The Messenger

By enigma__

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[SLOWLY EDITING. DO NOT READ!!] After laying low for a year, Liam Bauer thinks it's about time to come back... More

The Messenger
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Author's Note

Chapter Three

127 3 2
By enigma__

Chapter Three

I called captain Phillips earlier to let him know that I would be about an hour late to work this morning, because my truck just wouldn't start. Which wasn't an entire lie, I just tampered with the truth a little bit. I'm sure Kenny has gotten word that Annabelle's body was found in a park located close by their house. The police got an "anonymous" tip from at six am. I had Linny call from a payphone near the park to set them off. So I know they rushed over there to check it out.

I took a deep breath before entering the precinct. I know behind these doors all hell will break loose and I need to be prepared for anything that's thrown at me. I walk in to find detectives running around frantic caring around papers and talking to various people. At my desk, Kenny's head is hung low between his legs. His hair is tousled from what appears to be from him running his fingers through it too much. His tie hangs loosely around his neck, the cuffs of his shirt are unbuttoned. In all he just looks a complete mess.

"Kenny, have you seen Phillips? I need to inform him of my arrival." He slowly raised his head and narrowed his blood shot red eyes.

"You bastard!" he yelled tackling me to the ground. Our bodies collided with hard tile floor temporarily knocking the wind out of me. He gave me no time to recover before climbing atop of me. "You killed her! You killed my fucking wife!" he screamed while pounding away on my face. I barely had enough time to react and block his blows. His eyes reflected rage and sorrow; two of the worst emotions to mix. He managed to get a few good hits in before being hauled off of me. Kenny successfully busted my lip making it drip blood on to my shirt and tie. I rolled over and spat my blood on the tile floor. One of my many admirers here came rushing to my aid with a few Kleenexes and a bottle of water.

"What the hell is going on here?!" Phillips bellowed, everyone's head snapped towards him. I stood back up wiping the remainder of my blood on my hand.

"Phillips, he attacked me and accused me of murdering his wife."

"You did! You want us to believe that "The Messenger" targeted her. But it was all you! You're just bitter, You couldn't handle the fact of her being with me so you killed her. I swear I'll kill you too if they let me go," he said while struggling to get out the other detectives grip. I rolled my eyes.

"I haven't had any contact with Annabelle at all, Kenny. You should really watch who you threaten. I'm still a police officer you know."

"Enough you two! Not another word!" He removed his glasses from his slender face and pinched the bridge of his nose. He let out an exasperated sigh as if what he is about to say is troubling him. "You're off the case, Kenny."

"What, no. Hell no. If anybody should be taken off the case is him!"

"It is not healthy for you to be under this much stress. Especially since your wife's killer is still out there."

"This is fucking unbelievable. The killer is right in your fucking face."

"Look, I understand your upset but I won't have you trashing one of my employees reputation. You will cease these accusations at once."

"Fuck you," he spat disgustedly.

"Get out now. If you value your job and have a shred of dignity left you will leave right now." A series of emotions washed over Kenny's face as he made his decision.

"Alright. I'll leave," he said eerily calm. "But don't say I didn't warn you. You'll slip up Liam, they always do." Captain Phillips sighed dramatically after Kenny left. He rubbed his temples slowly to relieve a possible headache.

"I hope he doesn't do anything irrational," he mutters to himself. "You okay?" I nod and lightly touch my lip.

"Yeah, he just busted my lip."

"Good, we need to head over the crime scene," he said, turning his back and walking out. I follow closely behind him until we reach his car.

"Liam, this is the fourth victim the killer has claimed in a matter of three weeks. You know what that means right?" he asks when we turned on to the open road.

"Our killer is methodical."

"Yes that, and it appears we have a serial killer on our hands."

"Yes, It seems that he only targets Caucasian women in their mid twenties through early thirties."

"Also, he uses a blunt instrument to carve demeaning words into the victims foreheads."

"And, I'm guessing, strangulation was the cause of death?"

