Dylan O'Brien Imagines

By sophisticatedstiles

83.1K 1.2K 422

Imagines to fulfill all of your Dylan O'Brien needs. Characters that will be included: - Stiles Stilinski ... More

Her // Stiles Stilinski
Her (Part 2) // Stiles Stilinski
Fairy Tale Endings // Stiles Stilinski
Together // Stiles Stilinski
Brains Over Beauty // Stiles Stilinski
Brains Over Beauty (Part 2) // Stiles Stilinski
Brains Over Beauty (Part 3) // Stiles Stilinski
Lucky To Have You // Dylan O'Brien
Brains Over Beauty (Part 5) // Stiles Stilinski
Always // Stiles Stilinski
Home // Stiles Stilinski
Home (Part 2) // Stiles Stilinski
Home (Part 3) // Stiles Stilinski
Home (Part 4) // Stiles Stilinski
Home (Part 5) // Stiles Stilinski
Home (Part 6) // Stiles Stilinski
Love & Chemistry // Stiles Stilinski
Long Time No See // Stiles Stilinski
Right In Front Of Me // Stiles Stilinski
World Without You // Stiles Stilinski
Unexpected Surprise // Stuart Twombly
Jealousy // Thomas
Hero // Thomas
Game Changer // Thomas
Endings & Beginnings // Dylan O'Brien
Eternal // Dylan O'Brien
Pun Master // Stiles Stilinski
Too Perfect // Stiles Stilinski
Hold Me // Stiles Stilinski
Dork In Shining Armor // Stuart Twombly
Can I Have This Dance? // Stiles Stilinski
Can I Have This Dance? (Part 2) // Stiles Stilinski
Can I Have This Dance? (Part 3) // Stiles Stilinski
The Name of the Game // Stiles Stilinski
Birthday Blues // Stiles Stilinski
No Rest For The Wicked // Stiles Stilinski
Worth Your While // Stiles Stilinski
I Noticed You // Stiles Stilinski
Irreplaceable (Part 1) // Dylan O'Brien
Irreplaceable (Part 2) // Dylan O'Brien

Brains Over Beauty (Part 4) // Stiles Stilinski

2.2K 34 4
By sophisticatedstiles

"These magical creatures are known to be one of the most intriguing species in the world of the supernatural. In fact, they are so beautiful that anyone will stare in awe as they pass by." Deaton read an excerpt from his book that was filled from beginning to end with supernatural creatures. The moment you and Stiles had walked in, right away Stiles was ready to read what the man had found. You were eager as well, but Stiles was having slight trouble containing his excitement unlike you. "Although when angered, this creature will take on a less pleasant appearance, which can resemble other creatures like harpies."

"Harpies?" You questioned. Stiles had beaten Deaton to it.

"It's like this incredibly vengeful thing; sharp claws and wings of a bird . . . but it has the head and body of a woman I think."

"That's true." Deaton confirmed his doubt. Your jaw had dropped, your eyes widening.

"I'll remember to stay in a good mood for prom night then." You mumbled, crossing your arms. Then a specific thought crawled into your mind. Eyebrows furrowed, you looked back up to the guys. "But I've gotten mad before, how come I've never turned into one of those?"

"It could possibly be because of your heritage." Deaton responded, bowing his head to scan over a few more paragraphs in the book. "See, it says here that if only half of your blood is infused with this magic, then there is a possibility that you won't turn into a harpy-like being when you are angry."

"Okay good." You let out a breath. "Now, will you please us what these things are called?"

