Born to Make Mistakes, Not Fa...

By xoxokensington

77.4K 2.3K 1.1K

Oliver Wood has sworn off falling in love. That is, until an important piece of his past is thrown back to hi... More

Born to Make Mistakes, Not Fake Perfection ( Oliver Wood )
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Author's note!

Chapter 20

1.1K 49 30
By xoxokensington

I love food.
It's the greatest relationship that I've ever had. It's never cheated on me or left me or did anything wrong but be delicious.
So, that could be the reason I'm currently working on my seventh piece of french toast and dipping my pork sausages in maple syrup after each bite.
"Say, wife-" Miles pointed his fork at me. "How about we cancel quidditch today, yeah?"
Keeping my eyes focused on my toasts, I reached beside me and tossed Marc's spoon at his face.
"Oi! The fuck was that for?" He whined.
I saw him rubbing between his eyes.
"Are you delusional?" I asked, food still in my mouth.
I swallowed and said, "Gryffindor's going to have the hardest game of their lives."
Cassius chuckled from across the table while I inwardly cringed.
Not a big fan of him right now, you know?
"I like the way you think, love."
ExcuUuUuUuUse me?
"We're gonna be late for our lessons! Let's go wife!"
Miles snatched my sack and ripped me up from my seat before I could tell Cassius where he could take his 'love'.
"Wooo.." Miles let go of his grip and threw his arm around my shoulders. "Cassius almost died back there, can you believe it?"
With his goofy grin beaming down at me, my frustration immediately simmered down.
"I can, bloody slytherin." I shook my head.
"Mother fucking slytherins." Miles grinned again, this time shaking his head as well. "Always on the brink of self destruction."
Smiling back at Miles, we continued ahead talking about clever and inventive ways we'd cause Cassius pain.
Probably sounded like a pair of lunatics but what could you do?
Quarter past the hour later, class was beginning to fill in.
Marc and Cassius sat behind Miles and I, with Graham seated in the front with Daphne and Kara.
"Princess," The smooth voice only belonging to Cassius cooed
My teeth clenched.
My fists whited.
Oh, how I was going to ruin him in practice today!
Miles pulled apart one of my fists then alowly kneaded tiny circles into my palm.
"Woosah, wifey." He said but right after came another, "Princess!"
Ripping my hand out of Mi's grasp, I spun around on my bench.
"What?" I snapped.
He half smiled, my nostrils flared.
"Hogsmeade this weekend? Me and you?"
My jaw just about hung to the floor.
"Come again?" I asked, clearly not believing the words coming out of his disgusting face.
This time, a grin graced his face. "Hogsmeade. Saturday. Me and you. Date?"
I snatched his ink bottle and threw as much ink as I could right on him!
"Kiss my bloody arse!" I snapped, spinning myself back around
The Ravenclaw's around the room rolled their eyes in annoyance.
Screw them.
Screw Cassius.
Screw every bloody boy in this damned school.

************ Oliver's P.O.V *************

"So, about that bet.." Rob mused, using his forefinger and thumb to rub his chin after pushing away his lunch.
I sighed, "What about it?"
"Doesn't look like it's heading in your favor, mate."
My eyes turned to slits. "Why don't you mind your own bloody business and let me handle it!"
Rob grinned wickedly while pushing up from the table, "Tick, tock."
I groaned into my chicken.
Bloody Rob and this stupid bloody bet.
Deciding enough was enough, I stomped out of the great hall and on my way to muggle studies. She can't avoid me there.
We have a packet to finish and a baby to take care of soon.
Flopping in my assigned seat, Cesari graced us with her presence a short while later.
Her usual bright smile was a flat line on her face.
Her usual long brown hair was pulled up high on her head.
Who hurt her?
I'll kill them.
Slowly and painfully.
She sighed as she slid on her stool next to me.
I didnt say a word at first.
Just looked at her, expecting an insult of some sort.
My eyebrows knitted together as I turned to face the professor after a cleared throat.
"Alright, I know I assigned you lot to fill out the marriage packets as homework, but I have some tests to grade so you can take this period to finish it or do it or whatever you all need to do."
I sat quietly as Cesari pulled out our packet.
She placed it down on the table and started filling out the questions about me with ease..
One in particular was, "When is your 'husbands' birthday?"
And to that she put February 27th.
She didn't forget
I smiled a bit.
I watched her move to the next question, "What is your 'husbands' favorite meal?"
She rolled her eyes and scratched in pulled beef pot roast with vegetables, garlic bread on the side and strawberry shortcake for dessert.
"How are you so sure that's the correct answer?" I asked, a sly smile coming about my face
Her eyes lifted to mine, "It's not?"
I nodded my head, "You didn't forget."
She looked back at the packet, grumbling "We ate it almost every bloody day."
Chuckling, I watched her fill out the first three pages about me until she looked back up, an unreadable expression on her face.
"Do you believe in love?" Quickly looking away, she added- "The packet wants to know."
I just stared at her.
Yes, I believe in love.
"I belive in love when I'm with you-" I started,
"No, no, no, no, no," she tutted, "Don't start with the sweet talk."
"Let me finish!" I scolded. She sneered.
"I believe in love when it's with you. Nobody else. I don't think anyone has the abilities to care for me like you did, and you're bloody amazing at quidditch so that's an even bigger plus. You get me on every level imaginable. You know when and how to make me shut up and listen and you can talk me in or out of almost anything. Only you can do that to me. I messed up bi-"
"Stop!" She yelped, "I can't be here right now."
With tears in her eyes, she gathered her belongings and ran from the room.
The teacher was too damn stuck in her own world to notice.
Rob will eat his words on a silver platter.
I'll have her before Christmas, I'm sure of it.