"Not this time. Annabelle's throat was slit. Meaning-"

I nodded understandingly. "Our killer is evolving

"Precisely, and that is never a good sign in a serial killer." Phillips shut the car off and jumped out. I followed behind him brushing past a police officers, news reporters, crying family members until we reached a stop. I stared at Annabelle's lifeless body, smirking inwardly. Serves you right bitch.

Phillips shook his head sadly and sighed. "It's a damn shame that she had to die this way. The girl was barely in her thirties." No, there is nothing shameful about it, she got what was coming to her. It would've caught up to her sooner or later.

"It's such a tragedy. I don't blame Kenny for attacking me either. If my wife was just murdered I would want someone to blame also," I lied.

"Bauer, this is why I respect you," he said while patting my back.

"Thank you sir and i'll do anything in my power to bring this guy to justice."

"You better. This killer is getting is out of hand."

"It won't happen again on my watch." Just then a woman in the navy blue pant suit moved Annabelle's head to the side and examined the slash wound on her neck.

"Lady, this is a crime scene. You can't just tamper with the body." She smirked and stood to her full height of what looked like five foot three or five foot four.

"Well, it's kind of hard to do my job if I can't tamper with the body," she said, adding air quotes around tamper.

"Explain." I cross my arms over my chest and wait for her to start talking.

"Rachel Clark," she said extending her hand for me to shake. I skeptically shook it while eyeing her. She has these big pair of oceanic blue eyes that are surrounded by dark thick lashes. She has a small button nose that sits right above her plump pink lips. But what immediately caught my attention is the wavy fiery locks that is pulled back into a neat bun on the top of her head.

"Wow, we weren't expecting you for another few days. Liam, meet Special Agent Rachel Clark, Rachel meet Detective Liam Bauer. She is here from the FBI."

"FBI?" I questioned.

"She's here to assist you with the case." I simply nod even though on the inside i'm fuming. I expected to work this case alone. The last thing I need is a fucking FBI agent poking around. Now I am forced to work with one of them. Just great. Note the sarcasm.

"Detective, look I think I found something," a police officer called. He was crouched, hovering over the body. "I was emptying out the contents of her pockets and I found this." The officer hands me a crumpled piece of paper and a sticky note. I unravel the paper to find out that its a receipt.

"You're welcome signed L.B.," Special Agent Rachel reads aloud.

"We've found a note identical to that one at each crime scene."

"Bauer what is the receipt for?" Phillips chimes in.


"Okay, she bought makeup. Women buy makeup all the time, why does it matter now?" Rachel points out.

"That may be true, but look at this." The officer rolled up the sleeve of her sweatshirt and pointed to her arm. "The killer couldn't have made these. The bruising on her is old," he said.

"So what are you saying? You think her spouse could have done this?" Rachel asks.

"It's a possibility. I've dealt with many domestic violence cases that has resulted in death. This could be one of them."

"Thanks for your help officer," I replied jotting down a few notes.

No problem, I just hope this helps put this creep away," he said then walks off." Rachel tapped my shoulder and jerked her thumb in the direction of my car.

He was helpful. Do you think the husband did it?"

"It's to early too say. We need to investigate all of our options first."

"Right. Well let's start at the place where she purchased that makeup. Sally's Beauty Parlor." I nodded and motioned for her to get in my truck. As soon as we pulled out on to the open road, Rachel pulled out a stack of papers and engulfed herself in them. Which I am highly thankful for. I can't believe I have to work side by side with the likes of her. Why must it be me? The universe has to hate my guts. It's not like I can just kill this devil. She's a FBI agent for Christ sakes. The police department would be all over Phillips ass then mine.

I'm not doubting my skills or anything but let's be reasonable here. I am not some type of damned magician. I can't just snap my fingers and magically make the police look the other way. No. No, this requires extensive amount of planning. Plotting.

The time, the place, hell, even the weather has to be perfect for that day. Nothing can go wrong when I finally kill her. Nothing. The tiniest mistake can cost me my life. I'll expose her true color to the world. Maybe then people will take me and my work seriously. All the planning and procedural aspects that go into this needs to be recognized. Yes. Yes, everyone will see how evil red haired women are. And how someone like me was going to retaliate sooner or later. The quicker the world realizes this, the quicker we can take them all down as a unit. Together.

