Rethinking the Unthinkable (...

By Amandaaapandaa

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Rethinking the Unthinkable ( sequel to DTU)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
I was thinking...
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 23

149 7 0
By Amandaaapandaa

Haven's Pov

 I pulled my unconsious daughter's head into my lap as tears slid down my face, I was relieved to see she was alive and not hurt. I pushed her dark hair away from her face tucking it behind her ear, I was able to see her face clearly it held several cuts and bruises; I looked down at her arms and legs to see her skin was bruised as well. I heard rain start to hit the roof of the porch and I looked out to where the tree was burning to see Zayn making it rain to put the fire out, I watched as the boys became soaked as they made sure the fire was completely gone; Harry came up to us his hair laid over head like a wet mop and his shirt clung to his body showing off his defined body as he walked towards us. He climbed the steps and crouched down in front of Violet smiling with tears in his eyes, as he brushed his finger on her cheek causing her eyes to flutter open. Looking around her eyes found her father's and she smiled at him weakly and then did the same to me.

" Hi, honey.", I whispered and she grabbed my hand giving it a squeeze. Her skin was extremely cold, not the usual cold our vampire bodies held but like a statue made of cold cement one wrong move and she'll crack.

" Hi Vi.", Harry said his voice was hoarse as a single tear came from his eye. Violet leaned up on me and brushed the tear away.

" Hi Daddy.", she said her face was becoming pale and her voice was just above a whisper. I felt my eye brows come together as I gently grabbed her face turning it towards me, her eyes barely stayed open as she looked at me. I looked over at Harry who looked at me, he picked up Violet bridal style and sped into the house with me following after him just as fast. Once he reached her bedroom, she laid her down on the bed and I watched as her body started to visibly shake as if she was cold. I bent down at the side of the bed so that I was at her eye level.

" Violet how did you get here?", I asked softly and she moved her head towards me. She swallowed  and opened her eyes showing me her one gold eye and one brown.

" Rebecca... she told me to go find you guys....She tried to use her power to put me across the river but a wolf attacked her and I fell in...I was dragged through the current and fell down a waterfall.", she said her sentence coming out slow as she was breathing funny with each word. I nodded and turned to look at Harry who was standing over me with his arms crossed over his chest. I stood up from my place that I was and looked at Harry who nodded towards the door, I nodded knowing that he wanted to talk to me without Violet's ears in the same room. I pulled the covers off the bed and laid it on her body, I kissed the top of her forehead as I turned to walk out the room to where Harry was but felt my wrist being grabbed; looking down at the bed I saw Vi's hand clutching my wrist, I bent down again and she looked at me with a serious expression.

" You have to help Rebecca, the people who took us are hybrids and they... they..."

" They what, Violet?", I questioned but she fell out of consciousness before she could say another word and I sighed. Walking to the bedroom door, I opened it and walked into the hallway closing it behind me. Harry was standing across the hall leaning against the wall, I made my way towards him and looked at him waiting for him to tell me what he needed to tell me; from the look in his eyes I knew it wasn't good.

" We have a big problem."


 " What do you mean you've never fought a hybrid before?", I exclaimed as I threw my hands up in the air in frustration. The boys were telling me that they never encountered a hybrid but they've dealt with demon vampire hunters.  They shrugged looking at me with sorry expression and I dropped on to the couch not knowing how we were suppose to deal with another fight when their were barely enough members to fight.

" How are we suppose to fight them off? There are five of us and who knows about a hundred of them out there.", Niall asked and I shrugged clasping my hands together. lacing my fingers together I leaned them on my forehead. 

" Six.", a familiar voice said and I looked up to see Violet standing up with a blood bag in her hand. She brought it to her lips cringing as she squeezed the blood out the bag letting it flow to her mouth from the straw.

" What?", Louis asked while looking at us and I shrugged looking back at Violet. She removed the bag from her lips and swallowed loudly wiping her hand across her mouth.

" There are six of us, did you forget I was part of the family while I was gone.", she said while crossing her arms the empty blood bag stayed between her index and middle fingers swaying from her movements. I raised an eye brow at her and smirked.

" Don't be ridiculous Violet, your not fighting against the hybrids.", Harry stated in a stern voice and Violet got mad taking a step forward.

" I'm sorry, dad, it wasn't like I wasn't stuck in a house full of them. Sorry I'll shut up now.", she said and rolled her eyes sitting herself on a leather chair crossing her leg over the other.

" Do not talk to me like that Violet, I'm your father and you'll show me respect!", he yelled while pointing at Violet. Eyes turning slightly red, Violet's eyes turned gold, mine widen when I realized that Violet's eyes didn't both turn gold only one does. She growled at Harry and suddenly black ignited into her eyes and gold pupils appeared, she was going through a demon form and with her powers this was not going to be pretty. I stood up and came between them making my eyes blaze gold and snarled at her ,seeing her start to shrink down to the chair. I growled as I leaned into her.

" You will respect your father and me. We just want you safe we can't risk losing you again.", my demon voice appeared and tears came to her eyes. Black stray marks appeared as she silently cried, my eyes turned back to normal and I gave her a hug letting her cry into my shoulder as I stroked her back. I kissed her head and she lifted it sniffling.

" Why do you want to fight so badly?", I asked and she wiped her tears sniffing loudly.

" Because I promised Rebecca I would come back for her."


Rebecca's Pov

 I shot up into sitting position gasping for breath, I winced as I clutched my cut stomach tightly and squeezed my eyes shut. I heard his footsteps come towards me,  I opened my eyes to see him crouch down in front of me. I growled at him with narrowed as he watch me in pain, grabbing my neck I was lifted up in the air by Nick and I grabbed his wrist trying to pull it off but he tighten it.

" YOU FOOL! BY LETTTING YOUR SISTER GO YOU NOW HOW TO PAY THE PRICE!", he yelled. His neck showed veins and turned red with each word he said. I felt dizzy as he kept squeezing, he shook me and my head snapped forward making my eyes meet his red ones; while I stared into them I watched his pupils dilate and get bigger. I felt myself go into a trance as I kept staring getting lost in the blood color which his eyes contained.

" You will kill your family when you see them. And anyone who gets in your path.", he said and his voice made something click in my brain. As I blinked I started to see flashes of my family go through my mind and their blood being splattered on grass all from my doing. I felt my self slip from his hand and I was once again on the floor breathing heavy and coughing, I felt tears in my eyes as I looked at him.

" What did you do to me?", I cried out and he laughed evilly while leaving the room. Before the door closed he spoke.

" I used my power on you. I made you see that your beloved family was out to kill you. And you want them dead."


 Hey guys:)

 sorry I didn't update I've been very tired and need to get some more sleep so here's a long chapter.

Bye guys:)

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