Inside The Outsider

By negreaux_dada

168K 6K 1.9K

"It's hard to feel beautiful or loved, when a world you live in is segregated because of the color of your sk... More

Inside The Outsider
Inside The Outsider
Inside The Outsider
Inside The Outsider
Inside The Outsider
Inside The Outsider
Inside The Outsider
Inside The Outsider
Inside The Outsider
Inside The Outsider
Inside The Outsider
Inside The Outsider
Inside The Outsider
Inside The Outsider
Inside The Outsider
Inside The Outsider
Inside The Outsider
Inside The Outsider
Inside The Outsider
Inside The Outsider
Inside The Outsider
Inside The Outsider
Inside The Outsider
Inside The Outsider
Inside The Outsider
Inside The Outsider
Inside The Outsider
Inside The Outsider
Inside The Outsider
Inside The Outsider
Inside The Outsider
Inside The Outsider
Inside The Outsider
Inside The Outsider
Inside The Outsider
Inside The Outsider

Inside The Outsider

3.7K 138 26
By negreaux_dada

Diana's POV

As I glanced up at the ceiling, the thought of Dally goin' crazy on that tree kept comin' to my mind. I didn't think what I said would effect him so badly, but he is very sensitive; whether he shows it or not. Suddenly, a delightful aroma soared through my nostrils, making me shoot up from my bed. I quickly left my room and found everyone sitting at the table eatin' breakfast," Goodmornin' Diana." I smiled as i got a whiff of the bacon, eggs, and pancakes momma cooked up," Goodmornin'." I sat down and immediately dug into my food.

After breakfast, I got ready for school and walked down to Clarice's house," Hey D." Clarice, Cheryl and Lisa greeted," Hey, y'all ready to go?" "Yeah we we're waitin' on you crazy locs." Clarice joked as we all walked to school. As we approached the school from around the block, everyone was standing outside," What's goin' on?" I questioned. We all were peeping our heads in every direction," Come on let's find out." Clarice guided us through the crowd of students till we got to the very front.

  All the teachers were coming out the building with boxes of their stuff in their hands," Mrs.Fletcher what is goin' on here?!" Clarice asked. Mrs.Flecther shook her head disappointedly and walked off away from the building. Unexpectedly, all the students were getting louder and angrier," What the hell is goin' on!?" "We're supposed to graduate soon!"

Suddenly, the principal from our school waltzed out the building," Everyone simmer down!" All the students immediately shut their mouths and turned their attention towards the principal. I'm surprised everyone shut up, but I can see why; our principal was a big burly man who's stare could kill you in a heart beat. "Unfortunately, none of you will be attending this school anymore!" Everyone started to get rowdy again until he placed his hand up," Instead, you all will be attending Will Rogers High School. You all may go home!" "That's the white folks school!" "What we gonna do there!?"

Clarice glanced at me as I glanced at her," We gotta go to school with them now?" I shrugged my shoulders," Maybe it won't be too bad." We all escaped the crowd and walked back to our neighborhood," I have to graduate at a school full of white people who want me dead, how great." Clarice mentioned sarcastically. We all walked back to our neighborhood, everybody from school was outside hanging out; boys were playing music, girls were singing. "How can they be so happy right now?" Clarice protested. "Cause everyone isn't bitter like you." I stated jokingly. She shooed me with her hand," Whateva. I know one thing though--" "Yeah, what's that?" "If ya little friends don't talk to us at school; it's proof that I was right about them."

For the rest of the day, i just sat at home and finished some books I've been readin. Clarice left me to go be with my brother, as usual. Suddenly, the front door opened, mama, daddy, Olivia and Henry came walkin in," We heard what happened, it was all over the radio." Mama announced. "Why are they just now doing this?" "I don't know baby, things just happen." Olivia and Henry went into the kitchen with Daddy to do their homework, while mama started to cook dinner. I stayed put on the couch and stared at the blank television; thoughts of all the bad things that could go wrong at the new school kept surfacing in my brain.

What if they try to beat us up at school? Or try to stop us from goin in there? Or set our buses on fire? Or--," Diana? You alright?" I glanced at the figure before me and sighed," You've been staring at that tv screen for awhile, you alright?" I shook my head and let out a faint laugh," Yeah, I-I'm just--" Mama sat down beside me on the couch and wrapped her arm around my shoulder," I know you're scared about goin to the white school, hell i would be too," I glanced up at her," Just be brave, we've been through so much, I know you can make it through this." She squeezed me tight," Thanks mama." She kissed the top of my head and got up from the couch," Now go on and get ready for dinner."

