Heck, We Are Young

By ShumShumWanga

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- THIS IS NOT AN 'R' RATED NOVEL WATTPAD HAS MADE A MISTAKE - The moment Jack and Juliet met each other, it w... More

Heck, We Are Young
A Movie Date
Computers Have Natural Instincts
My Obsession With Jacks Ass
Two Games At Once
Who Goes To Mc Donalds And Orders Healthy?
Coloured Kisses Baby; Coloured Freaking Kisses
Face Smashing Is The New Way Of Talking
A 'Sick' Shower
Shirtless Gods In The Kitchen Cooking
Competition! * Important Authors Note!
Twenty Kisses and One Promise
Cheetah Suits Jack Nicely
Restoring Faith In Humanity; Jack Style
My Favorite Shell Is A Bomb Shell
Juliet's Tattooed Romance
Sailor Moon? No, Sailor Jupiter.
Be My Watson
He Was Breathless, I Was Brainless
My Canadian Doctor
Being A Girl Sucks
Our New Year
Counting The Moons
Melancholy Happy
Just Fine
Then The Storm Clouds Came

The Halloween EDITION -laughs manically-

847 33 16
By ShumShumWanga

Prepare to have your mind blown. - By Me. 


* If you haven't read the PREVIOUS chapter, which is explaining most of the Halloween stuff in this one, you'll have to go back and read it :3 If not Enjoy! 

Heck We Are Young.

The Halloween EDITION.

Once upon a time, lived a gorgeous Princess. But this Princess was unlike any others, with hair as dark blue as night and eyes as green as an emerald, she ruled her land with sarcasm and attitude. The night of Halloween called and her fate was twined, an unplanned meeting with a Handsome King and their story began to unwind.

This King was full of twisted happiness, and found this Princess to be mesmerizing. Captivated by her prescence, he came for her, knocking upon her castles door with intentions true and clear. This King wanted a Queen, with beautiful blue hair.

With vampires, ghost and other frightening creates watching at the pair proceed to become, the night of October 31st had begun. 

The wind will be eerie, as the fog will fall.

Friendships will be tested, and one will triumph above all.

The Handsome King and the gorgeous Princess would embark on a journey.

Far too big to describe but on this adventure, they would start learning,

Why they must work together, to survive. 

So enjoy this story, grab your pillow with all your might.

Because this Halloween, is going to be a very special night.

- 9:15 am October 31st-

I awoke up to Jack's loud voice singing Ava Maria, terribly but even though it hurt my ears and he was disturbing my beauty sleep, I couldn't stop the wide grin and giggle leaving my mouth. I jumped out of bed, pulling on some tracksuits and walked into the Kitchen.

There he was, hands out into the air like he was delivering a message to the gods and his voice was cracking at every single chord of 'Ava Maria'. Nan watched him, laughing like a crazy woman and Toby just shook his head.

"It is good to know that you aren't good at everything ass." I pushed past him, barging his shoulder lightly and he jumped, stopping his mock of the song, giving me a dazzling grin, "Juliet, leave the dirty talk to the bedroom. I doubt your Nan wants to know how much you want my ass." 

I snorted at his words, shaking my head and kissed Nan on the cheek happily while Toby cooked pancakes, in the shape of ghosts and coffins. Jack and I had purchased the metal shapers yesterday, and practically begged Toby to use them.

Apparently Jack and I made a very pesuasive and strong team.

Huh, who knew?

I then grabbed a drink of orange juice, and turned to Jack as he beamed, "Happy Halloweeny!" I couldn't help it, I placed the drink down and screamed with happiness, "It's Halloween!"

I ran into his open arms and we shared the exuberance of this amazing night. When Jack dropped me off yesterday, we had agreed that tomorrow would be a day of epicness and we would be swimming in the candy we were to collect.

With his looks, and my brains, we would be unstoppable.

He caught me in a hug, and began swinging me around. I giggled loudly and once he had stopped, my feet touched the floor and I realised exactly how close we were. Our foreheads were nearly touching, our eyes gazing into each others and our lips well, let's just say mine were yearning for a sweet kiss from this Canadian in front of me.

The atmosphere changed automatically from happy, excited children, to dark dark desire of two sort of friends. My hands were around his neck and my gaze kept shifting from his beautiful blue aqua eyes, more green today, to his pink plump parted lips.

Our breaths were slow, uneven and I could feel his thumping heart beat against my chin because it mirrored mine. Ever so slightly, I felt his arms tighten around my waist and it made tingles run up my already burning flesh.

Oh god, oh god.

His eyes were firmly placed on my lips, darkening into that beautiful misty green and I bit down on my dry lip then licked them over slowly. He swallowed his bottom lip into his mouth and leant even closer, so our foreheads were touching.

Oh god, we were going to kiss.

Oh my gosh, I really wanted to kiss him.

Holy shit.

My subconscious who had been seriously lacking her daily dose of 'Jack love' as she called it, was jumping up and down with a foam finger that had Jack's name and number 1 on it. I gulped once, swallowing my excitement and nervousness. Our lips became closer, and closer when I heard a phone ping and Toby cough awkwardly.

This brought us both back and we sprung apart quickly, my cheeks flushed brightly with nervousness and a slight pink shade crawled up his neck also. His eyes were dark, his breath heavy and I closed my eyes quicky, smiling guilty to myself. 

I have to take a hormone control class.

I'll google it later, and Jack can come along.

That way, neither of us are tempted again.

Nan who was beaming at the both of us, gave Toby an annoyed glare and I secretly hoped that she didn't just jump on the Jaliet band wagon. Yes my friends had finally made a shipping name for us.

A few seconds passed and I wished, hoped for the awkward tension in the room to evaporate. Jack must have been feeling the same, cause he shifted on his feet twice, scratching the back of  his neck clumsily.

"Uh... I bring presents from the Canadian household. My Gran and I went out last night searching for Haloweeny stuff." He suddenly said and I blinked a few times, "You bought presents? For us?"

Jack nodded once and I began to ponder why he would do that, before Nan interrupted my thoughts, "Jack, you really didn't  need to do that. Your Grandmother either."

"It was partly her idea, she thinks Juliet is a good influence on me or something." He shrugged apologetically as I snorted, "Yeah, I am such a good influence." Jack glanced at me and smirked, nodding in agreement to my sarcasm filled tone.

I yawned, as he grabbed his back pack that was sitting on the floor next to his foot and pulled out an item wrapped in skull paper. He handed it to my Nan, then another oddly shaped one to Toby, who caught it.

Nan opened hers and I peered over her shoulder in interest, there was a box of full milk chocolates shaped in different forms of ghosts, "Oh chocolate!" Nan was estatic, she loved chocolate, any type and when she took one out, I could tell she liked them.

"Thank you so much Jack! This was very kind of you." She grinned at him, looking so much younger as he smiled politely back, a tiny blush taking his cheeks, shrugging it off coyly, "It's fine."

I looked over to Toby who was holding up a shirt, a black simple shirt with a fake set of abs picture on the front. I burst out laughing at Jack's ironic gift and Nan joined me, as Jack explained with a cheeky smirk, "I told Gran about your problem with wearing shirts so she got you that to satisfy your crave to be topless." 

"Oh, thanks for the compassion man. I'll have to ask my boss though." Toby mirrored his smirk, his brown eyes lit up with enjoyment and I rolled my eyes. I knew all to well who Toby's boss was. Jack then turned to me, and rummaged through his bag, pulling out a rectangle hard, heavy object wrapped in skull paper.

I studied it for a split second, before ripping the paper and finding a red, simple house brick. I tilted my head in confusion, and stated, although it came out as a question, "It's a brick?" My subconscious gazed at the brick in puzzled amusement and I pondered why he got this for me. 

