hand teased at the rim of Zayn's underwear, index finger dipping in only slightly to trail from side to side. Then all at once, it was gone as if it was never there. Zayn flinched at the snap sound that was made when his underwear was released, and the feeling as well. It didn't hurt. The only thing that hurt was the lack of attention his dick was receiving. It was torturous.

In a way, Zayn enjoyed it just as much as he loathed it. He always knew he wouldn't be one who was down for vanilla. He never liked the thought of whips and chains either but teasing, teasing he could deal with. Teasing he knew he would love.

"Just do it, please." Zayn whispered, not exactly sure what he was asking for, only aware of the fact that he just needed. He sounded desperate, he knew he did, but he was desperate.

A faint chuckle sounded into his ear, but the sound of his own heart beat washed the deep laugh away. Zayn bit at his bottom lip when the caressing hand came back. It arrived with a goal this time, pulling the waistband of his underwear up before sliding in.

The tight grip that the warm hand held on Zayn's member was contradicting to the soft touch, but pleasured him regardless.

"Oh." Zayn sighed in relief, head falling back into the plush pillows.

If heaven was a place on earth, this would definitely be it, plain and simple.

A pair of lips wrapped around his bottom lip and began sucking lightly as the hand began to stroke.

"Oh my god." Zayn gasped, the male's teeth now latching onto the flesh to tug.

He was beginning to ache for more, he wanted just about everything he could get which didn't seem like much of an issue since his lover would obviously give him anything he wanted.

"Zayn," said the man.

He scrunched his brows, the voice familiar but not exactly what he was expecting.

"Zayn." He called out again. "Zayn open your eyes, wake the hell up!"

It was a harsh shove that woke him up and Zayn opened his eyes at once. His vision took a while to clear but within a matter of seconds, his eyes focused on on Justin who was hovering right over him.

"Dude." Zayn groaned, sitting up right which resulted in Justin backing away. "What the hell?"

"Seems like you were having quite an interesting dream." The Canadian teenager commented, quirking a brow as the very familiar smirk played on his face.

"Oh shut it." Zayn spat. "Wait... did I say anything while I was asleep?"

"Yes." Justin answered, face not showing any kind of humor. "You moaned my name."

And it was at that moment, that Zayn knew he was screwed. Not even, he was all the way fucked. If there was a scale for how fucked someone could be from 1 to 10, his kind of fucked would be 101. He was this close to noping himself all the way to Nopeville where all the Nope people lived to get themselves out of nope situation but then Justin cracked, a wide smile playing on his face.

"You were all like 'yes Justin, yes. Oh God Justin, just like that Justin.'" He continued, mimicking the moans of a teenage girl as he dragged his hands all over his body, head tilted back with his eyes closed and mouth ajar.

Zayn groaned, throwing a pillow at the laughing jock who was obviously joking. It wasn't funny though. Zayn saw his world falling apart the moment Justin uttered those words while Justin saw it as some big game. It probably wasn't something to really stress over but if he had been moaning Justin's name, Zayn would've walked outside and jumped in front of the first passing car on the road.

"Prick." Zayn muttered as he crossed his arms over his chest. "How'd you even get in here?"

"You guys never changed the location of the spare key, and aww, don't get all grumpy on me now Zee. Lighten up," said Justin, nudging the teenager. "Don't be mad, get glad!"

"Get out." Zayn said at once.

"Yeah, that's not happening."

"Uh, yes it is. You don't think I forgot the way you were acting last night, do you? Because I didn't and I'm still mad at you for that."

Justin winced, possibly at the memory of his own behavior, which was good because he should feel bad about it.

"Right, sorry about that. I was kind of just upset yesterday."

"Why?" Zayn questioned sincerely, actually concerned now that Justin was serious again.

"My parents wouldn't stop arguing like at all, so I just left the house angry."

"Well I'm sorry, but why take it out on me out of all people?"

