Good Girls like Bad Boys

By HouseofSavage

16K 239 11

Harry Styles fanfiction❤️ More

Good Girls like Bad Boys
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Sequal is up!!

Chapter 7

507 8 0
By HouseofSavage


"So what were you and Louis talking about?" Harry asked once we had gotten settled in my car. I just tensed not exactly sure what to say.

"He's planning a surprise for El," I lied quickly. I mentally face palmed. What if Harry mentions it to Louis? He's gonna have no idea what he's talking about then Harry is going to know I lied.

"Oh really. What kind of surprise?" Harry asked suspiciously.

"Uh....a sweet one," I told him lamely. Harry opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off. "I really don't know much about it. He was just asking me if I had any ideas," I said. Harry gave me a disapproving look like he knew I was lying to him. He kept staring at me and I was cracking. But he couldn't know what we were really talking about, so I looked for something to say.

"Put on your seatbelt," I said leaning back.

"What?" Harry asked shocked.

"Put your seatbelt on," I repeated.

"I never put my seatbelt on," he said.

"Well, you should. We could crash and you could die, then me being responsible like I am, I would have put my seatbelt on, then I would be stuck here without you. Put it on," I gave him an I'm not joking look.

"No," he said laughing at my persistence.

"I'm not moving this car until you put on your seatbelt," I said looking over at him. Maybe Louis was right. What if I did have more power over Harry then I thought I did? Maybe this would be the first step to proving that. If I could get him to put on his seatbelt, maybe I could get him to do other things.

"Harper," he complained.

I just leaned back and looked out the windshield waiting patiently.

A few moments went by. Harry being stubborn like he is also leaned back crossing his arms. He tapped his foot trying to wait out me waiting him out. I just sat there totally unfazed. We'd just eat from the kitchen if we had too. Then finally he sighed and yanked the seatbelt across him, buckling it in place. I smiled and started the car.

"Thank you," I said like a mother would a child if he had finally given up and listened to her.

"Yeah. Whatever," Harry said pouting. I just rolled my eyes at his immaturity.

I noticed his hand just sitting on the console and I had the sudden urge to grab it. Like it wasn't even funny. I had to grip the steering wheel as tight as possible. I saw Harry shift towards me. Is he trying to kill me? I grit my teeth and focus on the road.

As soon as the car pulled up to Chang's I flew out of the car. Harry caught up to me once we were inside.

"Whats the rush?" he asked with a chuckle.

"Just hungry is all," I said avoiding his gaze. I don't know what is happening. One minuet we're best friends and all then he's offering a ride, then he's being sexual, then we're cuddling, then we hang out and snuggle all day. What is going on. I think I'm on overload. What if Harry is just becoming more comfortable friends? What if he doesn't think the sweet little gestures mean any thing? Am I reading too much into this. Probably. I better lay off or Harry's going to suspect.

"You're never that hungry," Harry said crossing his arms.

"I am so," I scoff.

"Nuh uh," he argued.

"Uh huh," I said back turning to face him.

"Nuh uh."

"Uh huh."

"Nuh uh."

"Uh huh."

"Uh huh."

"Nuh uh," I said then caught what I had done. I glared at Harry who was just grinning cheekily. I pouted and crossed my arms like a child. I walked up to the counter still a bit pouty. I scanned my eyes over the menu above the counter and decided what I wanted and what El wanted. I figured Harry could order for Louis.

"Do you know what you want?" I asked Harry while he stared in thought at it.

"Yeah, but I don't know what to get Louis..." came his mumbled reply. I waited a bit before noticing a girl behind the counter watching Harry carefully. I almost shot her a dirty look, but caught myself. But I couldn't help the way my body went rigid when I saw Harry look down from the menu and see her. I mean she was his type, but I just... I know we're only friends, but for once I just want Harry to notice me like he notices other women. I don't want him to make sexual passes on me, just to look at me like I'm hot. Or that he's interested.

But all hopes of him ignoring the girl vanished when he shot her a smile I had seen all too often.

awesome, beautiful, bikini, blonde - inspiring picture on

"Hi," Harry said in a smooth tone.

"Well hello," she said smiling in return. Then she leaned over the counter crossing her arms and resting them on the platform revealing a very large amount of cleavage. I mean, I guess I understand why Harry goes for those type of girls. They're pretty and thin. They just look like the type that every guy goes for.