Sally's Beauty Parlor is crowded with women and some men of all ages. Buying, from the looks of it, anything from clothes to sex toys. This place seems to have it all. We approached a worker that is chatting animatedly with a woman about the newest lingerie the store got. I uncomfortably clear my throat loudly. He glanced over his shoulder then whirled around to face me. He smiled and popped his gum.

"Can help you handsome?" he asked, batting his faking eyelashes.

"Um, yes. We're looking for Sally."

"You're looking at her, silly. I am Sally." He giggled like a schoolgirl.

"Right, okay. We have a few questions to ask if you don't mind."

"Of course I don't honey. Follow me." He led us to a small break room in the back of the store.

"Okay- wait I didn't catch your name?"

"I'm Detective Bauer and this is Special Agent Clark."

"Ask away Mr. Bauer," he said, never taking his eyes off me.

"Did this woman come in here yesterday?" I ask showing him a picture of Annabelle.

"Yeah, she came here around 9:45 last night, a little beaten up though."

"Did she buy anything?' Rachel asked from behind him.

"Only after I threatened to call the police on her."

"Why is that?"

"Because the little bitch was using the makeup to enhance her injuries. I mean when she was just about finished it looked like someone really beat her up. So I told her she had to buy everything she'd used or I would call the cops." I nodded taking all this information in. So Annabelle thought she would sympathy points by looking like she got her ass kicked. You almost fell for it too, simple weak-minded boy. I Can't believe I almost fell victim to her manipulation again. It won't ever happen again, she's dead and gone.

"If you have anymore information don't hesitate to call." I handed him my business card.

"I won't. Hell, I might just call you to hook up Detective Bauer," he said while winking at me." I exited the parlor quickly as possible. Rachel busted out laughing the minute we sat down in the truck.

"Whats funny?' I demanded.

"Seems like you've gotten yourself a boyfriend."

"That man is not my boyfriend." I declare while starting the car.

"Sally sure thought so." I remained silent and focused on the road. She pouted. "Not much of a joker are we?'

"Shut up." She erupted into another giggling fit.

At the precinct we informed the and reviewed the information with captain Phillips. Earlier in the night of Annabelle's murder, her and Kenny got into a heated argument which turned physical. She was seen at Sally's enhancing her injuries. From there the police doesn't know where or whom she was with. Phillips sent us home and told me to report here bright and early.

I took out my keys and unlocked the front door. The aroma of fresh cooked food hit me. I walked into the dining room, Linny placed my plate on my food mat at the seat I usually eat at.

Hey, Liam I made your favorite," I smiled and rubbed my hands together hungrily.

What's the occasion?" I ask scooting my chair up to the dinner table. She tossed a newspaper across the table to me. The headlines read: 'The Messenger Strike again claiming the Life of a Detectives Wife'.

"I've got to hand it to you baby bro, this is really impressive." My heart nearly stopped.

"You mean that Linny?'

"Of course, Liam. You mad national news! Now they cant say haven't heard of you now. You're really making a difference." I chewed slowly on my steak and thought about how to correctly word this.

"I have something bigger planned."


"Yes Kenny was removed from the case today, after assaulting me."

"Assaulting you? Are you okay?"

"Yes I am fine, Linny. In his place they brought an FBI agent."


"Because I am a certified "serial killer" now. Anyways, she happens to be one of them." I pause and eat another bite of my steak. "I plan on killing her also. You see, she will grab more peoples attention then all of my victims combined. I can see the headlines now: 'FBI Agent Victim Number Five. What Will Happen Next?'"

"Liam, this is very risky."

"I know. But you've always told me to take risks, as long as I am smart about it."

"I did," she nodded thoughtfully. "Well this will take way more planning than the others."

"I can handle it."

"We will handle it," she corrected placing her hand atop of mine. "We're in this together." I smile and lightly kiss her knuckles. Rachel Clark you just unwillingly signed your death wish.

It took me forever buuuuut I uploaded and reached my goal today! Well mainly because I got stuck and procrastinated most of the day but yeah ^_^

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