"I don't know." Justin sighed. "I don't know and I'm really sorry Zee. You didn't deserve that. I really don't get why I was giving you an attitude."

Zayn wasn't convinced. Justin was dumb at times but he always had a reason, but regardless, he didn't want to push on so he didn't. Zayn simply huffed before scooting away and leaning back against his headboard. He knew there was no point, because as expected, Justin moved in and got even more comfortable on his bed, propping himself right beside Zayn.

"I know you're still mad. And I don't deserve forgiveness because my attitude was uncalled for, but I wanted to share a little victory with you." Zayn gave him a side glance as Justin pulled out a piece of paper that was folded neatly in his pocket. He unfolded it, revealing what was obviously a graded math test.

"Seventy five?" Zayn gasped. "Oh my god, that's great! I mean, compared to your last test score." He grimaced, thinking back at the thirty seven percent had earned on the last math exam.

"Yeah. Three weeks with you and I'm already improving."

"You could've been doing great long time ago if you would've just focused."

"I could've done that. But maybe it's a good thing that I didn't." The jock's voice had suddenly lowered, as if he was getting ready to whisper a secret. "If I hadn't, I wouldn't be able to spend so much time with you."

Zayn kept his lips sealed, too afraid of what words may escape them. Though, it was still impossible to break eye contact with Justin, not when he looked as beautiful as he did at the moment. Zayn blinked a moment too long, Adam's apple bobbing in the process. When he opened his eyes, Zayn let out a shaky breathe.

"Were you originally that close?" He questioned, releasing a nervous chuckle.

"Nope." Justin admitted with absolutely no issue. He offered a shy grin and began visibly leaning in.

It was an odd situation. Zayn had just been angry with Justin not even five minutes ago, and now he's getting ready to kiss the guy. How random and inappropriate would that be?

Zayn turned his head just as Justin closed the distance, lips landing on his cheek instead of his lips.

"I have another date with Lucky." Zayn blurted out, wincing at how it just came out. He didn't plan on saying that but he didn't know what else to say.

Justin pushed away from him slowly. Zayn couldn't see it, but he could feel the loss of the beautiful warmth that had been embracing him earlier. He wanted it back, yearned for it, but there was no way that would be happening, not after the way he just shut Justin down.

The Canadian cleared his throat, then asked, "so the first date went well I presume?"

"Yes," said Zayn. "It was great."

He didn't understand why he suddenly felt the need to make sure Justin understood where they stood. He wasn't going to be a booty call to anyone, not when he had the guy of his dreams wanting him now.

One kiss, Zayn told himself, one kiss doesn't mean a thing.

"T-thank you." He uttered, struggling to find the right words whilst making sure to avoid eye contact. "For the practice I mean, thank you."

He heard the faint sound of Justin releasing a breathe of air from beside him. "Yeah, anytime."

"We can still be friends." Zayn offered. Truth be told, he was afraid of losing Justin's friendship now that he had it back. The time he's spent with the jock in the past month has been the highlight of his senior year. He didn't want to throw that all away because of one kiss and Zayn knew Justin was more than capable of acting as if something never happened.

When he got no response, Zayn turned towards the teenager. "Justin?"

Justin almost looked pain, and maybe a little sour from the side but when he looked back over at Zayn, he looked absolutely fine.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Friends." Zayn repeated. "I asked if you wanted to be friends."

"Duh. What'd you think?"

"I didn't want things to be awkward. I wanted you to know that I'm still okay with you."

"Why would things be awkward," asked Justin.

"Because of the kiss."

The brunette rolled his eyes, scoffing. "Don't be ridiculous Zayn. I kiss more people in a day than you've kissed your whole life. One heated kiss doesn't mean a thing. We were practicing then got caught in the moment. That's all."

"Whatever man whore."

"Call me all the names you want but we all know you want a piece of this." Justin rolled his hips in a rather seductive manner, eyebrows wiggling.