"Yeah!" Jack said enthusiastically, grinning at me as Toby and Nan burst out into laughter, pissing themselves as I smiled tightly, "Jack, I like the brick but why?" He shrugged and his grin widened, "I thought you could attack little kids with it tonight, and steal their candy."

My mouth stretched into a small 'O' before I grinned evily, "I love it! Oh my gosh!" I jumped up and down with excitement, my fingers holding the brick tightly, "It's perfect and so thoughtful!"

"I know. I thought hard when I chose it out." He nodded smugly, his eyes bright with happiness, before Toby took it from me with an amused smirk, "I'm going to take this from you, before you hurt yourself." I was too busy squealing with excitement at my evil gift and Nan just laughed harder at my enthusiasm.

"But when I got you that, Gran made me get you something else, incase you didn't like it." He pulled out a medium sized blue velvet box and I became more giddy, "Two presents! Awesome!" I snatched it from his hands eagerly, making him chuckle and I shook it gently, hearing the satisfying rattle of whatever was inside. 

I then opened it and my mouth fell open. Inside was a dress brooch,  in the shape of a black and white scary beautiful spider with little diamante and gems colouring it. It was amazing. I fingered and Nan smiled widely at it, Jack then explained, "I knew you were going as a Tim Burton character, so I knew a spider would work with whatever you are going as... do you like it?" He sounded nervous and I looked up, his eyes were apprehensive, cautious and he had swallowed his bottom lip anxiously.

Oh how sweet.

"I love it. It's so pretty. I hope it didn't cost you much."

"Nah. Not much at all." I showed it off to Toby with a big smile and he nodded with a smile, before Nan inputted, "You didn't tell him who you were going as Juliet? Why?"

"I guess it never came up, he's right though. It'll work perfectly with my costume." I then looked up to Jack and smiled shyly, "Thanks so much. I love both of them." We wrapped our hands around each other gently, my hand clutching the now closed velvet box. 

When we parted, he asked curiously, "What are you going as?"

"Oh. Corpse Bride." I told him with a grin and he winked, "Great minds think alike. A corpse and a skeleton. We'll knock them dead." His irony did not pass me and we both laughed at his choice of words, high-fiving before Toby hollered, "Your spooky pancakes are up."

"Are you joining us for breakfast Jack?" Nan asked, fondness shinning in her eyes as I opened the box, transfixed in the pretty dress pin, answering for him with a wave of my hand, "Of course he is. We can't kick him out now, he's given us gifts."

When I snapped the box shut, and looked up, I saw him giving me that softly amused smile, his left dimple popping up and his ocean of green and light blue staring at me with unspoken feelings. I bit my lip and Nan grinned, "Okay kids, I'll see you tonight. I've got work."

 - 11:34am October 31st-

After eating breakfast, I invited Jack for a spooky marathon as a way to pass time. And he accepted eagerly, his green eyes glowing and I felt happy that he was so content in spending time with me.

I couldn't lie, Jack was definitely less annoying and much more fun now.

Although, his cheeky comments and sexual innuendo were still as strong as ever.

Maybe it was Halloween, maybe it was doing weird things to my brain.

So as Jack and I sat down, showered in random confectionery packets, I was briefly reminded that Jack owed me three. I was confused as to why he gave up so easily, unless he didn't want to cuddle me.

Unless he regretted making the bet.

Oh god.

Now not even Jack want's to cuddle me, I know I am less than appealing and nice to him but still, talk about bruised feelings.

I glanced over to him as the movie previews played before us, I bit down on my lip nervously and asked slowly, "Why did you take the undies off?"

He caught my look and shrugged, "They hurt, a lot. Plus you needed cheering up so I just, ripped them off. My penis was glad." His words made me giggle crazily, holding my stomach in hilarity and he chuckled, shaking his head at me before Corpse Bride began playing and I focused on the Tim Burton classic.

I loved this movie, and judging by Jack's happiness that I chose it, so did he.

Yet another thing we have in common I guess.

When Emily rose from her grave, we were cheering in happiness, like literally. Toby even came out to see what the hype was about and shook his head at the two seventeen year olds bunked out on the lounge, clapping like crazy at the beautiful corpse in front of a stunned Victor. 

"God, for a corpse I'd bang her." Jack voiced as she showed the ring on her bony little finger, I raised my bottle of water in agreement, "I concur." 

"You guys are so weird." Toby commented, and left the room making me stick my tongue out at his retreating back. I then turned my concentration on the T.V, grinning like crazy when Victor freaked the fuck out at the fact he just married a stunner corpse. 

"Could you bang her though? I mean, I thought down there was... tissue." I asked in confusion, tilting my head at the screen while eating a few sour worms, he glanced over me with a grin, "She's a corpse, not a skeleton yet. So I'm hoping there's something down there."

I couldn't help it, once again I cackled up in laughter and he joined me, laughing harder when I slapped his shoulder weakly, rubbing the tears out of my eyes. 

"At least now I know, you're cartoon crush."

"Her and Jessica Rabbit." He stated proudly and I snorted, "You could not land a Jessica Rabbit."

"I could so!" He argued and I let my eyes run over his figure, he tensed at my eyes wandering down his amazing lean tall body, slumped against my couch,  from his evenly spaced biceps to his hard chest which were dressed in a grey long sleeved cotton shirt then the rest of his delicious body. For me, Jack was a perfect specimen of a soon to Ambercombie and Finch model.

But I didn't show it.

I just licked my lips over and drawled slowly, "You ain't nothing special honey. And Jessica Rabbit needs a man." 

"How about, I show you exactly how much of a 'man' I can be, and you can pass on the message to Jessica?" He said in a deep husky voice, which made me shiver with anticipation, chewing on my lips before scoffing, "I'll pass on that tempting offer thanks." 

I arched my back to stretch and his eyes glanced at my chest before back to me, a slow sensual smirk on his gorgeous face, his left dimple popping out to steal my breath away. 

"Why, you afraid that you might like it Button? You wouldn't want competition."

"W-w-what no. I am not jealous of a cartoon character." I state surely, and he smirks wider, leaning closer so that his breath is brushing my lips teasingly. My eyes widen as he murmurs sexily, "You don't need to be beautiful, you just say the words and this man is all yours."

My breath was whisked away and my heart rivalled the speed of a cheetah, taking off without warning and my skin tingled, that 'Jack' tingle and I felt as if I was being sucked into him. His eyes fell down to my lips before slowly, making their way back to my eyes which were wide with anticipation and excitement.

Two seconds passed and I heard the familiar jingle of Emily's song, I pulled back and blinked a few times, "I like this part." My voice was breathy and uneven, telling him how much his closeness had affected me. 

His eyes drank me in and I gulped, settling back and he replied lowly, "So do I." After a few sly glances, Jack's concentration snapped to the T.V and I was able to breathe properly.

Where were them hormone classes when I need them?

After that we watched Beetlejuice which was amazing on both counts, Edward Scissor Hands and a whole bunch of other Halloween movies. It was around 5:30 when we finally settled for the biggest, best-est one of them all, Nightmare before Christmas.

I was giddy, I was ready and Jack was too, who was currently the expert of changing disks and setting it up. I grabbed my Jack plush I had gotten from Disney land two years ago and jumped up and down on the lounge excitedly.

When the opening credits began playing, Jack and I hummed the song like little kids and ate enough sweets to make our stomachs ache but I didn't care. This was by far the best Halloween yet and it was just getting started.

"Now if Jack Skellington was a human. Damn, I'd be on him like white on rice." I commented when the townspeople began singing about the Pumpkin.

"He's a skeleton, he doesn't have the basic guy parts."

