Fake It For Me (Rewriting)

Paranilla द्वारा

4.3K 154 38

(Undergoing another rewrite [even the rewrite is. Going to try and publish this]) What would you do if someon... अधिक

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 12

158 7 2
Paranilla द्वारा

-Chapter 12

I lifted my head off the pillow and looked over next to me to see Ryouta still sleeping. I stood up and I grabbed my cell phone and looked at the time. It’s nine in the morning. How lovely!

“I wonder what I can do for fun while he is still sleeping,” I said to myself and I fixed my side of the bed and sat down on it. “I could always ask room service to bring me something to eat for breakfast and then save some for Ryouta.”

“What do you want to save for me?” Ryouta asked and I looked at him as he lifted his head off the pillow.

“I was talking about food,” I answered and he nodded. “I was thinking about doing something while you were sleeping but I guess we can do something together now like maybe eat something so I don’t have to starve.”

He sat up and he pulled me over to him. He hugged me and he rested his head on my shoulder. I blushed a bit and he kissed my shoulder blade gently and he touched my arms gently.

“I guess we can get something to eat.” He got up and he took off his shirt and I looked at him for a second before coving my eyes. “Do you like what I got last night? I went out a bought some deodorant, underwear for both of us, a swimsuit for me, shampoo and conditioner, and some perfume. The perfume I got is by Selena Gomez. I think you are going to like it. Also, I got us some CDs while I was out.”

I smiled and uncovered my eyes. “Hmm…you have a body that most girls would love to wake up to,” I told him honestly and he laughed. “I guess that means I would love to wake up to your body. I’m sort of confusing myself with how I feel for you and Jason.”

Ryouta tossed me his shirt and I caught it. “You can keep the shirt as a token of our time here. We can also go to the gift shop later. I want to blow some more money on you. I went gambling last night while you were sleeping. I couldn’t sleep so I decided I should do something fun. I went gambling and won lots of money. People are very stupid down there.”

I sniffed his shirt and the smell of cologne went up my nose. “Wow, you smell really good!” I commented and I sniffed the shirt again and held it close to my body. “Do you want to go swimming later? I think I can convince Jason I can stay a little bit longer here.”

“I love going swimming so let’s do that later. I think we’ll have a lot of fun in the swimming pool. I know for a fact others will be there but maybe we can show them how to have fun in the pool. For some odd reason I imagine you to be the type of person who would splash a lot of people with water.”

“I actually do that when I go swimming but I promise to only do a small splash of water to you,” I confessed. “I usually dive into pools too and do cannon balls but I don’t think that is a good idea to do at a hotel. That might splash everyone with water and they might get upset about it.”

“It’s nice that you’re not going to do that to anyone here.”

Ryouta walked over to me and he touched my shoulders gently with his hands. He leaned in and he kissed me softly on the lips. I kissed him back and he pulled me closer to him and he slowly pulled away after a few seconds. I cleared my throat and looked away.

“What? You don’t like keeping me your dirty little secret?”

“It’s not that but it feels like I’m being unfair to Jason,” I lied and I looked away from him. “It feels so right…”

Ryouta sat down by me and he pulled my face towards his. “I know that it does feel so right and that is because it is. I am sure that Jason barely gives you any love and affection. He usually focuses on work and he has no time for you lately. His album is about to drop so that means so he’ll be on tour to promote it and he will be on music shows to accept awards, hand them out, and maybe perform.” He removed his hands from my face and placed them on my hands. “You need someone who is going to be there for you at all times. You need someone who can take care of you.”

“I know, I know,” I muttered out. “That person could be Jason. When he wasn’t busy, he had time for me and now he just focuses on what I do and his job. It’s like he has become another person and is just trying to make sure I’m glued to ground where he wants me to be.”

“He is trying to protect you but I think he is trying a little too hard to protect you. He should be a bit looser when it comes to protecting you. He should make sure you are doing alright but he shouldn’t be all over you like he is right now.”

“Yeah, you are right about that. He should be more like that instead of getting up in my face and yelling at me about how I shouldn’t do something or about how I should be doing something.”

“He shouldn’t be yelling at you Amy,” Ryouta stated and I nodded. “You shouldn’t have that type of treatment. He seems to be way too possessive over you and that never ends well. I’m sure he is just trying to look out for your best interest but is it what is really your best interest?” He looked at me questioningly and I shook my head. “I thought so.”

