
By kobealcala

2.1M 104K 78.8K

Arielle Tesfaye is now on her way to Amphitrite State University. 2 months after the events of Wet, Arielle a... More

1. Another Impending Storm
2. Return of The TigerSharks Pt. 1
3. Return of The TigerSharks Pt. 2
4. Plunging into Another Beginning
5. Depths of Deception
6. Gut her like a Fish
7. Tides of Unforgotten Memories
8. A Flash Flood of Problems Pt. 1
9. A Flash Flood of Problems Pt. 2
11. Uncovering Secrets From the Deep
12. Drowning her Once and for All
13. Swimming into Murky Waters
14. When the Tsunami Hits
15. The Truth Finally Emerges
16. Cry me a River
17. A Fishy Family Reunion
18. Return of the Stingrays Pt. 1
19. Return of The Stingrays Pt. 2
20. When a Shark Bites Back
21. Bathing in a Pool of Hope
22. Diving the Unfathomable
23. Visiting the Kraken
24. Message in a Bottle Pt. 1
25. Message in a Bottle Pt. 2
26. Thunderstorm of Events
27. Circled by Sharks
28. Into the Coral Reef
29. Waves of Incoming Problems
30. Caught in a Fishing Net
31. The Fire Corals Pt. 1
32. The Fire Corals Pt. 2
33. Diving into a New World
34. Fishing for a New Love Interest?
35. H 2 Hoe
36. Going with the Flow
37. Water Under the Bridge Pt. 1
38. Water Under the Bridge Pt. 2
39. A Downpour of Depression
40. Floating on Dangerous Thoughts
41. Submerged into Confusion
42. Confusion into Submerged
43. Drinking from the Devil's Chalice Pt. 1
44. Drinking from the Devil's Chalice Pt. 2
45. Another Night to Remember
46. The Aqueduct to Being an Adult
47. Fountain of Tears
48. When Hurricanes Collide
49. Surviving an Armada Pt. 1
50. Surviving an Armada Pt. 2
51. Waves of Nostalgia
52. Whirlpool of Reality
53. A Large Ripple for a Small Ocean
BONUS: The Conversation
BONUS 2: The Road Trip

10. Maelstrom in a Form of Malice

45.9K 2K 1.2K
By kobealcala

"I need your help." I blurted out to Trevor, causing him to stop eating his sandwich.

"Wha?" He raised an eyebrow at me, quickly swallowing down his food.

"I need to expose Kaitlyn for the terrible person that she is." What I said made Trevor's eyes subtly widen at me. "I need like her phone or something. I'm pretty sure there's stuff in there."

"Um, I'm not about to get myself into this. She can ruin my life!" Trevor let out anxiously. "No thanks."

"Not if we ruin her's first." My voice becoming lower. "Please. We need to get rid of her." I begged.

"U-um." He sighed deeply as he looked down at his sandwich. "I-I don't know, it's seems pretty risky."

Right after Trevor's answer, another voice appeared out of nowhere.

"Surprise." Steven sat himself next to us, throwing all of us a smile. "What's up?"

"Oh you know, the usual." I returned his polite smile. "Plotting how to get rid of that demon named Kaitlyn." I talked casually, making him laugh.

He clicked his tongue. "That's gonna be hard, knowing our team is filled with a bunch of horny dogs, they'll probably be in her side."

"Last time they weren't." My eyes looking at him intently.

"Last time." He repeated. "She could've simply slept with all of them just to change their mind."

I rolled my eyes is disgust. "Fuck!" I exclaimed.

"Me." Max's voice appeared out of nowhere.

"Me too." Braxton chuckled, all of them sitting with us.

"Kaitlyn isn't that bad." Max simpered, licking his lips at me.

"You don't even understand." I muttered angrily. "You're just saying that cus she probably gave you a blow job in the locker room or something."

"Not even." Max subtly widened his mouth at me. "It's interesting that you would think about someone blowing me though." He winked, making me roll my eyes at him.

Wait I have an idea!

"Max." I turned towards him, catching him off guard.

"I love it when you say my name." He bit his lip at me.

"I'm gonna need you get Kaitlyn's phone for me." My voice spoke seriously.

"What the fuck? Is this a heist?" He chuckled nervously, digging his hands into his pockets.

"Yea." I replied, all of their eyes looking at me in a 'are you serious?' Look. "I want you to steal the phone and then find out what the password for it is. Once I go on it I'll expose every terrible thing I can possibly find about her.

Trevor's face immediately looked concerned. "Arielle, that's like something a mean girl would do." He took a quick pause. "Isn't that illegal?"

"I don't care anymore, mean girl I would be if it means for her to get the hell out of my life." I replied frantically. "You don't understand, she ruined what could've been a decent high-school time for me, and she's plotting to do it again. I really need to do this." I took the time to scan their faces.

Silence broke out, distant chatters of people the only thing audible to our ears.

"So what do you say?" I landed my eyes back to Max.

"I-uh, um." He stuttered, taking a pause to think. "H-heist yea, I'll do it." He agreed.