"He's got fingers. That's enough for me." I make a sex quip and he laughed loudly, elbowing me gently with a wink, "You innocent little cutie. That was good." I giggled, shaking my head at him and we focused back on the magnificent Jack who rises from the fountain with a beautiful charming smile.

"Oh my gosh." I squealed quietly, before noticing Sally and I scowled, crossing my arms with annoyance. 

"I can't stand Sally."

"What do you mean? She's the leading lady."

"That doesn't mean I have to like her." I replied and he smirked, "You jealous?"

"Of course not. I know Jack is a cartoon character but I just don't think Sally deserves him. This is a very touchy subject." 

"She's okay. They could have done better. But do you want Jack to be alone?" He asked as I shook my head, "No I don't want him to be alone. I ship him with another one of Tim Burtons characters." 

This interests him as he questioned, "Who?"

"Shh! It's his part!" I hushed him, watching Jack's first solo with a huge grin and he laughed, focusing back on the T.V and we lip sync the words like nerds. He walks around the grave yard, singing about his tiredness with his job as the Pumpkin King. 

We watch the movie, bickering happily about certain parts and singing along to the words, handing each other lollies of all sorts and I find myself, leaning closer to Jack subconsciously, since I was sharing the blanket like him.

I don't think he notices, and if he does, he doesn't tell me or show it so I just relax and watch the movie with every growing interest even though I've seen it over a thousand times. When Jack get's blown apart, and into the snowy grave-yard, I leaned in and slap Jack's hand repeatedly, "I love this song. Oh my gosh. I love this song so much. I love it."

"Okay, don't bruise me Button." He laughed bemusedly, watching Jack's Lament and I sung along loudly, jumping and down on the lounge. He laughed louder, making me hush him and continue my bad version of Jack's solo. Some minutes later, we are back in Halloween Town and Jack is about to save Sally and Santa Claus. 

"I like this part the best, how Oogie Boogey is so scared." Jack commented and I nodded eagerly in reply, "Jack's hectic bro. Nuff said." 

"I know I'm hetic, glad you can admit it." He smirked and I laughed, punching his shoulder gently. We watched silently, both transfixed as the town people rejoice about Jack's triumphant arrival. When Sally leaves, I look over to Jack and he catches my gaze. 

We share a soft smile, and the connection between us fizzled and we listen to Jack's slow confession to Sally, his voice twisted with love. When Sally joins in with his singing, their voices harmonic and I feel lightning strikes spark up my left arm.

I look down and find Jack's hand closed over mine, our fingers laced and it feels so good. I then let my eyes wander to him, I can see the tiny shade of pink crawling up his neck and while he focuses on the screen; I see the little twinkle of nervousness flicker through his beautiful eyes.

I squeezed his hand gently, and slowly placed my head on his shoulder. He loosened completely at this move, and his warmth and smell flooded me. 

This was definitely coming the best Halloween yet.

- 6:20 pm October 31st-

Nan came home around six-ish and Jack quickly left, to get his costume from his house and we agreed that he could get changed here. Nan seemed surprise my suggestion but he was smiling softly at me, as if understand completely.

When he left, Nan looked at me questionably and I blushed, "He's not as bad as I first thought."

"I like the effect he has on you darling. Anybody who makes you this happy, has my approval. Now come on, let's check out your costume." She squeezes  me in a soft hug and I smiled at her, nodding silently. 

After making sure everything was in place, Jack arrived twenty minutes later with his costume and a back pack, he then began complaining that he couldn't draw a skull like Jack's on his face. I couldn't help him either, I was a terrible drawer and Nan came out at our loud childish complaints.

We sat at the bench and told her the problem, she came to the rescue quickly with  a smile, "I can put the paint on."

"Oh yeah! Nan's a great drawer!" I encouraged as Jack grinned shyly, "You don't mind?"

"Nonsense, I'm happy to help, you can set everything up while I get my brushes. Juliet, are you good to do your make-up?"

"Yeah. I'm not going to have rotting flesh though on my cheek thought, that takes FOREVER to wash off," I told her as she nodded, walking away to get her brushes. I put on some music and we bickered while organizing all the make-up and the face paint Jack had bought.

"Are you going to go all blue?"

"I don't want to look like an avatar, I'll probably go paler with a tinge of blue. I got this moonlight blue creme." I held up the container and he took it from my hands, opening it and he smelt it strangely making me giggle.

"Smells like blueberries and bubble gum. Want to swap characters? Just so I can wear this stuff?" I laughed, taking the black container from his hand and putting the lid back on. We set up in silence, before he asked, "Don't you think  it's strange that we are both going as each others Cartoon crush?"

"Hm?" I looked up and he nodded, explaining, "Yeah. I love Corpse Bride, and you love Jack Skellington. And this was before I even knew about your freakish obsession with him."

"I don't have a fre- wait no. I can't lie." I stop myself, shaking my head before shrugging it off, "Must be a weird coincidence."

"Yeah weird is one word for it," He murmured but Nan entered before I could question it, she had a big pencil holder full of brushes and she smiled, "Found them." And then, Sam entered with Luda trailing behind, a huge smile on her face. I stiffened completely for some reason, my eyes going wide at the sight of my AWOL best friend.

She hadn't bothered to call me, or message me after our brief conversation two nights ago and now she just walked in...

She probably think she hasn't done anything wrong.

I don't think she has, but what Jack told me, makes sense...

They both seemed surprise that Jack was over without their presence and I smiled weakly at them, "Hey guys." Jack glanced at me concerned, before greeting them, "Hey." He sounded much more convincing and the heavy feeling in my chest was beginning to grow rapidly.

Oh god.

Nan who had suspected there were cracks in Sam's and I's friendship, smiled at them friendly as Sam grinned at me, "Hey babe. How you been?"

"I've been..." I wandered off, not bringing myself to lie her so I quickly jumped up, "Who want's a spooky ice-cream? Nan got some yesterday and they are so delicious. I think I might want one." I walked over to the freezer and pulled it open, throwing one to Jack who caught it.

"Yum. Hey wait, I want the graveyard one."

"You aren't getting the grave yard one." I replied uneasily, and he pouted, "But Juliet!" His tone was teasing and childlike and I couldn't help the giggle, "You're an idiot."

"You love it!" He winked playfully and I snorted, "You keep telling yourself that Jackie."

"Don't deny it babe, we've got the fiction love." 

"Yeah, fiction as in it doesn't exist." I jabbed back and he laughed, grinning at me hugely, "You turn me on so with your words." 

Nan giggled, shaking her head at our conversation, "I'll stop this here before you both start taking off items of clothing."

"You know what Nan, I don't think Juliet's my speed. How about you and I go for a fun date? I can be your army brat." Jack turned his devilish looks on her and she laughed loudly, Sam and Luda watched the interaction confused and amused as I threw a grape at his head from the fridge.

"She's way out of your league, she's Jessica Rabbit." 

"Don't need to be jealous sweet Button, you know my heart and other parts yearn for you." He purred and I screwed up my nose, ignoring my squealing subconscious and thumping heart, "Oh my god."

"Good to know I cause a reaction in you."

"Yeah my up chuck reaction." I snorted and sat down back at my seat beside him, before the three of us remembered that Sam and Luda were still standing there.

"Since when did you two get so chummy?"

"Jack came with me to get my costume yesterday." I tell Luda, shrugging and Jack grinned proudly, "I successfully wooed her."

"No you did not. I think I just felt sorry for you." I poked my tongue out at him as Sam tilted her head at me, "You didn't ask me to come?"

"You were busy."Jack cut in, surprising me by his slightly hard tone and I blinked in shock, before nodding in agreement. Sam frowned, "No I wasn't. Oh that reminds me..." She drifted off and I waited, hoping that she was about to apologize.