I licked my lips and looked down. “Yeah, you’re right. Anyways, I need to brush my teeth. I don’t want you to keep smelling my terrible morning breath. I like your breath though. It’s bad but it’s unique. I guess that is why I like it. Everyone has a unique smell.” I stood up and skipped over to the bathroom and brushed my teeth.

“I bought you some clothes last night,” Ryouta told me and I looked out the bathroom door. “You should check them out. I wasn’t sure if I should say anything about them because I wanted to give them to you as a gift but I guess I should give them to you now.”

“Can you show me the clothes?” I looked at him with big eyes and he nodded. “Pretty please Ryouta?” I started pouting and he laughed and nodded his head.

Ryouta grabbed a bag off the ground and he walked over to me. He placed it on the ground and he pulled out a dress that shined. He held it up to me and I looked it over.

“Wow, it’s very pretty,” I muttered out and I touched the dress. “It feels like it won’t rub against my skin and annoy me by making me itchy. I think you picked out something really good and something I can wear. You’re one good picker outer.”

“I also got you a sparkly shirt and black shorts. I have a few other things in the bag but you can look at it,” he explained and he smiled. “You should be lucky that I even picked the right things out. I was afraid of picking something you didn’t like.”

I grabbed the dress out of his hands and held it close to my body. “I’m going to change into it and I’m going to need some fresh underwear,” I said in whispery tone and he nodded. “I’ll go and grab the underwear. I don’t mind if it is a bigger size than what I am.”

“I picked my sister’s underwear size. Sometimes she makes me go underwear shopping with her,” he admitted and he shuddered. “It’s scary. It’s like leaving in a nightmare.”

“I feel so bad for you Ryo.”

Ryouta shrugged and he crossed his arms. “It’s not that big of a deal though. I don’t mind spending time with my sister even if it is shopping for underwear. I just don’t want to see those thongs she held up ever again. I hate thongs. Who wants a string up their butt?”

I laughed and blushed. “Well, I can honestly say I don’t even like them or wear them,” I confessed and I picked up a bag. “I see underwear in here! I’m going to get dressed now and I’ll wear the black shorts under the dress so no one can peek up it. You know someone will want to try one of these days.”

Ryouta raised an eyebrow. “Does that mean I should try peeking up it? I need to see some underwear one of these days like a creeper does. I don’t even see what’s so special about seeing someone’s underwear. It’s just underwear. There’s nothing magical about it.”

“I don’t know what’s special about it either,” I replied and I walked into the bathroom and closed the door.

I stripped out of my old clothes and dressed in the new ones. I looked into the mirror and I washed off my face. Okay, now my face is clean and I am going to be rocking my natural looking face until I do makeup. Do I feel like I need to do makeup?

I opened the bathroom door after picking up my old clothes and I looked at Ryouta. “What are you doing Ryouta?” I asked and he shrugged. “I’m going to assume you are just hanging upside down for no reason and not ask any questions.”

Ryouta sat up and he looked at me. “You look pretty good. I love how you have no makeup on and it makes you look so human,” he said and he smiled. “Are you sure you need the makeup I got you? I think you really have no need for it.”

“I’ll just do mascara and maybe some light eye shadow. I don’t really feel the need to overdo my makeup. I can even wear some clear lip gloss to get that shine without the color,” I told him and he nodded his head. “I think I’ll do that now. Can you get me the makeup you got me?”

He picked up a bag and he held it out. “Here are your expensive girly products to make yourself up.”

“Thanks.” I took the bag from him and I sat down by him. “Hey, can you text Jason for me? Make sure that to use my cell phone.”

“Got it,” he muttered out.


“Are you sure I should remove the towel?” I looked at Ryouta and he nodded. “I am not sure about this. I don’t like being in a bathing suit in front of people. It makes me feel awkward.”

Ryouta sighed. “You weren’t worried about that the other day. You were so excited about getting a chance to swim and not splashing people.”

“Well, it’s just my bikini,” I mumbled out and he looked at me in confusion. “I like my bikini but I think it is too revealing.”

He groaned. “It’s not too revealing! It looks fine so please don’t worry about it. If it was too revealing, I wouldn’t have allowed you to get it. I don’t want anyone staring at all of your goods.”

“Jason told me I have no actual goods,” I blurted out and he looked at me in shock. “Just pretend you didn’t hear that Ryo. It’s none of your business. It’s all between me and Jason who I totally want to smack in the face right now with a slap of fury!”