"Oh please. I'd rather watch old lady porn."

"Sounds hot. Wanna watch some right now?"

Zayn glared at the brat before picking another pillow off his bed to shove it in Justin's face.


Justin had ended up staying over at his house that day. It's been a while since he's been there and Zayn's house had changed more than Justin's had in the past couple of years, so Zayn had to give him a small tour because Justin being the annoying douche bag he is refused to let Zayn rest until he did.

He's received texts from his friends and his mother had called, but he was too distracted and focused on Justin to really care. They'd all understand anyways. All that put to the side, his Saturday was going pretty well.

The fact that he and Justin bounced right back up as if nothing ever happened reminded him much of how things used to be between them. Every time Justin messed up —because honestly, he was the only one who ever messed up— they'd go right back to being friends again in little to no time. That's how they worked. Now that they were hanging out so often, Zayn was kind of shocked that they spent so long away from one another. He's honestly missed this.

"Zayn." He heard Justin say suddenly from where he was laid out on Zayn's bedroom couch, continuously throwing a ball up in the air and catching it. It was no shocker. Justin always loved dragging him from his peaceful train of thoughts. "I wanna have a party."

"Than have a party."

"I mean, obviously I'm gonna, but when should I do it?"

"I don't know?" He was confused as to why Justin was consulting him about this upcoming event. Everyone who knew Zayn knew that the teen never went to parties, aside from that time he was practically forced a month ago. "Why are you asking me about this?"

"Because you're here right now and I need to ask someone about it, duh." Justin answered as if it were the most obvious thing on earth. "I haven't had a party in the longest, people are starting to bug me."

"Okay? Why does it matter what people want?"

Despite the Canadian being in laying position, Zayn could see the subtle rising and lowering his shoulders indicating that he had just shrugged. "I mean, everyone at that school basically looks up to me or something like that. I have to give the people what they want."

"You're not obligated to do anything," said Zayn. "You can do as you please, you're a free spirit so be a free spirit. Just because they want you to throw a party, doesn't mean you have to. Besides, Ariana throws enough of those, doesn't she?"

"True, but we all know my parties are better than anyone else's, Ariana included. No one's ever called the cops on me."

"I considered it that one time you threw a party one night before finals."

"Why didn't you do it?" Justin questioned. "You hated me back than."

He frowned at that. Is that really what Justin thought? "You and I both know I never hated you. I could never hate you. We grew apart, people do that sometimes. Sure you were annoying as hell and constantly tried to get on my nerves, but I never hated you. I did, indeed, dislike you, but I could never hate someone who used to mean so much to me."

Justin caught the ball again after throwing it up in the air, but this time he didn't throw it back up. He kept it locked in his hand, and Zayn finally got a response after less than a minute of silence. "Used to?"

"Still do."

"That's better." Justin gave him a smug smile, then went right back to playing catch with himself. "So did you two kiss?"

The question was rather random and very unexpected. It also wasn't something Zayn wanted to speak about. Even after practically having Justin's tongue shoved down his throat, Zayn didn't want to have to report back to Justin whenever something happened.

"No." He answered. "No, we did not kiss, yet."

"Better kiss soon. I don't want my practice to wear off."

"I highly doubt that'll ever happen." Zayn mumbled, because it was true. Justin made his first kiss unforgettable, which was odd considering the fact that Justin refused to be pinned as a romantic. "But, why does it matter to you if we kissed or not?"

"Why does it matter to you why I care if you two kissed?"

"I asked first."

"Well, I wanted a review."

"A review?"

"Yup." He got in response, blandly. "I wanted to know if Lucky kisses better than me."

"And that matters because...?"

"Because news going around is that Lucky and I are tied for best kisser, and I don't get tied for anything. I'm always a winner and I refuse to be anything less than that, simple."

Zayn rolled his eyes in disbelief. "The things the people of our generation care about."