"Michael Doug is having a party tonight, at ten. Are you coming?" 

My hopes fell quickly as I gulped down the pain, "Oh. Yeah I might show up for thirty minutes after I go trick or treating." When I said this, she rolled her eyes, snorting, "Just like you too do something so childish and mundane."

"Do you even know what mundane means?" Jack snapped at her, coming to my defence once again and although it warmed me, her harsh words stung me. Why would she say that?

"Whoa dude. Sam was just joking." Luda stated with a frown, as Sam crossed her arms, "What's wrong with you Jack?"

Jack didn't reply to her, he just tensed his jaw and I watched him in awe, I hadn't seen Jack angry before and by god, he looked ridiculously sexy. The way his eyes burned, his eyes narrowing at the fridge and I saw his fist tighten along with his upper body.

I shivered in shock, and my subconscious gaped at him, as he just stated through gritted teeth, "Juliet and I are going trick or treating tonight and we might swing by your party..." He ran a hand through his hair, messing it up and Sam looked to me, waiting for my input.

"We'll come by and meet you there." I agreed, as Nan looked between Jack and the confused, slightly annoyed couple. I felt like I was being judged for every move I made as Luda checked his phone, "Babe. You've got work in ten minutes. Let's go."

"Oh okay. Talk to you later Juliet?" She asked expectantly, her eyes zeroing on me. I shrunk back slightly and nodded with a weak smile, "Yeah, bye Sam." Then they left, without another word to Jack or too Nan.

Jack still seemed very angry as Nan busied herself with opening the paint he had gotten. I placed my hand on his hand and murmured, "Thank you Jack. You didn't have to do that."

"You weren't going to. Juliet, why didn't you tell her about the other night?"

"The moment didn't come up." 

"She was rude. I didn't notice it before."

"I think she was just joking." I rubbed his soft hand soothingly and he sighed,  using his other hand to rub his forehead with annoyance. It took him a few minutes to calm down but when he did, it was back to normal, happy flirty Jack.

Whilst Nan painted his face white, avoiding his lips and I began applying the creme to my face, which acted as a foundation and a paint. I just wanted a light moonlight shine and it worked perfectly, making me paler with a little touch of silver and blue. I then heavily contoured my cheek bones so they were higher and more obvious. 

I put my eyeshadow and eyeliner on so my eyes would look bigger and even though in the movie, her eyes consisted of two black dots, my green eyes popped and it worked brilliantly with my pale complexion.

I looked over to Jack and laughed at his face, all sullen and serious. He glanced at me and winked playfully before Nan tutted him for moving, using a thin brush to make the skeleton grin along his cheeks, starting from the corner of his lips.

"Hey Nan, do you think I should have a stitch on my cheek?" I asked, poking my cheek softly and she glanced over, stopping her painting, nodding, "If you don't want the rotting flesh then a stitch will work perfectly." 

I grabbed one of her tiny brushes and dabbed a bit of black paint, but she took it, scowling, "Juliet you can't draw for the life of you. I'll do it quickly." Jack laughed as she quickly painted a very realistic stitch on my soft cheek, just below the lines of contour.

She went back to Jack as I framed my lips with a white lip liner then a light pink lip stick, blending it in easily before applying a heap of mascara and curling my lashes. I looked at myself in the mirror, before pulling the blue wig out of the bag it came with. 

The blue was dark, mousy and the hair was beautiful, wavy and long. I pinned my hair up in a quick bun before putting on the hair net to keep it all together. I snatched my phone with a grin and screamed, "Picture time." I jumped beside Jack, dragging Nan in the shot. I smiled crazily and Jack mirrored, with half of his grin drawn on and gave the camera two thumbs up.

Nan just smiled happily, looking so youthful and I took a picture. 

"God I'm so attractive." I snorted, shaking my head as Nan giggled, before Jack winked, "Stop bragging. We don't want no model scout coming around here, and stealing you. Right Nan?"


I laughed at them both before pulling my wig on, fixing it in the circle mirror easily so that it looked realistic. It fell down my shoulders and to my hip bones brilliantly, just a bit longer than my natural hair and I swirled around, letting it fall all over my shoulders. 

I must have looked weird, in my Jack Skellington black t-shirt and grey skinnies, with a wig and my make-up down like a beautiful corpse, but Jack didn't seem to mind. He watched with amusement and other feelings sparkling through his eyes, I was giggling crazily and he took a picture of me, just as I stopped, with a ridiculous grin on my face.


"You have taken over a billion pictures of me. Let me have a few." He took another one of me scowling, and I pouted, putting my hands on hips. Then he took of a picture of that making me cry, "Stop it!"

Nan howled in laughter, holding the paintbrush away so she could laugh before I checked the time, "Okay, let's put our costumes on."

"You go ahead. I just have finish this up, and spray his hair black with the colour spray Jack got." Nan waved me away as I nodded, taking my huge bag into the adjoning bathroom. I grabbed my white slightly wedged sandals, normally Corpse Bride wore white pumps but I wasn't going through that torture so I changed my mind. 

I pulled out the dress and stripped down, sliding it over my body while zipping up the side zipper. It was the traditional Corpse Bride dress, with a silver creme strapless corset with lace trimmings and with a slight brown tinge to make it look older and less perfect. Then from the bottom of the corset, fell the silk gray blue skirt with a tiny split in the middle with that same dirty older look but it still looked beautiful. 

It brushed the floor, so I slipped on the shoes, heightening me just a bit, so it lifted slightly. I pulled out the accessories which just consisted of the white gloves, one of the ripped halfway up the arm,the twig and flower crown that connected to the white teared long veil. I pulled them on, fixing some bobby pins in the hair so it would stay and the crown wouldn't fall off. 

I glanced at myself in the mirror and Corpse Bride me grinned back happily, the make-up was perfect, the dress pushed my boobs up and curved my body perfectly, while making my legs and ass slim down.

I loved it.

I left the room just as Nan was finishing Jack's hair, which black now, he looked amazing. With his face painted white, his eyes framed by black eyeliner to make them have more of a big skelington look, then his lips wich were covered by my black lipstick then stitched out into a painted awesome stitch grin. His aqua eyes glowed with excitement and I knew he'd look amazing when he put his clothes.

Sadly, I was still attracted to him as a skeleton.

Damn Canadian.

They still hadn't noticed me, as I grinned, coughing loudly. Their eyes both turn to me as I spun around, my veil, dress and hair following, "Well? Am I ready to marry a confused mortal?" Nan beamed at me, and rushed forward, "Oh Juliet! You look absolutely marvellous! Oh! Pictures!"

I laughed and turned to Jack who was slowly raking his eyes over my body, making me shiver and bit down on my lip, glad that my lipstick was strong and wouldn't rub off easily. She turned to Jack and grinned, "Jack, I'll let you get dressed. You can use the bathroom."

She rushed away, and he stood up, although I had my slight heels on, he still was taller and it didn't dim my confidence for once. I found myself relishing in his attention. He grabbed his costume and never left my eyes for a second, passing me before stopping.

His head flooded me, his warm delicious smell suffocated and his voice entranced me, "You look absolutely gorgeous." His words made me tense all over, and the butterflies flapped around in my stomach with excitement and nervousness.

I watched as his eyes lowered from my face, and he leaned closer, his breath brushing my ear teasingly, "I love the dress." I let out a soft gasp and he walked away slowly, leaving his presence flooding my mind before slipping into the bathroom.

I fought to calm my racing heart, as my subconscious clapped his award winning sexiness.

Where do I get this stuff?

Oh god. 

Oh how will I survive?

Breathe Juliet. We can do this.

We are Emily.

We are Corpse Bride.