I allowed myself a safe distance away from them playing with my phone ignoring the pain in my chest. Knowing I never even had a chance with Harry. I looked u when I felt a shadow pass over me. I found pretty blue eyes and sandy blonde hair.

"Hey," Chase said giving me a bright smile.

"Hey," I smiled back trying hard to act happy. Which I was, it's just with Harry hitting up that girl over there I kinda wanna pick up a brick and throw it at her face.

"So I didn't get a chance to get your number the other night," Chase said watching my reaction. Not knowing whether I was interested or not. Twenty minuets ago I wouldn't have been. But right now Harry was exchanging numbers with some skank and I already know he doesn't like Chase. Game on.

"Yeah, I'm sorry we ran off like that the other night. Just really tired," I told him.

"Oh it's fine. I just..ya' know wondered if maybe you wanted to go out... with me sometime," he said kinda shyly not meeting my gaze. I grinned at the cuteness of it.

"I would love to," I told him putting a hand on his arm telling him it was ok to look up at me. He looked up and grinned. We exchanged numbers and walked up to the counter together.

"I like your outfit by the way," he told me eyeing the clothes. I flushed in embarrassment realizing that I was talking to Chase while in another boys clothes.

"Thanks," I trailed off not looking at him. I glanced at Harry noticing he was still talking up that girl.

"They're cute. Maybe you could wear mine one day," he said shooting me a pretty smile.

"I'm looking forward to it," I told him sending him small smile. He returned it and we just kind of looked at each other for a minuet.

"God you're hot," I said suddenly. Chase burst into laughter causing Harry to turn around, but I didn't care.

"Thanks," he replied through the laughter. I grinned as well, but then noticed Harry turning around the rest of the way and striding over to us.

"You should order," Harry practically growled at me eyes trained on Chase. Chase didn't cower at the site of angry Harry like he should have and I liked that. I liked that a lot. So in desperation for Harry not to scare Chase off I grabbed Harry's arm and squeezed it in warning. He simply jerked it away from me.

"I'll be in the car," he said shooting Chase one last dirty look.

I sighed once he had exited the building.

"I'm sorry," I told Chase. "I don't know what's up with him lately," I told him honestly.

"It's ok, but I don't want to make him any angrier. I was literally about to wet my pants," he told me. I laughed a little.

"You didn't look scared," I countered.

"Well, I couldn't let him think he was going to scare me off. I had to act brave in front of my soon to be date," he said even though he was giving himself away now by telling me, I still thought it was cute. I decided I really needed to get going so I put in my order and waited.

Once I had received my food I gave Chase a quick kiss on the cheek goodbye and head towards the car.

Harry and I sat in silence for a moment without even moving.

"What was that," I finally asked.

"What was what?" Harry asked innocently.

"You know what," I snapped turning to face him. "Harry I like him. Stop being such a jerk," I said angrily.

"You like him? You don't even know him!" Harry snapped as well turning to look me in the eye.

"Well, I'm interested," I defended. "And what does it matter anyway?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"I don't like him," he answered simply.

"Well I don't like any of the girls you sleep with," I told him.

"I'm not in potential long term relationships with those women," he argued.

"Who said any thing about long term relationship Harry? We're just going out on a date," I told him exasperated. Why did he care so much?

"You're going out on a date with him?" Harry practically shouted.

"Yes I am. Maybe you can occupy yourself during that time with that girl," I said jerking my thumb towards the restraint. Harry just got quiet and looked me in the eyes.

"I just don't want to see you hurt buttercup," he told me reaching over and grabbing my hand in his. I sighed and squeezed his hand.

"I'm a big girl Harry. I can handle it," I told him. He just looked at me for a second before letting out a breath. He leaned forward and kissed my forehead gently. I closed my eyes and just relaxed at his touch. His lips lingered before he pressed another one to the same spot before sitting back and willing putting his seatbelt on. I slid mine on as well and started up the car.

The drive home was silent. Not a tense silent or awkward. Just a nice peaceful quiet. But despite the nice exterior my insides were screaming. I just didn't know what to think anymore. Harry is being so nice and understanding. We've had things like this happen before, but they never lasted. This time it's lasting a bit longer and I'm starting to realize how much I care for Harry. I would do anything for him, but I don't think the feeling is mutual, yet he's being so himself. Ya' know, the guy that only makes an appearance every now and then. I'm just so confused.

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