“It is my business when comes to you saying it to me. I’ll have to handle him one of these days,” Ryouta said and he turned his head to me. “It’s time that you go in the pool. You should remove the towel now.” He yanked off my towel and he pulled out a camera and snapped a picture before I could take it. “Ha-ha! I got a picture of you in a bikini.”

“Don’t hand out that picture to people! I know you told a story about the paparazzi person touching my chest,” I snapped and he laughed as he placed the camera into his shoes. “Okay, let’s just get in and I’ll pretend that you didn’t take a picture of me and the goods.”

Ryouta nodded and he jumped into the pool, making water land on me. He popped his head above the water and pushed his hair back. I jumped in next to him and I quickly popped up and looked at him.

“Did you get wet?”

“I’m already wet so does it matter?”

I titled my head and stared at him. “Of course it matters! I was trying to get revenge on you because you made water land on me,” I answered and he nodded his head understanding. “Yeah, now you get it. This pool feels so good to me. It’s not cold and it’s not hot. It’s like the in between of hot and cold.”

Ryouta smiled. “Yeah, it is like that Amy. How about will just stay right here and chill out? I don’t feel like moving around too much in the pool.”

“Your hair looks cool when it’s wet. It’s pretty long when it’s wet. I haven’t notice that before. Isn’t it shoulder length-ish?” I touched his hair and he pulled away. “What? I like your hair a lot. You look nice when your hair is wet.”

“So I don’t look nice when my hair isn’t wet?”

I blinked a few times and sighed. “You just asked a stupid question just now. I love your hair no matter what. It’s so soft looking and it makes you look pretty good.”

“Do you think that about Jason’s hair?” He looked into my eyes and I shrugged. “So you don’t know how you think about his hair? Hmm…are you sure you’re in love with him like you say you are? I’m not sure if you are in love with him or not. Do you want to be with him?”

I looked down. “It’s complicated Ryo,” I began. I added, “Honestly, I would explain it if I could but I can’t. I am sorry that I can’t explain it to you. I just don’t know how I should so I’ll just let you imagine it. It will be better that way if you imagine what it is actually like for me.”

“Okay, that’s fair Amy,” Ryouta replied and he lifted my face up to his. “You shouldn’t just go with what seems alright because you need to go with something that feels right to you. You need to be happy and to let yourself get some happiness. You deserve it.”

I smiled. “I know I do need to have happiness.” I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him and he wrapped his arms around me, hugging me back gently. “Thank you for being here for me when I need you and what not. It’s not like I have a choice though. You would probably bother me if I didn’t tell you what’s going on or if I didn’t tell you how I am feeling.”

“Yeah, you’re right about that,” he replied. “You know me pretty well Amy. I am surprised that you know how I am going to act but not my favorite color. My favorite color is silver by the way. It’s a pretty nice color and I like having it on a black shirt, pants, or even black shoes.”

I pulled away and stared at him. “You like the color silver? I like the color green. It reminds me of grass, trees, and a bunch of other green things. I love how it also reminds me of Christmas. I love Christmas because I love opening up gifts that people give me and I love watching others give people gifts. I even love donating money to people. It’s fun when someone smiles at you for donating some money to them even if it is not much.”

He touched my face. “I love green too. It’s not my favorite but I love it,” he said and he leaned in and kissed me softly on the lips and I kissed him back before pulling away. “What?”

“We shouldn’t be kissing in the pool. That may bother some people,” I stated. “Besides, we have people who may want to take a picture of it. That would not look good for me since Jason has already said what happened. It’s bad enough I’m hanging around you.”

“I’m just bad luck aren’t I?”

I grinned. “You are the greatest kind of bad luck around.” I pulled myself over the side of the pool and grabbed my towel. I started drying myself off and I looked down at Ryouta. “I’m kind of hungry right now so we should go and grab something to eat. I think I’m going to die of hunger if I don’t get something now.”

He nodded and he got out of the pool. He dried off and he looked me over. He smirked and he touched my shoulder gently and he pulled me close. He kissed me on the cheek and held me close to his body, his wet hair dripping some water onto my arm.

“Your hair is still wet,” I pointed out.

“Hush,” he whispered and he pulled away. “We can go and eat now. I don’t want you to starve to death. I want you to have a happy belly.” He poked my stomach and I squirmed. “Someone is ticklish.” He smirked evilly and he started tickling me and I giggled.