And Jack's the only skeleton you'd ever ju- No!

No no!

Nan entered back in and began ordering me around to pose, before Jack exited, and my eyes widened. Fuck.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuckity Fuck.

My ovaries are gone.

There he stood, in Jack's black and white stripped jacket, with a black singlet on below, tall and lean. He had skeleton gloves on and fixed the bat tie around his neck, before my eyes travelled up his perfect arms, to his white neck, and along his facial features. He was wearing a smirk, a very delicious panty busting smirk that hurt my chest. The stitch grin moved with his smirk, and his eyes twinkled with mischief. Then his hair. I personally never liked black hair but goddamn, Jack looked sexy with dishevelled pitch black hair, a lock falling onto his forehead messily.

"Do I look like I should steal Christmas and defeat a sack of bugs?" He turned swiftly, holding his hands up and Nan squealed, "Jack! Oh god, you guys look perfect! So fitting!" She rushed over to him, and began fussing over him as our eyes connected.

I blushed faintly before biting on my lip, looking away bashfully to the bench. I grabbed the jewelled spider pin he gave me earlier, and pinned it into the top left side of my corset. When I turned around he was walking over and Nan began clicking pictures left and right.

We couldn't help but laugh at her enthusiasm and before he knew it, she was pushing us out the door with bags in hands and phones tucked away in Jack's pockets, including some emergency money. She just wanted to get us out so her friends could come over, as we stood at the door and she fare-welled us, my mind clicked and I felt my finger.

"Crap! I don't have Emily's ring!"

"What do you mean?"

"The ring, that Victor gives Emily... I was supposed to pick it up this morning but I forgot all about it," I explained, chewing on my lip as Nan frowned, "I have plenty of rings Jul-"

"No I've got one." He dug through his pockets, and pulled out a simple silver slightly thick ring. I frowned at it as he stated, "It was my Aunties. She passed away."

"Then I don't want to wear it." I pulled away, looking at him with sympathy and shock but he took my hand, grinning at me gorgeously, "No I want you too. At least this way, in some world, I just married you." I gaped at him before giggling like a school girl when he slipped the ring on my wedding finger easily. 

It was a bit loose around my finger but it didn't bother me and Nan beamed, "Oh my gosh! Leave before I call up the relatives and tell them about your marriage, fake or real!" 

-9:45 pm October 31st-

Jack and I left a house, laughing like idiots at the small fight he had gotten with the elderly woman. A lot of words were said and before we knew it, she was throwing a soap bar at Jack and ordering the handsome skeleton to wash his mouth out.

Then he suggested she do it for him.

Our bags were packed to the brim with candy as a couple of kids passed us, grinning widely at our outfits. A little girl dressed as a traditional fairy tail princess stopped us and looked at the both of us in awe, "I love your costume Mrs!" She said excitedly and I bent over, smiling at her, "Thanks, I like yours too." 

Jack watched as she pulled out two lollipops and handed it to the both of us, making her parents grin, "Happy Halloween!"

"Happy Halloween!" We replied back before Jack asked, "Did you want a picture, not every day you get trick or treaters like us." Her eyes went huge, as she stammered, "Could I?"

"Of course." I nod as the parents pulled out their phones. Jack picked the little girl, smirking and I leaned into them, looping my arm around his elbow. They took photo's and some other kids rushed in, also getting pictures with us.

When we split ways, I snorted, "Looks like I didn't need that brick anyway." 

"You can throw me instead. But preferably in the direction of a sexy housewife." He winked as I laughed, slapping his shoulder before we continued walking, bickering about Adventure Time. We turned into another Halloween decorated house, and I knocked on the door slowly, giggling at the funny faces skeleton Jack was pulling. 

The door pulled open and I saw, "Toby!" I shouted in glee as he blinked a few times, tilting his head before laughing, "Wow you guys look... pretty cool." 

"Your wearing my shirt." Jack grinned proudly and I giggled, before Toby called back in, "Babe. Come and see this." We waited a few seconds, and then a tall beautiful blonde girl appeared, dressed in a pair of baggy jeans and an Avril Lavigne t-shirt.

"Oh wow. You guys look amazing!"

"Thank you!" Jack slung his arm around my shoulder as Toby introduced us, "Babe this is Juliet. She's the niece I've been telling you about and this is her friend Jack." He wrapped his arm around the girls waist as she smiled nicely at us, "Pleasure to meet you guys, I'm Layla."

"Hello, Toby has told me so much about you." I intoned back, as she asked, "Could I get a picture of you guys? Something romantic. I want to show the girls at work." She didn't let us reply, just rushed off and we both looked at Toby expectantly, "So where's our candy?"

He laughed and reached over to little table behind the door, grabbing a bowl full of lollies. After pouring most of the bowls contents into our bags, Layla showed up and we all took pictures.

"Could you guys hug each other?"

"From what I saw this morning, I don't think that would be a problem." Toby smirked, leaning against the door frame and I rolled my eyes, before Jack and I hugged, I tingled with excitement and happiness as she took multiple pictures.

When Jack and I left, we walked down the streets to his car, deciding we'd drive to the party then get an early night. When we jumped into the car, he pulled out his phone and put the address in whilst I put our bags in the back along with the couple of pieces of clothing in the back, blankets and random books he had in the back.

-10:24 pm October 31st -

When we got there, terrible costumes were everywhere. It was obvious they hadn't put their thought into it, and everybody just wanted to expose flesh. Especially the bundles of sexy nurses and barbie look-a-likes. We stayed in the car, and I screwed my face up at the scene in front of me.

It was one of those parties.

I nearly groaned with annoyance, whilst my eyes flicked around the thick forest that surrounded Michael Doug's house, which looked like a the creepy forest from Twilight. It had taken us a while get here, because it was the other side of Town, near the creek and bush lands.

Jack just looked amused at the half naked jocks that were playing footsies on the lawn and I laughed when one of them fell over their own feet. We walked up the steps, and people gaped at our costumes.

Once we got inside, we were immediately offered a beer and directed to the lounge room where a mini dance area was taking place. The house was brick, and the carpet should have been grey if it weren't for the horrid stains and half asleep people drooling on them. 

We walked through the house, and I lifted the drink to my lips, when a guy stopped in front of us and leaned in. My nose scrunched up when I smelt the disgusting alcohol on his breath and he slurred, "Hey corpse babe."

"Hello Drunken marine." I replied back lamely and Jack laughed, drinking his beer with a smirk, as the guy held out his hand, "My names Tyler."

"I'm Emily." I shook it softly as he grinned, "Well Emily, do you mind if I steal you away from your skeleton? I'll make it worth your while." Jack tensed from beside me and I shrugged, tossing my wigs hair over my shoulder with a polite smile, "What will you do?"

"It involves a bed and a blanket..."

"You better be talking about a blanket fort Tyler because Emily is here with me tonight." Jack slung his arm around my shoulder, finishing his beer in two gulps as Tyler who was pretty short compared to Jack, squared his huge shoulders against him.

I frowned at Jack's sudden possessiveness, and placed my hand on their chests, sensing that this was going to get heated very quickly. I stepped in between them and said soothingly, "Guys. This isn't the time or place. Jack, he's drunk. He doesn't know what he's saying."

"I know perfectly what I'm saying babe, I'm saying I want to do you and freak boy here can't handle it." Tyler sneered and I felt Jack push into my hand, his stance getting protective and angry. Once again, I found myself strangely attracted to angry Jack, he was dominant sort of and I never guessed he would lose his cool so quickly.