As I was about to leave the house, Mama came over to me and engulfed me into her arms," Be brave and be safe, ya hear me?" "Yes mama." I walked down the steps and went over to Clarice's house. As usual Lisa, Cheryl and her were standing there waiting for me," Y'all ready?" I asked nervously. They all shook their head," Me neither." We started walking to the bus stop and two buses were filled with every teenager in the neighborhood. We got in one of them and we all sat close to each other," I was up all night stressin about this." Clarice announced. "Me too." "But you like them--" "No, i like Dally and his friends. Everyone else scares me."
Everyone on the bus was silent the whole ride, not a cough, nor a sneeze was heard.

Unfortunately, the bus came to a stop; i glanced out the window. A lot of the students stopped what they were doing and turned their attentions to the buses. The bus driver pulled the lever to open the bus doors," Alright everyone out single file." Hesitantly, one by one, we began to exit the bus. Some students were grabbing each other's hand for security. As Clarice and I exited the bus, we immediately linked arms. All the white students were glaring and whispering about each and every one of us," Why'd they have to come?" "Are they even smart enough to be here?" Out of no where, balled up paper was being tossed at us," Go back where y'all came from!" "Y'all don't belong here!" I gripped Clarice tighter and we hurried up the stairs and into the school building.

Clarice and I have always gotten into troubling situations with white people, but being here was different. Outside if we encountered them we could easily just run away; but we have to stay here with them for 8 hours, 5 days a week. Whatever they do to us, we're gonna just have to take it. As we entered the building, everyone's eyes were on us; even the poor greasy white students were glaring at us. I took out my schedule that was sent to me through the mail yesterday. Unfortunately, Clarice and I didn't have any classes together. She unhooked her arm from mine and squeezed me into a hug," I'll see ya at lunch." I nodded my head and went into the classroom.

Some white students were already there sitting at their desks glaring at the sight of me. I scanned the room and noticed some colored students in the back of the classroom. I wanted to sit with them but I usually sit towards the front of the classroom. I steadily walked to an empty desk up front. Suddenly an arm blocked my way," This seat's taken." I glanced at the blonde headed boy that stopped me and tried for the desk behind him," This one's taken too...Actually, all these seats are taken. Go sit with the other negroes where you're welcomed."

The boy turned back around in his desk thinkin that he accomplished something. I automatically sat down in the desk behind him and took out my school stuff," Didn't you hear me! Go to the back!" I glanced at the fuming boy and back to my notebook. Abruptly, my notebook was tossed towards the back of the classroom," Go fetch!" I continued to quietly stare at the boy who was desperately trying to intimidate me," Are you retarded or somethin'?"

  Suddenly one of the other white students leaned over towards the aggravated boy," Danny let it go." The boy glared at me one last time and finally turned back around in his seat. I was about to get up to go get my notebook, but someone already beat me to it. One of my colored peers had gotten up from his desk and retrieved my notebook from the ground and came over to me," Here ya go." He handed me my notebook and I gratefully took it," Thank you." He nodded his head and went back to his seat.

Momentarily, more students came floodin into the classroom. I stayed glued to my notebook not wantin to witness the expressions on the student's faces. As the teacher entered the room, the intercom came on," Students will you please stand for the pledge of allegiance," All of us stood up from our desks and placed our right hands on our hearts," I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. To the republic for which it stands. One nation, under god, indivisible, for liberty and justice for all." Everyone sat back down in their seats. "Good Morning students. As you can see, we have new students joining our Will Roger family. I know it is almost the end of this school year, but let's give these students a nice welcoming to this fine school." As i looked up from my notebook, a set of devious green eyes were staring straight at me," Welcome." Danny deviously smirked as he turned back around in his desk.

Lunch time couldn't get here any faster. I rushed into the cafeteria, searching for Clarice. I kept peeking around until i bumped into someone," I'm sorry--" "Hey Diana." I glanced at the familiar boy," Hey Ponyboy." He smiled down at me and I returned the gesture," Have you seen Clarice?" He nodded his head and pointed across the cafeteria," Over there." "Thanks Pony." I quickly walked over to Clarice and hugged her from behind," I missed you." Clarice got up from her seat and hugged me back,"Me too." We walked back to the lunch line and got our lunch. We were about to go back to where Clarice was sitting, but some other students already took it," I knew I should've stayed over there." Clarice stated as she shook her head.