“Stop that!” I laughed out and he stopped. “You’re bad! I’m going to get revenge on you one day Ryouta! I promise you that I will.”

“You’re going to get revenge? I wish you luck on that. I’m not easy to get back. I’m super hard to get revenge on. When you tried getting water on me, it failed since I was already wet with water,” he told me. “Besides, revenge doesn’t like me. I’m too good looking for it.”

I rolled my eyes. “I think revenge actually likes you so it won’t touch you. I think that if it doesn’t like you, it won’t touch you. Oh, great! You are making me talk nonsense!” I stomped my feet on the ground and he chuckled. “Let’s go back to the room and get dressed. Why did I even come down here barefooted?”

“Here, take my shoes,” Ryouta offered and he handed me his shoes.

“I can’t do that Ryouta.”

“Why can’t you?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know why I can’t.”

“You should just take them then if you don’t know,” he replied.

I sighed and took the shoes from him and put them on. “Dang, you have huge feet!” I commented and he smiled. “Okay, we can get back to the room now. Hopefully your shoes won’t fall off my feet. I will cry if I accidentally lose your shoes.”

“You won’t accidentally lose them,” he reassured me and he smiled.


“You’re back,” Jason said as he opened the door. “I see you got Ryouta to drive you back to the apartment. Thank you for driving her back here to where she belongs. I hope you had fun with her in your car because I know you couldn’t do much during that time.” Yeah, he didn’t do much at all.

Ryouta touched my shoulder softly. “I am glad you are thanking me for bringing her back to you. I didn’t think you would be thanking me but I’m glad you are. It makes me feel special. I am not sure if you sincerely mean that you are thankful for me bringing her to you or if you are really thankful. However, I’m not going to question it. You don’t need to tell me what you are thinking or feeling,” he replied and I looked at him. “Amy, I hope you have fun back here with your man.” He removed his hand from my shoulder and walked away.

Jason looked off to where Ryouta walked off to. “I swear I want to beat the crap out of him sometimes,” he said loudly enough for me to hear it and he looked at me. His mouth curved up slightly and he placed his hands on my shoulders. “I am glad you are back here. I missed you.”

I blushed and looked away. “I missed you too.”

“Come on inside,” he said and he pulled me inside, closing the door behind us. “I got the song you wrote me. I found it in my pocket earlier today. I showed it to my manager and he loved it. He is going to try and get it on the album. I’m going to have it touched up a bit to make it radio ready and I’ll make sure you here it first.”

“I am glad you found it. I hope it didn’t seem like something you wouldn’t want to release as a single. I thought you would hate it but it turns out I was wrong to assume that you would.”

Jason shook his head. “I can’t hate anything you write for me,” he told me and he kissed me on the forehead. “I hope you keep writing songs because you’re actually pretty good at writing them. If you keep it up, you will end up making a name for yourself as a song writer.”

I blushed even more. “Do you really think that?” I looked up at him questioningly and he nodded his head. “Well, I will keep writing songs then. I want to make it out there as a song writer so I can keep writing you songs. I know it’s nothing like your other stuff but I hope it finds a special place in your heart.”

“It has found a special place in my heart,” he replied and he leaned in a bit.

I closed my eyes as he leaned in closer and I heard something ring. I opened my eyes and he moved away. He pulled out his cell phone and he sighed.

“I’m sorry but I have to take this. It’s my manger and he probably has something to say about a music video for a promotional single I am to be releasing sometime soon.” He pressed the talk button and walked away from me.

I sighed heavily and turned away from where he walked to. Does he seriously have to focus on his work all the time? Gosh, I’m sounding so selfish. Work is very important to him and it’s going to stay that way. I’m not going to get in the way of it. He is going to have to stop working so hard one of these days because if he keeps this up, it’s going to make him die of happiness on a day off.

“Hey, I’m going to have to go down the studio. I hope you’ll be fine staying home alone for a bit,” Jason told me as he walked by me. “I’m going to miss you while I am gone. You should order something for dinner since I may not make it back in time for dinner.” He pulled out some cash and handed it to me. “I am so sorry about this. I really planned on hanging out with you tonight.”


He looked away and he touched my arm gently. “This won’t keep happening Amy. I promise you that it won’t keep happening because I can’t stand hurting you like this. I want you to be happy and it seems like I keep breaking that happiness.” I looked at him and he looked at me. “I really will be sure to spend the entire day with you tomorrow.”