"Juliet, move to the side." A few people peered over at the scene of a short drunk boy dressed as a marine and a tall sexy skeleton, with a corpse bride in between them. Wow, talk about a story to tell the kids. I placed both of my hands on his chest, beginning to push him towards the houses stairs, away from a possible fight. Though he resisted first, my touch must have calmed him down because soon he was walking up the stairs; only glancing back to glare at Tyler who was frowning at me and him.

"Jack, keep moving." I pointed up the stairs and he did so, reluctantly with a gruff grunt, I chewed on my lip and Tyler hollered, "Whatever freak!" I turned around and shot him a dirty glare, "You are lucky solider, that guy runs a town full of monsters. Now how about you go soil yourself with your pissing contest else where and fuck off." 

Everyone started laughing and 'oh-ing' at my snappy words and Tyler's cheeks flushed with arrogance and humiliation. I turned on my heel, and found Jack standing at the top of the stair case, eyes burning with annoyance and I knew he wasn't happy. But luckily for me, his mouth was twisted into a smile of wry amusement, something that kicked me in the gut at how sexy he looked.

Only Jack could make me attracted to him, dressed as skeleton.

I picked the hem of my dress up and began starting up the stairs, slowly, shakily making my way up to him. His glowing gorgeous captivating deep emerald eyes, with a shimmer of blue cloudiness and his long thick eyelashes framing them.

As if by luck, my dress fell from my grasp and it snagged on my shoes, I tripped upwards on the third last step and as the air rushed past me before my elbow was gripped quickly. It steadied me as I looked up, gulping at Jack's heavy gaze boring into me. 

His hand fell and took mine, guiding me up the stairs slowly and I chewed on my lip, the lions in my stomach roaring and pouncing around with happiness at his touch. I felt like a Princess, from a different world, with the way my whole body had his attention. I was sucked into his beautiful aura and lifted my dress up again with one hand.

The grip on my hand tightened and I stepped up the steps slowly, my eyes never leaving his which resonated painfully gorgeous shivers to ignite through me. Once I reached beside him, he held out his elbow and I looped my arm through it, letting his warmth suffocate me sweetly.

"Come on, let's go have our own party in one of these bedrooms." He whispered, as if indulging me his most sacred secrets. My heart pounded in my ears as I nodded with a light blush which probably would not have been seen with my face paint.

- 11:27 pm October 31st - 

I giggled at Jack's imitation of the shuffle in his amazing costume, and he swooped  me, as a random song blared through his phone. I wasn't paying attention to it, because I was having to much fun and my heart was taking most of my attention, along with Jack.

His hand wrapped around my waist, swinging me around and we danced together, laughing like maniacs as the sounds of the party below were muffled through the closed door of the bedroom we had taken capture. It was a simple small room with a perfectly made bed and it didn't have much, just a chest, bedside table and a chest of drawers in the corner.

Our feet barely missed each other, as my veil flew with my hair out our movements. He waltzed me before clumsily dropping me into a dip making more giggles leave my lips. HE chuckled, his bad mood completely gone and I loved the playfulness we were enduring.

It didn't seem like anybody could interrupt our bliss.

And then I jinxed it.

Sam burst into the room, dressed in a very showy mermaid costume, still looking the beautiful Latina my best friend was. Her presence startled me and we stopped dancing. His hands left me as I smiled at her, the hurt expanding in my chest at the sight of her narrowed eyes on us.

"Well, well... it seems you guys are having a jolly time, aren't you?" Her voice was twisted with annoyance, and suspicion as my gut turned. I haven't ever had Sam staring at me like that, like she was judging me for being happy without her.

"S-sam. What's wrong?" I stepped closer to her as she stepped into the room, crossing her arm on her chest, "Nothing. You can imagine the bitter taste you get when your best friend is replacing you right in front you."

Replacing her?

"What do you mean, I'm not replacing you. Jack and I were just hanging out." I said with a frown and she snorted, smirking angrily and I saw her sway slightly. 

"I see. You and him were just 'hanging out'. Well where the hell is my invite then?" I knew then that she was drunk, and when drunk, Sam could say things she didn't mean, god knows I've never been on the receiving end of this. 

"Sam, I don't know why you are angry. Please help me understand. I've hung out with friends before."

"Since when is HE your friend Juliet! You've told me for weeks that you can't stand him and now, all of a sudden, you guys are thick as thieves!" She busted at me and I flinched, shocked at her sudden abrasive attitude toward me.

"Hey. Don't yell at her Sam. People can change their minds." Jack stepped forward, pulling me back protectively and her turns into slits, "Right. I'm sorry Jack, have you both become so close that you can talk for her now?" 

"No but I can talk against someone whose being a bitch." I saw the fire in Jack's eyes so I pushed myself forward, and tried to explain, "Sam I never meant to hurt you. Honestly, I was just giving you space. I thought that's what you wanted."

"Did I say that?" She snapped and I flinched once again, gulping down my fear, "Do you remember two nights ago, when I called you?"

She was silent for a moment before laughing viciously, "Oh so that's what this is. You are angry because I hurt your oh so precious feelings? And then you decided to get a replacement, but honestly Juliet, are you that lonely that you have to go to a guy you claim is a pain in your ass." Her words wounded me even though she was at the point of slurring and Jack gritted his teeth together but I just shook my head at him sadly.

I opened my mouth to reply, but she had already cut me off, "Let's face it Juliet. You will always be the best friend. Never the  main character. I mean come on. You would have nobody if it weren't for me and now look at you, running to the first available offer you get. You are pathetic." She spat at me and I stepped back in complete and utter stunned silence.

But Jack was not, "Fuck this. You cannot talk to her that way! Not after everything she's done for you, every time she's put up with your bullshit! You are talking about how she replaced you, and how we are so close, it's because I didn't blow off her feelings for fucking sex! And I mean that in the nicest way possible." I looked at Jack with wide eyes and Sam scoffed once more, her attack was still focused on me but drawn at Jack.

All troops ahead. 

"Look at that! Now the truth comes out. Wow Juliet, you don't have enough guts to tell me so your little friend has to do it for you. Look at you! Hiding behind him because you don't want to face your ex best friend. I mean come on! You disgust me, after all I've done for you, this is how you repay me? By blabbing your mouth to whoever you can, ranking in the pity points. Face it Juliet, you will never be strong when it comes to confrontation or emotions because you can't handle them. And that my 'friend' is where you will always be inadequate. I mean fuck, you're OWN mother chucked you out." 

I couldn't believe her, I knew Sam could be a mean drunk but these words had meaning. It felt as if I was a piece of paper and with every word, she was ripping me  part. It was a soul crushing feeling, when your best friend, uses the things you told her in confidence, against you. And the worst is, that she's right and I have no idea what I have done to deserve it.

I can't bear to think anymore, so many negative thoughts are rushing through my head so I pushed past her, tears filling my eyes and I leave the room in a hurry. 

"Juliet!" Jack called after me and I rushed down the stairs, my shoes hitting the stairs with a clack and I manage not to trip. My heart pounds in my chest, as the thoughts begin to crowd and ruin my once good night. I bump into Luda as a tear strolls down my cheek like a defiant traitor. 

He's dressed up as a pirate and blinks when he see's me, before frowning, "Juliet? What's wrong?"

"Ask your girlfriend." I just mutter with a weak voice and leave through the back patio doors, which over look the thick forest, there are teenagers everywhere, as Jack's voice finds my ears once again, "Juliet! Wait!"

This makes my breath fasten and I head for the forest, hoping he hasn't seen me, and I could circle around to his car or a bus stop. I just wanted to get some air, away from my best friend and my confusing sort of friend. 

I couldn't believe Sam had said that, I felt like I had been betrayed by my own sister and I was still perplexed. Was I replacing Jack with Sam? 