"Remember, this is gonna help everyone." I explained seriously.

He let out a quick chuckle as he moved his face closer to mine, but still some space left. "Don't get mad if daddy comes back with the phone and wants something in return." His voice subtly croaky.

I winced at him. "Yea whatever, you'll get something in return, I guess.."

"And what do I get in return?" He threw me an evil smirk.

"I don't know, a piece of my hair or something, can you just do it." My voice speaking with an annoyed tone.

He chuckled in reply, getting up off the bench, and then gesturing Braxton to leave with him.

Look I admit it, I'm not the best at planning something okay? I get it, I'm a dumb naive girl that needs to find better solutions.

But you know what? I can't. And because of that, I'll stick to this.

"Arielle." Trevor spoke out. "You're exposing a mean girl by being mean. How different would that make you?"

"She's not a mean girl! She's a demon! There's a huge difference!" I replied with an anxiously. "Look Trevor, there's no other way. I need to embarrass her just enough so she can leave my life alone. Also! She's really a huge bully! Not only am I helping myself but also those poor people she's been literally treating like slaves. Like it might seem like I'm mad at her because she sleeps with guys but it's really just mostly on how much of a manipulative fucking demon she is!"

"But Ariell-" I quickly interrupted Trevor.

"You're either with me, or against me." I looked down at Trevor, then glancing at Steven, his face slightly concerned too. "It's that simple."

Practice with Levi felt normal. I haven't talked to him nor has he talked to me. We were both pretending we didn't exist, and I was okay with that.

I do catch his eyes sneakily glance down at my hand a lot, probably to see if I still have his bracelet or not.

I'm really tempted in giving it back, but I don't even wanna talk to him at all. Even if it has my name on it, he can just simply grind it off and engrave a new girl for him.

If you think about it, he literally kissed my ex best friend and then bought me an expensive bracelet as forgiveness. What the hell was I thinking?

I quietly closed my locker, only to be greeted with Steven's face, making me subtly jump back.

"Sorry if I scared you." He smiled.

"Oh no it's okay." I laid my hair back against my ear as I replied.

"Do you wanna walk home together? Or Xavier will take you?" He queried, his mouth slightly open.

"Xavier will probably take me." I gripped onto my bag as I looked up at him.

"Oh alright. No problem." He awkwardly nodded his head at me as my eyes caught sight of Max.

"Are you gonna do it?" I questioned as he walked towards us.

"Hell yea!" Max laughed. "She's totally begging me to do her." Just before anyone could've replied, a familiar voice echoed through the locker room.

"Oh Max! Are you there?" Kaitlyn's squeaky demonic voice got closer, then appearing out of nowhere.

Who the hell wears a one piece underneath a long pink fur coat?

"Yea baby, I'm here." Max turned around, wrapping his arms around her waist as he planted small kisses on her neck.

That made me gag.

"What are you looking at?" She narrowed her eyes at me.

"A failed abortion." I spoke monotonously, making both Max and Steven's mouth drop to the ground.

"You'd know all about that wouldn't you slut?" She snapped back.

"I'm looking at you aren't I?" I tilted my head at her, cracking out a smirk.

She scoffed, her eyes moving away from me and then to Max. "Let's go." She kissed him on his lips. "Daddy."

I wanted to puke as I watched them walk away, Max throwing me a thumbs up.

"I guess your plan is going according to plan." Steven spoke behind me.

"Perfect." I turned around, smiling sinisterly at him.

Actually, now that I think about it. I think I'm having second thoughts. Trevor was right.


Steven and I talked to each other as we walked out the campus together.

"Oh damn, look!" He spoke out, pointing his finger at the piece of paper that was stapled against a bulletin board.

Third All Boys Swim Team Applying Now!

"That's interesting." I replied, examining the bright fonts and colors. "What's the name of the team?" I furrowed my eyebrows at the piece of paper, trying to find the name.

"It doesn't say." Steven softly replied, his body closer to mine than I thought, making me awkwardly brush away.

We proceeded to walk out, only to see Xavier not being there.

"He's not here today?" Steven queried behind me.

"No." I bit my lip, looking left and right for his bike. "He probably went home to do stuff." I breathed.

"Did you wanna walk with me or?" He gestured for me to follow him.

"Ah, yea I might as well." I smiled, gripping onto my stuff as we walked.

The street was always quiet, but was filled with our voices as we went on and on about our life.

"Wait, who's car is that on your driveway?" I anxiously queried, the car looking awfully familiar to me.

He furrowed his eyebrows at the car as we walked closer to the house. "No idea."

"That literally looks like my mom's car." I blurted out, making me slightly nervous as to why she would be at Steven's house.

His front door rapidly opened wide, my mom's face appearing out of nowhere with an angered facial expression.

"Mom?" I queried loudly.

"Arielle get in the car, now." She commanded, throwing her bag inside the car.

Another voice spoke. "Steven, son, come inside." It was Steven's dad.

Me and Steven threw each other a confused 'goodbye' look as we hurried to where we had to go.

What the hell is going on?


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