"I'm not all that intimidated, I'm sure I kiss better anyways. But I'm just curious."

"Why not go ask someone else who's probably kissed Lucky as well?"

"Sure it won't be hard to find another person, Lucky has been around. But I think it'd be more accurate coming from virgin lips."

"My lips are no longer virgins."

"Thanks to me." Justin voiced, finally turning but only to shoot Zayn a wink before going back to what he was doing. "But those other people probably kiss others in between. You on the other hand, will not."

"I can."

"You won't. Your one purpose was to get will Lucky and I highly doubt you'll throw any of that away to go kiss someone else who's not worth it."

Zayn took a moment to process what Justin was saying. He was coming at him with so many statements all at once that Zayn wasn't sure which one to respond to first. He slowly repeated the sentences to himself and targeted. "So Lucky's worth it?"

Zayn watched carefully as Justin paused his movements once more, saw his chest rise and fall as he took a deep breathe to finally say, "I think so. I think Lucky's the only guy you've ever batted those pretty little eyes at, you've ever smiled for the way you do, the only guy who makes you crazy nervous—"

"That's not true. I get nervous around guys who look better than me."

"Believe it or not, there aren't that many guys who look just as good as you, let alone better. But maybe that's just me, maybe it's just my type."

Zayn quirked a brow in curiosity, finding that the conversation was suddenly getting interesting. He never thought of himself as the type of person Justin would go for, wouldn't even dream of it, but he did technically imply it. "So I am your type?"

Justin sat up all at once, and propped himself so that he was facing Zayn. "That doesn't really matter. What matters is that Lucky may be the one guy who'll ever make you feel the way you do when you're around him."

"How exactly do you know how I feel in his presence?"

"I see the way you look at him, and who would go through all of this for a guy they didn't have strong feelings for? I'm not an expert in love considering the fact that I've never actually dated anyone, but I think Lucky just may be your someone."

"And what if he's not?"

"You have many years ahead of you. You'll find that someone."

"Will you?"

Justin shrugged. "Who knows? Maybe I will, maybe I won't. I'll just have to wait and see."

Zayn hummed and leaned back against his tufted headboard, considering everything Justin just said. He doesn't get how they went from being all playful to having such a deep conversation, but he can't say it's something he minds. Sure, one meaningful conversation doesn't mean much, but it does hint at a blossoming friendship, one that Zayn would be more than happy to be a part of. Justin being the other half only makes it better.

"I'm hungry. You have anything I can make?" Justin asked out of nowhere.

Zayn shook his head, amused by how easily Justin could slide from one mood to the next.

"Follow me," said Zayn before getting out of his bed to walk out of the room, Justin hot on his heel.

"What are you gonna make?" Zayn asked as they made their way down the stairs.

"What do you wanna eat?"

"Chicken tenders and fries."

"Than that's what I'll make."

"You know the way to a man's heart."


Another meh chapter because I need to give you guys a little break before things start getting all dramatic and serious. So this was basically some Zustin fluff, and the next chapter will be Zucky fluff followed by a chapter where all our babies are back (Harry, Niall, Liam, Louis) and may or may not include Zustin. There may or may not be a reveal that's not too big in between, things may or may not become official between Zucky but something I can actually tell you, Justin is going through with the party. 😉 that'll be an interesting chapter...

BUT goodness gracious, I'm honestly forgetting that this fic isn't supposed to be long because I'm planning too much and I'm this close to like shooting myself.

AND IM SORRY FOR THE SLOWER UPDATES. I've been working on other projects including that one shot that may be split into two.

I'm thinking about releasing "The First Time" (the Zustin x Chris Evans) one shot when I reach 2k followers or after The DUFF is finished so I can give you guys something to sink your teeth into while I go on a two week hiatus. 😊 who knows, might do whichever one comes first but it really depends on when I finish writing it.

Anywho, I'm outtieeee. Luh you guys. 💙


'17 💖

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