I didn't think I was, I mean, Jack was nothing like Sam and I hadn't called him, he had come to me, and helped me, willingly. I found it hard to breathe as I moved through the forest, making sure I was still in view of the house. The twig ground crunched against the bottom of my shoes, and my dress dragged over the thick forest floor, which was covered in a light creepy foggy.

My mind couldn't help but compare the similarities between this and the actual part of Emily following Victor in the forest. 

Expect it wasn't me following anybody,  but a gorgeous skeleton following me and when I felt his presence, I could barely think once again.


"Jack just leave me alone."

"So you can do what? There's nothing out here Juliet. It's just trees and leaves." He tells me and I snapped in reply, "You don't think I know that? I just need air and you aren't helping with it."

"Why did you let her walk all over you Juliet? The way she treated you in there, was terrible. If I wasn't so against hitting women, I would have back handed her. And you let her say those things." He ignores my statement, not bothering to give me my wish and leave. 

"Why does it matter, she was right anyway." I muttered, walking shakily over the uneven ground. The wind made my fake hair and the white veil flow behind me, luckily staying on, I don't think Jack would be able to handle it if my weave suddenly flew off my head and into his face.

"You think what she said was true?" He asked incredulously, his beautiful mess of blue and green eyes widening and I replied hastily, lifting my dress as I continued my  venture into the dark forest, making sure when I glanced back I could see the house and the drunken people dancing through the woods. 

Jack also put my heart at ease of the thought of being captured, but then again, I doubt anybody would want to capture a crazy corpse and a scary skeleton. 

"I don't know what I think. What she said makes sense to me, what if I am just using you to replace her?" 

"Then it's not a replacement, it's an up grade because I sure as hell would never talk to my friends like that. Angry, sad or drunk." He said, crossing his arms and I stopped to, but didn't turn around, I just shook my head, "I didn't think that it would be this hard. I liked hanging out with you Jack but now that Sam feels threatened or something... maybe we should just go back to our fighting ways."

"She's jealous Juliet. You may not have seen it, but I witnessed as clear as day. She's angry because you decided to hang out with her, and not be a third wheel like you always were."

"She's my best friend Jack. You wouldn't understand." I sighed, and he snapped, "I think I do. You don't fight against her because you think she's right. Let me just tell you, you didn't replace me. I came to you. So if anything, I wanted to be there for you and I was lucky enough that I'm an incredibly charming guy; because you decided to keep me around for another day."

"Jeez, full of yourself much?" I snorted softly, and he quipped in reply, "Yes because I know how I feel. I am confident that I am who I am. Can you say the same for yourself?"

"I like who I am."

"When you're not around Sam. Yeah, sure you do."

"You don't have any idea!" I spun around and he tapped his chin, his eyes narrowed in on me, his words were getting to me. How, I have no idea, I normally didn't give two shits about random people saying something about me, or to me that is rude, but they were getting to me.

And the worst thing was that, what he was saying wasn't rude, and he didn't raise his voice. In fact when I studied his words, there was always some type of mellow compliment in there.

"I have a pretty good one. You're strong Juliet, there is no doubting that. You don't let anybody push you around, unless you care for them and they've been there for a while. It happened in the store with your Mom and now it's happening with Sam. It's a defence mechanism, you don't say anything, you just swallow their words and listen to them." 

"Because they know me well enough to tell the truth!"

"And they also know you well enough to know that a few simple words, that were given to them with trust, can change your mind like in a instant!" He shouted at me, and I didn't flinch, I wasn't scared, I was stunned and confused but never scared.

Or hurt.

"Like just then, as soon as Sam said that you were 'using' me, and 'replacing' her, you have taken it straight to heart and now you believe it!"

"But that is what it looks like!"

"Who gives a flying fuck what it looks like! It's what you feel you dumb ass, if you feel like we are only friends because Sam ditched then fine!" I opened my mouth to retort but the angry skeleton in front of  me glared, cutting me off, "No you don't get to speak you stubborn crazy person. It's my turn and if you so much as snort a laugh, I'm going back in there and I'm going to do more damage with Sam then I've already caused."

My mouth immediately shut as he paced in front of me for a few seconds, agitated before beginning, "If you don't want to believe the Sam thing, let's talk about your lovely conversation with your mother. She said you had been putting on weight, didn't she?" 

I kept my mouth closed and my subconscious briefly wondered how he knew this, but he cut off our thoughts, "And don't say she didn't because I heard. Now, a day after that, I saw you at the park near my house, jogging. At first I thought hey, she probably wanted to tone up or she was thinking about something then it clicked. You hate disappointing people you care about, and when you're Mom said that, you immediately wanted to change it."

"I don't care for my mother anymore!"

"Did I say you could speak?"

"You can't just dominate me! I have a bloody mouth and I'll use it!" I didn't like it, the way my body heated under his stare, the way my voice was breathy and I hated that he saw right into me. Everything he was saying, was true although I'd never admit it.

"Oh do you know because back in there, when Sam was yapping away, you didn't even try to defend yourself."

"Sam is my best friend, we've been together for ever."

"I believe Sam and Luda are a great couple, and you are best friends, but I could tell straight away that Sam was the type of girl that would ditch a friend, when a better offer came along." He stated, his eyes swirling and his mouth, not his skeleton grin, was twisted with annoyance, his black hair blending in with the dark night sky. 

"Not with me! She would never do that to me! I've been her friend from the very start!" I became defensive, why I don't know. Sam was my sister, and she had said things that shocked me, and hurt me but I couldn't help it, I loved Sam.

"When is the last time you guys actually had a proper conversation?"

"The other night." I bit my lip, and he snorted, "Was that the night that she decided to yet again 'postpone' your sleepover, or when she blew you off for some sex?"

"You don't know anything. Fuck off!" I swore at him in anger, that his words were so confronting and I hated that he was working me way down, deep in my stomach and using all my defences against me. That's something that annoyed me about Jack, he pushed my buttons, buttons that didn't like to be pushed.

And he didn't just push them, he was like that annoying kid that kept. on. touching. them before slamming his fist down.

He opened his mouth when a guy, stumbled out of the bushes, zipping up his pants. The GI JOE look alike gazed at me for a moment then looked to Jack, giving him a drunken grin, "Score man." I screwed up my face and turned around, slamming my foot down on the twig ground, and left, beginning my walk away from him. 

I can't believe he said all that!

I can't believe he KNEW all that!

What did he spend his free time doing, going on Tumblr and studying me?

I stumbled but regained my balance and when I heard the faint crunch of twigs behind me, I knew my escape was foiled and Jack wasn't finished making me feel vulnerable. 

"What part of 'fuck off', did you not understand?"

"From my planet, 'fuck off' is an invitation to follow somebody and continue telling them what they need to hear."

"Oh yeah I heard about that, how is Planet annoying little shit going?"

"We've just installed a sarcasm sensor and I'm sensing some heavy waves coming from you."

"I don't know what you are talking about, I'm one hundred percent serious." The sarcasm dripped from my tone as he ignored my little jab, stopping me by reaching out and grabbing my elbow.

I pulled away as if he had burnt me, glaring at him with deadly passion that rivalled a Lion looking at a cunning Tiger. I knew exactly where this was going, I wasn't going to back down, neither was he and this would end with me loosing two people, one I care about  and the other that does my head in with the feelings I have.

"I wasn't finished back there."

"I was."

"Good so you can listen." He crossed his arms in the black and white stripped jacket, which made my heart pump loudly but I was too angry at him, too angry at how right he was. I had been to easy to read and this was how I was paying for it.

"Now that we can safely assume that Sam is a bitch-"

"Watch it." He ignored me.