********** Jessica's P.O.V. *********

Here I sat, right on one of the docks on the black lake.
Probably gonna get taken in by one of the octopus tentacles I see splashing about every so often, but at this point I think I'd welcome it.
Oliver had no right to say those things to me, Cassius is a slag and isn't my boyfriend so I can't even be mad at him. Cedric, oh don't even get me started with him.
Why am I never anyone's first choice?
I groaned, throwing myself back on the damp wood of the dock, my arms behind my head and my eyes closed.
"Right foul broad you are!" Miles hollared, his voice getting closer
"How dare you leave me alone! With Cassius of all bloody people!"
I blinked at him
"Gonna ask me why you inked him and left, then gonna ask why you're not in class, NOR lunch. LUNCH! Of all the deliciousness at that bloody table you decide to run off and fucking hide when I need you with me! I absolutely will not stand for this foolishness Mrs.Jessica Bletchly!"
The side of my lip tugged up, of course Miles saw it. "Ah hah! There it is! Buck up, wifey! We're going on an adventure!"
He gripped both my wrists from beside me and yanked me to my feet, "You look like you had a go with that bloody killer tree, the hell you've been doing since first lesson?"
Raising a brow, I smacked the side of his head and demanded he run and get me some new clothes & about twelve sandwiches while I go shower in the locker rooms.
Before I cut the water, Miles moans of pleasure were heard as he slammed the door what seemed as loud as possible.
"This isn't a bloody spa day, wife. Hurry your arse up! I've got plans."
Wrapping the towel around myself, I flung back the shower curtain and motioned for a sandwich.
He tossed it to me, of course.
Turkey was in one hand while the bread and lettuce were on my towel.
I pieced my food together and devoured it in seconds
"You wouldn't be so hungry if you wouldn't of ABANDONED ME YOU PIECE OF SHITE!"
"AYE!" I snapped, "Shut your dirty mouth! I needed some space."
I moved into the changing stall and slipped on Miles' joggers, socks and jumper.
He was waiting at the changing room door when I emerged and immediately wrapped his arms around me.
"I'm sorry you keep picking guys who don't know how to treat you." He whispered into my shoulder.
"It's my fault, if only I-"
"No!" Miles tore back and pointed a finger in my face, "You, you are the funniest, hungriest, most beautiful girl in this bloody world and don't you dare think no different! Do you understand?"
I stared at him for a moment, not sure of what to say until he spoke for me.
"So about that adventure,"
Next thing I knew Miles had us on the back of his firebolt, 75 feet in the air while i attempted to scarf down the smooshed sandwiched that sat between his back and my belly.
"Where are we going?" I muffled, swallowing the last bits.
"For me to know and you to find out!"
"I'm not particularly fond of suprises dear husband."
"I don't particularly care if your fond of suprises dear wife."
"Catty bitch."
"You smell."
"Your mom smells!"
"Your cousin!"
"Your great aunt Tesie!"
"I dont have a great aunt Tesie!" I shouted in his ear and at that time we touched back down.
"Haha, I know. Just had to distract you is all."
I sneered lifting myself off of his broom.
"Well, turn around now! Go on!" He urged.
Spinning on my toes I gasped at the beauty infront of me.
"But where did you-"
Miles grinned cutting me off, "They've been here as long as I can remember."
Miles managed to fly us to an old feild with high wooden fences that housed about six brown and white stallions.
"They all have their names painted on their hoofs or hooves or whatevers the plural for their feet."
I grinned. I've never been so close to such beautiful, graceful creatures.
"Wanna feed em?" He asked, seeming to pull a basket of carrots from Merlin knows where.
"Yes!" I shrieked, snatching the basket and Miles hand.
"Do you know that ones name?" I pointed to a very large stallion with a full on brown coat with a white belly.
"He's Zeus. Total baby he is. Snuck in one time and all he did was try to lay on me and get me to rub his belly."
My smile was ear to ear, "Let's go!"
Miles smiled, pulling me into the field with him.
"Hey, Zeus! What's up buddy? I've missed you man, gotta catch up you know!" Miles strided over to Zeus and the rest of the stallions followed suit, clearly understanding who was in front of them.
Miles pulled me from behind him and held a carrot out to Zeus, and then one to the other five surrounding him.
"Don't be shy, wifey. They're tame. The old muggle up the road breeds them."
Cautiously, I held a carrot out to Zeus.
He gladly accepted the treat and nuzzled the side of his snout into my hand..
"Feeling better?" Miles smiled, holding another carrot out to a spotted stallion named Bruno
"Much." I giggled, as another by the name of Patch came beside me attempting to steal a carrot from the basket, "You're amazing, Mr.Bletchley."
"You're the amazing one, Mrs.Bletchley."

Yall wanted Miles, I GAVE YOU MILES lol.

Any feedback is appreciated.
Should I give jess a boyfriend? Should i make her meaner toward Cassius? Ideas? Thoughts? Suggestions? LET ME KNOW!

My husband is away for military training right now until right before thanksgiving so im working on a few chapters ;)

Pleasee let me know if you dont like anything!

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