Suddenly, someone lightly bumped my arm, I glanced at the figure and smiled," Do ya want to sit with me and Two-bit?" I nodded my head and followed Pony to their table. I sat down beside him and Clarice sat beside me, while Two-bit sat across from us," Hello ladies." I waved at him and Clarice just glared at him," What's ya name?" "Two-bit-" "Ya real name." "I'd rather not mention that." Clarice rolled her eyes at him. Soon, Lisa and Cheryl came by the table and sat with us," Oh my goodness, I never been so uncomfortable in my life." Lisa huffed. Clarice shook her head," You know one white girl tried her hardest to get me angry but i just laughed right in her face." "No. You.Didnt." Lisa protested amusingly," You should've seen how red she got," All of us began to chuckle with the cackling Clarice," I thought steam was gonna blow out of 'er ears." "Only someone as crazy as you would do such a thing." Cheryl said as she shook her head. "Oh hush Ms.Prissy." Clarice mocked Cheryl.

All of us continued to talk while we ate our food. Surprisingly, it felt like we were still back at our old school only with a few new faces," How's your classes Diana?" Pony questioned. I shrugged my shoulders," They're alright, a lot of people been tryin to get under my skin." I gave him a weak smile as he placed a hand on my shoulder," Maybe they'll come around and see what a good person you are." I grinned from ear to ear at his sincere comment. If only they could think like him and stop being so closed minded," Thanks Ponyboy." He nodded his head and continued to chow down on his chicken leg and mash potatoes.

It seemed like the day could never end. I just wanted to get away from the death glares, the name calling, the heckling, the intimidation. Going through this for the next month and half will be the ultimate test of patience and strength. The bell finally rung for dismissal, every student rushed out of their seats and out into the halls. I stayed back until the room was clear so I could get out without being shoved. I held my school bag close to body as I rushed through the halls and out of the school building. Once I stepped out, it was like a weight was being lifted off my shoulders and I was free. A lot of students were standing outside talking with their friends waiting for the buses to arrive. I steadily walked down the stairs only concentrating on my foot steps not wanting to embarrass myself and fall.

As I was about to walk off near the street, a strong hand grabbed ahold of bicep and spun me around," Dally?," He leaned against the stair railing and rubbed his chin," What are you doin here?" He nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders," I heard about what happened on the radio and i wanted to see you as soon as possible." I raised my eyebrow," In front of all these people?" He rolled his eyes," If I want to see my girlfriend, then I'm gonna. No one is gonna stop me from seeing you." I didn't notice he was clutching my arms together until someone walked up towards us," Diana," I glanced at Michael who had a stern menacing look on his face," This guy givin' you trouble?" He glared over at Dally and Dally did the same. I unlatched my arms from Dally's hands," No it's okay Michael, I'm fine." They continued to stare each other down until I lightly placed my hand on Michael's arm," Michael I'm fine." He glanced at me and nodded his head," Be careful." He glared at Dally once more before finally walking off.

"Who does that guy think he is? Does he know who I am?" I placed my hand on Dally's chest to try and calm him down," Everyone knows who you are." "Who the hell is he?" "He's my friend--" "Not anymore." I crossed my arms together and shifted my weight to one leg as I looked into Dally's eyes," Don't give me that look. The guy was willing to rumble with me over you. He definitely wants to be more than friends Diana." Suddenly, the buses finally pulled up; white students boarded their buses and the negro students did the same," I have to go Dallas." As I was about to leave, Dally quickly grabbed ahold of my hand," No, no, no,no,no. I'll walk you home." "I don't know Dally-" "Come with me...please." I gazed into his icy blue eyes that I couldn't say no to," Alright."

Dally cheered to himself and grabbed ahold of my hand; forcing me to follow behind him as we exited the school property. As we walked along the side of the rode, Dally was searchin through his pockets frantically," You lose somethin'?" He ignored my questioned and continued to search until he finally found what he was lookin' for. He reached for my left hand and slipped somethin' cold on my ring finger," I forgot to give this back to ya." I glanced down at my finger and immediately recognized the silver band," Promise me you'll never take it off again." I stopped where I was and Dally did the same. I reached my hand up to his face and softly caressed his cheek, grazing my thumb lightly over his bruised eye," I promise."

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