"And you have emotional issues, we can finally get down to the core of this problem. I came to you, if you wanted to replace me, you would have called me. In fact, you didn't tell me what was going on until the very end of our little outing. So what does that tell you? One, Sam is wrong again. You didn't blab about shit to me  and two, Sam is a massive idiot for acting like you did something wrong. You are your own person Juliet, you don't need any ones approval, or opinion and if you do, it should be something that picks you up, not puts you down. For Christs sake, look at me. I've known you for three months now, three short months and I don't want to stop hanging out with you. Sure, you're a crazy child and I'm always flirting with you, but I always wanted us to be friends. And now that you are actually giving me a chance, I'm trying not to stuff that up. So for once in your life, embrace the fact that you are gorgeous, smart, funny and a fucking weirdo!" His rant had me breathless, and I blinked a few times, stumbling back towards a thick tree, this made him step closer to me and study my features.

His declaration is big and my subconscious gapes at him, I gape at him, hell, the whole world gapes at him. 

So many things swirl around in that long jumble of words. 

I almost wish I would have recorded it, so I could study it but I don't need to. 

Everything, well most things, is clear as day.

They might not make my self esteem problems vanish, but then again what could but they speak the truth, they ooze the truth and it's painful but sweet to my ears. He always wanted us to be friends, but then he kissed me.

Why did he kiss me?

Was that just a game for him?

"No it wasn't a game. Fuck, if you were in my position, turned on by a girl that has no idea how hot she is, you'd want to kiss her like you were dying the next day and the closet thing gave me an opportunity. Plus... I sort of have feelings for you." I must have said the last questions out loud, and I croaked in shock, "Sort of?"

"Yeah... sort of."

"Why didn't you tell me this before?"

"I thought you hated me." He replied gruffly and I chewed on my lip before confessing, "I don't, didn't, hate you Jack."

"I know that now. Juliet, you have to go back in there. You have to give her a piece of your mind."

"She's my best friend I c-"

"For fuck sake Juliet! She called you pathetic!"

"Maybe I am pathetic! I mean, I didn't exactly push you away!" I shouted back, and the conversation did a 180, back to our angry topic before.

"It doesn't matter what they think, or what she says. It's about what you feel! Do YOU feel like you used me?" I opened my mouth but he cut me off, "No you don't but now that Sam has said it, you believe it."

With every statement, he got closer and I stumbled backwards, my eyes falling into his and I hoped there was a drunk man about to come out of the bushes. My wish wasn't granted, it was just Jack and I,  and he was out for blood.

Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck.

"So you need to tell me, what do you believe?"

"I d-d-don't know."

"Then what do you feel?"

"I feel nauseous." I replied back with a cringe and a slight smirk appeared on his black lips, that still looked alluring in the faint house and moonlight. The area around us was still and I knew if I tried to run, I'd be on a one trip track to the ground below thanks to this dress.

Next time I'm coming as a goddamn tennis player or something.

"What else do you feel?"

"I feel... misguided because this party is not all the shit." 

His smirk widens in disbelief, as he chuckles, "Anything else?"

"I also feel a bit dizzy and light headed. Maybe I should head inside." I tried to move, but I was glued to the spot by his eyes. My heart was surprisingly beating normally, although my subconscious was hyperventilating and wheezing out words that made no sense.

"What do you want?"

"A drink of water."

"Juliet." He groaned slowly, sexily, and I gulped down my fear and unknown lust, stepping back away his tall body which was threatening to come closer.

"What do you want?"

"W-w-world peace?" I chocked out, my voice was high and breathy, eyes big and lips dry from the screaming session that had taken place literally two minutes ago. I lick them over, in efforts to distract myself but it doesn't work. I watch as Jack's train wreck of aqua eyes fall down to my lips, staring at them for way too long before swallowing my features greedily.

Our eyes met again and he stepped closer. I felt behind me and silently cursed when I realized, I was backed up towards a tree. My fingers brushed the bark surface as he smirked, "That's awkward since you just waged a war on me." My mouth flew open at his words and I gaffed, "I did not start the war! You came after me."

"You ran into the forest like some cheesy Vampire Diaries episode."

"Screw you." I hissed at him, and I realized in my anger, I had stepped closer to him. His smell surrounded me easily, manly and mesmerizing whilst his warmth began hitting me slowly, like it was crawling over my senses.

Bad move! My subconscious cried, her eyes wide with horror at our instinct to get closer, whilst my inner school girl was watching as if my life was a soap T.V show.

Why not you've got the special event, dramatic fight with the best friend, a gorgeous guy and inner monologue. 

"You would." Although his words were laced with annoyance, our breathing was rapid and I knew that we'd be leaving here, either confused friends or angry ex-friends. I gulped once more, before he stated, his voice thrumming with lust.

"Juliet. Don't forget to breathe. I don't want to do this to a corpse." 

The words that fell out his mouth killed me but I didn't understand what he meant, until he pushed me against the tree roughly and his lips were on mine hungrily. Whoa! Whoa, man on lips. Lips on man... Jack on lips... ohh. 

I forgot all about the disagreement we were having, Jack did this to me. His lips were soft but demanding against mine, staying still for a split second until they began to move. And I mean, really move. Words could not describe how passionate and heated this kiss was, it wasn't gentle. But that only made my skin sizzle even more.

My heart fell out of my chest, then sprung back up like it was on a trampoline, pounding in my chest heavily. His hands were on the tree beside my head, and his whole body was tightly flushed against me. My senses were flooded and soon, my hands looped around his neck and one of them tangled in his soft styled hair, messing it up in my hormone rush.

A volcano filled of lust in my stomach exploded as I kissed him back just as hurriedly, pressing his body even closer to me. Our lips molded with speechless want, and I felt the warmth of his hard chest against mine, this caused my skin to tingle and I tugged on his hair with a hankering too intense for me to explain. 

His hands ran down the sounds of my voice, letting his nails rake through the fabric of my dress and they rounded with my butt, in a second he lifted and I pulled my legs around his waist tightly. His excitement rubbed against my core, making me shiver and my head pulled back, but he just followed me, pushing me harder against the tree with guilty desire. 

It felt amazing. 

Our mouths moved together perfectly and I felt his tongue run along the seam of my closed lips, I moaned at how good it felt and his teeth bit down on my bottom lip. He teased me and prodded my lips open with his tongue and then we kissed each other harder. Explosions set in my stomach, my head was foggy and my back hurt slightly, being pressed up the hard bark of the tree.

His hands roughly ran over my bum and sat underneath my thighs, pulling me into his erection and I moaned quietly, arching my back so our chests rubbed together. He groaned loudly, not bothering to hide it and my heart did a somersault on the little trampoline in my stomach.

His tongue massaged and played with my mouth, his peppermint and apple taste exciting me as one of his hands slammed to the tree beside my head and he rubbed against my body. I moaned once more, my hands moved against his cheeks, pushing my  nails into it slightly with lust. 

I sucked his tongue into my mouth gently, my body buzzing with bliss and I squirmed against his hardness. He groaned loudly, and pulled back, we were both hard on breathing and our loud pants were the only sound through the quiet forest. He rested his head against mine, his cold breathe brushing my lips and my heart leapt out of my chest.

His lips brushed mine once more as he spoke, "Happy Halloween sweet Juliet." I let out a soft gasp and he murmured into my ear, "You didn't use me Juliet. And even if you did, I like you anyway so I'll enjoy your attention."

Happy Halloween indeed.



I love Halloween and this is essentially, the start of Jack's and Juliet's relationship! 


How do you guys think the 'talk' will go?

How about Jack's 'sort of' admission to Juliet?

I want to hear what you guys think! 

As always, it's been a pleasure lovelies! 


It'll help me update quicker! 

When I get 10 votes and 5 comments, I will update immediately! (: 

Pinky swear :3 

Bye xox

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