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

"So you're a Veela, huh?" Stiles broke the silence in the Jeep. A humorous laugh escaped his lips. You sent a smirk his way, too relaxed now that you had finally cracked the code. "I didn't see one thing about them when I looked online."
"Are you gonna get the training from him?" Stiles asked, glancing at you before turning back to the road.
"I think so." You replied. "If I'm gonna be one of these things, I at least want to mask my powers so people will stop staring at me like I'm a freak."
"You're gorgeous, not a freak!" Stiles reasoned. "People are just so awestruck by your beauty they can't help but stare."
"Is that why you like me?" You asked the inevitable question. "Because I'm so gorgeous?"
"Well, that's not the only reason, I—"
You didn't hear the rest of his response, for you were too busy gathering your things and hopping out of the car. That had to be why Stiles fell for you. Why else would he like you? You were just an average human being, nothing special about you. Tears gathered in your eyes as you continued to walk to your house.
"Y/N!" Stiles began to slowly drive beside you, shouting your name endlessly. You rolled your watery eyes. He just didn't like when you were mad at him, it's not because he actually loved you. It was these stupid powers that made him this way.
"Babe, please get in the car." Stiles groaned. Your heart still managed to weakly flutter at the pet-name. You rolled your eyes at that too. Although his next few words were quieted, you heard them perfectly fine. "I've always loved you."
As much as it pained you, you continued to walk. He was just too embarrassed to admit that you were right, that's all. Of course you were in love with him, but did he honestly feel the same?
You figured he had given up, when you were gently tugged into turning around. There stood Stiles in his beautiful eyed-flannel-clad glory. His large hands cased around yours, his eyes burning deep into yours. The look was so intense you had to avert your gaze. A hand left one of yours to guide your eyes to his again.
"Don't you even think about saying that the only reason I love you is because of what you are." His voice was fragile as a wobbling china doll on the self, about to fall and shatter into a million pieces any minute. Yet, it also could resemble that of a fierce fighter, strong and demanding. The only thing that kept you from walking away was the way honesty seemed to shine so brightly in his eyes. "Y/N, I fell for you way before you were bit. The moment we met I was hooked. There was just something about you, I just—I found myself wanting to be around you more and more each day. Then, when I wasn't with you I didn't feel as complete. Baby, you do realize that when I finally kissed you, we both opened our eyes to see in color? It's not just because I think you're beautiful. I mean, I do, but that's just a bonus. You're so much more than that. Intelligent, quick-witted, hilarious, loving, kind. I could stand here all day just ticking off all the things I love about you. But by the time I would finish we'll both be sitting in a nursing home together drinking prune juice and complaining about how advanced electronics have gotten."
"Stiles," You were left in awe, eyes twinkling as tears of happiness slipped down your cheeks. The revelation of Stiles's astounding way with words had you falling for him just a bit more. Your mouth refused to move, as if your tears were an off-button when it came to speaking. Although it wouldn't perturb you in the slightest if he would speak to you like that for eternity, this was all you needed to confirm that he really did love you. This incredibly large bundle of words would forever hold a special place in your heart, as would he.
"I honestly have no idea where all of that came from," Stiles chuckled in a farouche fashion, moving a hand to the nape of his neck. His face was so red that it could be served in a salad as a tomato and no one would know the difference. "It's all true, though. God, I really love you. Like, so much."
"I love you, too." You gasped, ridding your face of any stray tears. More tears jumped from your eyes, but you didn't care. Your eyes were already pre-occupied by the beautiful boy in front of you, staring at him with such a fondness it caused Stiles to look away, a shy grin creeping in.
Then, you were kissing; lips locked in such a fervent passion that had you wanting him more than ever. Every emotion that filled your bodies were being spilled into this kiss; passion, love, angst, adoration, and maybe even lust. His tongue came into the picture, swiping across your lips. You gladly let him in, moaning into his mouth.
Just as soon as it began, it ended. You gently pushed away, your foreheads falling against each other. A stunning grin covered his lips as his eyes devoured yours, hands stroking your sides tenderly.
"Maybe we should go somewhere more private if we do something like this?" You suggested, a laugh making itself present soon after.
"But I thought we—" A confused Stiles had let the fact that we were out in public climb into the back of his mind, where all the irrelevant facts hung out. Unlike most of those facts, this one was actually capable of coming back to the front smugly. He gulped, grabbing your hand and tugging you back to the jeep.
"Where are we going?" You asked once you had driven well past your humble abode.
"My house." The words left his mouth so casually, as if he were informing you on the weather or how many shirts he owned. Then, he looked at you and winked. "My dad's working late tonight."
"Is he now?" Your lip caught in between your teeth, and it didn't go unnoticed by Stiles.
"Oh, yeah."

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