“You don’t have to worry so much about me,” I lied. “I’ll be fine if you don’t spend the entire day with me tomorrow. You have to focus on your career, alright? I will be fine if you don’t spend it with me. Your career is in need of you and besides, we’re not actually dating.”

He nodded. “I know but I’m just a bit worried about you. I’ll call Lindsey to keep you company,” he told me. “I will be sure that you aren’t left alone here. I don’t like leaving you alone because I don’t know what can happen to you. I’m also worried that you might use your horrible cooking skills and burn down the entire apartment.”

“I won’t burn down the apartment. I love this apartment so I rather not do so,” I replied and he nodded. “You should get going.”

“Okay, bye.”


Jason opened the door and he looked at me before going out. He closed the door and I sighed heavily. I already miss him.

I walked over to a stack of paper on the table and looked at it. I grabbed a pen and I started writing on it. I looked at it and smiled.

“Wow, I just completed another song!” I clapped my hands together and smiled. “I can’t wait to show this to…oh wait this song is just way too girly for a guy to have.” I tilted my head and looked at it. “I guess I’m going to have to save it for another day.”

Knocking suddenly came from the door and I stood up and opened the door. Lindsey waved at me and she smiled at me and walked in. She looked around and she made a humming sound.

“Hmm…this house seems really empty. Did you just get back from somewhere?” Lindsey asked me and I nodded. “I thought you were with a friend. Jason told me you went to stay with a friend at their house but all I see is that you came back with new clothes and a sad face. Are you upset that Jason left?”

“I guess I am. Lindsey, I don’t know how to feel about him. It’s like I like him but I don’t want to love him. It’s in the contract. I’m not allowed to fall in love with anyone but I feel like I am breaking that already.” I looked away. “I am breaking that rule with Ryouta right now. I’m not in love with Ryouta but it feels like I am. However, I really have some sort of attraction and attachment to Jason.”

“So you are in love with some but you just don’t know it exactly who you want,” Lindsey said. “I can help you out with that with time and effort. Actually, it’s just simple. I want you to tell me how you feel about each one of them.”

I looked at her in confusion.

“I want you to tell me what you like about each of them but what you also don’t like about them. Do you get it now?” she asked.

I nodded. “Yeah I get it now.”

“Alright, let’s begin!”

Knocking suddenly came from the door again and I walked over to it and opened it. Ryouta looked at me as I opened it and he smiled. I allowed him in and he looked at Lindsey. He bowed to her and she laughed a bit. Ryouta looked at me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

“Do you want to tell me about this contract you have with Jason?” he asked suddenly and he held up a piece of paper. I looked at him in shock and Lindsey looked at him in shock too. “I didn’t think this is what I would find in your stuff but I did. I didn’t know that you carried it around with you.”

“It’s not what you think,” I muttered out.

Ryouta smirked. “This isn’t a contract. It’s just a plain piece of paper with random crap writing on it but thanks for telling me that you have a contract with him. So, you’re actually single. Give me one good reason about why you shouldn’t let me go to the media with this.”

“I-I don’t know!” I cried.

“Hey, wake up!” I heard a voice shout and I opened my eyes. “You fell asleep and you were dreaming about some sort of contract being exposed.”

I rubbed my eyes and looked at the person in front of me. “Oh, you are here? I thought you left for work Jason.” I looked at him in confusion and he laughed.

“Yeah, I did go for work and Lindsey came over and she found you asleep on the table. What were you doing?” he asked and he looked over my arms. “You were writing a song weren’t you?” He looked over it and then he smiled. “I think you should keep the song for yourself. Anyways, you should get ready for bed if you are that tired right now. You need your beauty sleep.”

I nodded and stood up. “Hey, you did say you were going to spend the whole day with me tomorrow right?” I looked at him questioningly.

“Yeah, I did say that.” He smiled and he touched my arm gently. “Please take good care of yourself. I don’t want you to be acting all sleepy and worried all the time. I know you worry about me so please take care. If you don’t, I’ll force you to stay inside my room with me and I know you won’t like that at all. I will bother you a lot if you do stay in my room.”

“Oh, I got it Jason. I’ll be sure to be well,” I told him and I looked away. “Good night."

Well, at least I found out I can randomly fal asleep. Who knew it was possible? I wonder why I am so worried about Ryouta finding out about the contract.

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